

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S. (2023). The Future of the Oceans: The Role of Human Rights and International Environmental Law in Shaping the Law of the Sea. In N. Krisch, & E. Yildiz (Eds.), The Many Paths of Change in International Law (pp. 201-226). Oxford University Press.
Trevisanut, S., Giannopoulos, N., Barbanti, A., Ramieri, E., Ranalli, M., Maskina, O., Strosser, P., & Ramirez-Monsalve, P. (2023). Guidance document for Science-Policy-Society Interfaces analysis in CrossGov research.
Trevisanut, S., Kanetake, M., & Ryngaert, C. (2023). The In/Ex-clusiveness of International Law: Some Remarks on the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law by the Local Organizers. European Journal of International Law, 34(1), 221-224.
Oude Elferink, A., Georgoula, D.-F., Nguyen, L., & Trevisanut, S. (2023). Compulsory Jurisdiction as the DNA of LOSC Dispute Settlement: An Evolutionary Path. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 38(2), 185–206.
Trevisanut, S. (2023). Unconventional Lawmaking in the Offshore Energy Sector: Flexibilities and Weaknesses of the International Legal Framework. In N. Klein (Ed.), Unconventional Lawmaking in the Law of the Sea (pp. 163-182). Oxford University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S., Giannopoulos, N., & Holst, R. R. (2020). Foreword. Publications on Ocean Development, 91, VII.
Trevisanut, S. (2020). Le sauvetage en mer: d’une obligation interétatique à un droit individual. In Droits de l’homme et la mer (pp. 149-163). Editions Pedone.
Trevisanut, S., Giannopoulos, N., & Roland Holst, R. J. (2020). Conclusion: Proposing a Three-Fold Approach to Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance. In S. Trevisanut, N. Giannopoulos, & R. Roland Holst (Eds.), Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance: Problems, theories and methods (pp. 222-234). (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 91). Brill | Nijhoff.
Trevisanut, S., Giannopoulos, N., & Roland Holst, R. J. (2020). Introduction: Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance. In S. Trevisanut, N. Giannopoulos, & R. Roland Holst (Eds.), Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance: Problems, theories and methods (pp. 1-21). Brill.
Trevisanut, S., Giannopoulos, N., & Roland Holst, R. J. (Eds.) (2020). Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance: Problems, Theories and Methods. (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 91). Brill | Nijhoff.
Trevisanut, S. (2020). Regulating the decommissioning of offshore installations. In C. Banet (Ed.), The Law of the Seabed - Access, uses and protection of seabed resources (pp. 431-453). Brill.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Nicolosi, S., & Trevisanut, S. (2019). Saving lives in the Mediterranean: A legal analysis of Aquarius-like incidents. Ars Aequi, 2019(februari), 121-127. Article AA20190121.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S. (2018). Editorial - News Coverage by Scholarship. Leiden Journal of International Law, 31(4), 741-745.
Trevisanut, S. (2018). The Contribution of the UNHCR to Ocean Governance. In D. J. Attard, M. Fitzmaurice, & A. XM. Ntovas (Eds.), The IMLI Treatise On Global Ocean Governance: Volume II: UN Specialized Agencies and Global Ocean Governance (pp. 243-257). Oxford University Press.
Trevisanut, S., & Giannopoulos, N. (2018). Investment Protection in Offshore Energy Production: Bright Sides of Regime Interaction. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 19(5-6), 789-827.
Dobson, N. L., & Trevisanut, S. (2018). Climate Change and Energy in the Arctic: The Role of the European Union. IJMCL, 33(2), 380-402.,


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S., & De Luca, A. (2017). What Energy Union? An Introduction. European Investment Law and Arbitration Review, 2(1), 167-180.
Trevisanut, S. (2017). Twenty Years of Prompt Release of Vessels: Admissibility, Jurisdiction and Recent Trends. Ocean Development and International Law, 48(3-4), 300-312.
Trevisanut, S. (2017). Recognising the ‘Right to Be Rescued at Sea. Ocean Yearbook, 31, 139-154.
Trevisanut, S. (2017). Shared Responsibility Aspects in Search and Rescue Operations at Sea. In A. Nollkaemper, & I. Plakokefalos (Eds.), The Practice of Shared Responsibility (pp. 426-449). Cambridge University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S., & Ippolito, F. (2016). Introduction. In F. Ippolito, & S. Trevisanut (Eds.), Migration in the Mediterranean: Mechanisms of International Cooperation (pp. 1-12). Cambridge University Press.
Trevisanut, S. (2016). The EU External Border Policy: Managing irregular migration to Europe. In F. Ippolito, & S. Trevisanut (Eds.), Migration in the Mediterranean: Mechanisms of International Cooperation (pp. 215-235). Cambridge University Press.
Trevisanut, S., & Cinelli, C. (2016). The Safety of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Operations within the EU Regulatory Framework. Oil, gas and energy law, (2), 1-13.


Trevisanut, S., & Ippolito, F. (2016). Migration in the Mediterranean: Mechanisms of International Cooperation. Cambridge University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bankes, N., & Trevisanut, S. (2015). Energy from the sea: An international law perspective on ocean energy. Brill.
Bankes, N., & Trevisanut, S. (2015). Energy from the sea: Introduction. In Energy from the Sea: An International Law Perspective on Ocean Energy (pp. 1-12). Brill.
Trevisanut, S. (2015). The Role of Private Actors in the Offshore Energy Industry. In N. Bankes, & S. Trevisanut (Eds.), Energy from the Sea: An International Law Perspective (pp. 85-105). Brill.
Trevisanut, S. (2015). Rifugiati [dir. int.]. In Diritto on line (pp. 1-10). Treccani.
Trevisanut, S. (2015). Immigrazione [dir int]. In Diritto on line (pp. 1-8). Treccani.
Trevisanut, S., & Ippolito, F. (2015). Introduction. In Migration in the Mediterranean: Mechanisms of International Cooperation (pp. 1-11). Cambridge University Press.
Trevisanut, S. (2015). Is There Something Wrong with the Increasing Role of Private Actors? The Case of the Offshore Energy Sector. In C. Ryngaert, E. J. Molenaar, & S. M. H. Nouwen (Eds.), What's Wrong with International Law?: Liber Amicorum A.H.A. Soons Martinus Nijhoff.


Trevisanut, S., Rogers, A. D., Brierley, A., Croot, P., Cunha, M. R., Danovaro, R., Devey, C., Hoel, A. H., Ruhl, H., Sarradin, P.-M., van den Hoeve, S., Vieira, H., & Visbeck, M. (2015). Delving Deeper: Critical challenges for 21st century deep-sea research. (Position Paper 22 of the European Marine Board). European Marine Board.
Trevisanut, S., & Bankes, N. (2015). Energy from the Sea: An International Law Perspective. Brill.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S. (2014). Is There a Right to be Rescued at Sea? A Constructive Overview. Questions of international law, (4), 3-15.
Trevisanut, S., & Van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2014). Critical issues in water, oceans and sustainability law. Utrecht Law Review, 10(2), 1-7.
Trevisanut, S. (2014). Which Borders for the EU Immigration Policy? Yardsticks of International Protection for EU Joint Borders Management. In L. Azoulai, & K. de Vries (Eds.), EU Migration Law, Legal Complexities and Political Rationales (pp. 106-148). (Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law; Vol. 21, No. 2). Oxford University Press.,
Trevisanut, S. (2014). Intellectual Property Rights beyond National Jurisdiction, A Regime for Patenting Products on Marine Genetic Resources of the Deep Seabed and the High Seas. In C. Casonato, L. Busatta, S. Penasa, C. Piciocchi, & M. Tomasi (Eds.), Il biodiritto e i suoi confine: definizioni, dialoghi, interazioni (pp. 125-161). (Quaderni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza; Vol. 110). Università degli Studi di Trento.
Trevisanut, S. (2014). The Principle of Non-Refoulement and the De-Territorialization of Border Control at Sea. Leiden Journal of International Law, 27(3), 661-675.
Trevisanut, S. (2014). The Role of Private Actors in Offshore Energy: Shifting Models of Participation. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 29(4), 645-665.
Trevisanut, S., & Bankes, N. (2014). Introduction: Energy from the Sea. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 29(4), 561-572.


Trevisanut, S. (2014). Efthymios Papastavridis. The Interception of Vessels on the High Seas, Contemporary Challenges to the Legal Order of the Oceans. European Journal of International Law, 25(2), 616-619.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Treves, T., Seatzu, F., & Trevisanut, S. (2013). Foreign investment international law and common concerns. Taylor & Francis.
Trevisanut, S., Treves, T. (Ed.), & Seatzu, F. (Ed.) (2013). Foreign Investment, International Law and Common Concerns. Routledge.
Trevisanut, S. (2013). Law of the Sea Symposium: Search and Rescue Operations at Sea: Who is in Charge? Who is Responsible? Opinio Juris in Comparatione.
Trevisanut, S. (2013). The Exercise of Administrative Functions by ITLOS: A Comment on Prompt Release Case-Law. In International Courts and the Development of International Law, Essays in Honour of Professor Tullio R. Treves (pp. 309-321). T.M.C. Asser Press.
Trevisanut, S. (2013). Foreign Investments in the Offshore Energy Industry: Investment Protection v. Energy Security v. Protection of the Marine Environment. In F. Seatzu, T. Treves, & S. Tresivanut (Eds.), Foreign Investment, International Law and Common Concerns (pp. 247-263). Routledge.

Populariserende publicaties

Trevisanut, S. (2013). Offshore Law, The International Law of Offshore Instalations: Cutting through Fragmented Regimes Towards Better Governance. The Parliament magazine.

Overige resultaten

Trevisanut, S. (2013). Le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio in mare: chi é competente e chi é responsabile?. Web publication/site, SIDIBlog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S., & Bonfanti, A. (2012). TRIPS on the High Seas: Intellectual Property Rights on Marine Genetic Resources. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, (1), 187-232.
Trevisanut, S. (2012). Immigrazione irregolare via mare: diritto internazionale e diritto dell’Unione europea [Irregular Migration by Sea in International Law and EU Law]. Jovene.
Trevisanut, S. (2012). L’enlèvement et la gestion des plates-formes et installations offshore abandonnées ou désaffectées [The Removal and Management of Abandoned or Decommissioned Offshore Platforms and Installations]. In G. Andreone, A. Caligiuri, & G. Cataldi (Eds.), Droit de la mer et émergences environnementales / Law of the Sea and Environmental Emergencies (pp. 193-217). Editorial Scientifica.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S. (2011). Respingimenti in mare dal punto di vista del diritto del mare, con particolare riferimento alla cooperazione tra Italia e Libia. Rassegna di diritto pubblico europeo, (2), 239-254.


Trevisanut, S. (2011). Florida, The. In R. Wolfrum (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (pp. 130-132). Oxford University Press.

Overige resultaten

Trevisanut, S. (2011). Aircraft carrier left us to die, say migrants. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!.“aircraft-carrier-left-us-to-die-say-migrants


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S. (2009). La collaborazione Italia - Libia in materia di contrasto all’immigrazione clandestina via mare: Profili di diritto del mare. Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 609-620.