Prof. dr. Peter Ben Smit

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Questioning Ecumenism in the 20th CenturyPeter-Ben Smit (Participant)
13 Nov 201715 Nov 2017
Historicidagen UtrechtPeter-Ben Smit (Chair)
26 Aug 2017


“Only One Small Village? Dutch Catholic Conflicts in Global Perspective (17th-18th c.)P.B.A. Smit (Organiser)
13 Nov 2015
, “Only One Small Village? Dutch Catholic Conflicts in Global Perspective (17th-18th c.)
The Authority of the Churches in a Pluralist EuropeP.B.A. Smit (Participant)
9 Sep 2015
International conference: The aesthetics of crossing: Experiencing the beyond in Abrahamic traditionsP.B.A. Smit (Participant)
19 Mar 2015
Religion, Gender and Body Politics: Postsecular, Postclonial and Queer Perspectives’ International Conference. P.B.A. Smit (Participant)
13 Feb 2015


Speaking is Silver, Silence is GoldP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2012
, NOSTER Thematic Seminar "Parrhesia"
Menswording en mensenrechten: Naim Nateek als Anglicaans theoloogP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
24 Apr 2012
, Boekpresentatie St. Sabeel (Amersfoort)
Dialoog: recht doen aan jezelf en de ander. Andreas Rinkel (1889-1979)en het oecumenisch en interreligious gesprekP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2012
, Theologenlezingen serie 2011-2012 (Utrecht)
‘Being Old in a New World: Old Catholics and their Appeal of the Early Church in the Context of a “Broken Tradition”P.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2012
, Conference Regimes of Religious Pluralism in 20th-Century Europe, Amsterdam


Response to: Jan Hallebeek, Canoniek recht in ecclesiologische contextP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
2 Dec 2011
, Vrijdagmiddaglezing Centrum Religie en Recht (Amsterdam)
Mede-organisatie en short paperP.B.A. Smit (Organiser)
2 Dec 2011
Vóór of achter (het altaar” – Perspectieven op litugische voorgaan
1 Dec 2011
, Studiedag pastores Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland (Amersfoort)
A Worldmap without Utopia on it is hardly worth looking at: Food and Foodstuffs in 4 EzraP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
15 Nov 2011
, Amsterdam New Testament Colloquium (Amsterdam)
- Organisatie van het symposium (en inleiding/voorzitterschap)P.B.A. Smit (Organiser)
14 Oct 2011
, - Organisatie van het symposium (en inleiding/voorzitterschap)
Inleiding: Oud-Katholieke theologie als vorm van Oud-Katholiek spiritualiteitP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
14 Oct 2011
, Symposium “Oud- en Nieuw-Katholiek”, Old Catholic Seminary/University of Utrecht
Orthodox – Old Catholic Dialogue: A Surprising Ecumenical ParadoxP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
14 Sep 2011
, Institute for the Academic Study of Eastern Christianity, “Orthodox Paradoxes” Conference
The reality of Adoption in Early ChristianityP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
7 Jul 2011
, SBL International Meeting
Pseudepigraphie als kybernetisches InstrumentP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
14 May 2011
, AG-ASS Tagung (Mainz)
Tradition in Dialogue: The Understanding of Tradition in Anglican Ecumenical DialoguesP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
11 May 2011
, Invited presentation in the context of a doctoral defense. (General Theological Seminary, New York)
Römisches Recht und das frühe ChristentumP.B.A. Smit (Invited speaker)
20 Apr 2011
, Collegium Generale, Universität Bern (Bern)
Lidmaatschap Society for New Testament Studies (Event)P.B.A. Smit (Member)
2011 → …
, Lidmaatschap Society for New Testament Studies
Lidmaatschap Commissie Geloof en Kerkorde, Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland (Event)P.B.A. Smit (Member)
2011 → …
, Lidmaatschap Commissie Geloof en Kerkorde, Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland