Dr. Sjoerd Stuit

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H0.29
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Sjoerd Stuit

Universitair docent
Psychologische Functieleer
030 253 3643

My current research focusses on two topics:

1) What happens to visual information that is suppressed from awareness?


2) What are the visual building blocks of emotional faces?


To test the fate of visual information that is suppressed from awareness I have been using Contineous Flash Suppression (CFS) and Binocular Rivalry (BR) as tools. Current projects focus on the 1) visual field representation of suppressed images and 2) the integration of coherent images during bistable perception.


In a second line of research, I am using the findings from our CFS and BR studies to test if the building blocks of emotional faces can influence behavior outside of awareness. Since we have a pretty good idea about what happens to suppressed images (where they are and are not represented in the visual system), these techniques allow us to infer the level of processing at which features related to emotion first affect behavior.