The project website is here.
§ IRN Heritage Languages in Europe, CNRS France. PI: Elena Soare. Advisory member.
§ MINECO Project, Spain: Redes de variaction microparametricas en las lenguas romanicas (REVAMICRO, FFI2017-87140-C4-1-P). Project team member. PIs: Ángel Gallego and Jaume Mateu.
§ ICREA Research Professorship, Government of Catalunya/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, offered in July 2014 – opted out
§ NWO (Netherlands Research Organisation) VIDI research grant on Splitting and clustering grammatical information (September 2010-August 2015) (PI, 800K EUR)
§ MINECO project on La variación en las interfaces de la sintaxis con otros componentes del sistema lingüístico. Subproject La variación en la interfaz sintaxis-discurso. (Co-applicant: PIs: Ángel J. Gallego and M. Lluïsa Hernanz). (01.01.2015-31.12.2017)
§ NWO Free Competition grant on Maps and Grammar (co-applicant. PIs Sjef Barbiers, Marc van Oostendorp) (September 2013-August 2018, 750K EUR)
§ KNAW/ De Jonge Akademie grant Revitalizing endangered languages (4K EUR)
§ KNAW/ De Jonge Akademie grant Abruzzese data crowdsourcing (co-applicant: B. Speckmann) (4,060 EUR)
§ PTDC/MHCLIN/4564/2012 Grant on Subordination in Medieval Portuguese (co-applicant. Main applicant and PI Alexandra Fieis, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
§ LUCL grant for 1 PhD student on the project Dialects entangled: language contact between Albanian and Southern Italian dialects (with M. de Vaan and M. van Oostendorp)
§ NWO visiting grant for dr. Claudio Di Felice on the diachrony of Abruzzese (January-April 2009)
§ Marie Curie Intra-European Post-Doctoral Fellowship on Abruzzese Syntax (February 2005-January 2007), University of Cambridge
§ DeutscheForschungsgemeischaft (DFG) grant (May 2000-April 2003) for the Graduate School ‘Linguistic Representations and their Interpretation’ at the University of Stuttgart
§ Deutsche Forschungsgemeischaft (DFG) grants to visit the University of Utrecht (September-November 2001), and Siena (April-June 2002), and to attend the LOT Summer School in Utrecht (June-July 2001)
§ GISSL- Socrates- IP grant for the Girona International Summer School, University of Girona, Spain (July 2000)
§ Società Italiana di Glottologia grant for the ‘Corso di aggiornamento in discipline linguistiche’ (Updating course in Linguistics), San Daniele del Friuli, Italy (September 1999)