Dr. R. (Remco) Dalebout

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Kamer 4.19
3584 CG Utrecht

Dr. R. (Remco) Dalebout

Onderzoeks- en onderwijsmedewerker
Materials Chemistry and Catalysis
06 53 255 217



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mockenhaupt, B., Özcan, F., Dalebout, R., Mangelsen, S., Machowski, T., de Jongh, P. E., & Behrens, M. (2022). Cu-Co/ZnAl2O4 Catalysts for CO Conversion to Higher Alcohols Synthesized from Co-Precipitated Hydrotalcite Precursors. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 94(11), 1784-1797. https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202200171
Dalebout, R., Barberis, L., Visser, N. L., van der Hoeven, J. E. S., van der Eerden, A. M. J., Stewart, J. A., Meirer, F., de Jong, K. P., & de Jongh, P. E. (2022). Manganese Oxide as a Promoter for Copper Catalysts in CO2 and CO Hydrogenation. ChemCatChem, 14(19), [e202200451]. https://doi.org/10.1002/cctc.202200451
Dalebout, R., Barberis, L., Totarella, G., Turner, S. J., La Fontaine, C., De Groot, F. M. F., Carrier, X., Van Der Eerden, A. M. J., Meirer, F., & De Jongh, P. E. (2022). Insight into the Nature of the ZnOx Promoter during Methanol Synthesis. ACS Catalysis, 12(11), 6628-6639. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.1c05101
Dalebout, R. (2022). Copper Catalysts for Synthesis Gas Conversion - Promoter and Support Effects. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University. https://doi.org/10.33540/1266


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dalebout, R., Visser, N. L., Pompe, C. E. L., de Jong, K. P., & de Jongh, P. E. (2020). Interplay between carbon dioxide enrichment and zinc oxide promotion of copper catalysts in methanol synthesis. Journal of Catalysis, 392, 150-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcat.2020.10.006