
Dolphijn, R. (2004). Foodscapes: Towards a Deleuzian Ethics of Consumption. Eburon (Distrubuted by University of Chicago Press).
Braidotti, R., & Dolphijn, R. (Eds.) (2017). Philosophy After Nature. Rowman & Littlefield.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary. (Michel Serres and Material Futures). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2011). The New Alimentary Continuum. In R. Negarestani, & R. Mackay (Eds.), Collapse VII: Philosophical Research and Development. Special Issue on Culinary Materialism (pp. 147-174). Urbanomic.
Dolphijn, R. (2011). “Man is ill because he is badly constructed”: Artaud, Klossowski and Deleuze in search for the Earth Inside. Deleuze Studies, 5(1), 18-34.
van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2012). New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies. (New Metaphysics ed.) Open Humanities Press.



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2024). Introduction: Mapping the New Materialist Terra Incognita. In Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms (pp. 29-40). Edinburgh University Press.
Dolphijn, R. (2024). The Land And Us: a diffractive reading of Marx and Serres on “sense” and “the common”. Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 29(4), 98-107.
Jakubiec, J., van den Eijnden, T., Løvbak Berg, L., Amilien, V., Dolphijn, R., & Dahlsveen, M. H. (2024). Imagining Future(s): Mining Literacies of Sustainable Consumption. Oslo Metropolitan University.


Dolphijn, R. (2024). Who Controls the Confusion? On Milk by Marit Shalem. In Shalem, Marit – MILK Walchenbach Art and Books.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R., & Jakubiec, J. (2023). Becoming Geological: Imagining an affirmative otherwise. NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies, 12(1), 349-358.
Dolphijn, R. (2023). Cartesianism and its More-Than-Human Undercurrents: Rethinking Animism with Simondon and Ghosh, Through Metempsychosis and Mumming. In K. Koskentola, & M. van der Loo (Eds.), Enfleshed: Ecologies of Entities and Beings (pp. 143-155). Onomatopee.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2022). Wellevenskunst: (Origin Dutch). In B. Herzogenrath (Ed.), Concepts: A Travelogue (pp. 357–364). Bloomsbury Academic.
Dolphijn, R., & Tsang, T. (2022). Disappearance. In R. Braidotti, E. Jones, & G. Klumbyté (Eds.), More Posthuman Glossary Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2022). Parasite (after Serres). In R. Braidotti (Ed.), More Posthuman Glossary Bloomsbury Academic.
Dolphijn, R. (2022). What is the Matter with Macao? Exploring A Materialist and Nomadic Theory of Game and Play. Critical Gambling Studies, 3(2), 145-151.
Braidotti, R., & Dolphijn, R. (Eds.) (2022). Deleuze and Guattari and Fascism. Edinburgh University Press.
Dolphijn, R. (2022). Filosofie van de materie: een meditatie. Noordboek.
Dolphijn, R. (2022). The In/Visible City: Cinema, Control and Contemporary Hong Kong. In S. S. Das, & A. R. Pratihar (Eds.), Technology, Urban Space and the Networked Community (1 ed., pp. 243-270). Palgrave Macmillan.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2021). While You Were at Home, Confined: Control and Technology After the City. In S. Newman, & T. Topuzovski (Eds.), the Posthuman Pandemic (pp. 141-158). Bloomsbury Academic.
Dolphijn, R. (2021). Doing justice to that which matters: Subjectivity and the politics of New Materialism. In H. Rosa, C. Henning, & A. Bueno (Eds.), Critical Theory and New Materialisms (1 ed., pp. 143-153). Taylor & Francis.
Dolphijn, R. (2021). The Philosophy of Matter: A Meditation. (1 ed.) (Theory in the New Humanities). Bloomsbury Academic.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R., & Amilien, V. (2020). FOOD2GATHER – Negotiating Foodscapes: An Introduction. (SIFO PROJECT NOTE 2-2020 ed.) Consumption Research Norway - SIFO.
Dolphijn, R. (2020). The Non Human, Systems and New Materialism. In M. Rosendahl Thomsen, & J. Wamberg (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism Bloomsbury Academic.
Dolphijn, R. (2020). What the Earth Repeats: Performing the Object, Technology, Art. In K. Dreckmann, M. Butte, & E. Vomberg (Eds.), Technologien des Performativen: Das Theater und seine Techniken (pp. 43-48). (Theater; Vol. 137). transcript Verlag.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2019). "There it is again": On Objects, Technologies, Science and the Times . In J. Loh, & M. Coeckelbergh (Eds.), Feminist Philosophy of Technology (pp. 284-299). Springer.
Dolphijn, R. (2019). Michel Serres. In J. R. Shook (Ed.), Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2019). Who’s afraid of stoicism? the art of healing your world. In Y. Billimore, & J. Koitela (Eds.), Rehearsing Hospitalities Companion 1 (pp. 115-128). Archive Books.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2018). Nowy materializm: Wywiady i kartografie. Machina Myśli.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). – Wywiad z Manuelem DeLandą –: Wszelka materialistyczna filozofia musi przyjąć za swój punkt wyjścia istnienie materialnego świata, który jest niezależny od naszych umysłów. Web publication/site,
Dolphijn, R., & Kjellmark, T. (2018). Technoanimalism. In R. Braidotti, & M. Hlavajova (Eds.), Posthuman Glossary (pp. 423-427). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). Occupy (After Deleuze). In R. Braidotti, & M. Hlavajova (Eds.), Posthuman Glossary (pp. 301-304). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). Ecosophy. In R. Braidotti, & M. Hlavajova (Eds.), Posthuman Glossary (pp. 129-132). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R., & Pigaht, J. (2018). A new culture to suit the world. In R. Dolphijn (Ed.), Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary (pp. 169-177). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). The world, the mat(t)er of thought. In R. Dolphijn (Ed.), Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary (pp. 127-147). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). Introduction: Michel Serres and the times. In R. Dolphijn (Ed.), Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary (pp. 1-11). Bloomsbury.
Dolphijn, R. (2018). Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary. (Michel Serres and Material Futures). Bloomsbury.
van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2018). “Madde hisseder, konuşur, acı çeker, arzular, özler ve anımsar”: Karen Barad ile Röportaj Bölüm. In N. Kurunç (Ed.), Dunyanin Yerlileri


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R., & Braidotti, R. (2017). Introduction: After Nature. In R. Braidotti, & R. Dolphijn (Eds.), Philosophy After Nature (pp. 1-10). Rowman & Littlefield International.
Dolphijn, R. (2017). The Resonance of Disparates: Spinoza, Damasio, Deleuze and the Ecology of Form. In R. Braidotti, & R. Dolphijn (Eds.), Philosophy After Nature (pp. 55-70). Rowman & Littlefield International.
Dolphijn, R. (2017). The Cracks of the Contemporary: (Les esquerdes d’allò contemporani). Artnodes, 19, 16-20.
Braidotti, R., & Dolphijn, R. (Eds.) (2017). Philosophy After Nature. Rowman & Littlefield.


Dolphijn, R. (2017). The Cracks of the Contemporary: The Wound. In Sonic Acts, the Noise of Being (pp. 86-97). Sonic Acts Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2016). Response to Simon O Sullivan. In Feminist Matters
Dolphijn, R. (2016). Speculative Realism: Problems and Prospects. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
Dolphijn, R. (2016). Oedipus als mythe... waar we zo snel mogelijk vanaf moeten: Over Deleuze en Guattari's Anti-Oedipus. In S. Houppermans, & P. Verstraten (Eds.), Oedipus heerst?! (pp. 127-144). (Psychoanalyse en Cultuur; Vol. 7). Garant-Uitgevers.
Dolphijn, R., Cole, D., & Bradley, J. (2016). Fukushima: The Geo-Trauma of a Futural Wave. Trans-Humanities, 9(3), 211-233.
Dolphijn, R. (2016). Critical Naturalism: A Quantum Mechanical Ethics. Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, 2016(30).

Populariserende publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2016). To Realize the Commons. Open: Platform for Art, Culture and the Public Domain.

Overige resultaten

Dolphijn, R. (2016). Philosophy as Geometry. Paper presented at Deleuze Studies in Asia, Seoul, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R., & van der Tuin, I. (2015). The Thresholds Project at Utrecht University: New Materialist Rethinkings of Subjectivity and Objectivity. In Teaching With Feminist Materialisms (pp. 25-38). ATGENDER:The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation.
Dolphijn, R. (2015). The Revelation of a World that was Always Already There: The Creative Act as an Occupation. In This Deleuzian Century: Art Activism Life (pp. 185-206). Rodopi.
Braidotti, R., & Dolphijn, R. (2015). Introduction: Deleuze’s Philosophy and the Art of Life: Or: What does Pussy Riot Know? In R. Braidotti, & R. Dolphijn (Eds.), This Deleuzian Century: Art Activism Life (pp. 13-36). (Faux Titre; Vol. 400). Rodopi.


Dolphijn, R. (2015). This is not the Earth. In SNAE (Vol. 5, pp. 176-180). L.A.P.W..

Overige resultaten

Dolphijn, R. (2015). The History of Matter in Media Studies. Paper presented at Descartes colloquium (Utrecht).
Dolphijn, R. (2015). The Ideal Game. Paper presented at Society for European Philosophy/Forum for European Philosophy annual conference, Kingston University London.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2014). Occupy Nature: Deleuze, Art and the Traumas of the Earth. In Papay gyro nights art festival boogazine exploring an interaction between contemporary art, the place, rituals and folklore (SNAE ; Vol. 2014, No. 3). L.A.P.W..
Dolphijn, R. (2014). De natuurfilosofie van Deleuze en Guattari. Wijsgerig Perspectief, 54(2), 14-21.
Dolphijn, R. (2014). The Intense Exterior. In Performance studies: key words, concepts and theories Palgrave Macmillan.

Overige resultaten

Dolphijn, R. (2014). All ideas are ideas from and to the body: Gilles Deleuze’s rethinking of ethics, politics and aesthetics as a materialist practice: Gilles Deleuze’s rethinking of ethics, politics and aesthetics as a materialist practice. Paper presented at New Materialism Symposium, Melbourne, Australia.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2013). Meatify the Weak! Cannibalism and Postcolonial theory. In R. Slocum, & A. Saldanha (Eds.), Geographies of Race and Food: Fields, Bodies, Markets (pp. H 11). Ashgate.
Dolphijn, R., & van der Tuin, I. (2013). A Thousand Tiny Intersections: Linguisticism, Feminism, Racism and Deleuzian Becomings. In A. Saldanha, & J. M. Adams (Eds.), Deleuze and Race (pp. 129-143). Edinburgh University Press.
Dolphijn, R. (2013). Free the Mouth: Vitalism, Activism and Ecology in Mike Parr's Performances. In SNAE: journal for the experimental arts (pp. 196-203). LAPW.
Dolphijn, R. (2013). Four Thoughts on Spinoza and the Ecology of Form. In E. Joy, & P. L. Bryant (Eds.), O-Zone: Journal for Object Oriented Ontology. Issue 1: Object/ecology Punctum Press.


Haraway, D., & Dolphijn, R. (2013). In verwarring blijven - een interview met Donna Haraway. In Ja Natuurlijk - hoe kunst de wereld redt (pp. 108-115). NAi Uitgevers.
Haraway, D., & Dolphijn, R. (2013). Staying with the Trouble - Interview with Donna Haraway. In Yes Naturally- How Art can Save the World (pp. 108-115). NAi Uitgevers.
Dolphijn, R., & Kasprzak, M. (2013). The Techniques of Existence, Unforeseen (interview with Rick Dolphijn). In M. Kasprzak (Ed.), Speculative Realities (pp. 37-45). V2_ Institute for Unstable Media.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2012). Het Ontsnappende Lichaam: Deleuze's Lichamelijkheid vanuit de Filosofie en de Kunsten. Filosofie, 22(3), 12-16.
Dolphijn, R. (2012). Mapping the Crystals of Life. The Radical Picturesque in Lars Spuybroek's the Sympathy of Things: Ruskin and the Ecology of Design. Esthetica. Tijdschrift voor Kunst en Filosofie.
Dolphijn, R. (2012). Undercurrents and the Desert(ed): Negarestani, Tournier and Deleuze map the poly-tics of a ‘New Earth’. In B. M. Kaiser (Ed.), Postcolonial Literatures and Deleuze: Colonial Pasts, Differential Futures (pp. 199-216). Palgrave Macmillan.
van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2012). New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies. (New Metaphysics ed.) Open Humanities Press.
Dolphijn, R. (2012). Island Life: Undercurrents and the Desert(ed). In SNAE (pp. 124-131)


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2011). “Man is ill because he is badly constructed”: Artaud, Klossowski and Deleuze in search for the Earth Inside. Deleuze Studies, 5(1), 18-34.
Dolphijn, R., & van der Tuin, I. (2011). Pushing Dualism to an Extreme: On the Philosophical Impetus of A New Materialism. Continental Philosophy Review (printversion), 44(4), 383-400.
Dolphijn, R. (2011). The New Alimentary Continuum. In R. Negarestani, & R. Mackay (Eds.), Collapse VII: Philosophical Research and Development. Special Issue on Culinary Materialism (pp. 147-174). Urbanomic.


Dolphijn, R. (2011). Quentin Meillassoux. In B. Ieven, A. van Rooden, M. Schuilenburg, & S. van Tuinen (Eds.), De Nieuwe Franse Filosofie (pp. 82-90). Boom Uitgevers.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2010). To Dance Life. Inflexions, 4, 164-182.
Dolphijn, R. (2010). Care, Cure or Control: a Politics of Dietetics. In D. Hoopes, & D. Ruez (Eds.), disClosure: a Journal of Social Theory
van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2010). The Transversality of New Materialism. Women : a cultural review, 21(2), 153-171.
Dolphijn, R. (2010). Cultural Studies. In R. L. II. Jackson (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Philosophy SAGE.
Dolphijn, R. (2010). Mediation. In R. L. II. Jackson (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Identity SAGE.
Dolphijn, R. (2010). Nomadology. In R. L. II. Jackson (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Identity SAGE.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R., & Zurita, V. (2009). Appetite Forever. Inflexions, 2(2).

Populariserende publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2009). Wij Victorianen. In SV Contact Jaarboek 2008-2009 (pp. 88-89). Studievereniging Contact.
Dolphijn, R. (2009). Laat Plasterk naar de financien kijken. NRC-Handelsblad.

Overige resultaten

van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2009). Seminar Contemporary Cultural Theory. Paper presented at Unknown event, Asilomar, USA.
Dolphijn, R. (2009). What's Eating Amsterdam?. Paper presented at symposium, Amsterdam.



Dolphijn, R. (2008). On Two City Forms. In J. Brearley (Ed.), Network Cities, and their Chinese Applications Dalian University Press in conjunction with Shanghai Shuyi Limited.

Overige resultaten

van der Tuin, I., & Dolphijn, R. (2008). Seminar Contemporary Cultural Theory. Paper presented at Unknown event, Asilomar, USA.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2007). An Apprenticeship in Resistance: May '68 and the Power of Vincennes (Université de Paris VIII). New Horizons in Education, 55(3), 22-33.
Dolphijn, R. (2007). Media Power (Per)Formed: the Strategies of Communication Technology and their Consequences to the Built Environment. In D. Macedo, & S. R. Steinberg (Eds.), Media Literacy: a Reader (pp. 140-148). Peter Lang .
Dolphijn, R. (2007). Filosofieonderwijs na mei '68: Herdenken van Vincennes (Université de Paris VIII). Krisis, 8(4), 52-64.
Dolphijn, R. (2007). Media Power (Per)Formed: the Strategies of Communication Technology and their Consequences to the Built Environment. In S. Steinbergh, & D. Macedo (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Media Literacy (pp. 140-148). Peter Lang .


Dolphijn, R. (2007). Terug naar de toekomst: de rol van de docent binnen het Nieuwe Leren. Onderwijs Innovatie, 9(3), 14-16.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2006). An Aesthetics of the Mouth: Creativity Between the Culinary and the Arts. Angelaki, 179-188.


Dolphijn, R. (2006). Capitalism on a Plate: the Politics of Meat Eating in Bangalore, India. Gastronomica, 52-59.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dolphijn, R. (2004). Foodscapes: Towards a Deleuzian Ethics of Consumption. Eburon (Distrubuted by University of Chicago Press).