Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Phoa, P. (2023). “EU Law and Law and Humanities: a novel method inspired by Paul Ricoeur and James Boyd White” (with J. Gaakeer). In T. Nowak et al., Interdisciplinary Research Methods in EU Law: Challenges and Opportunities, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Phoa, P. (2023). “Unity and Diversity in the Common Agricultural Policy”. In T. van den Brink and V. Passalacqua, Unity and Diversity in EU legislation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerbrandy, A., & Phoa, P. (2022).
The Power of Big Tech Corporations as Modern Bigness and a Vocabulary for Shaping Competition Law as Counter-power. In M. Bennett, H. Brouwer, & R. Claassen (Eds.),
Wealth and Power: Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 166-176). Taylor & Francis. Vakpublicaties
Phoa, P. (Author). (2022). – expert blog on the question “Hoe moeilijk is het juridisch gezien om vlees duurder te maken?” [How difficult is it, legally speaking, to make meat more expensive?]. Web publication/site
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerbrandy, A., & Phoa, P. (2021). The Power of Big Tech Corporations as Modern Bigness and a Vocabulary for Shaping Competition law as Counter-ower. Paper presented at Wealth and Power, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Phoa, P. S. (2021).
EU Law as a Creative Process: A hermeneutic approach for the EU internal market and fundamental rights protection. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Europa Law Publishing. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Phoa, P. S. (2018).
EU Citizens’ Access to Social Benefits: Reality or Fiction? Outlining a Law and Literature Approach to EU citizenship. In F. Pennings, & M. Seeleib-Kaiser (Eds.),
EU Citizenship and Social Rights : Entitlements and Impediments to Accessing Welfare (pp. 199-227). (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship). Edward Elgar Publishing. van Eijken, H., & Phoa, P. S. (2018).
Nationality and EU citizenship: strong tether or slipping anchor? In S. de Vries, H. de Waele, & M-P. Granger (Eds.),
Civil Rights and EU Citizenship: Challenges at the Crossroads of the European, National and Private Spheres (pp. 99-123). (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship). Edward Elgar Publishing. van Dorp, J. E., & Phoa, P. S. (2018).
How to Continue a Meaningful Judicial Dialogue About EU Law? From the Conditions in the CILFIT Judgment to the Creation of a New European Legal Culture. Utrecht Journal of International and European Law,
34(1), 73-87. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Phoa, P. (2011). Editor (with T. Baumé, E. Oude Elferink and Dominique Thiaville), Today’s Multilayered Legal Order: Current Issues and Perspectives, Liber Amicorum in honour of Judge A.W.H. Meij, Zutphen: Uitgeverij Paris, 2011.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Phoa, P. (2010). Editor (with A.W.H. Meij), Europocket, 19th edition, Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer, 2010.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Phoa, P. (2008). Monthly summaries of recent case law of the General Court of the EU in SEW (Dutch legal journal for European and economic law). SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht.
Phoa, P. (2008). Chapter 3.2. In “Handleiding Wetgeving en Europa” [“Manual Legislation and Europe”], Dutch Ministry of Justice, 2008