I am a full professor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University on the chair "Theory of Nanoscale Systems", and part-time professor (in Dutch: "deeltijdhoogleraar") on the chair "Theory for Spin-based Nanoelectronics" at Eindhoven University of Technology, in the group Physics of Nanostructures. My current research is focused mostly on spintronics: the research discipline concerned with exploiting the spin degree of freedom of the electron in applications. Spintronics combines efforts of materials nanoscience, nano-electronics, and condensed-matter physics. My expertise is in theoretical condensed-matter physics.
Click here for an article (in Dutch) published in the NTvN about our recent research that should be understandable for all physics students.
Click here for the text of my inaugural lecture and here for a recording.
See www.natuurkundetop10.nl for some general physics outreach.