-Lezing 'Religie en internationale politiek', Programma 'Geloof in wetenschap' (Vrije Universiteit, 21 november 2022)
-Workshop 'Politiek realisme van Reinhold Niebuhr', Leesgroep CDJA en Perspectief (Amersfoort, 11 oktober 2022)
-Deelnemer panel n.a.v. rapport ‘Working with faith-based actors for development' (The Broker en Prisma), Den Haag, 23 juni 2022
-Initiator panel 'Religion and International Relations Theory'. Conferentie Philosophy in the Reformed Tradition, Online, 8 december 2021
-Initiator en medeorganisator Second Amsterdam Kuyper Seminar Christianity and World Affairs, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 23-24 januari 2014
-Organisator van het panel International Relations: Right or Might? Reflections from the Perspective of Christian Philosophy, Conferentie The Future of Creation Order, Vrije Universiteit, 16-19 augustus 2011
-Medeorganisator panel Religion and Secularity as Contested Notions in International Relations, Faculteit Theologie en Godsdienstwetenschap, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 12 januari 2011
-Paper ‘A Typology of Religion and Politics: Six Models’, Second Amsterdam Kuyper Seminar Christianity and World Affairs, Vrije Universiteit, 23 januari 2014.
-Paper ‘A Reconstruction of Religion and IR-Theory: A Plea for a Political Realist Approach’, CEU Summer University Religion and Realism in Political Thought, juli 2013, Boedapest, Hongarije
-Paper ‘Religion in the International Public Sphere’, Panel Religion and the Public Domain: Four Dimensions, Conference Religion and Social Cohesion. Challenges and Perspectives, Annual Meeting of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion, University of Groningen, 25 oktober 2012
-Presentatie ‘Religion and International Relations Theory’, ‘Spectrum of Innovative Research’, Second Annual Globalization Studies Conference, Groningen 18 december, 2012
-Paper ‘Preliminary Conclusions of Dissertation’, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. mei 2012
-Presentation 'Religion in International Relations and International Relations Theory', Seminar Religie in/en Politiek, Onderzoeksschool Politieke Geschiedenis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 24 september 2012.
-Paper ‘The Revisionist Position on Religion and International Relations (Theory)', Summer School Religion, Culture and Society. Interaction in a Globalising World, Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen (UCSIA), Universiteit van Antwerpen, België, 28 augustus - 4 september 2011
-Lezing ‘Religie in betrekkingen tussen de VS en Iran’, Netwerk Diplomatie en Religie, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 22 augustus 2011
-Paper ‘Theorizing on Religion and International Relations. A Christian Approach’, gepresenteerd tijdens de workshop International Relations: Right or Might. Reflections from the Perspective of Christian Philosophy, Conferentie The Future of Creation Order, Vrije Universiteit, 6-19 augustus 2011
-Gastlezing ‘Religie en internationale betrekkingen theorie’, Universiteit van Utrecht, mei 2011
-Gastlezing ‘Religion in International Conflict’, Universiteit van Amsterdam, februari 2011
-Paper ‘Secularity as a Contested Notions in US-Iran Relationship. A Plea for Humility and Prudence in Promoting Secularity in Foreign Policy’, gepresenteerd tijdens panel Religion and Secularity as Contested Notions in International Relations, Faculteit Theologie en Godsdienstwetenschap, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 12 januari 2011
-Paper ‘The Ambivalence of Religion in International Public Sphere Theory’, gepresenteerd op de 18th European Conference of the European Society of the Philosophy of Religion, Oxford 26-29 augustus, 2010
-Lezing Reinhold Niebuhr: De inspirator van Obama, Drachten, januari 2009.
-Poster ‘Religie en international betrekkingen’, bezoek van College van Bestuur aan Faculteit Theologie en Godsdienstwetenschap, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2009.
-Presentatie 'Theorizing on Religion and International Relations Theory. A Comparison between Kenneth Waltz and Scott Thomas and Beyond', Working Conference Christian Studies and Sciences, 14 en 15 januari Eck en Wiel 2009.