Dr. ir. Sanli Faez

Leonard S. Ornsteinlaboratorium
Princetonplein 1
Kamer 266
3584 CC Utrecht

Dr. ir. Sanli Faez

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 2895


  • Are Dutch universities ready to address the climate crisis? (opinion column in ScienceGuide)
  • Andersonlokalizatie: gefragmenteerd onderzoek aan een universeel verschijnsnel, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, maart 2010, p. 70. PDF

Geselecteerde wetenschappelijke artikelen

  • Electric-Double-Layer-Modulation Microscopy, Kevin Namink, Xuanhui Meng, Marc T. M. Koper, Philipp Kukura, and Sanli Faez, Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044065 (2020) Abstract
  • Interfacing superconducting qubits and single optical photons using molecules in waveguides, Sumanta Das, Vincent E. Elfving, Sanli Faez, Anders S. Sørensen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 140501 (2017) Abstract
  • Fast, label-free tracking of single viruses and weakly scattering nanoparticles in a nanofluidic optical fiber, Sanli Faez, Yoav Lahini, Stefan Weidlich, Rees F. Garmann, Katrin Wondraczek, Matthias Zeisberger, Markus A. Schmidt, Michel Orrit, and Vinothan N. Manoharan, ACS Nano 9 (12) 12349–12357 (2015)
  • Coherent Interaction of Light and Single Molecules in a Dielectric Nanoguide, Sanli Faez, Pierre Türschmann, Harald R. Haakh, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 213601. Abstract



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Afsahi, N., Zhang, Z., Faez, S., Noël, J.-M., Panda, M. R., Majumder, M., Naseri, N., Lemineur, J.-F., & Kanoufi, F. (2024). Seeing nanoscale electrocatalytic reactions at individual MoS2 particles under an optical microscope: probing sub-mM oxygen reduction reaction. Faraday Discussions. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4fd00132j
Bowman, R., Müllenbroich, C., Diederich, B., McConnell, G., Faez, S., & Arancio, J. (2024). Open, reproducible hardware for microscopy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 382(2274), Article 20230112. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2023.0112
Dogru-Yuksel, I. B., Mosk, A. P., & Faez, S. (2024). Origami nanogap electrodes for reversible nanoparticle trapping. Nanoscale, 16(17), 8514-8520. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4nr00190g


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Faez, S., & Lemay, S. G. (2023). Preface: Iontronics: from fundamentals to ion-controlled devices. Faraday Discussions, 246, 9-10. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3fd90050a
Hohlbein, J., & Faez, S. (2023). Open hardware in microscopy. HardwareX, 15, Article e00473. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ohx.2023.e00473
Peters, A., Zhang, Z., & Faez, S. (2023). Dark-field light scattering microscope with focus stabilization. HardwareX, 14, Article e00424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ohx.2023.e00424
Zhang, Z., & Faez, S. (2023). Iontronic microscopy of a tungsten microelectrode: “seeing” ionic currents under an optical microscope. Faraday Discussions, 246, 426-440. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3fd00040k


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Perrier, K., Baas, J., Greveling, S., Faez, S., Mosk, A. P., Lehoucq, G., Combrié, S., & De Rossi, A. (2022). Mode Mapping Photonic Crystal Nanocavities with Q>5×105 Using Free-Carrier Absorption. Physical Review Applied, 18(3), 1-12. Article 034044. https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevapplied.18.034044
de Vries, E. T., Tang, Q., Faez, S., & Raoof, A. (2022). Fluid flow and colloid transport experiment in single-porosity sample; tracking of colloid transport behavior in a saturated micromodel. Advances in Water Resources, 159, 1-11. Article 104086. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.104086


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meng, X., Kukura, P., & Faez, S. (2021). Sensing force and charge at the nanoscale with a single-molecule tether. Nanoscale, 13(29), 12687-12696. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1nr01970h
Zhang, Z., Yang, J., Lian, C., & Faez, S. (2021). Computing the local ion concentration variations for electric-double-layer-modulation microscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(38), Article 384005. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac100b


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Perrier, K., Greveling, S., Wouters, H., Rodriguez, S. R. K., Lehoucq, G., Combrié, S., Rossi, A. D. E., Faez, S., & Mosk, A. P. (2020). Thermo-optical dynamics of a nonlinear GaInP photonic crystal nanocavity depend on the optical mode profile. OSA Continuum, 3(7), 1879-1890. https://doi.org/10.1364/OSAC.393842
Zhang, Z., De Graaf, J., & Faez, S. (2020). Regulating the aggregation of colloidal particles in an electro-osmotic micropump. Soft Matter, 16(47), 10707-10715. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0sm01084g
Namink, K., Meng, X., Koper, M. T. M., Kukura, P., & Faez, S. (2020). Electric-Double-Layer-Modulation Microscopy. Physical Review Applied, 13(4), Article 044065. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.044065


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S., Carattino, A. J., & Mosk, A. P. (2019). PyNTA: An open source software application for live particle tracking. Preprints.org. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201906.0251.v1
Pai, P., Bosch, J., Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S., & Mosk, A. P. (2019). Measuring generalized eigenstates of air and a strong scattering medium. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven 2019, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Yeroshenko, B., Speets, P., Carattino, A. J., Zhang, Z., Mosk, A. P., & Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S. (2019). Monitoring the charge of a single nanoparticle in an aqueous solution. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven 2019, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Perrier, K. L., Wouters, H., Greveling, S., Lian, J., Sokolov, S. A., Rossi, A. D., Combrié, S., Rahimzadeh Kalaleh Rodriguez, S., Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S., & Mosk, A. P. (2019). Thermal nonlinearity in Photonic Crystal Nanocavities. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven 2019, Veldhoven, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Yeroshenko, B., Mosk, A. P., & Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S. (2018). Monitoring electrophoretic mobility of a single nanoparticles. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven 2018, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Yeroshenko, B., Mosk, A. P., & Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S. (2018). Time resolved optical measurement of electrophoretic mobility of a single nanoparticle. Paper presented at European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018, Delft, Netherlands.
Speets, P., Baasanjav, D., Mosk, A. P., & Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S. (2018). Measuring size distribution and electrophoretic mobility of sub 100nm particles by single particle tracking. Paper presented at European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018, Delft, Netherlands.
Baasanjav, D., Ghosh, S., Tosato, A., Mosk, A. P., & Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S. (2018). Nanocapillary Electrokinetic Tracking of Particles smaller than 10nm. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven 2018, Veldhoven, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Das, S., Elfving, V. E., Faez, S., & Sørensen, A. S. (2017). Interfacing Superconducting Qubits and Single Optical Photons Using Molecules in Waveguides. Physical Review Letters, 118(14), Article 140501. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.140501

Overige resultaten

Yeroshenko, B., Baasanjav, D., Ghosh, S., Samin, S., Weidlich, S., Schmidt, A. J. M., Mosk, A. P., & Faez, S. (2017). Monitoring electrophoretic mobility of a single nanoparticles. International Symposium "20 Years Nano-Optics", Erlangen, Germany.
Baasanjav, D., Ghosh, S., Jafariani, F., Samin, S., Weidlich, S., Schmidt, A. J. M., Mosk, A. P., & Faez, S. (2017). Interferometric Tracking of Particles Inside a Nanocapillary. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Sokolov, S. A., Lian, J., Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S., Combrié, S., Vos, W. L., Rossi, A. D., & Mosk, A. P. (2017). Intercavity coupling rate control using ancillary nanocavities. Poster session presented at CLEO®/ EUROPE EQEC 2017, Munich, Germany.
Sokolov, S. A., Lian, J., Rossi, A. D., Combrié, S., Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S., & Mosk, A. P. (2017). Dynamic tuning of coupling constant between photonic crystal nanocavities. Poster session presented at Physics@Veldhoven, Veldhoven, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Faez, S. (2016). How to replace the oil droplet in Millikan's experiment with a single virus. (pp. 1-4). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1601.01226
Verhart, N. R., Navarro, P., Faez, S., & Orrit, M. (2016). Intersystem crossing rates of single perylene molecules in ortho-dichlorobenzene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(26), 17655-17659. https://doi.org/10.1039/C6CP02678H
Haakh, H. R., Faez, S., & Sandoghdar, V. (2016). Polaritonic normal-mode splitting and light localization in a one-dimensional nanoguide. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 94(5), Article 053840. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.94.053840
Faez, S., Samin, S., Baasanjav, D., Weidlich, S., Schmidt, M., & Mosk, A. P. (2016). Nanocapillary electrokinetic tracking for monitoring charge fluctuations on a single nanoparticle. Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, 193, 447-458. https://doi.org/10.1039/c6fd00097e

Overige resultaten

Ghosh, S., Baasanjav, D., Jafariani, F., Samin, S., Weidlich, S., Schmidt, M., Mosk, A. P., & Ebrahimi Pour Faez, S. (2016). Interferometric Nanocapillary Electrophoretic Tracking of Sub-20-nm Particles. Poster session presented at MicroNanoConference 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Faez, S. (2016). New fiber-optics platform for high-speed tracking of diffusion processes in fluids.
Faez, S. (2016). NanoCapillary Electrokinetic Tracking for probing reaction kinetics on a mobile single nanoparticle.
Faez, S. (2016). Nanocapillary Electrokinetic Tracking for Monitoring the Electrostatic Charge. NICE Optics 2016, Nice, France.
Baasanjav, D., Samin, S., Mosk, A. P., & Faez, S. (2016). Numerical studies of colloid particle tracking in nano-capillary electrophoresis. Poster session presented at NNV AMO Lunteren , Lunteren, Netherlands.
Baasanjav, D., Samin, S., & Faez, S. (2016). Single particle nano-capillary electrophoretic tracking: numerical oonsideriations. Poster session presented at Microswimmers International Conference 2016, Bonn, Germany.
Baasanjav, D., Samin, S., Mosk, A. P., & Faez, S. (2016). Colloid particle dynamics in nano-capillary electrophoretic tracking: numerical studies. Poster session presented at Single Entity Electrochemistry: Faraday Discussion 2016, York, United Kingdom.
Das, S., Faez, S., & Sørensen, A. S. (2016, Jul 1). Interfacing superconducting qubits and single optical photons. arXiv. http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06271

Check ORCID for a full list of Sanli’s publications.