Dr. ir. Ruud Custers

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer G1.04
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. ir. Ruud Custers

Universitair hoofddocent
Sociale, Gezondheids- en Organisatiepsychologie
030 253 8996



Understanding Habits in Societal ContextRuud Custers (Participant)
20 May 2021
Annual Meeting for the Society for the Science of MotivationRuud Custers (Participant)
13 May 202114 May 2021
Society for the Science of Motivation (External organisation)Ruud Custers (Chair)
2021 → …


The Unconscious Will: How the Pursuit of Goals Can Operate Outside of Conscious AwarenessRuud Custers (Invited speaker)
1 Dec 2017
When Human Behavior is Misinformed by Beliefs: The Formation of Erroneous Action-Outcome RepresentationsRuud Custers (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 2017


When Human Behavior is Misinformed by Beliefs: The Formation of Erroneous Action-Outcome RepresentationsRuud Custers (Invited speaker)
20 Dec 2016
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek (NWO)(External organisation)Ruud Custers (Member)
ISCON (International Social Cognition Network)(External organisation)Ruud Custers (Member)
ISCON (International Social Cognition Network)(External organisation)Ruud Custers (Member)
ESCON (European Social Cognition Network)(External organisation)Ruud Custers (Member)
EASP (European Association of Social Psychology)(External organisation)Ruud Custers (Member)


The Unconscious Will: How the Pursuit of Goals Can Operate Outside of Conscious AwarenessRuud Custers (Invited speaker)
9 Dec 2015
Goals and ConsciousnessRuud Custers (Invited speaker)
25 Aug 2015
Journal of Experimental Psychology. General (Journal)Ruud Custers (Editor)
1 Apr 20152017
Social Cognition (Journal)Ruud Custers (Editorial board member)
Psychological Science (Journal)Ruud Custers (Editorial board member)
Motivation Science (Journal)Ruud Custers (Editorial board member)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (Journal)Ruud Custers (Editorial board member)
2015 → …
Frontiers in Cognition (Journal)Ruud Custers (Peer reviewer)
European Journal of Social Psychology (Journal)Ruud Custers (Editorial board member)


Implicit motivation of avoidance goals: Driven by negative or positive affect?Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
18 Feb 2010
, Invited talk, VU University Amsterdam. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


Goals, outcomes and self-agency: Conscious experiences from unconscious sources.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2009
, Invited talk, The Hebrew University, (Jerusalem, Israel)
How does our unconscious know what we want? The role of affect in goal representations.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
16 Jan 2009
, Invited talk, Yale University, (New Haven, U.S.A.)
How does our unconscious know what we want? The role of affect in goal representations.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
9 Jan 2009
, Invited talk, Columbia University. (New York, U.S.A.)


Nonconscious learning of predictive relations.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
3 Jun 2008
, Invited talk Universität Würzburg. (Würzburg, Germany)


How does our unconscious know what we want? The role of affect in goal representations.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2007
, Invited talk, Maastricht University. (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Nonconscious learning of predictive relations.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
22 Feb 2007
, Invited talk, Radboud University Nijmegen. (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Positive affect as implicit motivator: On the nonconscious operation of behavioral goals.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
25 Jan 2007
, Invited talk on receiving the ISCON Best Paper award 2005 at the ISCON preconference.
Nonconscious goal pursuit and the surmounting of physical and social obstacles.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
, Invited talk at the conference of the Japanese Psychological Association. 18-20 September 2007.


Beyond priming effects: The role of positive affect and discrepancies in implicit processes of motivation and goal pursuit.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2006
, Invited talk, Leiden University. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Beyond priming effects: The role of positive affect and discrepancies in implicit processes of motivation and goal pursuit.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
28 Apr 2006
, Invited tal,, Tilburg University (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
Positive affect as implicit motivator: On the nonconscious operation of behavioral goals.Ruud Custers (Invited speaker)
, Invited talk on receiving the KLI Best Paper award 2006 at the KLI-conference. 8-9 June, 2006