With Anne van Mourik (NIOD), 'Dutch Colonial Violence and the Missing Voices of Indonesians' opinion piece, JusticeInfo.net, 10 March 2022.
Interview with Lina Sidarto, 'De Oost Rips Open Dutch Colonial Wounds', Tempo, 31 May 2021.
With Anne van Mourik (NIOD), 'Wijzen naar Goede Bedoelingen Maakt Nederland Onschuldiger als Koloniale Geweldpleger - Ten Onrechte' opinion piece, De Volkskrant, 18 May 2021.
Interview for item on the Dutch colonial past, RTL4, evening news, 13 May 2021.
With Anne van Mourik (NIOD), 'Hoe We Willen Omgaan met het Koloniale Verleden Verdient Zorgvuldige Discussie', Het Parool, 20 December 2020.
With Anne-Lot Hoek, 'Een Nederlands Onderonsje: Indonesië 75 Jaar Onafhankelijk'essay, De Groene Amsterdammer, 4 March 2020.
In de media
'Dutch Colonial Violence and the Missing Voices of Indonesians' - Justice Info (10-03-2022)
Comparing the Wars of Decolonization: Extreme Violence during Re-occupation and Counter-insurgency, 1945-1975 Conference, Netherlands Institute for Advance Studies, Public Library of Amsterdam/Amsterdam University (20-06-2019)