Dr Sigrid Merx (1975) is an Associate Professor Theatre Studies at the Department of Media and Culture Studies where she teaches in the BA Media and Culture, and in the MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy and MA Arts and Society. She is currently the Director of Education of the Department.
June 2009 she finished her PhD thesis on video and the (re)presentation of time in contemporary performance. In this thesis, drawing on Gilles Deleuze’s work on time-images, she developed a conceptual framework to analyze the dramaturgy of time in intermedial performances.
Her current research focuses on the dramaturgy of contemporary socially engaged theatre and performance practices, in particular performative interventions in public space.She investigates how situated art and performance can act as productive sites to negotiate contemporary frictions, concerns and debates in and about urban, public spaces. These involve processes of digitization and datafication, and institutionalization and commoning,marginalisation and contestations around identity politics, and concerns about urban ecology and sustainability. Sigrid is part of the UU research platforms [urban interfaces] and Creative Urban Methods and community member of the Creative Humanities Academy. She is the initiator of the minor Creative Cities and one of the core members of Platform-Scenography.
March 2009 Sigrid won the Prijs Jong Docenttalent 2009, for being the most inspiring and innovative young Utrecht University teacher of the year. In 2013-2014 she participated in a one-year program of the Centre of Excellence in University Teaching to develop leadership skills in initiating and managing innovation in teaching and education.