Selcted publications:
Kisch S., R. Bavelaar, and A. Moors (2023) The intimate politics of publicly staging ‘mixed couples’: The gendered racialization of a poster campaign. In Moors & Mc Brian (eds.)
Muslim marriage and non-marriage: Religion, politics and intimate relations. (pp 249-266) Leuven: Leuven University press.
Kisch, S. 2018. Marriage Conversions: Shari’a Courts, Romanian Brides and Palestinian Bedouin in-Laws. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 27(2), 149-158.
Kisch S. 2017. Al-Sayyid: A Sociolinguistic Sketch. In Blum, S.D. (ed) Making Sense of Language: Readings in Culture and Communication. (pp. 482-486) NewYork: Oxford University Press.
Kisch S. 2012. Demarcating generations of signers in the dynamic sociolinguistic landscape of a shared sign-language: the case of the Al-Sayyid Bedouin. In U. Zeshan and C. de Vos (eds.) Sign Languages in Village Communities: Anthropological and Linguistic Insights (pp. 87-125). Sign Language Typology Series 4. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter & Ishara Press.
Kisch S. 2012. Privileged and Volatile Nomadism. In Hazan, Haim and Esther Hertzog (eds.) Serendipity in Anthropological Research: The Nomadic Turn (pp. 81-92). Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Kisch S. 2009. Essay Book Review of Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals About the Mind. By Margalit Fox. Sign Language & Linguistics 12(2):203–210
Kisch S. 2008. The Social Construction of Deafness in a Bedouin Community in the Negev. Medical Anthropology. 27(3):283-313.
Kisch S. 2007. Disablement Gender and Deafhood among the Negev Arab-Bedouin. Disability Studies Quarterly 27(4):1-21.
Kisch S. 2004. Negotiating (Genetic) Deafness in a Bedouin Community. In Van Cleve, John Vickrey (ed.) Genetics, Disability, and Deafness (pp. 195-227). Washington DC: Gallaudet University press.