Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Nagesh, P., Gassmann, M., Eitzinger, J.
, de Boer, H. J., Edelenbosch, O. Y., van Vuuren, D. P., & Dekker, S. C. (2024).
Modelling the impacts of climate change on agrochemical fate and transport by water on a catchment scale.
10(15), 1-15. Article e35669. Bogatinoska, B., Lansu, A., Hugé, J., Ali, M. H.
, Dekker, S. C., & Stoorvogel, J. (2024).
Analysing landscape multi-functionality by integrated modelling.
Environmental Modelling and Software,
179, Article 106116., B., Lansu, A., Hugé, J.
, Dekker, S. C., & Stoorvogel, J. (2024).
Integrated Modelling of Landscape Functions: Testing the Impact of Land Use Change. EGU24-10623. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria., A., Meijer, P., Nyasulu, M. K., Tuinenburg, O.
, & Dekker, S. (2024).
Global terrestrial moisture recycling in Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. EGU24-8049. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria. Wang-Erlandsson, L., Keys, P.
, Staal, A., Theeuwen, J., Wunderling, N.
, Dekker, S., Pranindita, A., Teuling, A. J., Nyasulu, M. K., Fetzer, I., Flach, R., Lathuillière, M. J., Fahrländer, S., Jaramillo, F., Gordon, L., Singh, C., Ent, R. V. D., Posada, J. A., Moore, M.-L., & Cao, M. (2024).
Time to recognize the ecosystem service of vegetation-supplied precipitation in management and governance . EGU24-19880. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria., S. C., Boer, H. J. D., Koren, G. B., Staal, A., Theeuwen, J. J. E., & Woesik, F. M. V. (2024).
Targeted Climate Modification on land – A matter of scale. EGU24-4740. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria. Staal, A., Theeuwen, J. J. E., Wang‐Erlandsson, L., Wunderling, N.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2024).
Targeted rainfall enhancement as an objective of forestation.
Global Change Biology,
30(1), Article e17096. 2023
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Soltani, M., Hamelers, B., Mofidi, A., Fletcher, C. G.
, Staal, A., Dekker, S. C., Laux, P., Arnault, J., Kunstmann, H., van der Hoeven, T., & Lanters, M. (2023).
A 20-year satellite-reanalysis-based climatology of extreme precipitation characteristics over the Sinai Peninsula.
Earth System Dynamics,
14(5), 931-953., M., Dunn, F. E., Dekker, S. C., Vuuren, D. P. V.
, Karabil, S., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Santos, M. J.
, Minderhoud, P. S. J., Garmestani, A. S., & Middelkoop, H. (2023).
Global change scenarios in coastal river deltas and their sustainable development implications.
Global Environmental Change,
82, 1-14. Article 102736. Aschi, F., Dekker, S. C., van Vuuren, D. P., Bogaart, P. W., Rijsdijk, K. F., & van Loon, E. E. (2023).
Costs and benefits of protecting linear landscape elements: Applying systematic conservation planning on a case study in the Netherlands.
Journal of Environmental Management,
348, Article 119262. Chen, S., ten Tusscher, K. H. W. J., Sasidharan, R., Dekker, S. C., & de Boer, H. J. (2023).
Parallels between drought and flooding: An integrated framework for plant eco-physiological responses to water stress.
Plant-Environment Interactions,
4(4), 175-187. Theeuwen, J., Staal, A., Tuinenburg, O., Hamelers, B.
, & Dekker, S. (2023).
Local moisture recycling across the globe.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
27(7), 1457-1476. Dijk, J. V., Dekker, S. C., Kools, S. A. E., & Wezel, A. P. V. (2023).
European-wide spatial analysis of sewage treatment plants and the possible benefits to nature of advanced treatment to reduce pharmaceutical emissions.
Water Research,
241, Article 120157. van Dijk, J., Figuière, R.
, Dekker, S. C., van Wezel, A. P., & Cousins, I. T. (2023).
Managing PMT/vPvM substances in consumer products through the concepts of essential-use and functional substitution: a case-study for cosmetics.
Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts,
25(6), 1067-1081. Walalite, T.
, Dekker, S. C., Schot, P. P., Kardel, I., Okruszko, T.
, & Wassen, M. J. (2023).
Nutrients in tropical and temperate rivers and floodplains – comparison of the Rivers Songkhram (Thailand) and Narew (Poland).
43(5), Article 46., P., Edelenbosch, O. Y., Dekker, S. C., Boer, H. J. D., Mitter, H.
, & Vuuren, D. P. V. (2023).
Extending shared socio-economic pathways for pesticide use in Europe: Pest-Agri-SSPs.
Journal of Environmental Management,
342, 1-12. Article 118078. van Dijk, J., Figuière, R., Dekker, S., van Wezel, A., & Cousins, I. (2023). Managing PMT/vPvM Substances in Consumer Products through the Concepts of Essential Use and Functional Substitution: a case-Study for Cosmetics. Poster session presented at SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
Santos, M. J., O'Connor, J. C., Nguyen, K., Tuinenburg, O.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2023).
Effects of land use change on water-related ecosystem services in the Amazon Basin. Abstract from European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria., S., Nagesh, P., Edelenbosch, O., Boer, H. D., Mitter, H.
, & Vuuren, D. P. V. (2023).
Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs. Abstract from European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. Theeuwen, J., Staal, A., Tuinenburg, O., Hamelers, B.
, & Dekker, S. (2023).
Local moisture recycling across the globe. Abstract from European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. Barciela-Rial, M., Saaltink, R. M.
, van Kessel, T., Chassagne, C.
, Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Griffioen, J., Wassen, M. J., & Winterwerp, J. C. (2023).
A new setup to study the influence of plant growth on the consolidation of dredged cohesive sediment.
Frontiers in Earth Science,
11, 1-11. Article 952845.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Koren, G., Adnew, G., de Boer, H., Boersma, K. F., Cho, A., Dekker, S., Faassen, K., Kooijmans, L. M. J., Krol, M., Luijkx, I. T., Peters, W., Rebel, K., & Röckmann, T. (2022). New constraints on photosynthesis from atmospheric tracers (δ18O, Δ17O, Δ47, COS, O2) and remote sensing proxies (SIF, NIRv). Abstract from 5th ICOS Science Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Koren, G., Adnew, G., de Boer, H., Boersma, K. F., Cho, A., Dekker, S., Faassen, K., Kooijmans, L. M. J., Krol, M., Luijkx, I. T., Peters, W., Rebel, K., & Röckmann, T. (2022). New constraints on gross primary production from atmospheric tracers and remote sensing proxies. Abstract from C4 Workshop Climate Change and Carbon Cycle, Pisa, Italy.
Scown, M. W., Middelkoop, H., Dunn, F., Dekker, S. C., van Vuuren, D., Karabil, S., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Santos, M. J.
, Minderhoud, P. S. J., & Garmestani, A. S. (2022).
Global Change Scenarios in Coastal River Deltas and Their Sustainable Development Implications. (pp. 1-26). SSRN. Welch, S. A., Lane, T., Desrousseaux, A. O. S.
, van Dijk, J., Mangold-Döring, A., Gajraj, R.
, Hader, J. D., Hermann, M., Parvathi Ayillyath Kutteyeri, A., Mentzel, S.
, Nagesh, P., Polazzo, F., Roth, S. K., Boxall, A. B. A., Chefetz, B.
, Dekker, S. C., Eitzinger, J., Grung, M., MacLeod, M., ... van den Brink, P. (2022).
ECORISK2050: An Innovative Training Network for predicting the effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects, and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems.
Open Research Europe,
1, Article 154., A.
, Nagesh, P., Gajraj, R.
, Dekker, S., Eitzinger, J., Sallach, J. B., Boxall, A., & Kok, K. (2022).
A shared socio-economic pathway based framework for characterising future emissions of chemicals to the natural environment.
144, 1-22. Article 103040., D., van Wezel, A., Helmus, R.
, Dekker, S., & Bartholomeus, R. P. (2022).
Soil self-cleaning capacity: Removal of organic compounds during sub-surface irrigation with sewage effluent.
Water Research,
226, 1-13. Article 119303. Khan, Z., Abraham, E., Aggarwal, S., Ahmad Khan, M., Arguello, R., Babbar-Sebens, M., Bereslawski, J. L., Bielicki, J. M., Campana, P. E., Silva Carrazzone, M. E., Castanier, H., Chang, F. J., Collins, P., Conchado, A., Dagani, K. R., Daher, B.
, Dekker, S. C., Delgado, R., Diuana, F. A., ... Yue, Q. (2022).
Emerging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation.
Frontiers in Environmental Science,
10, 1-11. Article 918085.ünzweig, J. M., Boeck, H. J. D., Rey, A., Santos, M. J., Adam, O., Bahn, M., Belnap, J., Deckmyn, G.
, Dekker, S. C., Flores, O., Gliksman, D., Helman, D., Hultine, K. R., Liu, L., Meron, E., Michael, Y., Sheffer, E., Throop, H. L., Tzuk, O., & Yakir, D. (2022).
Dryland mechanisms could widely control ecosystem functioning in a drier and warmer world.
Nature Ecology and Evolution,
6(8), 1064-1076., C. H. M., Bäuerlein, P. S., Siegers, W. G., Mintenig, S. M., Messina, R.
, Dekker, S. C., Bertelkamp, C., Cornelissen, E. R., & Wezel, A. P. V. (2022).
Removal of nanoparticles (both inorganic nanoparticles and nanoplastics) in drinking water treatment – coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation, and sand/granular activated carbon filtration.
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology,
2022(8), 1675-1686., B., Lansu, A., Hugé, J.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2022).
Participatory Design of Nature-Based Solutions: Usability of Tools for Water Professionals.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
14(9), 1-19. Article 5562., P., de Boer, H. J., van Wezel, A. P.
, Dekker, S. C., & van Vuuren, D. P. (2022).
Development of chemical emission scenarios using the Shared Socio-economic Pathways.
Science of the Total Environment,
836, Article 155530. Soltani, M., Hamelers, B., Mofidi, A., Hoeven, T. V. D.
, Staal, A., Dekker, S. C., Arnault, J., Laux, P., Kunstmann, H., & Lanters, M. (2022).
A 20-year satellite-reanalysis-based climatology of extreme precipitation characteristics over the Sinai Peninsula. Earth System Dynamics (ESD)., J., Staal, A., Hamelers, B., Soltani, M., Tuinenburg, O.
, & Dekker, S. (2022).
Using local moisture recycling to assess the impact of regreening on the local water cycle in five Mediterranean regions. 1-1. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022 (Online), Vienna, Austria. Dekker, S. C., O'connor, J. C., Staal, A., Tuinenburg, O. A.
, Rebel, K. T., & Santos, M. J. (2022).
How forests transpiration and interception evaporation can buffer variations in precipitation downwind. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022 (Online), Vienna, Austria. Chen, S.
, Sasidharan, R., Dekker, S. C., Tusscher, K. H. W. J. T.
, & Boer, H. J. D. (2022).
Parallels between drought and flooding: an integrated framework for plant eco-physiological responses to water stress. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022 (Online), Vienna, Austria., P., Gajraj, R., Eitzinger, J.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2022).
Modelling the impacts of climate and socio-economic changes on pesticide use and fate. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022 (Online), Vienna, Austria. Bogatinoska, B., Lansu, A., Huitema, D., Hugé, J.
, & Dekker, S. (2022).
Designing Nature-based Solutions in a Participatory Way: Usability of Tools for Water Professionals. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022 (Online), Vienna, Austria., M. F., Schot, P. P., Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., & Middelkoop, H. (2022).
Physical controls and a priori estimation of raising land surface elevation across the southwestern Bangladesh delta using Tidal River Management.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
26(4), 903-921. Santos, M. J., Smith, A. B.
, Dekker, S. C., Eppinga, M. B., Leitão, P. J., Moreno-Mateos, D., Morueta-Holme, N., & Ruggeri, M. (2022).
Correction to: The role of land use and land cover change in climate change vulnerability assessments of biodiversity: a systematic review.
Landscape Ecology,
37, 367–371., M. M., van Lieshout, R. N., Ball, R. C., Bouman, P. M.
, Dekker, S. C., Dijkstra, H. A., Goverde, R. M. P., Huisman, D.
, Panja, D., Schaafsma, A. A. M.
, & van den Akker, J. M. (2022).
A next step in disruption management: combining operations research and complexity science.
Public Transport,
14(1), 5-26. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Nagesh, P., boer, H. J. D., Dekker, S. C., & Vuuren, D. P. V. (2021).
Development of scenarios for future emissions of chemicals from agricultural, industrial and urban systems. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria. Bogatinoska, B., Lansu, A., Floor, J., Huitema, D.
, & Dekker, S. (2021).
Tooling in engaging stakeholders in adaptive water management with Nature-based solutions: reflections from an online NGT approach through the perspectives of the water professionals. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria. der Velde, Y., Temme, A. J. A. M., Nijp, J. J., Braakhekke, M. C., van Voorn, G. A. K.
, Dekker, S. C., Dolman, A. J., Wallinga, J., Devito, K. J., Kettridge, N., Mendoza, C. A., Kooistra, L.
, Soons, M. B., & Teuling, A. J. (2021).
Emerging forest–peatland bistability and resilience of European peatland carbon stores.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ,
118(38), 1-9. Article e2101742118.'Connor, J. C., Dekker, S. C., Staal, A., Tuinenburg, O. A.
, Rebel, K. T., & Santos, M. J. (2021).
Forests buffer against variations in precipitation.
Global Change Biology,
27(19), 4686-4696. O'Connor, J. C., Santos, M. J.
, Dekker, S. C., Rebel, K. T., & Tuinenburg, O. A. (2021).
Atmospheric moisture contribution to the growing season in the Amazon arc of deforestation.
Environmental Research Letters,
16(8), 1-10. Article 084026. Santos, M. J., Smith, A. B.
, Dekker, S. C., Eppinga, M. B., Leitão, P. J., Moreno-Mateos, D., Morueta-Holme, N., & Ruggeri, M. (2021).
The role of land use and land cover change in climate change vulnerability assessments of biodiversity: a systematic review.
Landscape Ecology,
36(12), 3367-3382., M. F., Middelkoop, H., Schot, P. P., Dekker, S. C., & Griffioen, J. (2021).
Spatial and seasonal variability of sediment accumulation potential through controlled flooding of the beels located in the polders of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta of Southwest Bangladesh.
Hydrological Processes,
35(4), Article e14119. Theeuwen, J., Tuinenburg, O.
, Staal, A., Hamelers, B.
, & Dekker, S. (2021).
Moisture recycling in five different regions with Mediterranean climates around the world. EGU21-7248. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021. von Keyserlingk, J., de Hoop, M.
, Mayor, A. G., Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M., & Foerster, S. (2021).
Resilience of vegetation to drought: Studying the effect of grazing in a Mediterranean rangeland using satellite time series.
Remote Sensing of Environment,
255, Article 112270. Dijk, J., Gustavsson, M.
, Dekker, S. C., & van Wezel, A. P. (2021).
Towards ‘one substance – one assessment’: An analysis of EU chemical registration and aquatic risk assessment frameworks.
Journal of Environmental Management,
280, 1-10. Article 111692. Narain-Ford, D., Bartholomeus, R., Raterman, B., van Zaanen, I., ter Laak, T., van Wezel, A. P.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2021).
Shifting the imbalance: Intentional reuse of Dutch sewage effluent in sub-surface irrigation.
Science of the Total Environment,
752, 1-8. Article 142214. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Roest, E., Lansu, A., Baltissen, T.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2020).
From Pasture and Cropland to Nut Orchards: Modelling the Dynamics of Carbon Sequestration by Agroforestry Systems in the Temperate Climate Zone.. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, Online.'Connor, J., Rebel, K. T., Santos, M. J.
, Dekker, S. C., & Tuinenburg, O. A. (2020).
Double cropping in the Amazon: its relation with moisture recycling. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, Online. Bogatinoska, B., Lansu, A., Floor, J., Huitema, D.
, & Dekker, S. (2020).
Co-creation processes of nature based solutions in hydrological modelling – case studies in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, Online., M. W., Dunn, F. E., Dekker, S. C., van Vuuren, D. P., & Middelkoop, H. (2020).
Environmental context will affect achieving long-term Sustainable Development Goals: The case of coastal deltas. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020. Staal, A., Fetzer, I., Wang-Erlandsson, L.
, Bosmans, J. H. C., Dekker, S. C., van Nes, E. H., Rockström, J.
, & Tuinenburg, O. A. (2020).
Hysteresis of tropical forests in the 21st century.
Nature Communications,
11(1), Article 4978. Dekker, S. C., Kraneveld, A. D., van Dijk, J., Kalfagianni, A., Knulst, A. C., Lelieveldt, H.
, Moors, E. H. M., Müller, E.
, Pieters, R. H. H., Pieterse, C. M. J., Rosenkranz, S., Voesenek, L. A. C. J., & van Westen, A. C. M. (2020).
Towards Healthy Planet Diets: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Food Sustainability Challenges.
Global Challenges,
11(2), Article 21. Narain-Ford, D. M., Bartholomeus, R. P.
, Dekker, S. C., & van Wezel, A. P. (2020).
Natural Purification Through Soils: Risks and Opportunities of Sewage Effluent Reuse in Sub-surface Irrigation. In P. de Voogt (Ed.),
Reviews of Environmental contamination and Toxicology (1 ed., Vol. 250, pp. 85-117). (Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology). Springer. Narain-Ford, D. M., Helmus, R., Bartholomeus, R. P., Dekker, S. C., & van Wezel, A. P. (2020). Soil as a natural filter: Long-term sub-surface irrigation with sewage effluent: Trends in time and depth of micropollutants. Poster session presented at SETAC SciCon, Dublin, Ireland.
Islam, M. F., Middelkoop, H., Schot, P. P., Dekker, S. C., & Griffioen, J. (2020).
Enhancing effectiveness of tidal river management in southwest Bangladesh polders by improving sedimentation and shortening inundation time.
Journal of Hydrology,
590, Article 125228. Pit, I. R., Wassen, M. J., Kooijman, A. M.
, Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., Arens, S. M.
, & van Dijk, J. (2020).
Can sand nourishment material affect dune vegetation through nutrient addition? Science of the Total Environment,
725, Article 138233. Mintenig, S. M., Kooi, M., Erich, M. W., Primpke, S., Redondo- Hasselerharm, P. E.
, Dekker, S. C., Koelmans, A. A., & van Wezel, A. P. (2020).
A systems approach to understand microplastic occurrence and variability in Dutch riverine surface waters.
Water Research,
176, Article 115723. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Saaltink, R. M., Barciela-Rial, M., Kessel, T. V.
, Dekker, S. C., Boer, H. J. D., Chassange, C.
, Griffioen, J., Wassen, M. J., & Winterwerp, J. C. (2019).
Drainage of soft cohesive sediment with and without <i>Phragmites australis</i> as an ecological engineer. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences., S., Ivens, W.
, Dekker, S. C., & Eijdems, H. (2019).
5th generation district heating and cooling systems as a solution for renewable urban thermal energy supply.
Advances in Geosciences,
49, 129-136. Van Vuuren, D. P., Bijl, D. L., Bogaart, P.
, Stehfest, E., Biemans, H.
, Dekker, S. C., Doelman, J. C., Gernaat, D. E. H. J., & Harmsen, M. (2019).
Integrated scenarios to support analysis of the food–energy–water nexus.
Nature Sustainability,
2(12), 1132-1141. O'connor, J., Santos, M. J.
, Rebel, K. T., & Dekker, S. C. (2019).
The influence of water table depth on evapotranspiration in the Amazon arc of deforestation.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
23(9), 3917-3931. Verstegen, J. A., van der Laan, C.
, Dekker, S. C., Faaij, A. P. C., & Santos, M. J. (2019).
Recent and projected impacts of land use and land cover changes on carbon stocks and biodiversity in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Ecological Indicators,
103, 563-575. Lansu, A., Fredrix, L., Ivens, W., van Wijnen, J., Uit de Weerd, D.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2019).
Bridging the Dynamics of Food Systems Change in Sub Saharan Africato the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Human Development Index.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
21, Article EGU2019-8662., R. M., Honingh, E.
, Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., van Riel, M. C., Verdonschot, P. F. M., Vink, J. P. M., Winterwerp, J. C.
, & Wassen, M. J. (2019).
Respiration and aeration by bioturbating Tubificidae alter biogeochemical processes in aquatic sediment.
Aquatic Sciences,
81(1), Article 13., J.
, Nierop, K. G. J., Dekker, S. C., Dekker, L. W., & Chen, B. (2019).
Understanding the mechanisms of soil water repellency from nanoscale to ecosystem scale: a review.
Journal of Soils and Sediments,
19(1), 171-185. publicaties
Dekker, S. C., Driessen, P. P. J., van Egmond, N. D., Moors, E. H. M., Raven, R. P. J. M., Rietkerk, M. G., Worrell, E., van Dijk, J., Calisto Esquetini-Friant, P. M., Kraaijeveld, L. D., Mees, H. L. P., Vaas, J., Vermeulen, W. J. V., Vervoort, J. M., Verweij, P. A., Vijge, M. J., Wesseling, J. H., & Wojtynia, N. (2019).
Klimaatakkoord: tijd voor politiek leiderschap! Dagblad Trouw. Wassen, M. J., Verweij, P. A., Wicke, B., Dekker, S. C., van der Hilst, F., Turnhout, E., Behagel, J., & Visseren-Hamaker, I. (2019).
Koop geen sojabonen meer uit ontbost gebied en nog vijf tips.
NRC/Handelsblad. Overige resultaten
Dekker, S. C., Bijl, D., Biemans, H., Bogaart, P., Doelman, J.
, Stehfest, E. E., & van Vuuren, D. P. (2019).
Future Global Water Deficit: Allocation mechanisms within the nexus.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
21, Article EGU2019-1890. Staal, A.
, Tuinenburg, O. A., Bosmans, J. H. C., Holmgren, M., van Nes, E. H., Scheffer, M., Zemp, D. C.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2019).
Forest-rainfall cascades buffer against drought across the Amazon.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
21, Article EGU2019-5515.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Staal, A., Tuinenburg, O. A., Bosmans, J. H. C., Holmgren, M., Nes, E. H. V., Scheffer, M., Zemp, D. C.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2018).
Forest-rainfall cascades buffer against drought across the Amazon.
Nature Climate Change,
8, 539-543. van der Laan, C., Budiman, A.
, Verstegen, J. A., Dekker, S. C., Effendy, W., Faaij, A. P. C., Kusuma, A. D.
, & Verweij, P. A. (2018).
Analyses of land cover change trajectories leading to tropical forest loss: Illustrated for the West Kutai and MahakamUlu Districts, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
7(3), Article 108., M. M., van Lieshout, R. N., Ball, R. C., Bouman, P. M.
, Dekker, S. C., Dijkstra, H. A., Goverde, R. M. P., Huisman, D.
, Panja, D., Schaafsma, A. A. M.
, & van den Akker, J. M. (2018).
A Next Step in Disruption Management: Combining Operations Research and Complexity Science. In
Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT) 2018 Bijl, D. L., Biemans, H., Bogaart, P. W.
, Dekker, S. C., Doelman, J. C., Stehfest, E.
, & van Vuuren, D. P. (2018).
A Global Analysis of Future Water Deficit Based On Different Allocation Mechanisms.
Water Resources Research,
54(8), 5803-5824., I. R., van Egmond, E. M.
, Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., Wassen, M. J., & van Wezel, A. P. (2018).
Ecotoxicological risk of trace element mobility in coastal semi-artificial depositional areas near the mouth of the River Rhine, the Netherlands.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,
37(11), 2933-2946. Staal, A., van Nes, E. H., Hantson, S., Holmgren, M.
, Dekker, S. C., Pueyo, S., Xu, C., & Scheffer, M. (2018).
Resilience of tropical tree cover: the roles of climate, fire and herbivory.
Global Change Biology,
24(11), 5096-5109. Mintenig, S. M., Bäuerlein, P. S., Koelmans, A. A.
, Dekker, S. C., & Van Wezel, A. P. (2018).
Closing the gap between small and smaller: towards a framework to analyse nano- and microplastics in aqueous environmental samples.
Environmental Science: Nano,
5(7), 1640-1649. Staal, A.
, Tuinenburg, O. A., Bosmans, J., Holmgren, M., van Nes, E. H., Scheffer, M., Zemp, D. C.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2018).
Forest-rainfall cascades buffer against drought across the Amazon.
Nature Climate Change,
8(6), 539-543., B. J., Sivapalan, M., Stehfest, E.
, Van Vuuren, D. P., Wassen, M. J., Bierkens, M. F. P., & Dekker, S. C. (2018).
A framework for modelling the complexities of food and water security under globalisation.
Earth System Dynamics,
9(1), 103-118. Bijl, D. L., Bogaart, P. W.
, Dekker, S. C., & van Vuuren, D. P. (2018).
Unpacking the nexus: Different spatial scales for water, food and energy.
Global Environmental Change,
48, 22-31. Saaltink, R. M., Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., & Wassen, M. J. (2018).
Vegetation growth and sediment dynamics in a created freshwater wetland.
Ecological Engineering,
111, 11-21. Walalite, T., Dekker, S. C., Schot, P. P., & Wassen, M. J. (2018).
Unraveling the ecological functioning of the monsoonal Songkhram river floodplain in Thailand by integrating data on soil, water, and vegetation.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology,
18(1), 10-21. Overige resultaten
Dekker, S. C., Saaltink, R. M., de Boer, H. J., Barciela Rial, M., van Kessel, T.
, Griffioen, J., Winterwerp, H.
, & Wassen, M. J. (2018).
Building with nature in wetlands: Plants accelerate soil forming processes of newly deposited fine sediments.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
20, Article EGU2018-4006. Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C.
, Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2018).
Modeling the global carbon-nitrogen-water cycle in natural systems, the effect of global change on nitrogen leaching.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
20, Article EGU2018-14299. 2017
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Braakhekke, M. C., Rebel, K. T., Dekker, S. C., Smith, B.
, Beusen, A. H. W., & Wassen, M. J. (2017).
Nitrogen leaching from natural ecosystems under global change: A modelling study.
Earth System Dynamics,
8(4), 1121-1139. Klein Goldewijk, K., Dekker, S. C., & van Zanden, J. L. (2017).
Per-capita estimations of long-term historical land use and the consequences for global change research.
Journal of Land Use Science,
12(5), 313-337. Pit, I. R., Dekker, S. C., Kanters, T. J.
, Wassen, M. J., & Griffioen, J. (2017).
Mobilisation of toxic trace elements under various beach nourishments.
Environmental Pollution,
231, 1063-1074. Ferreira Dos Santos, M. J., Dekker, S. C., Daioglou, V., Braakhekke, M. C.
, & van Vuuren, D. (2017).
Modeling the Effects of Future Growing Demand for Charcoal in the Tropics.
Frontiers in Environmental Sciences,
5, Article 28. Bijl, D. L., Bogaart, P. W.
, Dekker, S. C., Stehfest, E.
, de Vries, B. J. M., & van Vuuren, D. P. (2017).
A physically-based model of long-term food demand.
Global Environmental Change,
45, 47-62. Mander, L.
, Dekker, S. C., Li, M., Mio, W., Punyasena, S., & Lenton, T. M. (2017).
A morphometric analysis of vegetation patterns in dryland ecosystems.
Royal Society Open Science,
4(2), Article 60443., R. M., Dekker, S. C., Eppinga, M. B., Griffioen, J., & Wassen, M. J. (2017).
Plant-specific effects of iron-toxicity in wetlands.
Plant and Soil (online),
416(1-2), 83-96. Overige resultaten
Ferreira Dos Santos, M. J., Voorhoeve, J. W. E., Mwampamba, T. H.
, Daioglou, V., van Vuuren, D. P., & Dekker, S. C. (2017).
Modeling implications of charcoal transitions on local to global carbon dynamics predictions. Abstract from Third Annual FLAIR Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. Braakhekke, M. C., Rebel, K. T., Dekker, S. C., Smith, B.
, Sutanudjaja, E. H., van Beek, L. P. H., Van Kampenhout, L.
, & Wassen, M. J. (2017).
Improved global simulation of groundwater–ecosystem interactions via tight coupling of a dynamic global ecosystem model and a global hydrological model. Poster session presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Siteur, K., Mao, J., Nierop, K. G. J., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S. C., & Eppinga, M. B. (2016).
Soil Water Repellency: A Potential Driver of Vegetation Dynamics in Coastal Dunes.
19(7), 1210-1224. Walalite, T., Dekker, S. C., Keizer, F. M., Kardel, I.
, Schot, P. P., deJong, S. M.
, & Wassen, M. J. (2016).
Flood Water Hydrochemistry Patterns Suggest Floodplain Sink Function for Dissolved Solids from the Songkhram Monsoon River (Thailand).
36(6), 995-1008. Saaltink, R. M., Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., & Wassen, M. J. (2016).
Wetland eco-engineering: measuring and modeling feedbacks of oxidation processes between plants and clay-rich material.
13, 4945-4957. Yin, Z., Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M., Hurk, B. J. J. M. V. D., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2016).
Network based early warning indicators of vegetation changes in a land–atmosphere model.
Ecological Complexity,
26, 68 - 78. Staal, A., Dekker, S. C., Xu, C., & van Nes, E. H. (2016).
Bistability, Spatial Interaction, and the Distribution of Tropical Forests and Savannas.
19(6), 1080-1091. Yin, Z., Dekker, S. C., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2016).
The climatic imprint of bimodal distributions in vegetation cover for western Africa.
13(11), 3343-3357. Dekker, S. C., Groenendijk, M., Booth, B. B. B., Huntingford, C., & Cox, P. M. (2016).
Spatial and temporal variations in plant Water Use Efficiency inferred from tree-ring, eddy covariance and atmospheric observations.
Earth System Dynamics Discussions,
7(2), 525–533. van Loon, M. P., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S. C., Hikosaka, K., Ueda, M. U.
, & Anten, N. P. R. (2016).
Plant-plant interactions mediate the plastic and genotypic response of Plantago asiatica to CO2: an experiment with plant populations from naturally high CO2 areas.
Annals of Botany,
117, 1197-1207. Bogaart, P. W., Van Der Velde, Y., Lyon, S. W.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2016).
Streamflow recession patterns can help unravel the role of climate and humans in landscape co-evolution.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
20(4), 1413-1432., J., Nierop, K. G. J., Rietkerk, M., Sinninghe Damsté, J. S., & Dekker, S. C. (2016).
The influence of vegetation on soil water repellency-markers and soil hydrophobicity.
Science of the Total Environment,
566–567, 608-620. de Boer, H. J., Price, C. A.
, Wagner-Cremer, F., Dekker, S. C., Franks, P. J., & Veneklaas, E. J. (2016).
Optimal allocation of leaf epidermal area for gas exchange.
New Phytologist. Overige resultaten
Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C., Loozen, Y. M. A., Karssenberg, D. J., de Jong, S. M., Penuelas, J., & Dekker, S. C. (2016). Carbon and Nitrogen interactions at the global scale. Poster session presented at ClimMani 3rd annual meeting 2016 Experiments designed by nature - the use of gradients in climate change research.
Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C., Fleischer, K., Loozen, Y. M. A., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2016). Carbon-nitrogen interactions across scale. Abstract from NAEM 2016 Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, Lunteren, Netherlands.
Saaltink, R. M., Dekker, S. C., Wassen, M. J., & Griffioen, J. (2016). Smart ecosystems: using the concept of eco-engineering for large-scale wetland construction in the Netherlands. 5th International Ecosummit, Montpelier, France.
de Hoop, M., Garcia Mayor, A., Dekker, S., & Rietkerk, M. (2016). Connectivity affecting critical transitions in drylands: the role of microtopography. Poster session presented at Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting 2016 (NAEM), Lunteren, Netherlands.
Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C., Fleischer, K., Loozen, Y. M. A., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2016). Carbon – nitrogen interaction across scales. Abstract from Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting 2016 (NAEM), Lunteren, Netherlands.
Saaltink, R. M., Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., & Wassen, M. J. (2016). Wetland eco-engineering: identifying plant–soil feedbacks in soft mud deposits that interfere with consolidation, soil formation and crest stability. Poster session presented at Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting 2016 (NAEM), Lunteren, Netherlands.
Saaltink, R. M., Dekker, S. C., Griffioen, J., & Wassen, M. J. (2016).
Constructing wetlands: measuring and modeling feedbacks of oxidation processes between plants and clay-rich material. 4710. Poster session presented at EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria. Ferreira Dos Santos, M. J., de Boer, H. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2016). Teaching sustainability science from a system analysis perspective: MSc course at Utrecht University. Abstract from Association of Tropical Biological Conservation, Montpellier, France.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dermody, B., Klein Goldewijk, C. G. M., van Beek, L., & Dekker, S. C. (2015). A Food Redistribution Model of the Roman World. Abstract from Complexity: a new framework to interpret ancient economic proxy data, Sagalassos, Turkey.
Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Dermody, B., Wagner, F., Wassen, M. J., & Eppinga, M. B. (2015).
Holecene peatland initiation in the Greater Everglades. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. van Loon, M. P., Dekker, S. C., Anten, N.
, Rietkerk, M. G., & de Arellano, J. V.-G. (2015).
Understanding the impact of plant competition on the coupling between vegetation and the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,
120(11), 2212-2228. Mao, J., Nierop, K. G. J., Rietkerk, M., & Dekker, S. C. (2015).
Predicting soil water repellency using hydrophobic organic compounds and their vegetation origin.
1(1), 411-425. Baudena, M., Dekker, S. C., van Bodegom, P. M., Cuesta, B., Higgins, S. I., Lehsten, V., Reick, C. H.
, Rietkerk, M., Scheiter, S.
, Yin, Z., Zavala, M. A., & Brovkin, V. (2015).
Forests, savannas and grasslands: bridging the knowledge gap between ecology and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models.
12, 1833-1848. Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Dermody, B., Wagner-Cremer, F., Wassen, M. J., & Eppinga, M. B. (2015).
Holocene peatland initiation in the Greater Everglades.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,
120(2), 254-269. Van Dijk, J., Van Der Vliet, R. E., De Jong, H.
, Zeylmans Van Emmichoven, M. J., Van Hardeveld, H. A., Dekker, S. C., & Wassen, M. J. (2015).
Modeling direct and indirect climate change impacts on ecological networks: a case study on breeding habitat of Dutch meadow birds.
Landscape Ecology,
30, 805-816. Article DOI 10.1007/s10980-014-0140-x. Overige resultaten
Dermody, B., van Beek, R., Meeks, E.
, Klein Goldewijk, K., Scheidel, W., van der Velde, Y.
, Bierkens, M., Wassen, M., & Dekker, S. (2015).
Virtual water trade in the Roman Mediterranean. 2490. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C., Fleischer, K., Loozen, Y. M. A., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2015). Carbon-Nitrogen interactions across scale. Poster session presented at ClimMani 2nd annual meeting 2015. Nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems and their role in climate change feedbacks, Poznan, Poland.
Dekker, S. C., Yin, Z., Baudena, M., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2015). Forest-Savanna Transitions in West-Africa: The climatic imprint of bimodal distributions in vegetation cover. Poster session presented at EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C., Fleischer, K., Loozen, Y. M. A., Dekker, S. C., & Wassen, M. J. (2015). CN interactions at the global scale. ClimMani 2nd annual meeting 2015, Poznan, Poland.
Rebel, K. T., Braakhekke, M. C., Fleischer, K., de Jong, S. M., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2015). Interactions between the C-N-Water cycles across scale. Poster session presented at workshop second generation DGVMs, Landskrona, Sweden.
Baudena, M., Dekker, S., van Bodegom, P., Cuesta, B., Higgins, S., Lehsten, V., Reich, C., Rietkerk, M., Scheiter, S., Yin, Z., Zavala, M. A., & Brovkin, V. (2015). Savannas at the transition between forests and grasslands: modelling ecological processes at the continental scale.. Abstract from NAEM 2015 (Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting), Lunteren, Netherlands.
Themistocleous, K., Agapiou, A., de Hoop, M., Garcia Mayor, A., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S., & Hadjimitsis, D. G. (2015). The Use Of UAV To Document Sloping Landscapes to Produce Digital Elevation Models To Examine Environmental Degradation. Poster session presented at Third International Conference on Remote Sensing, Paphos, Cyprus.
van Loon, M., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S., Hikosaka, K., Ueda, M. U., & Anten, N. P. R. (2015). Plant-plant interactions mediate the plastic and genotypic response of Plantago asiatica to CO2; an experiment with plant populations from naturally high CO2 areas.. Poster session presented at NAEM days, Netherlands.
van Loon, M., Schieving, F., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S., Sterck, F. J., & Anten, N. P. R. (2015). How light competition between plants affects their response to climate change.. Abstract from Agriculture and Climate Change – Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Loon, M. P., Schieving, F., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S. C., Sterck, F.
, & Anten, N. P. R. (2014).
How light competition between plants affects their response to climate change.
New Phytologist,
203(4), 1253-1265. Donders, T., Hagemans, K., Dekker, S., de Weger, L., De Klerk, P.
, & Wagner - Cremer, F. (2014).
Region-Specific Sensitivity of Anemophilous Pollen Deposition to Temperature and Precipitation.
PLoS One,
9(8), Article e104774. Tirabassi, G., Viebahn, J., Dakos, V.
, Dijkstra, H., Masoller, C.
, Rietkerk, M., & Dekker, S. (2014).
Interaction network based early-warning indicators of vegetation transitions.
Ecological Complexity,
19, 148–157. Yin, Z., Dekker, S. C., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2014).
Bimodality of woody cover and biomass in semi-arid regime.
Earth System Dynamics Discussions,
5(1), 83-120. Van der Velde, Y., Vercauteren, N., Jaramillo, F.
, Dekker, S. C., Destouni, G., & Lyon, S. W. (2014).
Exploring hydroclimatic change disparity via the Budyko framework.
Hydrological Processes,
28(13), 4110-4118., Z., Dekker, S. C., van den Hurk, B., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2014).
Bimodality of woody cover and biomass across the precipitation gradient in West Africa.
Earth System Dynamics,
5(2), 257-270. Dermody, B. J., Van Beek, R. P. H., Meeks, E.
, Klein Goldewijk, K., Scheidel, W., Van Der Velde, Y.
, Bierkens, M. F. P., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2014).
A virtual water network of the Roman world.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
18(12), 5025-5040. Saaltink, R., van der Velde, Y.
, Dekker, S., Lyon, S. W., & Dahlke, H. E. (2014).
Societal, land cover and climatic controls on river nutrient flows into the Baltic Sea.
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies,
1, 44-56. Elkington, R. J., Rebel, K. T., Heilman, S. J., Litvak, M. E.
, Dekker, S. C., & Moore, G. W. (2014).
Species-specific water use by woody plants on the Edwards Plateau, Texas.
7(2), 278-290. Baudena, M., Dekker, S. C., van Bodegom, P. M., Cuesta, B., Higgins, S. I., Lehsten, V., Reick, C. H.
, Rietkerk, M., Scheiter, S.
, Yin, Z., Zavala, M. A., & Brovkin, V. (2014).
Forests, savannas and grasslands: bridging the knowledge gap between ecology and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models.
Biogeosciences Discussions,
11(6), 9471-9510. Yin, Z., Dekker, S. C., van den Hurk, B., & Dijkstra, H. (2014).
Effects of vegetation structure on biomass accumulation in a Balanced Optimality Structure Vegetation Model (BOSVM v1.0).
Geoscientific Model Development,
7(3), 821-845. van Loon, M. P., Schieving, F., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S. C., Sterck, F. J.
, & Anten, N. P. R. (2014).
How light competition between plants affects their response to climate change.
New Phytologist,
203(4), 1253-1265. Overige resultaten
van der Laan, C., Budiman, A., Verstegen, J. A., Effendi, W., Dekker, S. C., & Verweij, P. A. (2014). Unravelling land use change processes in West Kutai Regency in the lowlands of East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Abstract from Spatial Ecology and Conservation, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Rebel, K., Braakhekke, M., Fleischer, K., de Jong, S., Wassen, M., & Dekker, S. (2014).
Linking water, carbon and nitrogen cycles at multiple spatial scales. Poster session presented at climmani workshop, Aveiro, Portugal. Bogaart, P., van der Velde, Y.
, Dekker, S., Lyon, S. W.
, & Wassen, M. (2014).
Event-scale investigations of natural and anthropogenic controls on river recession behaviour and trends.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
16, Article EGU2014-8550. Mao, J., Dekker, S., Nierop, K., Rietkerk, M., & Sinninghe Damste, J. (2014). A sequential extraction and hydrolysis approach to understand the chemical nature of soil water repellency. Abstract from 12th Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht.
Mao, J., Dekker, S., Nierop, K., Rietkerk, M., & Sinninghe Damsté, J. S. (2014). A sequential extraction and hydrolysis approach to understand the chemical nature of soil water repellency. Abstract from European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.
van der Laan, C., Budiman, A., Verstegen, J., Effendy, W., Dekker, S., & Verweij, P. (2014). Unraveling land use change processes in West Kutai Regency in the lowlands of East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. 1. Poster session presented at Spatial Ecology and Conservation, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
de Hoop, M., Garcia Mayor, A., Dekker, S., & Rietkerk, M. (2014). Connectivity affecting critical transitions in drylands: the role of microtopography. Poster session presented at COST ACTION ES1306: Connecting European Connectivity Research, Wageningen, United Kingdom.
Baudena, M., Dekker, S., van Bodegom, P. M., Cuesta, B., Higgins, S. I., Lehsten, V., Reick, C. H.
, Rietkerk, M., Scheiter, S., Yin, Z., Zavala, M. A., & Brovkin, V. (2014).
Tropical Forests, Savannas and Grasslands: Bridging the Knowledge Gap Between Ecology and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. Abstract from AGU 2014, San francisco, United Kingdom. van Loon, M., Schieving, F., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S., Sterck, F. J., & Anten, N. P. R. (2014). How competition affects the response of plants to climate change. Poster session presented at NAEM days, United Kingdom.
van Loon, M., Schieving, F., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S., Sterk, F., & Anten, N. P. R. (2014). How competition affects the response of plants to climate change. Abstract from NAEM meeting, United Kingdom.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dermody, B., van Beek, L. P. H., Meeks, E.
, Klein Goldewijk, C. G. M., Bierkens, M. F. P., Scheidel, W.
, Wassen, M. J., van der Velde, Y., & Dekker, S. C. (2013).
Virtual water management in the Roman world. In
Geopysical Abstracts GC11A-0965 Yin, Z., Dekker, S. C., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M.
, & Dijkstra, H. A. (2013).
Effects of vegetation structure on biomass accumulation in a Balanced Optimality Structure Vegetation Model (BOSVM v1.0).
Geoscientific model development discussions,
6(3), 4603-4663. Wassen, M. J., de Boer, H. J., Fleischer, K., Rebel, K. T., & Dekker, S. C. (2013).
Vegetation-mediated feedback in water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.
Landscape Ecology,
28(4), 599-614. Rietkerk, M., & Dekker, S. C. (2013).
Vegetation-environment feedbacks from local to global scales. In
International research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: Eco-hydrology of semiarid environmentsConfronting mathematical models with ecosystem complexity: Wassen, M. J., de Boer, H. J., Eppinga, M. B., Wagner-Cremer, R., & Dekker, S. C. (2013). Optimization of stomatal and vein densities in leafs on evolutionary and contemporaty time scales. In Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting (NAEM) 201
Overige resultaten
Dermody, B., Van der Velde, Y., Bierkens, M. F., de Boer, H., Donders, T., Dekker, S. C., Wassen, M. J., & Drijfhout, S. S. (2013).
The Tropical Pacific: A changeable communicator or Holocene solar forcing. PP51A-1908. Abstract from American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, United States. Van der Velde, Y., Vercauteren, N., Jaramillo, F.
, Dekker, S. C., Destouni, G., & Lyon, S. W. (2013).
Land cover controls on river discharge in Sweden. (Invited). 5. Rietkerk, M., & Dekker, S. (2013). Vegetation-environment feedbacks from local to global scales.. Abstract from International workshop on: Eco-hydrology of semi-arid environments: Confronting mathematical models with ecosystem complexity, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Dermody, B. J., van Beek, R. L. P. H., Meeks, E.
, Klein Goldewijk, K., Bierkens, M. F. P., Scheidel, W.
, Wassen, M. J., van der Velde, Y., & Dekker, S. C. (2013).
Water management in the Roman world. 6567. Dermody, B., Van Beek, L. P., Meeks, E.
, Klein Goldewijk, K., Bierkens, M. F., Scheidel, W.
, Wassen, M. J., Van der Velde, Y., & Dekker, S. C. (2013).
Virtual water management in the Roman world. 965. de Boer, H. J., Price, C. A.
, Wagner-Cremer, F., Dekker, S. C., & Veneklaas, E. J. (2013).
Consistent allometric scaling of stomatal sizes and densities across taxonomic ranks and geologic time. H12D-08. Abstract from AGU Fall meeting 2013, oral Session (invited speaker), San Fransisco, USA. Dekker, S. C. (2013). Convener: PaleoClilmate and Ecohydrolog: NERN. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Dermody, B., van der Velde, Y., Bierkens, M. F. P., de Boer, H. J., Donders, T. H., Dekker, S. C., Wassen, M. J., & Drijfhout, S. S. (2013). The Tropical Pacific: A changeable communicator or Holocene solar forcing. Abstract from American Geophysical Union 2013, Oral Session, San Francisco, USA.
Dekker, S. C. (2013, Apr 22). Evaluation Panel FP7, BONUS.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dermody, B., de Boer, H. J., Bierkens, M. F. P., Weber, S. L., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2012).
A seesaw in Mediterranean precipitation during the Roman Period linked to millennial-scale changes in the North Atlantic.
Climate of the Past,
8(2), 637-651. Dekker, S. C., Vrugt, J. A.
, & Elkington, R. J. (2012).
Significant variation in vegetation characteristics and dynamics from ecohydrological optimality of net carbon profit.
5(1), 1-18. de Boer, H. J., Eppinga, M. B., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2012).
A critical transition in leaf evolution facilitated the Cretaceous angiosperm revolution.
Nature Communications [E],
3(1221). Vakpublicaties
de Boer, H. J., Eppinga, M. B., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2012). De succesformule van bloemplanten. BioNieuws, 22, 3.
Populariserende publicaties
de Boer, H. J., Eppinga, M. B., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2012). Darwin's mysterie ontrafeld. Volkskrant.
Dekker, S. C. (2012). Cutting across the soil-water field: A way to make new flowers blooming or the risk of sitting on the fence?. Paper presented at Convener at EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Dekker, S. C., Nierop, K. G. J., de Hoop, M., & Mao, J. (2012). How organic compounds affect vegetation shifts in ecosystems. Poster session presented at Poster.
Dekker, S. C., Nierop, K. G. J., & Mao, J. (2012). How the origin of organic compounds affects vegetation patchiness and regime shifts in ecosystems. Abstract from European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Holtkamp, R., van der Wal, A., Kardol, P., van der Putten, W. H.
, de Ruiter, P. C., & Dekker, S. C. (2011).
Modelling C and N mineralisation in soil food webs during secondary succession on ex-arable land.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry,
43(2), 251-260. de Boer, H. J., Lammertsma, E. I., Wagner-Cremer, F., Dilcher, D. L.
, Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2011).
Climate forcing due to optimization of maximal leaf conductance in subtropical vegetation under rising CO2.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
108(10), 4041-4046. Rietkerk, M. G., Brovkin, V., van Bodegom, P. M., Claussen, M.
, Dekker, S. C., Dijkstra, H. A., Goryachkin, S. V., Kabat, P., van Nes, E. H., Neutel, A. M., Nicholson, S. E., Nobre, C., Petoukhov, V., Provenzale, A., Scheffer, M., & Seneviratne, S. I. (2011).
Local ecosystem feedbacks and critical transitions in the climate.
Ecological Complexity,
8(3), 223-228. Konings, A. G.
, Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M. G., & Katul, G. G. (2011).
Drought sensitivity of patterned vegetation determined by rainfall-land surface feedbacks.
Journal of Geophysical Research,
116(G04008)., T. H., de Boer, H. J., Finsinger, W., Grimm, E. C.
, Dekker, S. C., Reichart, G.-J., & Wagner-Cremer, F. (2011).
Impact of the Atlantic Warm Pool on precipitation and temperature in Florida during North Atlantic cold spells.
Climate Dynamics,
36(1-2), 109-118. de Boer, H. J., Roche, D. M., Renssen, H.
, & Dekker, S. C. (2011).
Two-signed feedback of cross-isthmus moisture transport on glacial overturning controlled by the Atlantic warm pool.
Climate of the Past Discussions,
7, 3859-3893. Wassen, M. J., de Boer, H. J., Dekker, S. C., Fleischer, K., & Rebel, K. T. (2011). Feedbacks between Water-. Nitrogen- and Carbon Cycles across Scales. In 8th World congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) (pp. 573-574).
van der Molen, M. K., Dolman, A. J., Ciais, P., Eglin, T., Gobron, N., Law, B. E., Meir, P., Peters, P., Philips, O. L., Reichstein, M., Chen, T.
, Dekker, S. C., Doubkova, M., Friedl, M. A., Jung, M., van den Hurk, B. J. J. M., de Jeu, R. A. M., Kruijt, B., Ohta, T., ... Wang, G. (2011).
Drought and ecosystem carbon cycling.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
151(7), 765-773., E. I., de Boer, H. J., Dekker, S. C., Dilcher, D. L.
, Lotter, A. F., & Wagner-Cremer, F. (2011).
Global CO2 rise leads to reduced maximum stomatal conductance in Florida vegetation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
108(10), 4035-4040. Dermody, B., de Boer, H. J., Bierkens, M. F. P., Weber, S. L., Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2011).
Revisiting the humid Roman Hypothesis: novel analyses depict oscillating patterns.
Climate of the Past Discussions,
7(4), 2355-2389. de Boer, H. J., Lammertsma, E. I., Wagner-Cremer, F., Dilcher, D. L.
, Wassen, M. J., & Dekker, S. C. (2011).
Reply to Miglietta et al.: Maximal transpiration controlled by plants.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
108(28), E276. 2010
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Brovkin, V., Fraedrich, K., Wassen, M. J., & Rietkerk, M. G. (2010). Biogeophysical feedbacks trigger shifts in the modelled vegetation-atmosphere system at multiple scales. Biogeosciences, 7(4), 1237-1245.
Bezemer, T. M., Fountain, M. T., Barea, J. M., Christensen, S.
, Dekker, S. C., Duyts, H., van Hal, R., Harvey, J. A., Hedlund, K., Maraun, M., Mikola, J., Mladenov, A. G., Robin, C.
, de Ruiter, P. C., Scheu, S., Setala, H., Smilauer, P., & van der Putten, W. H. (2010).
Divergent composition but similar function of soil food webs of individual plants: Plant species and community effects.
91(10), 3027-3036., S., Bonanomi, G., Giannino, F., Incerti, G.
, Dekker, S. C., & Rietkerk, M. G. (2010).
Modelling the effects of litter decomposition on tree diversity patterns.
Ecological Modelling,
221(23), 2784-2792.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rietkerk, M. G., Brovkin, V., van Bodegom, P. M., Claussen, M.
, Dekker, S. C., Dijkstra, H. A., Goryachkin, S. V., Kabat, P., van Nes, E. H., Neutel, A. M., Nicholson, S. E., Nobre, C., Petoukhov, V., Provenzale, A., Scheffer, M., & Seneviratne, S. I. (2009).
Local ecosystem feedbacks and critical transitions in the climate.
Biogeosciences Discussions,
6(5), 10121-10136. Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Brovkin, V., Fraedrich, K.
, Wassen, M. J., & Rietkerk, M. G. (2009).
Biogeophysical feedbacks trigger shifts in teh modelled climate stystem at multiple scales.
Biogeosciences Discussions,
6, 10983-11004. Hettinga, W., Junginger, H. M., Dekker, S. C., Hoogwijk, M., McAloon, A., & Hicks, K. (2009). Understanding the reductions in US corn ethanol production costs: an experience curve approach. Energy Policy, 37(1), 190-203.
van Bodegom, P. M., Dekker, S. C., Wassen, M. J., & Witte, J. P. M. (2009). Geen adaptiestrategie zonder een klimaatbestendige ecohydrologie. Een verkennend onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden om de biodiversiteit in Nederland onder een ander klimaat te voorspellen. (KVK 005-09 ed.) Unknown Publisher.
Overige resultaten
Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M. G., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2009). Climate-vegetation feedback. Poster session presented at Poster presentation at Darwin Days of the Darwin Center for Biogeosciences, Veldhoven, the Netherlands.
Mazzoleni, S., Bonanomi, G., Giannino, F., Dekker, S. C., & Rietkerk, M. G. (2009). Litter decomposition as a driver of species diversity: a simple model for a complex problem. Poster session presented at Poster presentation at Italian Society of Ecology, Bolzano, Italy.
Dekker, S. C., Elkington, R. J., & Vrugt, J. A. (2009).
Significant Variation of Vegetation Characteristics and Dynamics from Ecohydrological Optimality of Net Carbon Profit. Paper presented at Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 11, EGU 2009-6741. EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. Donders, T. H., de Boer, H. J., Finsinger, W., Grimm, E. C., Dekker, S. C., Reichart, G.-J., & Wagner-Cremer, F. (2009). Origin and magnitude of low latitude terrestrial precipitation and temperature anomalies during Heinrich events and deglaciation.. EGU2009-2302. Abstract from EGU General Assembley 2009, Vienna, Austria.
de Boer, H. J., Dekker, S. C., & Wassen, M. J. (2009).
Combining intermediate complexity models and seasonal palaeo records: how to deal with model and climate variability?. Paper presented at Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.11, EGU 2009-2922. EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Rietkerk, M. G., & Wassen, M. J. (2009).
Climate-Vegetation feedbacks at different scales. Paper presented at Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 11, EGU 2009-1196. EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. 2008
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hettinga, W. G., Junginger, H. M., Dekker, S. C., Hoogwijk, M. M., McAloon, A., & Hicks, K. B. (2008). Understanding the Reductions in U.S. Corn Ethanol Production Costs: An Experience Curve Approach. Energy Policy, 37(1), 190-203.
Holtkamp, R., Kardol, P., ter Wal, A., Dekker, S. C., van der Putten, W. H., & de Ruiter, P. C. (2008). Soil food web structure during ecosystem development after land abandonment. Applied Soil Ecology, 39(1), 23-34.
Rietkerk, M. G., Dekker, S. C., & van de Koppel, J. (2008). De eenvoudigste verklaring is het elegantst. Weerwoord. Landschap, 25(1), 48-49.
Dekker, S. C., Duel, H., van Egmond, N. D., Molen, D. T., Smit, A. A. H., & Wassen, M. J. (2008). Visievorming over landschapsontwikkeling. Waar blijven de provincies? Landschap, 25(4), 195-201.
Dekker, S. C., & Louwman, P. A. (2008). Het Honours Programme bij departement IMW. Questa, 2007/2008(1), 11-14.
Overige resultaten
Donders, T. H., de Boer, H. J., Dekker, S. C., Grimm, E. C., Finsinger, W., & Wagner-Cremer, F. (2008). Origin and magnitude of low latitude terrestrial precipitation and temperature anomalies during Heinrich events and deglaciation.. 67. Abstract from 12th International Palynological Congress / 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dekker, S. C. (2007). Bewogen aarde- aardkundig erfgoed in Nederland. Landschap, 2007-2, 67-67.
Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M. G., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2007). Coupling microscale vegetation-soil water and macroscale vegetation-precipitation feedbacks in semiarid ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 34(LO2402), 671-678.
Dekker, S. C., van de Koppel, J., & Rietkerk, M. (2007). Landschapspatronen door zelf-organisatie. Landschap, 3, 127-134.
Mazzoleni, S., Bonanomi, G., Giannino, F., Rietkerk, M., & Dekker, S. C. (2007). Is plant biodiversity driven by decomposition processes? An emerging new theory on plant diversity. Community Ecology, 8(1), 103-109.
Dekker, S. C., & Louwman, P. A. (2007). Het Honours Programme bij het departement IMW. Questa, 1, 11-14.
Overige resultaten
Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M. G., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2007). Climate-Vegetation Feedback. Poster session presented at Annual Conference Darwin Centre, posterabstract pp 42, Veldhoven.
Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M. G., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2007). Synergy of positive vegetation-water feedbacks at disperate scales: microscale water-vegetation feedback and macroscale land-atmosphere interaction. Abstract from European Geophysical Union 15-20 April 2007, Vienna-EGU.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vrugt, J. A., Nuallán, B. O., Robinson, B. A., Bouten, W., Dekker, S. C., & Sloot, P. M. A. (2006). Application of parallel computing to stochastic parameter estimation in environmental models. Computers and Geosciences, 32, 1139-1155.
Vrugt, J. A., Gupta, H. V.
, Dekker, S. C., Sorooshian, S., Wagener, T., & Bouten, W. (2006).
Application of stochastic parameter optimization to the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting model.
Journal of Hydrology,
325, 288-307., M. B., Rietkerk, M. G., Dekker, S. C., de Ruiter, P. C., & van der Putten, W. H. (2006). Accumulation of local pathogens: a new hypothesis to explain exotic plant invasion. Oikos, 114(1), 168-176.
Overige resultaten
Dekker, S. C., Rietkerk, M., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2006). Synergy of positive vegetation-water feedbacks at disparate scales: Microscale water-vegetation feedback and macro-scale land-atmosphere interaction. Abstract from 2006 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, San Francisico.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dekker, S. C., Scheu, S., Setala, H., Szanser, M., & Traas, T. P. (2005). Towards a new generation of dynamical decomposer food web model. In P. C. de Ruiter, V. Wolters, & J. C. Moore (Eds.), Dynamic food webs (pp. 258-266). (Theoretical Ecology Series). Elsevier.
Dekker, S. C., & Rietkerk, M. G. (2005). Comment on 'Multiple equilibrium states and the abrupt transtions in a dynamical system of soil water ineracting with vegetation' by X. Zeng et al. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L09402.
Bonanomi, G., Rietkerk, M. G., Dekker, S. C., & Mazzoleni, S. (2005). Negative plant-soil feedback and positive species interaction in a herbaceous plant community. Plant Ecology, 181, 269-278.
Schröter, D., & Dekker, S. C. (2005). Decomposer food webs of an European forest transect: the impact of nitrogen depositon. In P. C. de Ruiter, V. Wolters, & J. C. Moore (Eds.), Dynamic food webs (pp. 223-234). (Theoretical Ecology Series). Elsevier.
Dekker, S. C., Barendregt, A., Bootsma, M. C., & Schot, P. P. (2005). Modelling hydrological management for the restoration of acidified floating fens. Hydrological Processes, 19, 3973-3984.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Schot, P. P., Dekker, S. C., & Poot, A. (2004). The dynamic form of rainwater lenses in drained fens. Journal of Hydrology, 293, 74-84.
Rietkerk, M. G., Dekker, S. C., de Ruiter, P. C., & van de Koppel, J. (2004). Self-organized patchiness and catastrophic shifts in ecosystems. Science, 305, 1926-1929.
Rietkerk, M. G., Dekker, S. C., Wassen, M. J., Verkroost, A. W. M., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2004). A putative mechanism for Bog Patterning. American Naturalist, 163(5), 699-708.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vrugt, J. A., Dekker, S. C., & Bouten, W. (2003). Identification of rainfall interception model parameters from measurements of throughfall and forest canopy storage. Water Resources Research, 39(9).
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vrugt, J. A., Bouten, W., Dekker, S. C., & Musters, P. A. D. (2002). Transpiration dynamics of an Austrian Pine stand and its forest floor: identifying controlling conditions using artificial neural netwerks. Advances in Water Resources, 25(3), 293-303.
Dekker, S. C., & Weerts, A. H. (2002). Terug naar handmatig kalibreren? Verdere integratie van meten en modelleren binnen de hydrologie. Stromingen, 8, 33-44.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dekker, S. C., Bouten, W., & Bosveld, F. C. (2001). On the information content of forest transpiration measurements for identifying canopy conductance model parameters. Hydrological Processes, 15, 2821-2832.
Dekker, S. C., & van der Lee, G. E. M. (2001). Strategie om ecologische modellen te toetesn. Landschap, 18, 285-290.
Dekker, S. C., Bouten, W., & Schaap, M. G. (2001). Analysing forest transpiration model errors with artificial neural netwerks. Journal of Hydrology, 246, 197-208.
van Wijk, M. T., Dekker, S. C., Bouten, W., Kohsiek, W., & Mohren, G. M. J. (2001). Simulation of carbon and water budgets of a Douglas-fir forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 145, 229-241.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tobon-Marin, C., Bouten, W., & Dekker, S. C. (2000). Forest floor water dynamics and root water uptake in four forest ecosystems in Northwest Amazonia. Journal of Hydrology, 237, 169-183.
van Wijk, M. T., Dekker, S. C., Bouten, W., Bosveld, F. C., Kohsiek, W., Kramer, K., & Mohren, G. M. J. (2000). Modeling daily gas exchange of a douglas-fir forest: comparison of three stomatal conductance models with and without a soil water stress function. Tree Physiology, 20, 115-122.
Dekker, S. C., Bouten, W., & Verstraten, J. M. (2000). Modelling forest transpiration from different perspectives. Hydrological Processes, 14, 251-260.
Dekker, S. C. (2000). Modelling and Monitoring Forest Evapotranspiration: Behaviour, Concepts and Parameters. University of Amsterdam.