Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huizinga, R., & Hoven, B. V. (2024). Gill Valentine. In Key Thinkers of Space and Place (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
Zill, M., Varró, K., Fiore, E., Huizinga, R., & Sampaio, D. (2024).
Teaching gender under the rise of postfeminism: Re-integrating feminist perspectives into the Dutch undergraduate geography curriculum.
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies,
27(2/3), 218-236. Huizinga, R., & van Liempt, I. (2024).
“It’s not that I dont like it here, it’s just that I eventually want to live somewhere else”: young refugees’ contested arrival experiences, local racialized discourses and emergent future selves in Amsterdam.
Urban Geography. Advance online publication. Huizinga, R. P. (2024).
“We’re not that much different from you!”: navigating positions of betweenness to explore solidarity, care and vulnerability in refugee and forced migration research.
Social and Cultural Geography,
25(4), 620-638. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huizinga, R. P. (2022).
Carving out a space to belong: young Syrian men negotiating patriarchal dividend, (in)visibility and (mis)recognition in the Netherlands.
Ethnic and Racial Studies. Huizinga, R. P. (2022).
Making Home in Forced Displacement: young Syrian men navigating everyday geographies of migration, belonging and masculinities in the Netherlands. Kapinga, L.
, Huizinga, R., & Shaker, R. (2022).
Reflexivity through positionality meetings: religion, muslims and ‘non-religious’ researchers.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology,
25(1), 103-117.
Huizinga, R., Hopkins, P., de Backer, M., Finlay, R., Kirndorfer, E., Kox, M., Bastian, J., Benwell, M., Felten, P., Haack, L., Horschelmann, K.
, & van Liempt, I. (2022).
Researching refugee youth. Royal Geographical Society. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huizinga, R. P., & Hoven, B. V. (2021).
Hegemonic masculinities after forced migration: Exploring relational performances of Syrian refugee men in The Netherlands.
Gender, Place & Culture,
28(8), 1151-1173. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hoven, B. V., Huizinga, R., & Hopkins, P. (2020). Masculinities. In A. Kobayashi (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition ed., Vol. Fourteen, pp. 433-437)
Huizinga, R. P., & Valk, H. A. G. D. (2020). Between self, family and society: Syrian male perspectives on intimate partner relationship negotiation in The Netherlands.
Huizinga, R. P. (2020). Off the beaten track: The walking interview as a novel research method in refugee studies. Feministische GeoRundmail.
Huizinga, R. P. (2020). Inburgering Syriërs moet rekening houden met mannelijkheid. Sociale Vraagstukken.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huizinga, R. P. (2019). Maak plekken centraal in de hervestiging van Syrische statushouders. Sociale Vraagstukken.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties