Fairness and Intersectional Non-Discrimination in Human Recommendation (FINDHR) (H2020 Grant: 2022-2025) 01-11-2022 tot 31-10-2025
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Algorithmic hiring is the usage of tools based on Artificial intelligence (AI) for finding and selecting job candidates. As other applications of AI, it is vulnerable to perpetuate discrimination. Considering technological, legal, and ethical aspects, the EU-funded FINDHR project will facilitate the prevention, detection, and management of discrimination in algorithmic hiring and closely related areas involving human recommendation. FINDHR aims to create new ways to ascertain discrimination risk, produce less biased outcomes, and meaningfully incorporate human expertise. Moreover, it aims to create procedures for software development, monitoring and training. On completion, the project’s publications, software, courseware and datasets will be made freely available to the public under free and open licenses. Prof. Arora and postdoc Marianna Capasso lead the cross-cultural AI ethics segment across all work packages.

Individuele projectbeschrijving

FINDR Project Website

3e geldstroom - EU HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-24: Tackling gender, race and other biases in AI (RIA)
FemLab 01-01-2020
Algemene projectbeschrijving

FemLab is a Feminist Future of Work initiative and researcher activist cooperative co-founded by Prof. Payal Arora and Prof. Usha Raman (from Univ. of Hyderabad). It seeks to envision and enact how digital platforms may be optimized to enhance self-actualization, representation, and collectivization in a changing and increasingly precarious market and society. It takes a worker-centered and feminist approach in the design and deployment of new media tools to align the future of work with human dignity, creativity, and pleasure. The team works alongside diverse stakeholders such as tech designers, legal activists, policy makers, NGOs, aid agencies, worker unions, scholars and business folks to build common ground and translate insights into compelling campaigns for change and inclusive and responsible design.

Individuele projectbeschrijving

FemLab website

3e geldstroom - overig International Development Research Centre; the UN Refugee Agency - UNHCR Innovation Services; Other third sector actors