Prof. dr. S. (Sjaak) Brinkkemper

Software Production

The overall research theme is: Product Software: Methodology of Development, Implementation and Entrepreneurship. In essence, we study the implications of market conditions on software development methods and processes. The research theme has 3 main research lines:

  1. Development Methodology: Development of new product releases comprises processes for requirements management, product architectures, functional and technical design, realization, testing, configuration management, releasing, and deployment. Improved methods, techniques and tools for these development processes are proposed in an overall perspective of an appropriate corporate knowledge infrastructure. Furthermore, precisely defined concepts aid in establishing this research field of product software within the information and computer sciences.
  2. Implementation and Adoption: Theories and models for the organisational implementation and for the user adoption of software products are studied in the everyday reality of ICT usage through high quality empirical survey methods. We have studied mass market adoption of internet technologies, such as broadband, wireless grids, and HDTV using composite research methods of surveys, diaries and focus groups.III.
  3. Entrepreneurship in ecosystems: Starting a product software company is relatively easy, but continuing the enterprise in a solid and sustainable manner is extremely difficult. We investigate establishments and behavioral patterns of networks of software companies, the so-called software ecosystems. Interactions between ecosystem partners are multimodal and provide complex dependencies to be researched.
  • Best paper awards for several papers. 
  • Keynote address given at several conferences. 
  • IFIP Silver Core Medal. 
  • Steering committee CaiSE, ECIS, ICSOB, IWSPM.
Organisatie en Informatie - Software Production