Dr. Sjoerd Stuit

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H0.29
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Sjoerd Stuit

Universitair docent
Psychologische Functieleer
030 253 3643


Sjoerd M. Stuit, PhD



Personal & Contact Information 

I am an inquisitive person with a wide range of interests. As a social scientist, this is expressed as a passion for tackling new research questions as well as questioning long lasting assumptions. As a teacher, I enjoy studying new material to the point where I can talk about the matter in simple to understand terms. In my private life, my desire to learn new things resulted in a love for restoring classic cars as well as fine-tuning and teaching the art of judo (currently 4th degree black belt). 

Date of birth: 29/10/1981

Phone (cell): 0031 6 54 37 10 92

Email: Sjoerdstuit@gmail.com / S.m.Stuit@uu.nl

Linkedin: nl.linkedin.com/pub/sjoerd-stuit/42/31a/b6/


Current Position

Lecturer Utrecht University, FSW (started 2014)


Relevant Experience

PhD Thesis 

Eye against eye: How perceived and unperceived visual information interacts

Defence: 13-03-2014

Utrecht University, 2009-2014

Topic: Visual Perception

Promotor: Frans Verstraten

Copromotors: Chris Paffen & Maarten van der Smagt


Internships & extented Labvisits

Visiting scolar at Vanderbilt University with Randoph Blake (2013)

Intern at Utrecht University with Frans Verstraten & Chris Paffen (2009)

Intern at the Sydney University with David Alais & Chris Paffen (2008)



At Utrecht University:


Cognitive Systems (2014)

Methods in Artifical Intelligence Reserach (2014)

Cognitive Neuroscience 1, UCU (2015)

Cognitive Neuroscience 2, UCU (2014/2015)


Inleiding Cognitie Wetenschappen (2014)

Student research:

Internship Neuroscience & Cognition (2011)

Intern TCP – external (2011, 2014)

Thesis TCP – external (2011, 2014)

Bachelor Research Thesis Psychology (2009-2012, 2014-2015)

Master Thesis Artificial Intelligence (2015)

Computer Practicals

Neuroscience & Cognition Master Fundamentals, Experimental Skills (2008-2012)

Experimenter 1 (2009)

Practicum Cognitive Neurowetenschappen, psychophysica (2009)

Experimenteren & Registreren 2 (2007, 2010)

At Sancta Sophia College (Sydney):

Tutor Psychology & Statistics (2008)


Research Assistant (Utrecht University, 2007)

Supervised by Susan te Pas & Tanja Nijboer



  • Stichting Dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds (2008)


  • Stichting Fundatie van de VrijVrouwe van Renswoude te ’s-Gravenhage (2008)


Education History


  • European Summer School Visual Neuroscience: From spikes to awareness 2012.


  • Neuroscience and Cognition Master Program, Universiteit Utrecht (2007 - 2009)


  • Bachelor Psychology, Universiteit Utrecht (2004 – 2007)
    • Cum Laude 
    • Minor Methoden en Statistiek


  • HBO Maatschappelijk Werk & Dienstverlening, Hogeschool Rotterdam (2003 – 2004). 






  • Patel, V., Stuit, S. M., & Blake, R. (2014). Individual differences in the temporal dynamics of binocular rivalry and stimulus rivalry. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2014). Image-based grouping during binocular rivalry is dictated by eye-of-origin. PLoS ONE 9(7): e95327. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095327


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2011). What is grouping during binocular rivalry. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:117. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00117


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2011). Suppressed images selectively affect the dominant percept during binocular rivalry. Journal of Vision, 11(10):7, 1-11. 


  • Stuit, S. M., Verstraten, F. A. J., & Paffen, C. L. E. (2010). Saliency in a suppressed image affects the spatial origin of perceptual alternations during binocular rivalry. Vision Research, 50(19), 1913 – 1921.


  • Stuit, S. M., Cass, J., Paffen, C. L. E., & Alais, D. (2009). Orientation-tuned suppression in binocular rivalry reveals general and specific components of rivalry suppression. Journal of Vision, 9(11):17, 1-15, http://journalofvision.org/9/11/17/, doi:10.1167/9.11.17.


  • Cass, J., Stuit, S., Bex, P., & Alais, D. (2009). Orientation bandwidths are invariant across spatiotemporal frequency after isotropic components are removed. Journal of Vision, 9(12):17, 1-14, http://journalofvision.org/9/12/17/, doi:10.1167/9.12.17.


Published Abstracts

  • Holten, V., Stuit, S. M., van der Smagt, M. J., Donker, S. F., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2014). Interocular competition at higher levels of motion processing, Journal of Vision. 08/2014; 14(10):382-382. DOI:10.1167/14.10.382


  • Stuit, S.M., Paffen, C.L.E., Harvey, B.M., van der Smagt, M.J., Verstraten, F.A.J. & Dumoulin, D.O. (2012). Estimating visual field maps with invisible stimuli. Program No. 723.04. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2011). What is grouping during binocular rivalry. In Proceedings of the 13th meeting of the Dutch Psychonomic Society. 


  • Verstraten, F. A. J., Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., & van der Smagt, M. J. (2011). Binocular rivalry and perceptual grouping. Proceedings of the 19th Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition. 1. 


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2011). Perceptual grouping during rivalry depends on eye-based rivalry alternations. Perception, 40, ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 37


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2011). Suppressed images selectively affect the dominant percept during binocular rivalry [Abstract].  Journal of Vision, 11(11), 313, doi:10.1167/11.11.313


  • Stuit, S. M., van der Smagt, M. J., Verstraten, F. A. J., Paffen, C. L. E., (2010). Suppressed images affect the dominant percept during binocular rivalry. Perception, 39, ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 124


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2009). Saliency in a perceptually suppressed image determines the spatial origin of a perceptual alternation during binocular rivalry [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):293, 293a, http://journalofvision.org/9/8/293/, doi:10.1167/9.8.293.


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E. & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2009). Saliency in a perceptually suppressed image determines the spatial origin of a perceptual alternation during binoculair rivalry. In Proceedings of the 12th meeting of the Dutch Psychonomic Society. 


  • Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., Alais, D., (2008). Orientation tuned suppression in binocular rivalry reveals general and specific components of rivalry suppression. Perception, 37, ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 102



  • NVP, Egmond aan Zee 2013:“Perceptual grouping during binocular rivalry”


  • Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven 2013: “Perceptual grouping during binocular rivalry”


  • Utrecht University, Utrecht 2013: “Perceptual grouping during binocular rivalry”


  • Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans 2012: “Estimating visual field maps with invisible stimuli”


  • VSS, Naples 2012: “Disentangling the influences of different cues on perceptual grouping during binocular rivalry”


  • ECVP, Toulouse 2011: “What is grouping during rivalry?”


  • Utrecht University, Utrecht 2011: “The scope and limits of binocular rivalry suppression”


  • Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 2011: “What’s grouping during binocular rivalry”


Conference Posters

  • NVP, Egmond aan Zee 2011

S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen M.J. van der Smagt & F.A.J. Verstraten. “What is grouping during binocular rivalry


  • VSS, Naples 2011:

Stuit, S. M., Paffen, C. L. E., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. “Suppressed images affect the dominant percept during binocular rivalry”


  • ECVP, Lausanne 2010:

Stuit, S. M., van der Smagt, M. J., Verstraten, F. A. J. & Paffen, C. L. E., “Suppressed images affect the dominant percept during binocular rivalry”


  • NVP, Egmond aan Zee 2009:

S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen & F.A.J. Verstraten. “Saliency in a perceptuele suppressed image determines the spatial origine of a perceptuele alternation during binocular rivalry


  • VSS, Naples 2009:

S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen & F.A.J. Verstraten. “Saliency in a perceptuele suppressed image determines the spatial origine of a perceptuele alternation during binocular rivalry


  • Mind the Brain, Utrecht 2009:

S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen & F.A.J. Verstraten. “Saliency in a perceptuele suppressed image determines the spatial origine of a perceptuele alternation during binocular rivalry


  • International Symposium on the Neural Basis of Decision Making, Groesbeek 2009:

S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen & F.A.J. Verstraten. “Saliency in a perceptuele suppressed image determines the spatial origine of a perceptuele alternation during binocular rivalry


  • ECVP, Utrecht 2008:

S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen, J. Cass, D. Alais. “Orientation tuned suppression in binocular rivalry reveals general and specific components of rivalry suppression”