Dr. P.D. (Philipp) Keidl

Universitair docent
Media en Performance Studies
Media en Performance Studies

Philipp Dominik Keidl is Assistant Professor of Screen Media in Transition in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University. He holds a PhD in Film and Moving Image Studies from Concordia University in Montreal and an MA in Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image from the University of Amsterdam.

Philipp Dominik's published work concentrates on fandom, media and material culture, and film heritage and institutions. His current monograph project examines the relationship and power dynamics among media industries, heritage institutions, and audiences in the making of film and media history. Case studies such as industry-produced making-ofs, fan-made restoration tutorials, amateur exhibitions, state-run museums, and oral history projects reveal how the ownership of film and media history, as well as the cultural memory of their respective audiences and fan communities, is established, challenged, and negotiated through a diverse range of curatorial and production practices.