

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

't Hart, P., Meijer, A., Noordegraaf, M., Schillemans, T., Verloo, N., & Metze, T. (2024). Bovens' bijdrage. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 51(3), 203-211.
Christensen, J., 't Hart, P., & van der Voet, J. (2024). Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen. In S. Groeneveld, & J. van der Voet (Eds.), Publiek Management: Bewegen Tussen Bestuur en Organisatie (2 ed., pp. 29-46). Uitgeverij Coutinho.
't Hart, P. (2024). The politics of the policy process in the Netherlands. In The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics Oxford University Press.
de Lange, S., Louwerse, T., 't Hart, P., & van Ham, C. (2024). Stability and change in Dutch politics: Introduction to the Handbook. In The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics (pp. 1-22). Oxford University Press.
de Lange, S., Louwerse, T., 't Hart, P., & van Ham, C. (Eds.) (2024). The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics. Oxford University Press.
Bokhorst, M., 't Hart, P., & de Jonge, A. (2024). Zelf doen of laten doen: Strategische keuzes voor deskundige in- en aanbesteding van gedecentraliseerde taakuitoefening . Bestuurskunde, 33(2), 34-43.
Lucas, P., Nabatchi, T., O'Flynn, J., & 't Hart, P. (2024). An optimistic state? Pathways to positive public administration. In P. Lucas, T. Nabatchi, J. O’Flynn, & P. ’t Hart (Eds.), Pathways to Positive Public Administration: An International Perspective (pp. 1-22). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lucas, P., Nabatchi, T., O'Flynn, J., & 't Hart, P. (Eds.) (2024). Pathways to Positive public Administration: An International Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

't Hart, P. (2023). Hassel, Anke & Wegrich, Kai (2022). How to Do Public Policy. Der Moderne Staat, 16(1), 141-143.
't Hart, P., Bokhorst, M., Engbersen, G. B. M., van Duijnen, M., de Jonge, A., & Tiemeijer, W. (2023). Een deskundige overheid: Leren van buitenlandse succeservaringen. Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR).
't Hart, P., Bokhorst, M., Engbersen, G. B. M., van Duijnen, M., de Jonge, A., & Tiemeijer, W. (2023). Deskundigheid als koopwaar: Ervaringen met de inhuur van expertise door overheden. Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR).
't Hart, P. (2023). Book Review: Kai Wegrich and Anke Hassel, How To Do Public Policy. Der Moderne Staat, 16(1), 141-143.
't Hart, P., Pot, W., & Biesbroek, R. (2023). Klimaatadaptatiebeleid: Hoe leggen we onze oogkleppen af? In T. Overmans, M. Honigh, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Maatschappelijke Bestuurskunde: Hoe Verbindende Bestuurskundigen (Kunnen) Inspelen op Maatschappelijke Vraagstukken (1 ed., pp. 29-50). Boom bestuurskunde.
Pot, W., Scherpenisse, J., & t Hart, P. (2023). Robust governance for the long term and the heat of the moment: Temporal strategies for coping with dual crises. Public Administration, 101(1), 221-235.
t Hart, P. (2023). Teaching Crisis Management Before and After the Pandemic: Personal Reflections. Teaching Public Administration, 41(1), 72-81. Article 01447394221087889.


't Hart, P. (2023). Geitenpaadjes vinden: Kan de Nederlandse politie uitgroeien tot een publieke institutie? In Onze politie in een kwetsbare rechtsstaat (pp. 241-258). Gompel & Svacina.
't Hart, P. (2023). Geitenpaadjes vinden: Kan de Nationale Politie uitgroeien tot een publieke institutie? In J. van Hoorn, & M. van Bavel (Eds.), Onze Politie in een Kwetsbare Rechtsstaat (pp. 241-258). Gompel en Svacina.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

't Hart, P. (2022). Tough love voor de staat: Hoe Paul Frissen de teleurstelling der elites provoceert. In S. Zouridis, M. Thaens, L. Timmermans, & V. Batelaan (Eds.), De Blijvende Staat van Frissen (pp. 67-72). Boom bestuurskunde.
Boin, A., & 't Hart, P. (2022). From Crisis to Reform? Exploring three post-COVID pathways. Policy and Society, 41(1), 13-24.
de la Porte, C., Björk Eydal, G., kauko, J., Nohrstedt, D., 't Hart, P., & Tranøy, B.-S. (2022). Introduction: Studying Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries. In Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries: Cases, Lessons, Challenges (pp. 1-24). Oxford University Press.
de la Porte, C., Eydal, G. B., Kauko, J., Nohrstedt, D., 't Hart, P., & Tranøy, B. S. (2022). Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries: Cases, Lessons, Challenges. Oxford University Press.
Skogstad, G., Tellier, G., t Hart, P., Howlett, M., & Lindquist, E. (2022). Conclusion: Public Policy Success - Lessons from the Canadian Experience. In E. Lindquist, M. Howlett, G. Skogstad, G. Tellier, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges (pp. 478-491). Oxford University Press. 9780192897046.001.0001
Evert, L., Howlett, M., Skogstad, G., Tellier, G., & t Hart, P. (2022). Introduction: Exploring Canadian Experiences with Policy Success. In E. Lindquist, M. Howlett, G. Skogstad, G. Tellier, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges (pp. 1-14). Oxford University Press. 9780192897046.001.0001
Lindquist, E., Skogstad, G., Howlett, M., Tellier, G., & t Hart, P. (Eds.) (2022). Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges. Oxford University Press. 9780192897046.001.0001
Douglas, S., t Hart, P., & van Erp, J. (2022). Identifying and interpreting government successes: An assessment tool for classroom use. Teaching Public Administration, 40(2), 276-296.
Belabas, W., & t Hart, P. (2022). Je bent wat Je teweeg brengt: Denken over de impact van de Nederlandse bestuurskunde. Bestuurskunde, 31(2), 54-66.
Compton, M., Douglas, S., Fahy, L., Luetjens, J., t Hart, P., & van Erp, J. (2022). New development: Walk on the bright side—what might we learn about public governance by studying its achievements? Public Money and Management, 42(1), 49-51.


Engbersen, G., Evers, A. W. M., de Graaf, B. A., 't Hart, P., Jansen, A., Jensen, L., Lucassen, L., & Prak, M. (2022). Wetenschap met de ramen wijd open: tien lessen voor wie impact wil maken . KNAW.
Van Der Steen, M., van Delden, M., Ophof, P., & 't Hart, P. (2022). Signalen Schatten: Een lerend belevingsonderzoek naar de omgang met signalen door het ministerie van SZW in de Kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire. Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur.
Boin, A., & 't Hart, P. (2022). Grote Stad, Langdurige Crisis: Leren van twee jaar Utrechtse Corona-ervaringen.
t Hart, P., & Prak, M. (2022). Tien lessen voor wie impact wil maken (Flyer). Digital or Visual Products


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Douglas, S., Schillemans, T., t Hart, P., Ansell, C., Andersen, L. B., Flinders, M., Head, B., Moynihan, D., Nabatchi, T., O'Flynn, J., Raadschelders, J., Sancino, A., Sørensen, E., & Torfing, J. (2021). Rising to Ostrom’s challenge: an invitation to walk on the bright side of public governance and public service. Policy Design and Practice, 4(4), 441-451.
Pot, W., Scherpenisse, J., t Hart, P., & van der Knaap, P. (2021). ‘Buy now, pay later?’ Naar een tijdsensitief bestuur voor acute én ­sluipende crises. Bestuurskunde, 30(4), 3-10.
Douglas, S., t Hart, P., Schillemans, T., Ansell, C., Bogh Andersen, L., Flinders, M., Head, B., Moynihan, D., Nabatchi, T., O'Flynn, J., Peters, B. G., Raadschelders, J., Sancino, A., Sørensen, E., & Torfing, J. (2021). Rising to Ostrom's Challenge: An invitation to walk on the bright side of politics, governance and public service . Researchgate.
t Hart, P. (2021). Engaging with government: A confessional tale. In A. Podger, M. DePercy, & S. Vincent (Eds.), Politics, Policy and Public Administration in Theory and Practice: Essays in Honour of Professor John Wanna (pp. 329-333). (Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU Press.
Boin, A., McConnell, A., & t Hart, P. (2021). Governing the Pandemic: The Politics of Navigating a Mega-Crisis. (1 ed.) Palgrave Pivot.
Boin, A., Fahy, L. A., & t Hart, P. (Eds.) (2021). Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organisations Become and Remain Institutions. Palgrave Macmillan.
t Hart, P., & Selten, F. (2021). Mark Rutte's crisisleiderschap: Laverend op zoek naar staatsmanschap. In V. Wijkhuijs, & M. van Duin (Eds.), Lessen uit de Coronacrisis: Het Jaar 2020 (pp. 53-68). Boom bestuurskunde.

Populariserende publicaties

Flinders, M., & t Hart, P. (2021). Failure isn’t the only teacher: Journals must overcome negativity bias. Times Higher Education.
t Hart, P. (2021). Welcome to the Titanic. Inside Story.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Engelen, J., & t Hart, P. (2020). CERN: Guardian of the Human Aspiration to Understand the Universe. In A. Boin, L. A. Fahy, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organisations Become and Remain Institutions (pp. 211-236). Palgrave Macmillan.
Boin, A., Fahy, L. A., & t Hart, P. (2020). Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organizations Become and Remain Institutions. In A. Boin, L. A. Fahy, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organizations Become and Remain Institutions (pp. 1-35). Palgrave Macmillan.
Ansell, C., Doberstein, C., Henderson, H., Siddiki, S., & t Hart, P. (2020). Understanding inclusion in collaborative governance: A mixed methods approach. Policy and Society, 39(4), 570-591.
Boin, A., Brock, C., Craft, J., Halligan, J., t Hart, P., Roy, J., Tellier, G., & Turnbull, L. (2020). Beyond Covid 19: Five commentaries on expert knowledge, executive action, and accountability in governance and public administration. Canadian Public Administration, 63(3), 339-368.
Douglas, S. C., Ansell, C., Parker, C. F., Sørensen, E., t Hart, P., & Torfing, J. (2020). Understanding Collaboration: Introducing the Collaborative Governance Case Databank. Policy and Society, 39(4), 495-509.
Binnema, H. A., Michels, A. M. B., t Hart, P., & van der Torre, E. J. (2020). Democratic Innovations in Dutch Local Government: Experimentation in Search of Strategy. The innovation journal, 25(1), Article 5.


Boin, A., Bynander, F., Stern, E., & t Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a crisis: Organisational Resilience in Mega-Crises. Web publication/site, .
Boin, A., McConnell, A., & t Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a Crisis: strategic crisis leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Web publication/site, .
t Hart, P., & Tummers, L. G. (2020). Four Public Leadership Strategies. Web publication/site, .
Robbie, M., & t Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a Crisis: Using Adaptive Leadership to Shape the Covid-19 Response. Web publication/site, .
Boin, A., McConnell, A., & t Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a Crisis: Navigating the Covid 19 Minefield. Web publication/site, .
Bynander, F., Stern, E., & t Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a Crisis: Three Kinds of Resilience to Strive for. Web publication/site, .
t Hart, P., & Evert, L. (2020). Leading in a crisis: The Mega-Challenge of Coordination. Web publication/site, .
Stern, E., t Hart, P., & McConnell, A. (2020). Leading in a crisis: Building High-Performance Teams. Web publication/site, .
Boin, A., McConnell, A., Stern, E., & t Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a Crisis: How to Successfully Communicate. Web publication/site

Populariserende publicaties

t Hart, P. (2020). Voluntary servitude. Web publication/site, .


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Compton, M. E., Luetjens, J. C., & t Hart, P. (2019). Designing for Policy Success. International Review of Public Policy, 1(2), 119-146.
McConnell, A., & t Hart, P. (2019). Inaction and public policy: understanding why policymakers ‘do nothing’. Policy Sciences, 52(4), 645-661.
Douglas, S. C., & t Hart, P. (2019). Wanneer worden gemeenten gezien als waardevol? Lokale publieke waardecreatie door de ogen van lokale actoren. Bestuurskunde, 2019(3), 23-31.
t Hart, P. (2019). Back to the Seventies? Inaction, Power and the Quality of Government: Inaction, Power and the Quality of Government. In G. De Graaf (Ed.), It's All About Integrity Stupid! Studies On, About, or Inspired by the Work of Leo Huberts: Studies On, About, or Inspired by the Work of Leo Huberts (pp. 19-26). Eleven Publishers.
van Dorp, G. H., & t Hart, P. (2019). Navigating the Dichotomy: The Top Public Servant's Craft. Public Administration, 1-15.
Fenna, A., & t Hart, P. (2019). The 53 Billion Dollar Question: Was Australia’s 2009–10 Fiscal Stimulus a Good Thing? In J. Luetjens, M. Mintrom, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Successful public policy: Lessons From Australia and New Zealand (pp. 87-112). (Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU Press.
Luetjens, J. C., Mintrom, M., & t Hart, P. (2019). Public Policy Success: Lessons From Australia and New Zealand. ( Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU Press.
Luetjens, J. C., Mintrom, M., & t Hart, P. (2019). On Studying Policy Successes in Australia and New Zealand. In J. Luetjens, M. Mintrom, & P. `t Hart (Eds.), Successful Public Policy: Lessons From Australia and New Zealand (pp. 1-25). (Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU Press.
Compton, M. E., & t Hart, P. (2019). How to ‘See’ Great Policy Successes: A Field Guide to Spotting Policy Successes in the Wild. In Great Policy Successes Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P., & Tummers, L. G. (2019). Understanding Public Leadership. (2nd ed.) Macmillan International/Red Globe Press.
Compton, M. E., & t Hart, P. (2019). Looping to Success (and Failure): Second-order Mechanisms and Policy Outcomes. In G. Capano, M. Howlett, & M. Ramesh (Eds.), Making Policies Work: First and Second Order Mechanisms in Policy Design (pp. 191-210). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Compton, M. E., & t Hart, P. (Eds.) (2019). Great Policy Successes. Oxford University Press.


Luetjens, J. C., Mintrom, M., & t Hart, P. (2019). Six ingredients of successful public policy. Web publication/site, the mandarin.
Luetjens, J. C., Mintrom, M., & t Hart, P. (2019). What makes government policy successful. Web publication/site, integration and implementation insights.
van der Torre, L., Douglas, S. C., & t Hart, P. (2019). Werken aan Publieke Waarde: Leren van en voor Gemeenten. Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten.
Bray, J. R., Gray, M., & t Hart, P. (2019). Evaluation and Learning From Failure and Success: An ANZSOG Research Paper for the Australian Public Service Review Panel.
Luetjens, J. C., & t Hart, P. (2019). Governing by Looking Back: Learning From Successes and Failures. ANZSOG.

Populariserende publicaties

t Hart, P. (2019). Towards a second democratic revolution: What France’s yellow jacket protesters may be trying to tell us. Inside Story.
t Hart, P. (2019). Killing for the Cause. Inside Story.
Luetjens, J. C., t Hart, P., & Mintrom, M. (2019). Getting it right when the time is right: How do policy successes like plain-packaging laws or tighter gun controls come about? Inside Story.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Nohrstedt, D., Bynander, F., Parker, C., & t Hart, P. (2018). Managing Crises Collaboratively: Prospect and Problems - A Systematic Literature Review. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 1(4), 257–271.
Boin, R. A., t Hart, P., & Kuipers, S. L. (2018). The crisis approach. In H. Rodríguez, W. Donner, & J. E. Trainor (Eds.), Handbook of Disaster Research (2 ed., pp. 23-38). (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). Springer.
Meijer, A. J., t Hart, P., & Worthy, B. (2018). Assessing Government Transparency: An Interpretive Framework. Administration and Society, 50(4), 501–526.


t Hart, P., & Van Toor, W. (2018). The New Zealand Election: Jacinda Ardern's Rise and the Generational Politics of Party Leadership. In S. Levine (Ed.), Stardust and Substance: The New Zealand General Election of 2017 (pp. 105-110). Victoria University Press.
Luetjens, J. C., & t Hart, P. (2018). Governing by looking back: Learning from successes and failures.
Strangio, P., t Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2018). The turning point of leadership. In The Knowledge Solution: Politics - What's wrong and how to fix it (pp. 104-113). Melbourne University Press.
van Dorp, G. H., Overmans, J. F. A., Geuijen, C. H. M., Noordegraaf, M., & t Hart, P. (2018). Verbindend leiderschap: Een onderzoek naar waardevol leiderschap in het lokaal bestuur, in tijden van maatschappelijke verwachtingen, prestatiedruk en schaarste. USBO Advies.
t Hart, P., & Kuijken, W. (2018). Dienen en Beïnvloeden: Verhalen over Ambtelijk Vakmanschap. Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur.

Populariserende publicaties

t Hart, P. (2018). Sprong in het diepe. In M. Looijer, & H. Borst (Eds.), Liber Amicorum Wim Kuijken: Eerste Deltacommissaris (pp. 88-89). Staf Deltacommissaris.

Overige resultaten

t Hart, P. (2018). Cautionary tales from the birthplace of bureaucracy. Web publication/site


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Lowndes, V., Mols, F., & t Hart, P. (2017). Political Psychology. In D. Marsh, & V. Lowndes (Eds.), Theory and Methods in Political Science (Vol. 4, pp. 142-157). (Political Analysis). Palgrave Macmillan.
Strangio, P., t Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2017). The Pivot of Power: Australian Prime Ministers and Political Leadership, 1950-2016. Melbourne University Press.
Bennister, M., Worthy, B., & t Hart, P. (2017). Understanding political leadership: The leadership capital approach. In M. Bennister, P. 't Hart, & B. Worthy (Eds.), The Leadership Capital Index: A New Perspective on Political Leadership Oxford University Press.
Bennister, M., t Hart, P., & Worthy, B. (2017). Conclusions: LCI Revisited. In M. bennister, P. 't hart, & B. worthy (Eds.), The Leadership Capital Index: A New Perspective on Political Ledership Oxford University Press.
Alford, J., Douglas, S. C., Geuijen, C. H. M., & t Hart, P. (2017). Ventures in public value management: Introduction to the symposium. Public Management Review, 19(5), 589-604.


de Jong, I., t Hart, P., & Van Der Steen, M. (2017). Wat Het Nieuwe Kabinet Zich Moet Realiseren: Bestuurskundige Reflecties. Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur.
Bynander, F., t Hart, P., & van Erp, J. G. (2017). Resilient public agencies: Straddling the performance-reputation nexus. In U. M., C. Parker, & F. Bynander (Eds.), The Bridge Builder: Essays in Honor of Professor Bengt Sundelius (pp. 165-184). (CRISMART; Vol. 46). Swedish Defence University.
Bovens, M. A. P., t Hart, P., van Twist, M. J. W., van den Berg, C., Van Der Steen, M., & Tummers, L. G. (2017). Openbaar Bestuur: Beleid, Organisatie, Politiek. (9e, geheel herziene druk ed.) Kluwer.

Populariserende publicaties

t Hart, P. (2017). Voorwoord. In Q. T. Cicero (Ed.), Hoe je verkiezingen wint (pp. 5-11). ISVW Uitgevers.

Overige resultaten

Strangio, P., Walter, J., & t Hart, P. (2017). The prime ministership is not terminal: But it needs the right person for the times. Web publication/site


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Storey, J., Hartley, J., Denis, J. L., Hart, P., & Ulrich, D. (2016). The Routledge Companion to Leadership. Taylor & Francis.
Storey, J., Hartley, J., Denis, J. L., Hart, P., & Ulrich, D. (2016). Conclusions: Looking to the future of leadership. In The Routledge Companion to Leadership (pp. 595-601). Taylor & Francis.
Boin, A., 't Hart, P., Stern, E., & Sundelius, B. (2016). The politics of crisis management: Public leadership under pressure. Cambridge University Press.
Storey, J., Hartley, J., Denis, J. L., Hart, P., & Ulrich, D. (2016). Preface. In The Routledge Companion to Leadership (pp. xv-xxi). Taylor & Francis.
Bynander, F., & Hart, P. (2016). Leadership succession in politics and business: Converging logics? In J. storey, J. hartley, J. L. denis, D. ullrich, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Leadership (pp. 157-172). Taylor & Francis.
t Hart, P. (2016). review of Paul Light, Government by Investigation. Public Administration, 94(3), 856-857.
Storey, J., Denis, J.-L., Hartley, J., t Hart, P., & Ullrich, D. (2016). Conclusion: Looking to the future of leadership. In Routledge Compendium to Leadership Routledge.
Storey, J., t Hart, P., Hartley, J., Ullrich, D., & Denis, J.-L. (2016). Editors' Introduction. In Routledge Compendium to Leadership Routledge.
Bovens, M. A. P., & t Hart, P. (2016). Revisiting the study of policy failure. Journal of European Public Policy, 23(5), 653-666.
t Hart, P. (2016). Book Review: Paul C. Light,, Government By Investigation: Congress, Presidents, and the Search for Answers, Georgetown UP 2014. Public Administration, 94(3), 856-857.
Barbara, C., t Hart, P., & Torfing, J. (2016). Public Value Creation Through Collaborative Innovation. Public Management Review, 19(5), 655–669.


t Hart, P., Braham, N., & van Dorp, E.-J. (2016). Verbinders Zonder Script: Het Ambtelijk Leiderschap van Gemeentesecretarissen. Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Boin, R. A., & t Hart, P. (2015). Foreword. In N. Schiffino, L. Taskin, C. Donis, & J. Raone (Eds.), Organizing After Crisis: The Challenge of Learning (Vol. 13, pp. 13-15). (Public Action ; Vol. 13). Peter Lang .
Poppelaars, C. H. J. M., t Hart, P., Fenger, M., van der Veer, J., & Verhey, T. (2015). Quo Vadis, Nederlandse Bestuurskunde? Bestuurskunde, 24(4), 82-92.
t Hart, P., & Schelfhout, D. (2015). Assessing prime-ministerial performance in a multi-party democracy: the Dutch case. Acta Politica, 51, 153–172.
Van Der Steen, M., Van Twist, M., Scherpenisse, J., & t Hart, P. (2015). How to see failure. Attempts by the Inspectorate of Education to detect and disarm failure in Dutch education policy. Public Policy and Administration, 30(3-4), 320–341.
Strangio, P., t Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2015). Leadership of reforming governments: The role of political tandems. In D. Alexander, & J. Lewis (Eds.), Making Public Policy Decisions: Expertise, skills and experience (pp. 166 - 184). (Routledge critical studies in public management). Routledge.
Bennister, M., t Hart, P., & Worthy, B. (2015). Assessing the authority of political office-holders: The leadership capital index. West European Politics, 38(3), 417-440.
Horiuchi, Y., Laing, M., & 't Hart, P. (2015). Hard Acts to Follow: Predecessor Effects on Party Leader Survival. Party Politics, 21(3), 357–366.


t Hart, P. (2015). Groups Are Dumber Than You Think: (But We Can Make Them Smarter). Inside Story.
t Hart, P. (2015). Ambtelijk Vakmanschap 3.0 revisited. In Ambtelijk Vakmanschap 3.0: Een Reflectie op het Essay Ambtelijk Vakmanschap 3.0 van Paul 't Hart (pp. 47-56). Stichting IKPOB.
Wesseling, H., t Hart, P., & Van Eemeren, A. (Eds.) (2015). Ambtelijk Vakmanschap 3.0: Een reflectie op het essay Ambtelijk Vakmanschap 3.0 van Paul 't Hart. Stichting IKPOB.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

t Hart, P. (2014). Book Review of Robert Agranoff, Collaborating to Manage. Public Administration, 92(3), 763-764.
t Hart, P. (2014). Understanding Public Leadership. (The Public Management and Leadership Series). Palgrave Macmillan.
Kuipers, S., & t Hart, P. (2014). Accounting for crises. In Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability (pp. 589-602). (Oxford handbooks in politics & international relations). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P. (2014). No easy answers. In M. K. Bricker (Ed.), The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster: Investigating the Myth and Reality (pp. 218-228). Routledge.
Ansell, C., Boin, A., & t Hart, P. (2014). Political leadership in times of crisis. In Oxford Handook of Political Leadership (pp. 418-433). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P. (2014). Contextual analysis. In R. A. W. rhodes, & P. 't hart (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership (pp. 210-224). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P., & Rhodes, R. A. W. (2014). Puzzles of political leadership. In R. A. W. rhodes, & P. 't hart (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership (pp. 1-25). Oxford University Press.
Rhodes, R. A. W., & t Hart, P. (Eds.) (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership. Oxford University Press.
Princen, S., & 't Hart, P. (2014). Putting policy paradigms in their place. Journal of European Public Policy, 21(3), 470-474.


t Hart, P. (2014). Ambtelijk Vakmanschap 3.0: Zoektocht naar het handwerk van de overheidsmanager. Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur.
Frissen, P., t Hart, P., de Hoog, J., van Oorschot, K., & Chin-a-Fat, N. (2014). Governance in de Rechtspraak. (1 ed.) (Research Memoranda; Vol. 10, No. 1). Raad voor de rechtspraak.
t Hart, P. (2014). Managing crises long term: The challenges of preparedness and response. In J. Boston, J. Wanna, V. Lipski, & J. Pritchard (Eds.), Future-Proofing the State: Managing risks, responding to crises and building resilience (pp. 167-188). (Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

t Hart, P. (2013). REVIEW Interactive Governance: Advancing the Paradigm. Public Administration, 91(4), 1071-1073.
t Hart, P. (2013). After Fukushima: reflections on riks and institutional learining in an era mega-crises. Public Administration, 91(1), 101-113.
't Hart, P., & Sundelius, B. (2013). Crisis management revisted: A new agenda for research, training and capacity building within Europe. Cooperation and Conflict, 48(3), 444-461.
Frissen, P., 't Hart, P., Sieckelink, S., & Verberk, S. (2013). Perspectieven van de buiten- en binnenwacht: de institutionele opgave van de rechtspraak. Recht der werkelijkheid, 34(2), 76-88.
Dyson, S., & t Hart, P. (2013). Crisis Management. In D. O. Sears, J. S. Levy, & L. Huddy (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology (2 ed., pp. 395-422). Oxford University Press.
Strangio, P., 't Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2013). Understanding Prime-Minsterial Performance. Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
Strangio, P., 't Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2013). Part II Prime Ministers and their Parties: Introduction to Part II. In P. Strangio, P. 't Hart, & J. Walter (Eds.), Understanding Prime-Ministerial Performance. Comparative Perspectives (pp. 125-127). Oxford University Press.
Strangio, P., 't Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2013). Part III Evaluating Prime-Ministerial Performance: Introduction to Part III. In P. Strangio, P. 't Hart, & J. Walter (Eds.), Understanding Prime-Ministerial Performance. Comparative Perspectives (pp. 216-218). Oxford University Press.
Strangio, P., 't Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2013). Prime Ministers and the Performance of Public Leadership. Prime ministers as Public Leaders. In P. Strangio, P. 't Hart, & J. Walter (Eds.), Understanding Prime-Ministerial Performance: Comparative Perspectives. (pp. 1-31). Oxford University Press.


t Hart, P. (2013). Book review: Government Transparency: Impact and Unintended Consequences. Public Administration, 91, 787-789.

Populariserende publicaties

't Hart, P. (2013). Interview: Mededogen met de bestuurder. Binnenlands Bestuur, 28-31.

Overige resultaten

Meijer, A. J., & t Hart, P. (2013). Assessing Government Transparency: Towards a Golden Mean. Paper.. Paper presented at IRSPM conference, Praag.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Boin, R. A., & t Hart, P. (2012). Aligning executive action in times of adversity: The politics of crisis co-ordination. In M. Lodge, & K. Wegrich (Eds.), Executive Politics in Times of Crisis (pp. 179-196). (The Executive Politics and Governance series ). Palgrave Macmillan.
Boin, R. A., t Hart, P., & van Esch, F. A. W. J. (2012). Political Leadership in Times of Crisis: Comparing Leader Responses to Financial Turbulence. In L. Helms (Ed.), Comparative Political Leadership (pp. 119-141). ( Palgrave Studies in Political Leadership series). Palgrave Macmillan.
Bovens, M. A. P., & t Hart, P. (2012). Epilogue: Making Sense of Policy Fiascoes. In M. Hill, & P. Hupe (Eds.), Public Policy: Public Policy in Progress (Vol. 4, pp. 15-28). (SAGE Library of the Public Sector). SAGE.
Bovens, M. A. P., & t Hart, P. (2012). Assessing Policy Outcomes: Social and Political Biases. In M. Hill, & P. Hupe (Eds.), Public Policy: Public Policy in Action (Vol. 3, pp. 291-320). (SAGE Library of the Public Sector). SAGE.
Brandstrom, A., t Hart, P., & Bynander, F. (2012). Governing by looking back: Historical analogies and crisis management. In T. Legrand, & A. McConnell (Eds.), Emergency Policy: Volume III (pp. 11-39). Ashgate.
t Hart, P., & Wille, A. C. (2012). Bureaucratic politics: opening the black box of executive government. In B. Guy Peters, & J. Pierre (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration (2 ed., pp. 369-379). SAGE Publications Ltd.
t Hart, P. (2012). Van verzorgingsstaat tot waarborgstaat. In T. Kwakkelstein, A. van Dam, & A. van Ravenzwaaij (Eds.), Van Verzorgingsstaat tot Waarborgstaat: Nieuwe Kansen voor Overheid en Samenleving (pp. 23-32). Boom | Lemma.
t Hart, P. (2012). Voorbij de romantiek van de sterke man. De Republikein: Tijdschrift voor de ware democraat, 8(4), 6-10.
Masters, A., & t Hart, P. (2012). Prime ministerial rhetoric and recession politics: Meaning-making in economic crisis management. Public Administration, 90(3), 759-780.
Boin, R. A., & 't Hart, P. (2012). Organizing for effective emergency management: Lessons from research. Chinese Emergency Management, 3, 44-51.
Bovens, M. A. P., t Hart, P., & van Twist, M. J. W. (2012). Openbaar bestuur: Beleid, organisatie, politiek, 8e herziene druk. Kluwer.
de Vries, J., t Hart, P., & Onstein, H. (2012). From oblivion to limelight: Stability and change in Dutch post-prime ministerial careers. In J. de Vries, & K. Theakston (Eds.), Former Leaders in Modern Democracies: Political Sunsets (pp. 161-185). (Palgrave Studies in Political Leadership Series ). Palgrave Macmillan.
t Hart, P., & van der Steen, M. (2012). Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen in de 2.0-wereld: Nieuwe uitdagingen en overzeese lessen. Bestuurskunde, 21(1), 71-82.


t Hart, P. (2012). De politieke leider: De balans tussen bouwen, hervormen en conserveren. In J. Boonstra (Ed.), De Leiderschapsbox (pp. 17-33). Managementboek.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Tindall, K., & 't Hart, P. (2011). Evaluating government performance during consular emergencies: Toward an analytical framework. Policy and Society, 30(2), 137-149.
t Hart, P., & Uhr, J. (2011). Power transitions and leadership successions in government. In P. 't Hart, & J. Uhr (Eds.), How Power Changes Hands: Transition and Succession in Government (pp. 1-20). (Understanding Governance series). Palgrave Macmillan.
t Hart, P., & Uhr, J. (2011). How power changes hands: Concluding reflections. In P. 't Hart, & J. Uhr (Eds.), How Power Changes Hands: Transistion and Succession in Government (pp. 230-245). (Understanding Governance series). Palgrave Macmillan.
t Hart, P. (2011). Reading the signs of the times: Regime dynamics and leadership possibilities. Journal of Political Philosophy, 19(4), 419-439.
t Hart, P. (2011). Evaluating public leadership: Towards an assessment framework. Public Money and Management, 31(5), 323-330.
t Hart, P. (2011). Groupthink. In K. Dowding (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Power (pp. 297-298). SAGE Publications Inc..
t Hart, P., & Boin, R. A. (2011). Leiderschap in Publieke Organisaties. In M. Noordegraaf, K. Geuijen, & A. Meijer (Eds.), Handboek Publiek Management (pp. 115-133). Boom | Lemma.
t Hart, P., & Uhr, J. (2011). How Power Changes Hands: Transition and Succession in Government. Palgrave Macmillan.
Laing, M., & t Hart, P. (2011). Seeking and keeping the hot seat: A comparative analysis of party leader successions. In P. 't Hart, & J. Uhr (Eds.), How Power Changes Hands: Transition and Succession in Government (pp. 111-132). (Understanding Governance series ). Palgrave Macmillan.

Populariserende publicaties

t Hart, P. (2011). De politieke leider. In J. Boonstra (Ed.), Managementboek (audio disc in box van 13) De Leiderschapsbox.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Deverell, E. (2010). Crisis-induced learning in public sector organizations.
Boin, A., McConnell, A., & Hart, P. (2010). Crisis leadership. In Political and Civic Leadership: A Reference Handbook (pp. 229-238). SAGE Publications Inc..
Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & t Hart, P. (2010). The Real World of EU Accountability: What Deficit? Oxford University Press.
Geuijen, C. H. M., & t Hart, P. (2010). Flying Blind in Brussels: How National Officials do European Business Without Policy Steering. In H. Colebatch, R. Hoppe, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Working for Policy (pp. 171-190). Amsterdam University Press.
t Hart, P. (2010). Public sector leadership: Moving beyond mythology. In SSA/ANZSOG Occasional Paper no. 3 (pp. 23-30). Australian New Zealand School of Government and State Services Authority.
Boin, R. A., t Hart, P., & McConnell, A. (2010). Coping with Unscheduled Events: The challenges of crisis leadership. In R. A. Couto (Ed.), Political and Civil Leadership: A reference handbook (pp. 229-238). (SAGE Reference Series on Leadership). SAGE.
Boin, R. A., & t Hart, P. (2010). Organising for Effective Emergency Management: Lessons from Research. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 69(4), 357-371.
Geuijen, C. H. M., & t Hart, P. (2010). Des Eurocrats livres a eux-memes. In C. Robert, & H. Michel (Eds.), La Fabrique des Europeens (pp. 239-258). Presses universitaires de Strasbourg.
Lakowski, T. M., 't Hart, P., Ahern, C. A., Martin, N. I., & Frankel, A. (2010). N-eta-Substituted arginyl peptide inhibitors of protein arginine N-methyltransferases. ACS Chemical Biology, 5(11), 1053-1063.
Boin, R. A., t Hart, P., McConnell, A., & Preston, T. (2010). Leadership Style, Crisis Response and Blame Management: The case of Hurricane Katrina. Public Administration, 88(3), 706-723.
Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & 't Hart, P. (2010). The Real World of EU Accountability: Comparisons and Conclusions. In M. Bovens, & D. Curtin (Eds.), The Real World of EU Accountability: What Deficit? (pp. 174-197). Oxford University Press.
Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & t Hart, P. (2010). The Quest for Legitimacy and Accountability in EU Governance. In M. Bovens, D. M. Curtin, & P. t' Hart (Eds.), The Real World of EU Accountability: What Deficit? (pp. 9-30). Oxford University Press.
Marsh, D., t Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2010). Celebrity politics: the politics of late modernity? Political Studies Review, 8(3), 322-340.
Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & 't Hart, P. (2010). The EU's Accountability: Reality or Myth? In M. Bovens, D. Curtin, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), The Real World of EU Acoountability: What Deficit? (pp. 1-8). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P. (2010). Leren leven met leiderschap. In H. Aardema, W. Derksen, M. Herweijer, & P. de Jong (Eds.), Meerwaarde van de Bestuurskunde (pp. 185-194). Boom Uitgevers.
Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & 't Hart, P. (2010). Studying the Real World of EU Accountability: Framework and Design. In M. Bovens, D. Curtin, & H. 't Paul (Eds.), The Real World of EU Accountability: What Deficit (pp. 31-62). Oxford University Press.


t Hart, P. (2010). Lifting its game to get ahead: The Canberra bureaucracy's reform by stealth. The Australian Review of Public Affairs, On-Line Journal, 09-07-2010.

Overige resultaten

Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & t Hart, P. (2010). Towards a more Accountable EU: Retrospective and Roadmap. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA study group on EU administration and Multi-level governance, EPGA annual conference, Toulouse.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

t Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2009). Framing the economic downturn : crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions. ANU E Press.
t Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2009). From ‘market correction’ to ‘global catastrophe' : framing the economic downturn. In P. 't Hart, K. Tindall, & R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Framing the global economic downturn: Crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions (pp. 3-19). ( Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU E Press.
Kane, J., Patapan, H., & t Hart, P. (2009). Dispersed democratic leadership : origins, dynamics, implications. Oxford University Press.
Kane, J., Patapan, H., & t Hart, P. (2009). Dispersed democratic leadership revisited. In J. Kane, H. Patapan, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Dispersed Democratic Leadership: Origins, Dynamics, and Implications (pp. 299-322). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P., & Walter, J. (2009). Political psychology. In R. A. W. Rhodes, K. Tindall, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), The Australian study of politics in the Twentieth Century (pp. 1-32). Palgrave Macmillan.
Kane, J., Patapan, H., & t Hart, P. (2009). Dispersed democratic leadership. In J. Kane, H. Patapan, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Dispersed Democratic Leadership: Origins, Dynamics, and Implications (pp. 1-14). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2009). Understanding crisis exploitation: leadership, rhetoric and framing contests in response to the economic meltdown. In P. 't Hart, K. Tindall, & R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Framing the global economic downturn : crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions (pp. 21-41). ANU E Press.
t Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2009). Public leadership and the social construction of economic catastrophe. In P. 't Hart, K. Tindall, & R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Framing the global economic downturn : crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions (pp. 331-351). ANU E Press.
t Hart, P. (2009). Political psychology : exploring the human factor in political life. In D. Marsh, G. Stoker, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Theory and methods in political science (pp. 1-27). Palgrave Macmillan.
t Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2009). Leadership by the Famous: Celebrity as Political Capital. In J. Kane, H. Patapan, & P. 't Hart (Eds.), Dispersed Democratic Leadership: Origins, Dynamics, and Implications (pp. 255-278). Oxford University Press.
t Hart, P. (2009). Palgrave Macmillan book series Key Texts in Public Management and Public Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan.
Boin, R. A., McConnell, A., & t Hart, P. (2009). Crisis exploitation : political and policy impacts of framing contests. Journal of European Public Policy, 16(1), 81-106.
t Hart, P., Tindall, K., & Brown, C. (2009). Crisis leadership of the Bush Presidency : advisory capacity and presidential performance in the acute stages of the 9/11 and Katrina Crises. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 39(3), 473-493.


t Hart, P., & Boin, R. A. (2009). Crisis als kans? De gevaren van daadkrachtig leiderschap. Magazine nationale veiligheid en crisisbeheersing, 7(3), 47-49.
Boin, R. A., & t Hart, P. (2009). The dangerous game of crisis exploitation. Schlossplatz 3, 7, 21-25.

Populariserende publicaties

t Hart, P. (2009). Rudd a big winner, but needs to watch next steps. The Canberra Times.
Boin, R. A., & t Hart, P. (2009). Crisis champions worsen woes. The Canberra Times.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

't Hart, P., & Uhr, J. (2008). Public Leadership: Perspectives and Practices. ANU E Press.
't Hart, P., & Bynander, F. (2008). The art of handing over: (mis)managing party leadership succession. Government and Opposition, 43(3), 385-404.
't Hart, P. (2008). The limits of crisis exploitation: The NT intervention as a reform boomerang. Arena Journal, 29(30), 157-174.
Boin, A., McConnell, A., & 't Hart, P. (2008). Conclusions: the politics of crisis exploitation. In P. 't Hart, A. Boin, & A. McConnell (Eds.), Governing After Crisis: The Politics of Investigation, Accountability and Learning (pp. 285-316). Cambridge University Press.
't Hart, P., & Vromen, A. (2008). A new era for think tanks in public policy? International trends, Australian realities. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 62(2), 135-148.
Boin, R. A., McConnell, A., & 't Hart, P. (2008). Governing after Crisis: The Politics of Investigation, Accountability and Learning. Cambridge University Press.
Boin, A., McConnell, A., & 't Hart, P. (2008). Governing after crisis. In P. 't Hart, A. Boin, & A. McConnell (Eds.), Governing After Crisis: The Politics of Investigation, Accountability and Learning (pp. 3-30). Cambridge University Press.
't Hart, P., Bovens, M. A. P., & Kuipers, S. L. (2008). The politics of policy evaluation. In M. Moran, B. Goodin, & M. Rein (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Public Policy (pp. 317-333). Oxford University Press.
Geuijen, C. H. M., 't Hart, P., Princen, S. B. M., & Yesilkagit, A. K. (2008). The New Eurocrats: National civil Servants in EU Policy Making. Amsterdam University Press.
't Hart, P., Princen, S. B. M., & Yesilkagit, A. K. (2008). De verplaatsing van de 'Vierde Macht': Inleiding op het Themanummer. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 35(1), 4-12.
't Hart, P., & Staelraeve, S. (2008). Dutroux and dioxin: crisis investigations, elite accountability and institutional reform in Belgium. In P. 't Hart, A. Boin, & A. McConnell (Eds.), Governing After Crisis: The Politics of Investigation, Accountability and Learning (pp. 148-180). Cambridge University Press.
Bovens, M. A. P., 't Hart, P., & Schillemans, T. (2008). Does Public Accountability Work? An Assessment Tool. Public Administration, 86(1), 225-242.
't Hart, P., & Uhr, J. G. (2008). Understanding public leadership: An Introduction. In P. 't Hart, & J. Uhr (Eds.), Public Leadership: Perspectives and Practices (pp. 1-22). (Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG)). ANU E Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hansen, D. (2007). Crisis and perspectives on policy change: Swedish counter-terrorism policymaking.
't Hart, P., Geuijen, C. H. M., Princen, S. B. M., Yesilkagit, A. K., & Mastenbroek, E. (2007). The Europeanization of the Civil Service Craft. USBO.
't Hart, P. (2007). Spies at the crossroads: Observing change in the Dutch intelligence service. In P. 't Hart, R. A. W. Rhodes, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Observing Government Elites: Up Close and Personal (pp. 51-77). Palgrave Macmillan.
't Hart, P., Boin, R. A., & van der Torre, E. (2007). Politieleiderschap: Korpschefs op het breukvlak. In C. J. C. F. Fijnaut, E. R. Muller, U. Rosenthal, & E. J. van der Torre (Eds.), Politie: Studies over Haar Werking en Organisatie (pp. 313-333). Kluwer.
't Hart, P. (2007). Review of A. Peachment (ed.), The Years of Scandal: Commissions of Inquiry. Australian Journal of Political Science, 66, 124-125.
't Hart, P., Rhodes, R. A. W., & Noordegraaf, M. (2007). Being there. In P. 't Hart, R. A. W. Rhodes, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Observing Government Elites: Up close and Personal (pp. 1-18). Palgrave Macmillan.
't Hart, P. (2007). Crisis Exploitation: Reflections on the 'National Emergency in Australia's Northern Territory. Dialogue / Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 26(3), 51-58.
't Hart, P., Geuijen, C. H. M., & Yesilkagit, A. K. (2007). Dutch Eurocrats at Work: Getting Things Done in Europe. In P. 't Hart, R. A. W. Rhodes, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Observing Governments Elites: Up Close and Personal (pp. 131-159). Palgrave Macmillan.
Bovens, M. A. P., 't Hart, P., & van Twist, M. J. W. (2007). Openbaar bestuur: Beleid, organisatie en politiek. 7de Herziene druk. Kluwer.
't Hart, P. (2007). Review of F. Hendriks, Vitale Democratie. Openbaar Bestuur, 17, 30.
't Hart, P., & Bynander, F. (2007). The politics of leader survival and succession: Australia in comparative perspective. Australian Journal of Political Science, 42(1), 47-72.
't Hart, P., Rhodes, R. A. W., & Noordegraaf, M. (2007). Observing Government Elites: Up Close and Personal. Palgrave Macmillan.
't Hart, P. (2007). The crisis approach. In E. L. Quarantelli, R. Dynes, & H. Rodriguez (Eds.), Handbook of Disaster Research (pp. 42-54). (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). Springer.
't Hart, P. (2007). Denktanks in Beweging: Van 'Kennis voor Beleid' naar Transnationale Ideeënmakelaardij. Nederlandse School Of Government.
't Hart, P., Rhodes, R. A. W., & Noordegraaf, M. (2007). So What? The Benefits and Pitfalls of Being There. In P. 't Hart, R. A. W. Rhodes, & M. Noordegraaf (Eds.), Observing Government Elites: Up Close and Personal (pp. 206-233). Palgrave Macmillan.

Overige resultaten

't Hart, P., & Geuijen, C. H. M. (2007). Playing it Safe or Going All Out in Brussels? How National Officials Do European Business Without Political Steering. Paper. Paper presented at British Political Science Association, Bath.
Bovens, M. A. P., 't Hart, P., & Schillemans, T. (2007). Does Accountabiliy work? An Assessment tool. Paper. Paper presented at Transatlantic Workshop on Ethics and Integrity, APSA/EGPA, Washington.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

't Hart, P., & Bynander, F. (2006). When Power Changes Hands: The Political Psychology of Leadership Succession in Democracies. Political Psychology, 27(5), 707-730.
't Hart, P. (2006). Review: POLICY BUREAUCRACY: GOVERNMENT WITH A CAST OF THOUSANDS. Public Administration, 84(3), 783-786.
't Hart, P. (2006). Frank Cain, Jack Lang and the Great Depression: Book review. Australian Journal of Political Science, 41(3), 465-466.
't Hart, P. (2006). Tegen de leiderschapsromantiek. In K. Becking (Ed.), Vernieuwend leiderschap: persoonlijke reflecties uit de praktijk (ROI-reeks; No. 4). SDU.
't Hart, P., & Wille, A. C. (2006). Ministers and Top Officials in the Dutch Core Executive: Living Together, Growing Apart? Public Administration, 84(1), 121-146.

Overige resultaten

't Hart, P. (2006). Member Editorial Board: Cooperation and Conflict.
't Hart, P. (2006). Member Editorial Board: Journal of European Public Policy.
't Hart, P., Boin, R. A., & McConnell, R. S. (2006). Inertia of change? Crisis-induced challenges for political leaders. Paper presented at Australian Political Studies Association Conference, Newcastle.
't Hart, P. (2006). Member Editorial Board: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
't Hart, P. (2006). Member Editorial Board: Political Psychology.
't Hart, P. (2006). Member Editorial Board: Chinese Review of Public Administration.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bovens, M. A. P., & 't Hart, P. (2005). Publieke verantwoording: Zegen en vloek. In W. Bakker & K. Yesilkagit (Ed.), Publieke verantwoording (pp. 245-264). (Beleid en maatschappij). Boom Uitgevers.
't Hart, P., Boin, R. A., Stern, E., & Sundelius, B. (2005). The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure. Cambridge University Press.
't Hart, P., Sorgdrager, W., & van Voorden, H. (2005). De prijs van mobiliteit: bestuur, management en kostenbeheersing bij de Noord-Zuid lijn. Gemeente Amsterdam.
't Hart, P. (2005). Doing better, feeling worse: Over de erosie van het overheidsgezag. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 32(4), 226-238.
Ullberg, S., Kofman-Bos, C., & 't Hart, P. (2005). The Long Shadow of Disaster: Memory and Politics in Holland and Sweden. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 23(1), 5-26.

Overige resultaten

Bovens, M. A. P., & 't Hart, P. (2005). Evaluating public accountability. Paper. Paper presented at Accountable Governance: An International Research Colloquium, Queen's Univesity Belfast.
van de Steeg, M. W., Bovens, M. A. P., Curtin, D. M., & 't Hart, P. (2005). Multilevel governance and public accountability in Europe: Which Institutions, which practices, which deficits. Paper presented at Accountable Governance: An International Research Colloquium, Queen's Univesity Belfast.
't Hart, P. (2005). After the crisis: accountability, learning and politics. Paper presented at 4-daagse workshop tijdens jaarlijkse Joint Sessions of Workshops, European Consortium for Political Research, Granada, Spanje.
van de Steeg, M. W., Bovens, M. A. P., 't Hart, P., & Curtin, D. M. (2005). Public accountability and the Eu: A Research Agenda. Paper presented at Contested meanings: democratic practice and principles across cultural boundaries, CONNEX Conferentie, Belfast.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Boin, R. A., & 't Hart, P. (2004). Coping with complexity in crisis management. In R. Fisch, & D. Beck (Eds.), Umgang mit Komplexität in Organisationen Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie.
't Hart, P. (2004). Weer ouderwets op dreef. Recensie van P. Kuypers. De Staat der Nederlanden. Openbaar Bestuur, 6/7, 38-39.
't Hart, P., & ten Hooven, M. (2004). Op Zoek Naar Leiderschap: Regeren na de Revolte. De Balie.
Brändström, A., Bynander, F., & 't Hart, P. (2004). Governing by looking back: Historical analogies in crisis management. Public Administration, 82(1), 191-210.


't Hart, P. (2004). Tussen onmacht en overmacht: de rol van de volksvertegenwoordiging bij grote infrastructuurprojecten. (Deelrapport IV tijdelijke commissie Infrastructuur projecten ed.) SDU.

Populariserende publicaties

't Hart, P. (2004). Weerzin en weemoed als politiek probleem. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 2(6), 123-128.
't Hart, P., & van der Steen, M. (2004). Vergeetachtige overheid. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 2(5), 4-7.
't Hart, P. (2004). Groeiende verantwoordingsoverlast. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 2(7), 14-17.
't Hart, P. (2004). Democratie in de tijdsklem. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 2(8).

Overige resultaten

't Hart, P. (2004, Sept 9). Promotor S.L. Kuipers.
't Hart, P. (2004, Apr 7). Promotor L. Heyse.
't Hart, P. (2004). Leider Werkgroep Public Sector Leadership. Paper presented at European group of Public Administration conference, Slovenia.
't Hart, P. (2004). Dagvoorzitter Derde LCB-Congres. Paper presented at LCB-congres, Noordwijkerhout.
't Hart, P. (2004). Some thoughts on the Institutionalism of New Public Organizations. Paper presented at International Seminar on New Public Organizations, Leidien.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goldfinch, S., & 't Hart, P. (2003). Leadership and Institutional Reform: Engineering Macroeconomic Policy Change in Australia. Governance, 16(2), 235-270.
Boin, R. A., van der Torre, E., & 't Hart, P. (2003). Korpschef op het breukvlak. Tijdschrift voor de Politie, 10, 4-12.
't Hart, P. (2003). Het verleden als politiek-bestuurlijk probleem. De Nieuwste Tijd, 30-45.
Boin, R. A., & 't Hart, P. (2003). Public Leadership in Times of Crisis: Mission Impossible? Public Administration Review, 63(5), 544-553.
't Hart, P. (2003). Trends in Crisis Management Practice and Crisis Management Research. In C. Gilbert (Ed.), Risques collectifs et situations de crise: Apports de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales L'Harmattan.
't Hart, P. (2003). Reluctant Customers: Presidents and Policy Advise. International Studies Review, 5(1), 101-103.
Boin, R. A., van der Torre, E., & 't Hart, P. (2003). Blauwe Bazen. (Politiewetenschap ed.) Kerckebosch.
't Hart, P. (2003). Book Reviews: Heatwave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago, Eric Klinenberg, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL (2002), 320 pp. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 11(2), 93-95.


't Hart, P. (2003). Bestuurlijk leider wordt passe. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 1, 20-23.
't Hart, P. (2003). Gevangen in een spel. Openbaar Bestuur, 7, 38-39.
't Hart, P. (2003). Politiek-bestuurlijke elites zijn niet 'ongekend': Reactie op Vreekamp. KWALON, 3, 9-11.
't Hart, P. (2003). Tjeenk Willink en de staat van de Staat. Openbaar Bestuur, 6, 34-36.
't Hart, P. (2003). Factor Tijd. Historische analogie, verleidelijk en bedriegelijk. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 1(4), 65-67.
't Hart, P. (2003). Politiek-bureaucratisch coplex moet herzien. Openbaar Bestuur, 3, 28-30.
't Hart, P. (2003). Paars en post-Paars. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 3, 18-23.
't Hart, P. (2003). De geur van zweet. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, 2, 44-47.

Overige resultaten

Ullberg, S., 't Hart, P., & Kofman-Bos, C. (2003). The long shadow of disaster: social and political remembrance of catastrophe. Paper presented at ECPR Conferentie, Edinburgh.
't Hart, P. (2003, Sept 4). Co-trainer bestuurlijk-ambtelijke verhoudingen.
't Hart, P. (2003, Oct 3). 2 dagdelen trainer bestuurlijk-ambtelijke verhoudingen.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Stern, E., Sundelius, B., Nohrstedt, D., Hansén, D., Newlove, L., & Hart, P. T. (2002). Crisis management in transitional democracies: The Baltic experience. Government and Opposition, 37(4), 524-550.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Preston, T., & 'T Hart, P. (1999). Understanding and evaluating bureaucratic politics: The nexus between political leaders and advisory systems. Political Psychology, 20(1), 49-98.
Bovens, M. A. P., 't Hart, P., Dekker, S., & Verheuvel, G. (1999). The politics of blaim avoidance: defensive tactics in a Dutch crime-fighting scenario. In H. K. Anheier (Ed.), When things go wrong: organizational failures and breakdowns (pp. 123-147)


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

't Hart, P., Stern, E., & Sundelius, B. (1998). Crisis management: An agenda for research and training in Europe. Cooperation and Conflict, 33(2), 207-224.
'T Hart, P. (1998). Preventing groupthink revisited: Evaluating and reforming groups in government. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 73(2-3), 306-326.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

'T Hart, P. (1997). Preparing policy makers for crisis management: The role of simulations. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 5(4), 207-215.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kleiboer, M., & 't Hart, P. (1995). Time to Talk? Multiple Perspectives on Timing of International Mediation. Cooperation and Conflict, 30(4), 307-348.