Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R., & Keppy, P. (Eds.) (2024). Ex-combatants and contentious politics. Manuscript in preparation.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Purwanto, B., Frakking, R., Wahid, A., van Klinken, G., Eickhoff, M., Yulianti, & Hoogenboom, I. (Eds.) (2023). Revolutionary Worlds: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949. Amsterdam University Press.
Frakking, R. (Accepted/In press). ‘“Independence or Death”? Rank and File Recruitment, Ideology and Desertion During the Wars of Decolonization in Indonesia and Malaysia, ca. 1945-1950’. In G. Curless, & M. Thomas (Eds.), Oxford Handbook Understanding Insurgencies Oxford University Press.
Frakking, R. (2023).
Association with the people must be friendly: War against the people and the political partitioning of West Java, 1948. In B. Purwanto, R. Frakking, A. Abdul , G. V. Klinken, M. Eickhoff, & I. Hoogenboom (Eds.),
Revolutionary Worlds: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949 (pp. 275 - 298). Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Academic Archive. Frakking, R. (2023).
The harsher they act, the more fuss there’ll be: Dynamics of violence in South-Sulawesi, 1945-1950. In B. Purwanto, R. Frakking, A. Wahid, G. V. Klinken, M. Eickhoff, & I. Hoogenboom (Eds.),
Revolutionary Worlds : Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949 (pp. 217-245). Amsterdam University Press. Frakking, R., & Wahid, A. (2023).
Introduction. In B. Purwanto, R. Frakking, A. Wahid, G. V. Klinken, M. Eickhoff, & I. Hoogenboom (Eds.),
Revolutionary Worlds : Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949 (pp. 11-31). Amsterdam University Press. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R., & Eickhoff, M. (2022).
Revolutionary Worlds: Legitimacy, Violence and Loyalty During the Indonesian War of Independence. In F. van Vree, G. Oostindie, & B. Schoenmaker (Eds.),
Beyond the Pale: Dutch Extreme Violence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949 (pp. 177-201). Amsterdam University Press. Frakking, R. (2022). Discussant roundtable Exploring the Violent End of European Empires. Paper presented at Exploring the Violent End of European Empires, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Frakking, R., & Thomas, M. (2022).
WINDOWS ONTO THE MICRODYNAMICS OF INSURGENT AND COUNTERINSURGENT VIOLENCE: Evidence from Late Colonial Southeast Asia and Africa Compared. In T. B. Zaalberg, & B. Luttikhuis (Eds.),
Empire's Violent End: Comparing Dutch, British, and French Wars of Decolonization, 1945–1962 (pp. 49-70). Cornell University Press. Frakking, R., & Harinck, C. (2022). Independence or Death? The Logics of Violent Food Power, The Limits of Ideology & People on the Move: Indonesia and Malaysia compared, ca. 1945-1960. Manuscript in preparation. In Independence or Death? The Logics of Violent Food Power, The Limits of Ideology & People on the Move
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R. (2021).
Review -Michelle Gordon, Extreme violence and the ‘British way’: Colonial warfare in Perak, Sierra Leone, and Sudan.
H-Diplo Article Review,
381. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R., & Thomas, M. (2020).
Indrukken van de Microdynamiek van Revolutionair en Contrarevolutionair: Geweld:Bewijs uit Laat-koloniaal Zuidoost-Azië en Afrika Vergeleken.
Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden,
135(2), 111-131. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R. (2019). "Gathered on the Point of a Bayonet”: The Negara Pasundan and the Colonial Defence of Indonesia, 1946-50’. In D. Anderson , & D. Branch (Eds.), Allies at the End of Empire: Loyalists, Nationalists and the Cold War, 1945-1976 (pp. 30-47). Routledge.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R., Thomas, M., Brocades-Zaalberg, T., & Linn, B. (2018). Presenter/discussant in the Presidential Panel with Martin Thomas, Brian Linn and Thijs Brocades-Zaalberg. Landscapes of War and Peace, 85th Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History, Louisville, United States.
Frakking, R. (2018). “I Will Marry Anyone Who Kills Suriakartalegawa”: The Negara Pasundan and Secession in the Indonesian War for Independence, 1945-1950. The Micro-Dynamics of Violence Conference, Oxford University, Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Frakking, R. (2018). ‘Dumb, Stubborn and on the Way to Senility: The International Rise of Indonesia, 1945-1950. Paper presented at The International Dimensions to Insurgencies Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R. (2017). The Plantation as Counterinsurgency Tool: Indonesia 1900-1950’. In G. Curless, & M. Thomas (Eds.), Decolonization and Conflict : Colonial Comparisons and Legacies (pp. 57-78). Bloomsbury Academics.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R. (2014).
Beyond Sticks and Carrots: Local Agency in Counterinsurgency.
Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development,
5(3), 391-415. 2012
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frakking, R. (2012).
‘“Who Wants to Cover Everything, Covers Nothing”: The Organisation of Indigenous Security Forces in Indonesia, 1945-1950’.
Journal of Genocide Research,