Prof. dr. O. (Odo) Diekmann

Hans Freudenthalgebouw
Budapestlaan 6
Kamer 615
3584 CD Utrecht

Prof. dr. O. (Odo) Diekmann

Mathematical Modeling
030 253 1487



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bootsma, M., Chan, D., Diekmann, O., & Inaba, H. (2023). The effect of host population heterogeneity on epidemic outbreaks. (pp. 1-39). arXiv.
Barril, C., Calsina, À., Diekmann, O., & Farkas, J. Z. (2023). On competition through growth reduction. (pp. 1-24). arXiv.
Boldin, B., Diekmann, O., & Metz, J. A. J. (2023). Population growth in discrete time: a renewal equation oriented survey. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. Advance online publication.
Franco, E., Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. (2023). Modelling physiologically structured populations: renewal equations and partial differential equations. Journal of Evolution Equations, 23(3), 1-62. Article 46.
Bootsma, M. C. J., Chan, K. M. D., Diekmann, O., & Inaba, H. (2023). Separable mixing: The general formulation and a particular example focusing on mask efficiency. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20(10), 17661-17671.
Diekmann, O., & Inaba, H. (2023). A systematic procedure for incorporating separable static heterogeneity into compartmental epidemic models. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 86(2), 1-19. Article 29.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Barril, C., Calsina, À., Diekmann, O., & Farkas, J. Z. (2022). On the formulation of size-structured consumer resource models (with special attention for the principle of linearized stability). Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 32(6), 1141-1191.
Diekmann, O., & Inaba, H. (2022). A systematic procedure for incorporating separable static heterogeneity into compartmental epidemic models. (pp. 1-19). arXiv.
Franco, E., Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. (2022). Modelling physiologically structured populations: renewal equations and partial differential equations. (pp. 1-53). arXiv.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Barril, C., Calsina, À., Diekmann, O., & Farkas, J. Z. (2021). On the formulation of size-structured consumer resource models (with special attention for the principle of linearized stability). (pp. 1-30). arXiv.
Franco, E., Gyllenberg, M., & Diekmann, O. (2021). One Dimensional Reduction of a Renewal Equation for a Measure-Valued Function of Time Describing Population Dynamics. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 175(1), 1-67. Article 12.
De Wolff, B. A. J., Scarabel, F., Verduyn Lunel, S. M., & Diekmann, O. (2021). Pseudospectral approximation of hopf bifurcation for delay differential equations. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20(1), 333-370.
Diekmann, O., & Verduyn Lunel, S. M. (2021). Twin semigroups and delay equations. Journal of Differential Equations, 286, 332-410.
Scarabel, F., Diekmann, O., & Vermiglio, R. (2021). Numerical bifurcation analysis of renewal equations via pseudospectral approximation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 397, 1-21. Article 113611.
Diekmann, O., Othmer, H. G., Planqué, R., & Bootsma, M. C. J. (2021). The discrete-time Kermack-McKendrick model: A versatile and computationally attractive framework for modeling epidemics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(39), 1-9. Article e2106332118 .
Scarabel, F., Breda, D., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Vermiglio, R. (2021). Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Physiologically Structured Population Models via Pseudospectral Approximation. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 49(1), 37-67.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. (2020). On models of physiologically structured populations and their reduction to ordinary differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(1-2), 189-204.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. (2020). Finite dimensional state representation of physiologically structured populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(1-2), 205-273.
Diekmann, O., Gavrilets, S., Gyllenberg, M., Levin, S., & Lewis, M. (2020). Special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Biology to honor Alan Hastings’ 65th birthday. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(1-2), 1-2.
Diekmann, O., Scarabel, F., & Vermiglio, R. (2020). Pseudospectral discretization of delay differential equations in sun-star formulation: Results and conjectures. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 13(9), 2575-2602.
Iwanami, S., Kitagawa, K., Ohashi, H., Asai, Y., Shionoya, K., Saso, W., Nishioka, K., Inaba, H., Nakaoka, S., Wakita, T., Diekmann, O., Iwami, S., & Watashi, K. (2020). Should a viral genome stay in the host cell or leave? A quantitative dynamics study of how hepatitis C virus deals with this dilemma. PLoS Biology, 18(7), 1-17. Article 3000562.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. (2020). Correction to: Finite dimensional state representation of physiologically structured populations (Journal of Mathematical Biology, (2020), 80, 1-2, (205-273), 10.1007/s00285-019-01454-0). Journal of Mathematical Biology, 81(3), 905-906.
Diekmann, O., & Planqué, R. (2020). The winner takes it all: how semelparous insects can become periodical. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80, 283–301.


Diekmann, O. (2020). Karl Peter Hadeler and the rise of Mathematical Biology. European Communications in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology.
Diekmann, O. (2020). The 1927 epidemic model of Kermack and McKendrick : a success story or a tragicomedy ? Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., de Graaf, W. F., Kretzschmar, M. E. E., & Teunis, P. F. M. (2018). Waning and boosting: on the dynamics of immune status. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 77(6-7), 2023-2048.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. (2018). Finite dimensional state representation of linear and nonlinear delay systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 30(4), 1439-1467.


Diekmann, O., Dietz, K., Hillen, T., & Thieme, H. (2018). Karl-Peter Hadeler: His legacy in mathematical biology. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 77(6-7), 1623-1627.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Metz, J. A. J., & Diekmann, O. (2017). Exact finite dimensional representations of models for physiologically structured populations.I: The abstract foundations of linear chain trickery. In Differential Equations with Applications in Biology, Physics, and Engineering (pp. 269-289). CRC Press.
Leung, K. Y., Kretzschmar, M. E. E., & Diekmann, O. (2017). Mean field at distance one. In N. Masuda, & P. Holme (Eds.), Temporal Network Epidemiology (pp. 105-128). (Theoretical Biology). Springer.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J., Nakaoka, S., & de Roos, A. M. (2017). Erratum to: Daphnia revisited: local stability and bifurcation theory for physiologically structured population models explained by way of an example (Journal of Mathematical Biology, (2010), 61, 2, (277-318), 10.1007/s00285-009-0299-y). Journal of Mathematical Biology, 75(1), 259-261.
Pfab, F., Diekmann, O., Bhattacharya, S., & Pugliese, A. (2017). Multiple coexistence equilibria in a two parasitoid-one host model. Theoretical Population Biology, 113, 34-46.
Leung, K. Y., & Diekmann, O. (2017). Dangerous connections: on binding site models of infectious disease dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 74, 619-671.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Corander, J., Diekmann, O., & Koski, T. (2016). A tribute to Mats Gyllenberg, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 72(4), 793-795.
de Roos, A. M., Diekmann, O., Getto, P., & Kirkilionis, M. A. (2016). Erratum: Numerical Equilibrium Analysis for Structured Consumer Resource Models (Bull Math Biol, 72, (2010), 259-297, DOI 10.1007/s11538-009-9445-3). Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78(2), 350-351.
Breda, D., Diekmann, O., Liessi, D., & Scarabel, F. (2016). Numerical bifurcation analysis of a class of nonlinear renewal equations. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2016, Article 65.
Breda, D., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Scarabel, F., & Vermiglio, R. (2016). Pseudospectral discretization of nonlinear delay equations: New prospects for numerical bifurcation analysis. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 15(1), 1-23.
Diekmann, O., & Korvasová, K. (2016). Linearization of solution operators for state-dependent delay equations: A simple example. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(1), 137-149.
Diekmann, O., Getto, P., & Nakata, Y. (2016). On the characteristic equation (Formula presented.) and its use in the context of a cell population model. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 72(4), 877-908.
Cushing, J. M., & Diekmann, O. (2016). The many guises of R0 (a didactic note). Journal of Theoretical Biology, 404, 295-302.
Calsina, À., Diekmann, O., & Farkas, J. Z. (2016). Structured populations with distributed recruitment: from PDE to delay formulation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39(18), 5175-5191.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Leung, K. Y., Kretzschmar, M., & Diekmann, O. (2015). SI infection on a dynamic partnership network: characterization of R_0. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 71(1), 1-56.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

de Graaf, W. F., Kretzschmar, M., Teunis, P., & Diekmann, O. (2014). A two-phase within host model for immune response and its application to serological profiles of pertussis. Epidemics, 9, 1-7.
Borges, R., Calsina, A., Cuadrado, S., & Diekmann, O. (2014). Delay equation formulation of a cyclin-structured cell population model. Journal of Evolution Equations, 14(4-5), 841-862.
Berestycki, H., Desvillettes, L., & Diekmann, O. (2014). Can climate change lead to gap formation ? Ecological Complexity, 20, 264-270.
Boldin, B., & Diekmann, O. (2014). An extension of the classification of evolutionary singular strategies in Adaptive Dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 69(4), 905-940.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Buonocore, A., Crescenzo, A. D., Diekmann, O., Hastings, A., & Levin, S. (2013). Editorial for the special issue of mathematical biosciences, BIOCOMP 2012. Mathematical Biosciences, 245(1).
Diekmann, O., & Korvasová, K. (2013). A didactical note on the advantage of using two parameters in Hopf bifurcation studies. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 7(Suppl. 1), 21-30.
Breda, D., Diekmann, O., Maset, S., & Vermiglio, R. (2013). A numerical approach to investigate the stability of equilibria for structured population models. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 7(Suppl. 1), 4-20.
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Britton, T. (2013). Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics. (Princeton series in theoretical and computational biology ed.) Princeton University Press.

Overige resultaten


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Swart, A., Tomasi, M., Kretzschmar, M., Havelaar, A. H., & Diekmann, O. (2012). The protective effects of temporary immunity under imposed infection pressure. Epidemics, 4(1), 43-47.
Bootsma, M. C. J., van der Horst, M. A., Guryeva, T., ter Kuile, B. H., & Diekmann, O. (2012). Modeling non-inherited antibiotic resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74(8), 1691-1705.
Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. (2012). Equations with infinite delay: blending the abstract and the concrete. Journal of Differential Equations, 252(2), 819-851.
Diekmann, O. (2012). M.A. Lewis, M.A.J. Chaplain, J.P. Keener, P.K. Maini (eds.): “Mathematical Biology”. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 113, 45-48.
Breda, D., Diekmann, O., de Graaf, W. F., Pugliese, A., & Vermiglio, R. (2012). On the formulation of epidemic models (an appraisal of Kermack and McKendrick). Journal of Biological Dynamics, 6(2), 103-117.
Leung, K. Y., Kretzschmar, M. E. E., & Diekmann, O. (2012). Dynamic concurrent partnership networks incorporating demography. Theoretical Population Biology, 82(3), 229-239.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Roberts, M. G. (2010). The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7, 873-885.
de Roos, A. M., Diekmann, O., Getto, P., & Kirkilionis, M. A. (2010). Numerical equilibrium analysis for structured consumer resource models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72, 259-297.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J., Nakaoka, S., & de Roos, A. M. (2010). Daphnia revisited: local stability and bifurcation theory for physiologically structured population models explained by way of an example. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 61, 277-318.
Diekmann, O., & Metz, J. A. J. (2010). How to lift a model for individual behaviour to the population level? Philosophical transactions / Royal Society of London. Biological sciences, 365, 3523-3530.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Berestycki, H., Diekmann, O., Nagelkerke, C. J., & Zegeling, P. A. (2009). Can a species keep pace with a shifting climate? Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 71(2), 399-429.
Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (2009). On the cyclic replicator equation and the dynamics of semelparous populations. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 8(3), 1160-1189.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hastings, A., & Diekmann, O. (2008). JMB special issues on computational biology. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56(1-2).
Metz, J. A. J., Mylius, S. D., & Diekmann, O. (2008). When does evolution optimise? Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10, 629-654.
Metz, J. A. J., Mylius, S. D., & Diekmann, O. (2008). Even in the odd cases when evolution optimises, unrelated population dynamical details may shine through in the ESS. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10, 655-666.
Boldin, B., & Diekmann, O. (2008). Superinfections can induce evolutionarily stable coexistence of pathogens. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56(5), 635-672.
Deutsch, A., Bravo de la Parra, R., de Boer, R. J., Diekmann, O., Jagers, P., Kisdi, E., Kretzschmar, M. E. E., Lansky, P., & Metz, H. (2008). Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume II. Birkhaüser.
de Koeijer, A. A., Diekmann, O., & de Jong, M. C. M. (2008). Calculating the time to extinction of a reactivating virus, in particular bovine herpes virus. Mathematical Biosciences, 212(2), 111-131.
Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. (2008). The second half---with a quarter of a century delay. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 3(7), 36-48.
Diekmann, O., Wang, Y., & Yan, P. (2008). Carrying simplices in discrete competitive systems and age-structured semelparous populations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 20(1), 37-52.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. (2007). Stability and bifurcation analysis of Volterra functional equations in the light of suns and stars. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 39(4), 1023-1069.
Bootsma, M. C., Bonten, M. J. M., Nijssen, S., Fluit, A. C., & Diekmann, O. (2007). An algorithm to estimate the importance of bacterial acquisition routes in hospital settings. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(7), 841-851.
Boldin, B., Bonten, M. J. M., & Diekmann, O. (2007). Relative effects of barrier precautions and topical antibiotics on nosocomial bacterial transmission: results of multi-compartment models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 69(7), 2227-2248.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. (2007). Physiologically Structured Population Models: Towars a General Mathematical Theory. In Y. Takeuchi, Y. Iwasa, & K. Sato (Eds.), Mathematics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (pp. 5-20). (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering). Springer.
Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. (2007). Abstract delay equations inspired by population dynamics. In H. Amann, W. Arendt., M. Hieber, F. Neubrander, S. Nicaise, & J. von Below (Eds.), Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations. The Günter Lumer Volume (pp. 187-200). Birkhäuser.

Overige resultaten

Bootsma, M. C. J., Diekmann, O., & Bonten, M. J. M. (2007). The influence of High-Risk Units (HRUs) on the Spread of Antibioic Resistant Bacteria (ARB). Abstract from 47th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Takeuchi, Y., Sigmund, K., Diekmann, O., & Shigesada, N. (2006). Foreword. Mathematical Biosciences, 201(1-2), 1-2.
Bootsma, M. C. J., Hota, B., Diekmann, O., Weinstein, R. A., & Bonten, M. J. M. (2006). A mathematical model to determine the growth rate of ca-mrsa and options for control. In Abstract no: K-1680. of the 46th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Bootsma, M. C. J., Diekmann, O., & Bonten, M. J. M. (2006). Controlling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: quantifying the effects of interventions and rapid diagnostic testing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(14), 5620-5625.
Bootsma, M. C. J., & Diekmann, O. (2006). Comment on "linking population level models with growing networks: A class of epidemic models". Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 74(018101).


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Sabelis, M. W., Janssen, A., Diekmann, O., Jansen, V. A. A., van Gool, E., & van Baalen, M. (2005). Global Persistence Despite Local Extinction in Acarine Predator-Prey Systems: Lessons From Experimental and Mathematical Exercises. In R. Desharnais (Ed.), Population Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology (pp. 183-220). (Advances in Ecological Research; Vol. 37).
Getto, P., Diekmann, O., & de Roos, A. M. (2005). On the (dis)advantages of cannibalism. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 51, 695-712.
Diekmann, O., Jabin, P.-E., Mischler, S., & Perthame, B. (2005). The dynamics of adaptation: an illuminating example and a Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Theoretical Population Biology, 67, 257-271.
Davydova, N. V., Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (2005). On circulant populations. I. The algebra of semelparity. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 398, 185-243.
Sabelis, M. W., Janssen, A., Diekmann, O., Jansen, V. A. A., van Gool, E., & van Baalen, M. (Accepted/In press). Global persistence despite local extinction in acarine predator-prey systems: lessens from experimental and mathematical exercises. In R. A. Desharnais (Ed.), Population Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology (pp. 183-220)
Bootsma, M. C., Bonten, M. J. M., & Diekmann, O. (2005). Estimating transmission parameters for infectious diseases in small hospital units. In Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies (pp. 2603-2603)
Diekmann, O., & Getto, P. (2005). Boundedness, global existence and continuous dependence for nonlinear dynamical systems describing physiologically structured populations. Journal of Differential Equations, 215, 268-319.
Diekmann, O., Davydova, N. V., & van Gils, S. A. (2005). On a boom and bust year class cycle. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 11(4-5), 327-335.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Levin, S., Ricciardi, L., Diekmann, O., & Perelson, A. (2004). Mathematical Biosciences: Foreword. Mathematical Biosciences, 188(1-2), vii-viii.
Diekmann, O. (2004). A beginners guide to adaptive dynamics. Banach Center Publications, 63, 47-86.
Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Diekmann, O., & Metz, J. A. J. (2004). De Wiskundige Kat, De Biologische Muis en de Jacht op Inzicht: Verkenningen op het grensvlak van wiskunde en biologie. Epsilon Uitgevers.
Huang, Y., Diekmann, O., & van den Bosch, F. (2004). Double-jump migration and diffusive instability. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 66, 487-504.

Overige resultaten

Bootsma, M. C., Bonten, M. J. M., & Diekmann, O. (2004). Estimating transmission parameters for infectious diseases in small hospital units. Oberwolfach Reports, 1(4), 2601.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Davydova, N. V., Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (2003). Year class coexistence or competitive exclusion for strict biennals. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 46, 95-131.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. (2003). Steady state analysis of structured population models. Theoretical Population Biology, 63, 309-338.
Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (2003). Invariance and symmetry in a year-class model. In J. Buescu, S. Castro, A. P. Dias, & I. Labouriau (Eds.), Bifurcation, Symmetry and Patterns (pp. 141-150). (Birkhauser Trends in Mathematics).
Huang, Y., & Diekmann, O. (2003). Interspecific influence on mobility and Turing instability. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 65, 143-156.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pelupessy, I., Bonten, M. J. M., & Diekmann, O. (2002). How to assess the relative importance of different colonization routes of pathogens within hospital settings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(8), 5601-5605.
de Jong, M. C. M., Bouma, A., Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2002). Modelling transmission: mass action and beyond. Trends in ecology & evolution, 17(2), 64.
Diekmann, O. (2002). A beginners guide to adaptive dynamics. In A. Margheri, C. Rebelo, & F. Zanolin (Eds.), Summer School on Mathematical Biology (pp. 63-100). CIM.
Davydova, N. V., Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (2002). Year class existence or competitive exclusion for strict biennials. Journal of Mathematical Biology.
Diekmann, O. (2002). The mathematical description of the dynamics of structured populations: a brief outline. In M. Mimura, & H. Okamota (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Theory and Applications (pp. 1-8). RIMS.
Diekmann, O., & Kirkilionis, M. A. (2002). Population dynamics: a mathematical bird's eye view. In M. A. Kirkilionis, S. Krömker, R. Rannacher, & F. Tomi (Eds.), Trends in Nonlinear Analysis (pp. 323-340). Springer.
Bonten, M. J. M., Diekmann, O., & Pelupessy, I. (2002). How to assess the relative importance of different colonization routes of pathogens within hospital settings? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 5601-5605.
Meester, R., de Koning, J., & Diekmann, O. (2002). Modelling and prediction of classical swine fever epidemics. Biometrics, 58, 178-184.


Diekmann, O. (2002). Aanstekelijkheid in een getal gevangen. In J. van de Craats (Ed.), Vakantiecursus 2002 - Wiskunde en Gezondheid (pp. 51-61).

Overige resultaten

Bootsma, M. C., Bonten, M. J. M., Pelupessy, I., Hoepelman, I. M., & Diekmann, O. (2002). Nosocomial Infection and Length of Stay in Intensive Care: A Simple Observation on Cause and Effect. Paper presented at 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Diego, California, United States.
Bootsma, M. C., Kooistra-Smid, M., Verburgh, H. A., Diekmann, O., & Bonten, M. J. M. (2002). A mathematical Model for the Transmission of S. Aureus in a Burn Wound Center. Poster session presented at 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Diego, California, United States.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mylius, S. D., & Diekmann, O. (2001). The Resident Strikes Back: Invader-Induced Switching of Resident Attractor. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 211(4), 297-311.
Huang, Y., & Diekmann, O. (2001). Predator migration in response to prey density : what are the consequences? Journal of Mathematical Biology, 43, 561-581.
Kirkilionis, M. A., Diekmann, O., Lisser, B., Nool, M., de Roos, A. M., & Sommeijer, B. (2001). Numerical continuation of equilibria of physiologically structured population models. I. Theory. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 11, 1101-1127.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Huang, H., Kirkilionis, M. A., Metz, J. A. J., & Thieme, H. R. (2001). On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. II. Nonlinear theory. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 43, 157-189.
Mylius, S. D., & Diekmann, O. (2001). The resident strikes back: invasion induced switching of resident attractor. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 211, 297-311.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Greenhalgh, D., Diekmann, O., & de Jong, M. C. M. (2000). Subcritical endemic steady states in mathematical models for animal infections with incomplete immunity. Mathematical Biosciences, 165, 1-25.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., & Thieme, H. R. (2000). Lack of uniqueness in transport equations with a nonlocal nonlinearity. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 10, 581-591.
Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (2000). Difference equations with delay. Japan journal of industrial and apllied mathematics, 17, 73-84.
Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2000). Mathematical Epidemiology of Infections Diseases: model building, analysis and interpretation. (Wiley Series in Mathematical and Computational Biology ed.) Wiley.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Agur, S., Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, H., Kimmel, M., Milner, F., Cushing, J., Gyllenberg, M., Jagers, P., Kostova, T., & Mode, C. J. (1999). Epidemiology, cellular automata, and evolution: Preface. Mathematical Biosciences, 156(1-2), v-viii.
Agur, S., Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, H., Kimmel, M., Milner, F., Cushing, J., Gyllenberg, M., Jagers, P., Kostova, T., & Mode, C. J. (1999). Deterministic models with applications in population dynamics and other fields of biology: Preface. Mathematical Biosciences, 157(1-2), v-viii.
Agur, S., Cushing, J., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Jagers, P., Kimmel, M., Kostova, T., & Milner, F. (1999). Epidemiology, cellular automata, and evolution. Part I: Selected papers from the Conference on Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Biological Interaction (DESTOBIO '97) held in Sofia, August 28-31, 1997. (Math. Biosci. ed.) Elsevier.
Capasso, V., & Diekmann, O. (1999). Mathematics Inspired by Biology. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1714. Fondazione C.I.M.E. ed.) Springer.
Diekmann, O. (1999). Modeling and analysing physiologically structured populations. In V. Capasso, & O. Diekmann (Eds.), Mathematics Inspired by Biology (pp. 1-37). (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; Vol. 1714). Springer.
Diekmann, O., Mylius, S. D., & ten Donkelaar, J. R. (1999). Saumon à la Kaitala et Getz, sauce Hollandaise. Evolutionary Ecological Research, 1, 261-275.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

De Koeijer, A., Diekmann, O., & Reijnders, P. (1998). Modelling the spread of phocine distemper virus among harbour seals. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 60(3), 585-596.
de Koeijer, A. A., Diekmann, O., & Reijnders, P. (1998). Modelling the spread of Phocine Distemper Virus (PDV) among Harbour seals. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 60(1998), 585-596.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J., & Thieme, H. R. (1998). On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. I. Linear theory. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 36(1998), 349-388.
Diekmann, O., & Filali, M. (1998). Perturbations d'un générateur infinitésimal par un opérateur dépendant du temps [Perturbations of an infinitesimal generator by a time-dependent operator]. Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec, 22(1), 21-29.
Diekmann, O., De Jong, M. C. M., & Metz, J. A. J. (1998). A deterministic epidemic model taking account of repeated contacts between the same individuals. Journal of Applied Probability, 35(2), 448-462.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O. (1997). Reflections on models for epidemics triggered by the case of Phocine Distemper Virus among seals. In H. G. Othmer, F. R. Adler, M. A. Lewis, & J. C. Dallon (Eds.), Case Studies in Mathematical Modelling in Biology (pp. 51-59). Prentice Hall.
Diekmann, O. (1997). The many facets of evolutionary dynamics. Journal of biological systems, 5, 325-339.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O. (1996). Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. In W. A. M. Aspers, & J. W. de Bakker (Eds.), Images of SMC Research 1996 (pp. 201-207). Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.
Diekmann, O., de Koeijer, A. A., & Metz, J. A. J. (1996). On the final size of epidemics within herds. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, (4), 21-30.
Diekmann, O., Christiansen, F. B., & Law, R. (1996). Evolutionary Dynamics. (34 ed.) Journal of Mathematical Biology, Special Issue.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mylius, S. D., & Diekmann, O. (1995). On evolutionarily stable life histories, optimization and the need to be specific about density dependence. Oikos, 74(2), 218-224.
Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Thieme, H. R., & Webb, G. (1995). Perturbing evolutionary systems by step responses and cumulative outputs. Differential and Integral Equations, 8(5), 1205-1244.
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, H., & Metz, J. A. J. (1995). The legacy of Kermack and McKendrick. In D. Mollison (Ed.), Epidemic models: their structure and relation to data (pp. 95-115). Cambridge University Press [etc.].
de Jong, M. C. M., Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, H. (1995). How does transmission of infection depend on population size? In D. Mollison (Ed.), Epidemic models: their structure and relation to data (pp. 84-94). Cambridge University Press [etc.].


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DEJONG, MCM., DIEKMANN, O., & HEESTERBEEK, JAP. (1994). The Computation of R(0) for Discrete-time Epidemic Models with Dynamic Heterogeneity. Mathematical Biosciences, 119(1), 97-114.
de Jong, M. C. M., Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, H. (1994). The computation of R0 for discrete-time epidemic models with dynamics heterogeneity. Mathematical Biosciences, 119, 97-114.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Thieme, H. R., & Webb, G. (1993). Perturbing semigroups by solving Stieltjes renewal equations. Differential and Integral Equations, 6(1), 155-181.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DEROOS, AM., DIEKMANN, O., & METZ, JAJ. (1992). Studying the Dynamics of Structured Population-models - a Versatile Technique and Its Application to Daphnia. American Naturalist, 139(1), 123-147.
de Jong, M. C. M., & Diekmann, O. (1992). A method to calculate—for computer-simulated infections—the threshold value, R0, that predicts whether or not the infection will spread. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 12(3-4), 269-285.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DIEKMANN, O., GYLLENBERG, M., & THIEME, HR. (1991). Semigroups and Renewal-equations on Dual Banach-spaces with Applications to Population-dynamics. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1475, 116-129.
DIEKMANN, O., & VANGILS, SA. (1991). The Center Manifold for Delay Equations in the Light of Suns and Stars. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1463, 122-141.
SABELIS, M. W., DIEKMANN, O., & JANSEN, V. A. A. (1991). Metapopulation persistence despite local extinction: predator‐prey patch models of the Lotka‐Volterra type. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 42(1-2), 267-283.
Metz, J., & Diekmann, O. (1991). Exact Finite Dimensional Representations of Models for Physiologically Structured Populations.I. In Differential Equations with Applications in Biology, Physics, and Enqineering (pp. 269-290). (Differential Equations with Applications in Biology, Physics, and Enqineering). CRC Press.
Diekmann, O., & Kretzschmar, M. (1991). Patterns in the effects of infectious diseases on population growth. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 29(6), 539-570.
Diekmann, O., Dietz, K., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (1991). The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases: I. theoretical considerations. Mathematical Biosciences, 107(2), 325-339.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van den Bosch, F., Metz, J. A. J., & Diekmann, O. (1990). The velocity of spatial population expansion. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 28(5), 529-565.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Metz, J. A. J., & Sabelis, M. W. (1989). Reflections and calculations on a prey-predator-patch problem. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 14(1-2), 23-35.
CLEMENT, P., DIEKMANN, O., GYLLENBERG, M., HEIJMANS, HJAM., & THIEME, HR. (1989). A hille-yosida theorem for a class of weakly continuous semigroups. Semigroup Forum, 38(2), 157-178.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DIEKMANN, O., SABELIS, MW., & Metz, J. (1988). Mathematical models of predator/prey/plant interactions in a patch environment. Experimental & Applied Acarology, 5(3-4), 319-342.
Sabelis, M. W., & Diekmann, O. (1988). Overall population stability despite local extinction: The stabilizing influence of prey dispersal from predator-invaded patches. Theoretical Population Biology, 34(2), 169-176.
Clement, P., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H. J. A. M., & Thieme, H. R. (1988). Perturbation theory for dual semigroups II. Time-dependent perturbations in the sun-reflexive case. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 109(1-2), 145-172.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

CLEMENT, P., DIEKMANN, O., GYLLENBERG, M., HEIJMANS, HJAM., & THIEME, HR. (1987). Perturbation theory for dual semigroups I. The sun reflexive case. Mathematische Annalen, 277(4), 709-725.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Nisbet, R. M., Gurney, W. S. C., & van den Bosch, F. (1986). Simple mathematical models for cannibalism: A critique and a new approach. Mathematical Biosciences, 78(1), 21-46.
Diekmann, O., Heijmans, H. J. A. M., & Thieme, H. R. (1986). On the stability of the cell-size distribution II: Time-periodic developmental rates. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 12(4-5, part A), 491-512.
Tyson, J. J., & Diekmann, O. (1986). Sloppy size control of the cell division cycle. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 118(4), 405-426.
Van Den Bosch, F., & Diekmann, O. (1986). Interactions between egg-eating predator and prey: The effect of the functional response and of age structure. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 3(1), 53-69.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Chow, S. N., Diekmann, O., & Mallet-Paret, J. (1985). Stability, multiplicity and global continuation of symmetric periodic solutions of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation. Japan Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2(2), 433-469.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Heijmans, H. J. A. M., & Thieme, H. R. (1984). On the stability of the cell size distribution. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 19(2), 227-248.
Diekmann, O., & van Gils, S. A. (1984). Invariant manifolds for Volterra integral equations of convolution type. Journal of Differential Equations, 54(2), 139-180.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., Lauwerier, H. A., Aldenberg, T., & Metz, J. A. J. (1983). Growth, fission and the stable size distribution. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 18(2), 135-148.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., & Hilborst, D. (1982). Variational Analysis of a Perturbed Free Boundary Problem. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 7(11), 1309-1336.
Diekmann, O., & Montijn, R. (1982). Prelude to hopf bifurcation in an epidemic model: Analysis of a characteristic equation associated with a nonlinear Volterra integral equation. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 14(1), 117-127.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DIEKMANN, O. (1980). Clines in a Discrete-time Model in Population-genetics. Advances in Applied Probability, 12(3), 561-562.
DIEKMANN, O., HILHORST, D., & PELETIER, LA. (1980). A Singular Boundary-value Problem Arising in a Pre-breakdown Gas-discharge. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 39(1), 48-66.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DIEKMANN, O. (1979). Run for Your Life - Note on the Asymptotic Speed of Propagation of an Epidemic. Journal of Differential Equations, 33(1), 58-73.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O., & Kaper, H. G. (1978). On the bounded solutions of a nonlinear convolution equation. Nonlinear Analysis, 2(6), 721-737.
DIEKMANN, O. (1978). Thresholds and Traveling Waves for the Geographical Spread of Infection. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 6(2), 109-130.
Diekmann, O. (1978). On a nonlinear integral equation arising in mathematical epidemiology. North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 31(C), 133-140.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Diekmann, O. (1977). Limiting behaviour in an epidemic model. Nonlinear Analysis, 1(5), 459-470.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

DIEKMANN, O. (1975). Some aspects of non-uniform convergence in an elliptic singular perturbation problem. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 9(3), 227-233.