Robert McDonald MSc

Physical Oceanography
Sectie Entrepreneurship

Robert McDonald is a PhD candidate at the Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.). His research interests revolve around the fields of innovation, agrifood, and complexity theory. Robert applies these interests to the theoretical development on entrepreneurial ecosystems and sustainable transitions.

Utrecht School of Economics (U.S.E.)

Robert currently works as a researcher at the Utrecht University School of Economics. Prior to beginning his PhD, he worked as a Junior Lecturer for several years at the economics school. Robert has lectured on the programmes: Economics and Business Economics and Philosophy, Politics and Economics, alongside giving guest lectures as part of the Interdisciplinary Course Food 4 Health & Safety (F4HS).


Centre for Complex Systems Studies (CCSS)

Robert's research interests revolve around system dynamics and complexity theory. Before working as a researcher, Robert has also worked within the Centre for Complex System Studies for several years. Lecture themes that were organised by Robert have included: Transitions within Complex Systems, Complexity and Society, Scaling in Complex Systems and Complex Systems Views on Fundamental Issues. The centre regularly hosts events, and previous lectures can be found on YouTube. Robert currently works within the Young Complexity Researchers of Utrecht (YCRU) group, and has co-chaired the group.