Neha Moopen

Universiteitsbibliotheek Uithof
Heidelberglaan 3
Kamer FLEX
3584 CS Utrecht

Neha Moopen

Research data support
06 34 161 562

I'm involved in the following RDM projects:

  • Data Privacy Project: A university-wide project aimed at creating an accessible knowledge base and overview of (reusable) techniques + tools on handling personal data.

  • Dynamics of Youth & PROactive: A project aimed at developing templates, workflows, protocols, and other tools that will encourage and facilitate researchers within Dynamics of Youth to share their data in line with the FAIR principles. Taking lessons from the YOUth cohort study, I working with the UMCU-based PROactive cohort study as a test case for this FAIR/RDM project.

  • EVER (Economische VEerkracht van Regio’s): A REBO project funded through the ZonMw's COVID-19 program. We'll be supporting the researchers with all aspects of data management, from data management planning + workflows to metadata, storage, and publishing in line with the FAIR principles.