Saskia Kroonenberg: ‘The Mother Tongue as Immanent Grammar: Or, Where Read Postcolonial Gramsci Today?Rosi Braidotti (Examiner)
21 Sept 2022
Keynote address On Posthuman Feminism’, at “Meeting on ArtsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Jun 2022
, Venice Art Biennale, "the Milk of Dreams", 2022
Lecture on ‘Affirmative Feminism as Antidote’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 May 2022
, The European Parliament, “The Left Hearing: Feminism: an Antidote to the Far Right”
Nike Romano: ‘Reconfiguring a History of Art and Design Curriculum in a South African University of Technology. Becoming-with Critical Arts-based Pedagogical Encounters’.Rosi Braidotti (Examiner)
8 Apr 2022
Lecture on ‘Posthuman feminism”at Feminism'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
6 Mar 2022
, Fair of Women’s Publishers / fiera dell’Editoria delle donne
The Healing Practices Of Language:How Life Matters In Antonin Artaud’s Later Writings.R. Braidotti (Primary supervisor)
15 May 2019
The 28th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Virginia Woolf, Europe and PeaceRosi Braidotti (Participant)
23 Jun 2018
Plenary Panel: Taking Stock of New MaterialismR. Braidotti (Invited speaker)
22 Jun 2018
, Urban Matters
The Critical PosthumanitiesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
31 May 2018
, Annual Conference of the Coimbra Universities Group,on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the University of Salamanca
, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin. Programme: ‘Dictionary of Now’, part of the project: 100 Years of Now.
Sustainability meets Humanities The Intimate Realities of Water Lecture by Prof. Adrian ParrRosi Braidotti (Participant)
17 May 2018
Annual Deleuze Scholarship Conference #7. Deleuze and the Politics of Sustainability.Rosi Braidotti (Participant)
16 May 2018
Reading the Posthuman workshopRosi Braidotti (Participant)
26 Apr 2018
The Human in the Age of Technology and Climate ChangERosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2018 → 20 Apr 2018
, Thinking Out Loud: the 2018 Sydney Lectures in Philosophy and Society, the University of Western Sydney, Australia, and Fordham University Press, USA
Keynote lecture: ‘Posthumanism and Society’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 May 2015
Keynote lecture: 'Posthuman, all too Human? A Cultural Political Cartography', Centre for Cultural Studies Research, University of East London.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 Mar 2015
, 'Posthuman, all too Human? A Cultural Political Cartography', Centre for Cultural Studies Research, University of East London.
Keynote Lecture: ‘Vectors of Affirmation’, The London Graduate School Bloomsbury Lecture, Central St Martins and Kingston University, London.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
10 Mar 2015
, ‘Vectors of Affirmation’, The London Graduate School Bloomsbury Lecture, Central St Martins and Kingston University
‘The Posthuman’, Syracuse University Center for the Humanities and the Mellon Central New York CorridorRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
13 Feb 2015
‘The Ethics of Affirmation and the Body in Pain’, Graduate students symposium, Romance Studies Department and the Mellon Central New York CorridorRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
10 Feb 2015
'Vital Materialism and the Posthuman', Seminar Series: "Materialism Unbound: Flows, Temporalities, Formations", Critical Scholarship and Social Transformation ProgrammeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 Feb 2015
University of TorontoRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
9 Feb 2015
, The Northrop Frye Professorship in Literary Theory
Cornell and Syracuse UniversitiesRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
9 Feb 2015 → 14 Feb 2015
, Mellon Distinguished Visiting Collaborator, the Central New York Humanities Corridor
‘The Untimely’, Graduate Research Seminar: "Women and Gender Studies Institute".Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Feb 2015
Keynote lecture: ‘Posthuman Critical Theory’, the 2015 Northrop Frye Lecture, Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
30 Jan 2015
, ‘Posthuman Critical Theory’, the 2015 Northrop Frye Lecture, Centtre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto.
Keynote lecture: ‘Four Theses on Posthuman Feminism’, University of British Columbia Noted Scholars Lecture Series, Vancouver, Canada.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Jan 2015
, ‘Four Theses on Posthuman Feminism’, University of British Columbia Noted Scholars Lecture Series
'Becoming-world', Symposium: “Cosmopolitanism and social justice”, Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, University of British ColumbiaRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Jan 2015
‘L’Inhumain, le posthumain, le trop humain’, at the seminar: “Genre, normes et psychanalyse” with Monique David-Menard, Department of Psychoanalytic Studies, Université Paris Diderot.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Nov 2014
Keynote lecture: ‘Féminisme et posthumanité’, ‘Plurigender Research Project’ and the ‘Institut Emilie du Châtelet’, Université Paris Diderot, Paris.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Nov 2014
, ‘Féminisme et posthumanité’, ‘Plurigender Research Project’ and the ‘Institut Emilie du Châtelet’, Université Paris Diderot.
Paris Diderot UniversityRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
9 Nov 2014 → 22 Nov 2014
'A Cartography of the Posthuman', Inaugural seminar of the ‘Posthumanities Research Nework (PIN)’, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 2014
, 'A Cartography of the Posthuman', Inaugural seminar of the ‘Posthumanities Research Nework (PIN)’, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Conference: ‘Political Violence beyond the Secular/Religious Divide’, organized by the Netwhrlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)and the Leiden Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS).Rosi Braidotti (Keynote speaker)
19 Sept 2014
, Conference: ‘Political Violence beyond the Secular/Religious Divide’, organized by the Netwhrlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Leiden Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS).
Keynote lecture 'The Humanities after Anthropocentrism'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
10 Jun 2014
, Conference on Deleuze’s Cultural Encounters with the New Humanities
Co-organiser of the conference : ‘Deleuze’s Cultural Encounters with the New Humanities’, in cooperation with Prof. Kin-yuen Wong and Dr. Amy Chan Kit-sze of Hong Kong Shue Yan University: Prof. Angela Wong of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Prof. Eva Man Kit Wah of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, June 9-12, 2014.Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
, The Annual Conference of the American Association of Italian Studies
Performance lecture ' Punk Women and Riot Girls'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 May 2014
, The First Supper Symposium and the University of Oslo, in honour of the Pussy Riot members: Nadya Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina. (Oslo)
Guest lecture ‘What is human about the Humanities today?’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2014
, Lentelezing University College Roosevelt (Middleburg)
Opening address ‘Trasformazioni del corpo e tecnologie’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
5 Apr 2014
, The conference ‘Legami e Libertá’, the University of Bologna and the Italian Women’s Library
Keynote lecture ‘The Academic and the Civic: Susan Manning's vision of the socially responsible university’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
3 Mar 2014
, The second Susan Manning Memorial Lecture, at the annual conference of ECHIC, held at CEPESE
A video-keynote lecture ‘Critical Post-humanism’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Feb 2014
, The ‘Beyond the Human’ Conference
‘Immanence, Nomadism and the Posthuman’, “Thinking through Deleuze Conference: Nomadic Subjects, Global Citizenship and Posthumanism”.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2014
Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
1 Feb 2014 → 31 Jul 2014
‘Soggettivita; postumane. Conflitti e crtisi nel cuore del presente’, in Il Manifesto, 11 april, 2014Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge ( Braidotti (Member)
2014 → …
, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge (
Member of the Advisory Board of the Postcolonial Studies Association Annual Conference in 2014 (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
, Member of the Advisory Board of the Postcolonial Studies Association Annual Conference in 2014
“Kartografija postčloveškega stanja.” In Tribuna, Vol. 575, 2014, pp. 4-5Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
Chinese University of Hong Kong (External organisation)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
, OECUMENE ERC Research Project, The Open University (London, UK)
Critical Theory in a Posthuman EraRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
20 May 2013
, Centre for Cultural Studies Lecture Series, Goldsmiths College, University of London (London, UK)
Writing as a Nomadic SubjectRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 May 2013
, the Barbara.E.Ward Commemorative Lecture, held at the International Gender Studies Centre, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University (Oxford, UK)
Nomadic Theory in a Global EraRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 May 2013
, Geography Lectures Series, University of Wageningen (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
From the Art of Making Peace to the Knowledge to Sustain FreedomRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
6 Apr 2013
, University-Day Symposium, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
On the European ProjectRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
27 Mar 2013
, European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels, Belgium.)
Conference: ‘Death, the Cultural Meaning of the End of Life’, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in SocietyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
24 Jan 2013
Perverse anthropo-centrism and becoming-animalRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
17 Jan 2013
, Research symposium on: “The Ecological Paradigm” of the Network General Ecology, Ruhr-University Bochum (Bochum, Germany)
In Spite of our Times: Critical Theory as the UntimelyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
15 Jan 2013
, Winter School, Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and trhe Social Sciences, University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland)
University of Edinburgh (External organisation)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2013 → …
Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge (Journal)Rosi Braidotti (Editorial board member)
2013 → …
Postcolonial Studies Association Annual Conference 2014 (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2013 → 2014
, Postcolonial Studies Association Annual Conference 2014
Member of the Independent Expert Panel of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (ARCH), UK. (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
, Member of the Independent Expert Panel of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (ARCH), UK.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Emotion, Space and Society (Elsevier Journals)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2013 → …
, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Emotion, Space and Society (Elsevier Journals)
Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Praktyka Teoretyczna (Theoretical Practice). (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2013 → …
, Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Praktyka Teoretyczna (Theoretical Practice).
Independent Expert Panel of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (External organisation)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2013 → …
‘Een sublieme uitdaging voor onze generatie’ in: De Groene Amsterdammer.Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
Chelsea University of ArtsRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
2013 → …
, Visiting Professorship at the Chelsea University of the Arts in London. Conferred in Recognition of Academic Distinction.
Nomadic Feminist Theory in a Global EraRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2 Nov 2012
, Centre for Gender, Culture and Identities, Humanities Institute, University College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland)
What is ‘human’ about the Humanities?Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Nov 2012
, Conference: ‘Biopolitics, Society and Performance’, Trinity College
The Perpetual Peace Project, then and NowRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
24 Oct 2012
, International Study Programme of the Netherlands ‘Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei’, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
What is ‘human’about the Humanities?Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
19 Sept 2012
, European Conference on Educational Research, annual conference of the European Educational Research Assocaition
Becoming-woman and Affirmative PoliticsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
20 May 2012
, 2012 Kaifeng International Deleuze Conference
Nomadic Feminist Theory in a Global EraRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2012
, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus Liebig University Giessen (Giessen, Germany)
Annual conference of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society and the Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University: ‘Rethinking the Human Sciences’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
, Bartlett School of Architecture International Lecture Series, University College London (London, UK)
Les humanités et la condition post-humaineRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Mar 2012
, Annual Symposium of the Institut des Humanités de Paris, University Paris Diderot (Paris, France)
Writing and Being Written by ‘Nomadic Subjects'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Mar 2012
, Gender Research Seminar
Complexity, Process, Becoming: Edging towards the NomadicRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
25 Jan 2012
, Topology, Spaces of Transformation: Edges of the World at Tate Modern (London, UK)
Nomadic Feminist theory in a Global EraRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Jan 2012
, Colloquium of the Media Studies Centre, Ruhr-University Bochum (Bochum, Germany)
Fitna or: The Pornography of RepresentationRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
30 Nov 2011
, Studium Generale Series of Bernard Lievegoed College for Liberal Arts (Driebergen)
Nomadic Feminist Theory in a Global EraRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
24 Nov 2011
, Gender Studies Programme of the University of Zurich (Switzerland)
The Humanities towards 2020 – new challenges?Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2011
, Conference "The Humanities Revisited", Annual Conference of the National Council of Humanities Faculties of Norway
Conference "The Futures of Feminism: New Directions in Feminist, Women’s and Gender Studies", Annual FWSA ConferenceRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
6 Jul 2011
Seminar Series: "Deleuze et Guattari: D’un mille ou mille et unième plateau?"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Jun 2011
Lecture "Matérialismes corporels de l’epistémologie féministe"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Apr 2011
, Symposium "Journée en hommage à Hélène Rouch : Biologie, Sciences du Vivant et Critique Féministe des Sciences" (Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, Paris)
Lecture "Transversalité et pensée nomade”Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Mar 2011
, Symposium "POSTHUMAIN(E) ? Les Posthumanismes contemporains de la cybernétique à l’écologie féministe" (Université Paris 8, Paris)
Consultant on the project “New Portuguese Letters 40 Years Later”: (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
1 Jan 2011
, Consultant on the project “New Portuguese Letters 40 Years Later”:
with the POLIS Centre of the London School of Economics, Prof. Lilie Chouliaraki, and the Centre for Advanced Study of the University of Helsinki, Prof. Jahu Sivole,Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
University of BolognaRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
2011 → …
Universite Paris 8 Vincennes-St DenisRosi Braidotti (Visiting lecturer)
2011 → …
, Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities at the Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis, Départment d’Etudes Féminines
Supervised by: Prof. Anna Loutfi.Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Supervised by dr. Isabel CarreiraRosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Scientific Committee of journal Anuario de Decheros Humanos (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Scientific Committee of journal Anuario de Decheros Humanos
Rosi Braidotti over David Held, Henrietta L. Moore ed., 'Cultural Politics in a Global Age: Encertainly, Solidarity and Innovation'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
Reader of manuscripts for the publishers: Sage; Zed Books; Columbia University Press; Polity Press; Palgrave, Macmillan (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Reader of manuscripts for the publishers: Sage; Zed Books; Columbia University Press; Polity Press; Palgrave, Macmillan
Partners: Institute of International Law and the Humanities, Melbourne University; Centre of International Politics, Kings College, London; Australian National University;Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Member of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Member of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature
Member of the Dutch Network of Women Professors (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Member of the Dutch Network of Women Professors
Member of the Dutch branch of the International Federation of University Women (VVAO)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Member of the Dutch branch of the International Federation of University Women (VVAO)
LSE Global GovernanceRosi Braidotti (Visiting researcher)
2011 → …
La oú on ne l'attend pas: rencontre avec Rosi BraidottiRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
Interview with Rosi Braidotti by Annamaria Tagliavini, 'Rosi Braidotti'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
Interview with Rosi Braidotti by Albert Edelman, 'Rosi Braidotti, directeur Centre for the Humanities: Banden aanhalen tussen festival en universiteit'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
International Advisory Boardof the European Journal of Women's Studies (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, International Advisory Boardof the European Journal of Women's Studies
International Advisory Board of jorunal Stdueis on Women & Gender Abstracts (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, International Advisory Board of jorunal Stdueis on Women & Gender Abstracts
Initiated and directed the research platform for the New Centre for the HumanitiesRosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Elected Member of the Board of the International Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes (CHCI)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Elected Member of the Board of the International Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes (CHCI)
Editorial Board of Global Environmental Politics (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Editorial Board of Global Environmental Politics
Editorial Board member of the journal Humanities (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Editorial Board member of the journal Humanities
Editorial Board member Arts and Humanities in Higher Education: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Editorial Board member Arts and Humanities in Higher Education: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
Contributing Editor jorunal Australian Feminist Studies (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Contributing Editor jorunal Australian Feminist Studies
Chelsea University of ArtsRosi Braidotti (Visiting lecturer)
2011 → …
Birkbeck University of LondonRosi Braidotti (Visiting lecturer)
2011 → …
Associate editor of Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Associate editor of Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Appointed Chair of the Scientific Committee of the "Institute for the Humanities" of the University Paris VII (Paris-Diderot)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Appointed Chair of the Scientific Committee of the "Institute for the Humanities" of the University Paris VII (Paris-Diderot)
Advisory Board of Women's Studies International Forum (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of Women's Studies International Forum
Advisory Board of the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Advisory Board of the University of east London Centre for Cultural Studies Research (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of the University of east London Centre for Cultural Studies Research
Advisory Board of the Nordic journal of Feminist and Gender Research (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of the Nordic journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Advisory Board of the journal Feminist Formations (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of the journal Feminist Formations
Advisory Board of the Institute for Advaced Studies in the Humanities (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of the Institute for Advaced Studies in the Humanities
Advisory Board of journal Subjectivities (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of journal Subjectivities
Advisory Board of Issues, Journal in the Arts, Sciences and Philosophy regarding Media and its Communications (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of Issues, Journal in the Arts, Sciences and Philosophy regarding Media and its Communications
Advisory Board of Identities, Journal of Euro-Balkan Institute (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of Identities, Journal of Euro-Balkan Institute
Advisory Board of Differences, journal of the Pembroke Center for Research on Women (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Board of Differences, journal of the Pembroke Center for Research on Women
Advisory Boardfor the European Science Foundation (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory Boardfor the European Science Foundation
Advisory and Editorial Board of Theory, Culture & Society (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Advisory and Editorial Board of Theory, Culture & Society
Advisor on content matters in social and cultural theory to the "Treaty of Utrecht" Association, to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the event (Utrecht)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
, Advisor on content matters in social and cultural theory to the "Treaty of Utrecht" Association, to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the event (Utrecht)
Academic Advisory Board of the jorunal Religion and Gender (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2011 → …
, Academic Advisory Board of the jorunal Religion and Gender
Global Environmental Politics (Journal)Rosi Braidotti (Editor)
Dutch Network of Women Professors (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Dutch Network of Women Professors
Dutch branch of the Federation of University Women (VVAO)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Dutch branch of the Federation of University Women (VVAO)
Centre for the Humanities, Universiteit Utrecht - Founding Director (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Centre for the Humanities, Universiteit Utrecht - Founding Director
Between Empire and Cosmopolitanism: Europe, Human Rights, SovereignityRosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Australian Feminist Studies (Journal)Rosi Braidotti (Editor)
A Topological Approach to Cultural DynamicsRosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Advisory Board of Women's Studies International Forum (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of Women's Studies International Forum
Advisory Board of the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen
Advisory Board of the University of east London Centre for Cultural Studies Research (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the University of east London Centre for Cultural Studies Research
Advisory Board of the Nordic journal of Feminist and Gender Research (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the Nordic journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Advisory Board of the journal Subjectivities (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the journal Subjectivities
Advisory Board of the journal Issues (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the journal Issues
Advisory Board of the journal Differences (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the journal Differences
Advisory Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh
Advisory Board of Identities, journal of Euro-Balkan Institute (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board of Identities, journal of Euro-Balkan Institute
Advisory Board for the Europan Science Foundation (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board for the Europan Science Foundation
Advisory Board for the Europan Journal of Women's Studies (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory Board for the Europan Journal of Women's Studies
Advisory and Editorial Board of Theory, Culture and Society (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Advisory and Editorial Board of Theory, Culture and Society
Academic Advisory Board of the Graduate Journal of Social Science, Erasmus University (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2009 → …
, Academic Advisory Board of the Graduate Journal of Social Science, Erasmus University
‘Subjectivity. How can we think in nomadic terms?’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Dec 2008
, presentation and reply by Raúl Sánchez. Part of the lecture series: “Keywords: A vocabulary for contemporary artistic culture” (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain)
Lecture at the opening ceremony "On the post-secular condition"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
29 Nov 2008
, The return of Religion and other Myths (Nicolaikerk, Utrecht)
Nomadic EthicsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
27 Nov 2008
, Symposium: Towards an Ethics of Compatability- georganiseerd door University for the Humanistics in cooperation with the Centre for the Humanities, Utrecht University (Jaarbeurs, Utrecht)
Panel discussion: "Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics" discussed in Talking BooksRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2008
, "Talking Books" by a panel composed off: Patrick Hanafin, Clare Hemmings and Lisa Baraitser (Birckbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, London, UK)
Law School of Birckbeck University of LondonRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2008
, Honorary visiting Professorship (London, U.K.)
Chelsea University of the ArtsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2008
, guest professor (London)
"Cyber-Subjects"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2008
, Lecture series "Lido Philo" of the 65th International Film Festival/ 65th Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica Venezia 2008 (Venice, Italy)
"Bio-politics and Ways of Dying"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
29 Jul 2008
, International Summer Lecture Sessions, Asian Centre for Women's Studies and Women's Studies Programme, EWHA Women's University (Seoul, Korea)
Key note address: "The Postsecular Turn in Feminism"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
27 Jul 2008
, International Association of Women's Philosophers 13th symposium (EWHA Women's University, Seoul, Korea)
"Affirmative Politics and Bio-Power"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
26 Jul 2008
, Distinguished Scholars Lecture Series, Institute for the Humanities, EWHA Womens's University (Seoul, Korea)
'Analytic versus Continental Rapprochement?': a mini-conference, organized by the Philosophy Department of la Trobe UniversityRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 2008
"The Postsecular Turn"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Jul 2008
, the Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Philosophy (AAP) 2008, at la Trobe University
Key note address: "Affirmative Philosophy as Resistance to the Present"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Jul 2008
, International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL) 32nd annual Conference "Global Arts, Local Knowledge", Trobe Univesity & RMIT
lid International Advisory Board of the Journal 'Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts', Routledge (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid International Advisory Board of the Journal 'Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts', Routledge
lid International Advisory Board of the 'European Journal of Women's Studies'. SAGE Publishers, London (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid International Advisory Board of the 'European Journal of Women's Studies'. SAGE Publishers, London
lid Advisory Board of 'Women's Studies International Forum', New York/London (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid Advisory Board of 'Women's Studies International Forum', New York/London
lid Advisory Board of the University of East London, Centre for Cultural Studies Research (CCSR)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid Advisory Board of the University of East London, Centre for Cultural Studies Research (CCSR)
lid Advisory Board of the Journal 'Subjectivities', Palgrave Macmillan Publishers (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid Advisory Board of the Journal 'Subjectivities', Palgrave Macmillan Publishers
lid Advisory Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, The University of Edinburgh, UK (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid Advisory Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, The University of Edinburgh, UK
lid Advisory Board of 'Differences', journal of the Pembroke Center for Research on Women, Brown University, Providence USA (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid Advisory Board of 'Differences', journal of the Pembroke Center for Research on Women, Brown University, Providence USA
lid Advisory Board and Editorial Board of 'Theory, Culture & Society' (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, lid Advisory Board and Editorial Board of 'Theory, Culture & Society'
Europe does not make us dreamRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
, An Interview with Rosi Braidotti by Rutvica Andrijašević’
Editorial Board of 'Global Environmental Politics' (MIT Press)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, Editorial Board of 'Global Environmental Politics' (MIT Press)
Associate editor of 'Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society' University of Chicago (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, Associate editor of 'Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society' University of Chicago
Advisory Board member University of East London Centre for Cultural Studies Research (CCSR)(Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, Advisory Board member University of East London Centre for Cultural Studies Research (CCSR)
Adviescommissie (Event)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2008 → …
, Adviescommissie
On flexible CitizenshipRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Nov 2007
, Studium Generale Series 'At home in the Netherlands', in connection with the art project 'Citizens and subjects' in the Dutch pavillion at the Biennale (Venice), in coordination with the BAK (Utrecht)
Feminism and PostfeminismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
19 Oct 2007
, hosted by the Gender Studies Department, Central European University (CEU) (Budapest, Hungary)
What can Disability Studies learn from Women StudiesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2007
, Public Lecture (Open University on Employment Policy and Disability Studies, Budapest, Hungary)
On Affirmative PoliticsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Jul 2007
, Cultural Studies Now (an international conference),
, Public lecture sponsored by the Center for Feminists Research, (University of South California, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USA)
From Bio-Power to vital PoliticsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2007
, Public lecture sponsored by the Departments of Rhetoric (The Critical Theory Initiative and Townsend Center for the Humanities, University of California at Berkeley; USA)
Transposing Life in the age of Bio-Genetic Capitalism,Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Apr 2007
, for the 'Studio Sessions' of the Humanities Research Center (the Humanities Research Center, University of California at Irvine, USA)
the International conference on: ‘Gilles Deleuze: “ Text and images”’Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
5 Apr 2007
Workshop: Mapping Maternal Subjectivities, Identities and EthicsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
24 Mar 2007
Bio-power and necro-politics: new ways of dyingRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
20 Mar 2007
, for the Tuesday Lecture Series, (Institute for Human Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria)
, Lecture series: 'The Gender Research Forum, Queens University of Belfast (Belfast, Ireland)
Conference on 'Generation: on Feminist Time-Lines, Goldsmiths CollegeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2006
Conference on: 'Generation: on Feminist Time-Lines'Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
18 Oct 2006
Conference on: 'Bio-politics and Ways of Dying'Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
14 Oct 2006
Bio-politics, ways of dying and feminist ethics (paper)Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
14 Oct 2006
, Conference on 'Bio-politics and Ways of Dying
Transpositions. On Nomadic Ethics (discussion)Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Oct 2006
, Forum for European Philosophy, held at Borders Bookshop (London)
Radical Epistemologies and inter-generational time-linesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
15 Sept 2006
, Symposium on 'Academy, learning from the Museum', Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven)
6th European Gender Research Conference Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context, University of LodzRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
31 Aug 2006
Conference: 'The World Girl in Global Frame. Organized by Prof. A. McRobbie, Department of Media and Communication, Goldsmiths College, University of LondonRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
22 Jun 2006
Nomadic EthicsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
25 May 2006
, Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick (Warwick)
Research EthicsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
22 May 2006
, Birkbeck College Research School and Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities (London)
conference: The University and Civil Society: Autonomy and Responibility, University of BolognaRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 May 2006
Seminar: 'Extreme History', University College LondonRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 May 2006
Transposing Life in the era of bio-capital (Leverhulme Trust public lecture)Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 May 2006
, Birkbeck University of London (London)
The shifting axes of difference in the global era (Leverhulme Trust public lecture)Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
25 Apr 2006
, Birkbeck University of London (London)
Book presentation: 'Transpositions. On Nomadic Ethics'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
17 Mar 2006
, London Review Bookshop (London)
International Conference: 'Forensic Futures: Interrogating the Posthuman subject', Birkbeck CollegeRosi Braidotti (Organiser)
16 Mar 2006 → 18 Mar 2006
An ethics of affirmation (public lecture)Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
23 Feb 2006
, Sociology series, Goldsmiths College, University of London (London)
Theories of Sex and GenderRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2006 → …
The Body in Feminist TheoryRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2006 → …
ProfessorshipRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2006 → …
, Law School of Birckbeck College, University of London
PhD Seminar: 'The Dissertation Lab'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2006 → …
NOV Introductory CourseRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2006 → …
Gender and Cultural Identities in Europe TodayRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 Dec 2005
, Cultures in/of Europe Today (Florence)
On Bodily MatterRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Nov 2005
, the Future of Cultural Studies (Utrecht)
On Affirmation as Ethics of ResistanceRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Oct 2005
, Deleuzian Lines, Queer Fights (Londen)
The Politics of Becoming, or: Self-styling as ResistanceRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 Sept 2005
, Gilles Deleuze: the passage from noise to voice (Maastricht)
Are bugs to nature as chips are to culture? On becoming-insect with Deleuze and GuattariRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2005
, Deleuzian Events (Keulen (Duitsland))
From 'bio-power' to the 'politics of life itself'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2005
, 'What’s Life got to do with it?’ Feminist Studies meets Cultural Studies meets Science and Technology Studies (Lancaster (UK))
Biopower and the politics of Life and DeathRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 Apr 2005
, Biomedicine within the Limits of Human Existence (Doorn)
Women's Studies International Forum (Journal)Rosi Braidotti (Editor)
Theories of Sex and GenderRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2005 → …
, cursus voor promovendi
Thematic Network of Women's Studies in Europe (ATHENA)(External organisation)Rosi Braidotti (Member)
2005 → …
Signs (Journal)Rosi Braidotti (Editor)
Series of 4 sessions in the Regional Seminar in Gender/Women’s Studies and European Studies 2004-2006: 'Gender and Women’s Studies for Southeastern Europe: Rethinking Ideologies and Strategies of European Integration'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2005 → …
, Soros 'Open Society' Foundation / Athena Socrates Thematic Network
Nomadiso e alteritàRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 May 2003
, Symposium over Marguerite Youcenar (Rome)
MetalfleshRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 May 2003
, The Flesh made text. Bodies, Theories, Cultures in the Post-millennial era (Thessaloniki)
Bio-power and the politics of life and deathRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
13 May 2003
, Feminist Reflections on the politics of abortion and new Technologies in U.S. and Europe (Florence)
Negotiating Boundaries: Feminist Reflections on the subject of RightsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
14 Mar 2003
, Personal Harassment in Academic Environments. A discussion on new codes. (European University Institute, Florence)
The convergence of bio-Technologies with information Technologies: Towards a post human ethics?Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 Mar 2003
, Seminar voor het Robert Schuhman Centre, European University Institute
Meta(l)morphoses: Towards post-Human sustainable ethicsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Mar 2003
, Human and Post-Human (Florence)
The Gender Perspective in Science and Higher EducationRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Feb 2003
, Third annual Eurodoc Conference
Ons gevoel van empowerment is onomkeerbaarRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
La bellezza DissonanteRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2002
, Philosophy Festival, organized by the Fondazione San Carlo (Modena, Italy)
On Nomadic AestheticsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
13 Nov 2002
, Concepts on the move: about Deleuze and Guattari ( foundation 'De Appel') (Amsterdam)
La pensée féministe nomadeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2002
, Troisième Colloque International des Recherches Feministes Francophones (Universiteit van Toulouse le-Mirail)
Gender and ScienceRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2002
, Gender & Research Conference
Paper on: "Gender and globalization: a feminist cartography", presented at the Third National Conference on: "Icelandic Women's and Gender Studies",Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Oct 2002
, Plenary Opening session (University of Reykjavik, Iceland)
Gender and globalization: a feminist cartographyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Oct 2002
, Icelandic Women's and Gender Studies (University of Reykjavik, Iceland)
Politics of Becoming and Sustainable Ethics: a Feminist PerspectiveRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
10 Jun 2002
, Globalization and Beyond. From social Ontology to the Political (Erasmus University Summer School)
The virtual feminine and other strangersRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 Jun 2002
, IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) Annual Conference
Beyond Eurocentrism: re-situating European IdentityRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 May 2002
, Onderzoeks seminar van Prof. Luisa Passerini
Gender, Identity and Multiculturalism in EuropeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 May 2002
, The Inaugural Ursula Hirschmann Lecture on Gender and Europe at the European University Institute (Fiesole, Italy)
Subjectivity, Gender and History: a Seminar in Recognition of the Work of Luisa PasseriniRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
3 May 2002
Towards Nomadic Sustainable EthicsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Apr 2002
, Calibrations. Sizing up spaces, Communities and Selves (Texas A&M University)
On Nomadic Subjectivity and the World Wibe WebRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Mar 2002
, Ubersicht Interventionen (Zurich Universität)
Introducing womens studies in European multicultural perspectiveRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Feb 2002
, Inaugural course in gender studies
La pertinence du genre comme outil de recherché et d´actionRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
20 Feb 2002
, La pertinence des women´s studies en Europe (Brussel)
Mapping a Dangerous Liaison: Feminism and Post-modernismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
, PhD gender research colloquium (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza", Dpt. of Philosophy)
Gender, Identity and Multiculturalism in EuropeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 May 2001
, The Inaugural Ursula Hirschmann Lecture on Gender and Europe (European University Institute, Fiesole)
The ATHENA Thematic Network and Gender Studies in EuropeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
2 Apr 2001
, Gender Studies in Europe (Eur. Univ. Institute, Univ. of Florence, Florence)
Contemporary Trends in Feminist Theory: beyond postmodernismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Mar 2001
, Series of the Gender Studies Programme (European University Institute, Fiesole)
Rethinking Identity Beyond the LocalRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Feb 2001
, Part of a PhD research colloquium at the University of Udine (University of Udine, Dpt. of Foreign Languages)
Conference: Feminism and the Shifting Boundaries of Public and PrivateRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Dec 2000
Emotions, a poststructuralist approachRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
15 Nov 2000
, Studium Generale series on "Emotions" , University College (Utrecht)
On Gender MainstreamingRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
27 Oct 2000
, Gender Workshop on the International Conference on global Ethos, United Nations University
Gender and SubstainabilityRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
24 Oct 2000
, International Conference in global Ethos, United Nations University
A response to Anne Fausto SterlingRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
13 Oct 2000
, Interdisciplinairy Symposium Gender and Women's Studies "The body in Culture: Corporeality in Sociocultural Practice", Center for Women's Studies, University of Nijmegen (Nijmegen)
Between the No longer and the Not yetRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Sept 2000
, 4th Femenist Research Conference on "Body, Gender, Subjectivity. Crossing Borders of Disciplines and Institutions"
Whatever happened to Sexual DifferenceRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
17 Mar 2000
, Symposium "In levende lijven", Universiteit van Humanistiek (Utrecht)
Metamorphoses: Towards an Embodied MaterialismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
29 Feb 2000
, In the series: "The Construction of Historical Meaning", Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and Humanities (Los Angeles)
The Ethics of NomadologyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 Feb 2000
, Symposium "Adress" and the Ethetica-Ethiek Dichotomie, NGE, de werkgroep voor Analytische esthetica, Museum Catharijneconvent (Utrecht)
Gender in Transnational spaces. Postproduction documents 1988-2000Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
, Intverview door Ursula Bieman
On Conceptual Personae and Historical NarrativesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
3 Dec 1999
, Gender, History and Modernity (Hans-Sigrist-Stiftung Universitat Bern, Bern)
Towards a sustainable subject: of nomadology and other monstersRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Dec 1999
, Towards a sustainable subject: of nomadology and other monsters, onderdeel van de 'Centre for Cultural Studies 1999-2000 talks series' (Goldsmiths College, New Cross, London, Engeland)
Response to Linda GordonRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Nov 1999
, Women's History series, georganiseerd door het Belle van Zylen Instituut (Amsterdam)
Beyond the Postmodern Crisis of RepresentationRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 1999
, Fifth City of Women (Ljubljana, Slovenie)
Metamorphoses towards an embodied materialismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 1999
, 1999 conferentie in de serie 'International Theory', georganiseerd door het London's Institute of Contemporary Arts (London University Centre for English Studies)
European Women's StudiesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 1999
, lezing voor het Antioch University Education Abroad Programme for Women's Studies in Europe (Universiteit Utrecht)
Gender and Generations: a Musical GenealogyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 Sept 1999
, Women's Worlds 99, the Seventh International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women
Feminists in Paris 1978-1982: A Genealogical AccountRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
11 Sept 1999
, History/Histories, conferentie ter ere van Claire Duchen (Essex House, University of Sussex, Engeland)
The contribution of gender research to the issue of 'women and science'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 Jul 1999
, Women and Science: Networking the Networks, European Commision DG XII Science, Research and Development (Brussel)
, Europe of the Future, the Future of Europe (European University Institute, Florence, Italie)
The Dutch paradox in a European perspectiveRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
14 Jun 1999
, Humanities in Action (Amsterdam)
On radical immanenceRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
20 May 1999
, Rhizomatics, Genealogy, Deconstruction. Conference on the work of Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Felix Guattari
Women and/in the 'new' Europe: strengths and paradoxesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
9 Mar 1999
, Studium Generale 1999 Universiteit Groningen (Universiteit Groningen, Groningen)
Beyond Fortress Europe. A feminist perspective on the 'New' European UnionRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
25 Feb 1999
, Jesse Daniel Ames-lecture (Southwestern University, Texas, USA)
On Deleuze's theory of becomingRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
10 Feb 1999
, symposium georganiseerd door de Faculteit Wijsbegeerte van de Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht)
Critique on UniversalismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Jan 1999
, seminar over 'Cultivating Humanity' van Martha Nussbaum
The paradoxes of information societiesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
22 Jan 1999
, Nationaal Congres Engels
samenwerkings-project met de University of California at Santa BarbaraRosi Braidotti (Organiser)
in het kader van een 'visiting professorship'Rosi Braidotti (Organiser)
Five lectures on poststructuralist theories of subjectivityRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 1998
, Gastcollege op het Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudides de Genero Faculdad de Litras (University of Buenos Aires)
Sustainable Subjectivity, Deleuze, Bergson and SpinozaRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 Oct 1998
, Keynote address at the Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 37th annual meeting
'The power of naming'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
25 Aug 1998
, Keynote address at the "Know How Conference on the World of Women's Information"
Engendering the future; some trendsRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 1998
, SISWO Congres Vrouwenstudies en Vrouwenkwesties
A response to Betty Friedan on "setting the feminist agenda trends for the 1990's"Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
3 Jun 1998
, Seminar aan de UvA met Betty Friedan
Manuals for the 21st CenturyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
13 May 1998
, Impakt Multimedia Festival (Utrecht)
Expertmeeting 'MediaWise: cybercultuur en multimediale ontwikkelingen in Nederland'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
3 Apr 1998
The politics of locationRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
29 Mar 1998
, Seminar Diotima EU Project and Equal Opportunities Commission city of Turin
Boekpresentatie van 'De amazone van Dahomey', door Conny BraamRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
27 Feb 1998
, Boekpresentatie
Women's Studies conference 'Narrating Selves and Others: Feminist Theory in Practice. An Interdisciplinary Conference on Sociocultural Critique and (Auto)biography'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
28 Nov 1997
, Women's Studies conference 'Narrating Selves and Others: Feminist Theory in Practice. An Interdisciplinary Conference on Sociocultural Critique and (Auto)biography'
The BodyRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 1997
, Conferentie/Festival 'TechnoLust: Technology and Desire' (Antwerpen)
, Serie lezingen aan de University of Capetown (Kaapstad)
-Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 1997
, Serie lezingen aan de University of Capetown (Kaapstad)
3rd European Reminist Research Conference 'Shifting Bonds, shifting Bounds: Women, Mobility and Citizenship in Europe'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
6 Jul 1997
Idolen als inspiratiebron voor het nieuwe feminismeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 1997
, Savante Lustrum (Amsterdam)
How? Again!Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 1997
, Conferentie 'Anyhow'. 'Any' Corporation en het Nederlands Architectuur Instituut (Rotterdam)
Seminar 'the Monstrous Feminine' samen met Barbara CreedRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
6 Jun 1997
, Center for Women's Studies. Lancaster University
On becoming MatterRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 May 1997
, Evenement '1001 Plateus. Mode(s) d'emploi'. Impakt Festival (Utrecht)
Seminar 'Multiculturaliteit en Nomadendom'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 1997
, Serie 'Een avond aan zee..'. Stichting De Baak, Management Studiecentrum van het Verbond van Nederlandse Ondernemingen
-Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
23 Mar 1997
, Paper op de Conferentie 'Post Modernity at the Rise of the Cultural Studies/Philosophy of Culture'. Theoretische afdeling, Jan van Eyk Academie (Maastricht)
-Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
23 Mar 1997
, Paper op de Conferentie 'Post Modernity at the Rise of the Cultural Studies/Philosophy of Culture'. Theoretische afdeling, Jan van Eyk Academie (Maastricht)
How to work with Sexual Difference Feminist ResearchRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
13 Mar 1997
, Conferentie 'Il Jornadas de AUDEM'. Asociación Universitaria de Estudios de las Mujeres (Oviedo)
Sexual DifferencesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Mar 1997
, Seminar 'Las Relaciones Norte sur desde la Perspeciva de Genero'. Instituto de Investigaciones Feministat, Faculty of Political Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Flexible Citizenship in the New EuropeRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
12 Mar 1997
, Smeniar 'Las Relaciones Norte sur desde la Perspeciva de Genero'. Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas, Faculty of Political Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid)
Figurations of NomadismRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
8 Mar 1997
, Student Society (Bergen (Noorwegen))
Undifferentiated Becomings and the Attraction of 'Beyond Gender'Rosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Mar 1997
, PhD cursus 'On Sexual Differences'. Centre for Feminist Research in the Humanities, University of Bergen (Bergen (Noorwegen))
Teratology and Monstrous BodiesRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
7 Mar 1997
, PhD cursus 'On Sexual Differences'. Centre for Feminist Research in the Humanities, University of Bergen (Bergen (Noorwegen))
Becoming and Embodiment according to Deleuze and IrigarayRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
6 Mar 1997
, PhD cursus 'On Sexual Differences'. Centre for Feminist Research in the Humanities, University of Bergen (Bergen (Noorwegen))
Sexual Difference, Embodiment and BecomingRosi Braidotti (Invited speaker)
4 Mar 1997
, PhD cursus 'On Sexual Differences'. Centre for Feminist Research in the Humanities, University of Bergen (Bergen (Noorwegen))