Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Du, K., Avrutin, S., & Chen, A. (2022).
Building bridges: The role of prosody in Mandarin-speaking adults' and children's anaphora resolution. In
Proc. Speech Prosody 2022 (pp. 77-81). ISCA-INST SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC. Kotsolakou, A., Wijnen, F., & Avrutin, S. (2022). The Role of Pauses and Entropy in Learning Nonadjacent Dependencies.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Radulescu, S., Kotsolakou, A., Wijnen, F., Avrutin, S., & Grama, I. (2021).
Fast but Not Furious. When Sped Up Bit Rate of Information Drives Rule Induction.
Frontiers in Psychology,
12, 1-20. Article 661785. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Xie, Y., Avrutin, S., & Coopmans, P. H. A. (2020). Development of Syntax-Discourse Interface Knowledge in 3- to 6-Year-Old Mandarin Chinese Speaking Children. In M. M. Brown, & A. Kohut (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Boston University Conference on Language Development (Vol. 2, pp. 738-748). Cascadilla Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Xie, Y., Avrutin, S., & Coopmans, P. H. A. (2019). Development of the Syntax-Discourse Interface knowledge in 3-6 year old Mandarin Chinese Children. Poster session presented at Boston university conference on language development (BUCLD 44), Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Xie, Y., Avrutin, S., & Coopmans, P. H. A. (2019). Mandarin-Chinese Speaking Children’s Acquisition of Definiteness and Specificity. Poster session presented at International conference on the acquisition of information structure, Leuven, Belgium.
Avrutin, S. (2019). What do journalists, children and brain damaged patients have in common?. Paper presented at International conference on linguistics and literature, Athens, Greece.
Avrutin, S. (2019). Wave Interference, Entropy, and Speech Production / Comprehension Asymmetry. Paper presented at International conference on literature, languages and linguistics, Barcelona, Spain.
Avrutin, S. (2019). Wave Interference, Entropy and the Speech Production / Comprehension Asymmetry. Paper presented at Emlar XV, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., Radulescu, S., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2018). How to analyze a sample with few data points per participant in a familiarization paradigm in artificial grammar learning?. Poster session presented at Small Sample Size Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Avrutin, S., Wijnen, F. N. K., Radulescu, S., & Gervain, J. (2018). Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. Paper presented at fNIRC, Tokyo, Japan.
Avrutin, S., Wijnen, F. N. K., Radulescu, S., & Giannopoulou, E. (2018). Item-bound vs Category-based Generalizations. An entropy model. Poster session presented at Architecture and mechanisms of Language Processing conference, Berlin, Germany.
Avrutin, S., Wijnen, F. N. K., Radulescu, S., & Murali, M. (2018). When Attention Distraction Helps Rule Induction. Paper presented at Architecture and mechanisms of Language Processing conference, Berlin, Germany.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., Neophytou, K., & van Egmond, M. (2017).
Zipf's law in aphasia across languages: A comparison of English, Hungarian and Greek.
Quantitative linguistics,
24(2-3), 178-196 . Blom, W. B. T., van Dijk, C., Vasic, N., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Avrutin, S. (2017).
Textese and use of texting by children with typical language development and Specific Language Impairment.
Computers in Human Behavior,
66, 42-51. Populariserende publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2017). Introduction to Psikhologicheskie Aspekty Emigratzii.
Overige resultaten
Radulescu, S., Avrutin, S., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2017). Statistical learning and cognitive constraints on rule induction. An entropy model. Poster session presented at Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning 2017, Bilbao, Spain.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Radulescu, S., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Avrutin, S. (2016). Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model. Abstract from 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Gainesville, Florida, United States.
van Dijk, C. N., van Witteloostuijn, M., Vasic, N., Avrutin, S., & Blom, E. (2016).
The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Executive Functions in Primary School Children.
PLoS One,
11(3), Article e0152409. Vakpublicaties
Blom, W. B. T., Avrutin, S., van Dijk, C. N., Vasic, N., & van Witteloostuijn, M. T. G. (2016).
Is er een verband tussen het gebruik van texting-taal en taalontwikkeling bij kinderen tussen de 10 en 13 jaar? Levende Talen Tijdschrift,
17(2), 3-12. 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Radulescu, S., Avrutin, S., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2015). Input complexity and Rule induction. An entropy model. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing
Overige resultaten
Avrutin, S. (2015, Dec 5). An indecent nature of Russian reflexives and what children know about it. A keynote presentation at the workshop on acquisition of Slavic Languages; Potsdam, Germany.
Radulescu, S., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Avrutin, S. (2015). Input complexity and rule induction. An entropy model. Paper presented at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Valletta, Malta.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., Bos, L. S., Dragoy, O., Iskra, E., & Bastiaanse, R. (2014).
Understanding discourse-linked elements in aphasia: a threefold study in Russian.
57, 20-28. Overige resultaten
Avrutin, S., van Egmond, M., & Neophytou, K. (2014). Word frequency distributions in aphasic speech across languages. Paper presented at 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom.
Avrutin, S., & van Egmond, M. (2014). Defying Zipf's law. Poster session presented at International Quantitative Linguistics Conference (QUALICO) , Olomoutz, Czech Republic.
Avrutin, S., & van Egmond, M. (2014). Defying Zipf’s law. Poster session presented at Mental Lexicon Conference , Niagara-on-the Lake, Canada.
Radulescu, S., Avrutin, S., & Wijnen, F. (2014). Limits and variations of linguistic generalizations. Poster session presented at 20th AMLaP conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., & Baauw, S. (2013). A processing view on agrammatism. In L. L. Cheng, & N. Corver (Eds.), Diagnosing Syntax (pp. 397-411). Oxford University Press.
Overige resultaten
Bastiaanse, Y. R. M., Dragoy, O., Avrutin, S., Iskra, E., & Bos, L. (2013). Discourse-linking in agrammatic and fluent aphasia. Poster session presented at Academy of Aphasia, Lucerne, Switzerland.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., van Egmond, M., & van Ewijk, E. (2012). Zipf's law in non-fluent aphasia. Paper presented at 13th International Science of Aphasia conference, Groninen, Netherlands.
Avrutin, S., van Egmond, M., & van Ewijk, E. (2012). Zipf's law in aphasia.. Paper presented at Neuropsycholinguistic perspectives on aphasia., Toulouse, France.
Avrutin, S., van Egmond, M., & van Ewijk, E. (2012). Zipf's law in non-fluent aphasia. Paper presented at Qualico (Belgrade, Serbia).
Avrutin, S., Reuland, E. J., & Manika, S. (2012). The bits of dependencies. Poster session presented at GLOW 35 Workshop, Potsdam, Germany.
Avrutin, S. (2012). Lexical access in language impairment and special registers: An information – theoretic approach.. Paper presented at Lexical access in language impairment and special registers: An information – theoretic approach., Verona, Italy.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., & Schumacher, P. B. (2011). Register Affects Language Comprehension: ERP evidence from article omission in newspaper headlines. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 24, 304. Article 3.
Baauw, S., Zuckerman, S., Ruigendijk, M. E., & Avrutin, S. (2011). Principle B Delays as a processing problem: evidence from task effects. In A. Grimm, A. Muller, C. Hamann, & M. E. Ruigendijk (Eds.), Production-Comprehension Asymmetries in Child Language Mouton de Gruyter.
Koornneef, A. W., Avrutin, S., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Reuland, E. J. (2011). Tracking the preference for bound-variable dependencies in ambiguous ellipses and only-structures. In J. Runner (Ed.), Experiments at the interfaces. (Syntax and Semantics; No. 37). Emerald.
Ruigendijk, M. E., Baauw, S., Zuckerman, S., Vasic, N., de Lange, J., & Avrutin, S. (2011). A cross-linguistic study on the interpretation of pronouns by children and agrammatic speakers: Evidence from Dutch, Spanish and Italian. In E. Gibson, & N. J. Pearlmutter (Eds.), The Processing and Acquisition of Reference MIT Press.
Overige resultaten
van Egmond, M., van Ewijk, E., & Avrutin, S. (2011). A new theoretical model for word-finding difficulties in aphasia.. 175-176. Abstract from Unknown event.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Baauw, S., Ruigendijk, M. E., Cuetos, F.
, & Avrutin, S. (2010).
The interpretation of stressed and non-stressed pronouns in Spanish language breakdown.
Aphasiology, (iFirst), 1-23. Reuland, E. J., & Avrutin, S. (2010). Interpretive dependencies: The case of backward anaphora. Linguistic Analysis, 34(3-4), 271-315.
Burkhardt, P., Pinango, M-M., Ruigendijk, M. E., & Avrutin, S. (2010). Reference assignment in Dutch: Evidence for the syntax-discourse divide. Lingua, 120, 1738-1763.
Overige resultaten
Avrutin, S. (2010). An information theoretic view on language development and language loss. Utrecht University.
Avrutin, S., De Bode, S., Tribushinina, E., & Vasic, N. (2010). When one hemisphere works for two: Language tasks following hemispherectomy. Poster session presented at NCU Research Day, Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2009). A cross-linguistic study on the interpretation of pronouns by children and agrammatic speakers: Evidence from Dutch, Spanish, and Italian. In T. Gibson, & N. Perlmutter (Eds.), The Processing and Acquisition of Reference MIT Press.
Avrutin, S., de Lange, J., & Vasic, N. (2009). Reading between (head)lines: A processing account of article omissions in newspaper headlines and child speech. Lingua, 10(119), 1523-1540.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., Burkhardt, P., Pinango, M., & Ruigendijk, E. (2008). Slower-Than-Normal Syntactic Processing in Agrammatic Broca's Aphasia: Evidence From Dutch. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21(2), 120-137.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2007). The economy hierarchy of referential dependencies in child language: evidence from Dutch VP-ellipsis. In K. J Deen, & J. Nomura (Eds.), Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition - North America (GALANA), Honolulu, HI. University of Connecticut Occasional Papers in Linguistics
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2006). Weak syntax. In Y. Grodzinsky, & K. Amunts (Eds.), Broca's region (pp. 49-62). Oxford University Press.
Avrutin, S. (2006). The usability of syntax. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 27(1), 43-46.
Avrutin, S., Vasic, N., & Ruigendijk, E. (2006). Interpretation of pronouns in VP-ellipsis constructions in Dutch Broca's and Wernicke'a aphasics. Brain and Language, 96(2), 191-206.
Avrutin, S., Ruigendijk, E., & Vasic, N. (2006). Reference assignment: Using language breakdown to choose between theoretical approaches. Brain and Language, 96(3), 302-317.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2005). Binding and beyond: Issues in backward anaphora. In A. Branco (Ed.), Anaphora Processing (pp. 139-162). John Benjamins Publishing.
Avrutin, S. (2005). Psycholinguistic investigations of linguistic dependencies. In M. Everaert (Ed.), Linguistics and The Study of the Mind (pp. 15-26). UiL OTS.
Avrutin, S. (2005). Optional omissions in an optionally null subject language. In J. van Kampen, & S. Baauw (Eds.), Proceedings of the GALA conference (pp. 187-198). LOT occasional series.
Ruigendijk, M. E., Burkhardt, P., & Avrutin, S. (2005). Slow sentence processing in agrammatic Broca's aphasia: evidence from Dutch reflexive-antecedent dependencies. Brain and Language, (95), 84-85.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2004). Backward anaphora and tense interpretation. In L. Verbitskaya, & T. Tchernigovskaya (Eds.), Teoreticheskie Problemy Jazykoznanija ('Theoretical Issues in Language Research') (pp. 67-93). St. Petersburg University.
Avrutin, S. (2004). Optional omissions in an optionaly null subject language. In J. van Kampen, & S. Baauw (Eds.), Proceedings of the GALA conference (pp. 187-198). LOT.
Avrutin, S. (2004). Optionality in child and aphasic speech. Lingue e Linguaggio, 1(1), 67-93.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Ruigendijk, M. E., & Avrutin, S. (Accepted/In press). The comprehension of pronouns and reflexives in agrammatic and Wernicke's aphasia. Brain and Language, 87, 17-18.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Ruigendijk, M. E., Vasic, N., & Avrutin, S. (2002). The comprehension of pronouns and contrastive stress in Dutch agrammatism. Brain and Language, 83(1), 182-184.
Baauw, S., de Roo, E., & Avrutin, S. (2002). Determiner Omission in Language Acquisition and Language Impairement: Syntactic an Discourse Factors. In B. Skarabela, S. Fish, A. Do, L. Dominguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), BUCLD 26: Proceedings of the 26th annual Conference on Langauge Acquisition and Development (pp. 24-35). Cascadilla Press.
de Roo, E., Baauw, S., Avrutin, S., & Hofstede, B. (2002). Determiner omission in the speech production of Broca aphasics and young children: structural and lexical factors. Brain & Language, 83, 47-49.
Zuckerman, S., Vasic, N., & Avrutin, S. (2002). The Syntax-Discourse Interface and the Interpretation of Pronominals by Dutch-Speaking Children. In B. Skarabela, S. Fish, & A. Do (Eds.), BUCLD 26: Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on language acquisition and development (pp. 781-792). Cascadilla Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S. (2001). Linguistics and agrammatism. Glot international, 5(3), 1-11.
Avrutin, S., Haverkort, M., & van Hout, A. M. H. (2001). Brain and Language. Academic Press Inc.
Avrutin, S., & Brun, D. (2001). The expression of specificity in a language without determiners: Evidence from Child Russian. In A. H-J. Do, L. Domínguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 70-81). Cascadilla Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., & Wexler, K. (2000). Children's knowledge of subjunctive clauses: obviation, binding and reference. Language Acquisition, 1(8), 69-102.
Avrutin, S. (2000). Language acquisition and language impairment: a comparative psycholinguistic approach. Brain and Language, 1(71), 7-9.
Avrutin, S. (2000). The syntax-discourse interface and the Root Infinitives. In H. Bennis, M. B. H. Everaert, & E. J. Reuland (Eds.), Interface Strategies (pp. 1-20). Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Avrutin, S., & Coopmans, P. H. A. (2000). Children Who Build Bridges. In S. C. Howell, S. A. Fish, & T. Keith-Lucas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 80-91). Cascadilla Press.
Avrutin, S. (Accepted/In press). Comprehension of discourse-linked and non-discourse-linked questions by children and Broca's aphasics. In Y. Grodzinsky, L. Shapiro, & D. Swinney (Eds.), Language and the Brain (pp. 295-313). Academic Press Inc..
Avrutin, S. (2000). Comprehension of discourse-linked and non-discours-linked questions by children and Broca's aphasics. In Y. Grodzinsky, L. Shapiro, & D. Swinney (Eds.), Language and the Brain (pp. 295-313). Academic Press Inc..
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., Lubarsky, S., & Greene, J. (1999). Comprehension of Contrastive Stress by Agrammatic Broca's Aphasics. Brain and Language, 70, 163-186.
Avrutin, S. (1999). Development of the Syntax-Discourse Interface. Kluwer.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Avrutin, S., & Philip, W. C. H. (1998). Quantification in Agrammatic Aphasia. In MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, MA (pp. 63-72). MIT.
Avrutin, S. (1998). Usvoenie jazyka ('Language Acquisition'). In A. Kubrik, I. Kobozeva, & I. Sekerina (Eds.), Fundamental'nye Napravlenija Sovremennoj Amerikanskoj Lingvistiki (Fundamental Trends of Modern American Linguistics) (pp. 17). Moscow University Press.