Dr. Marcelle Cole

Universitair docent
Language structure: variation and change

Marcelle Cole is Assistant Professor in English Historical Linguistics and Medieval Literature in the Department of English Language and Culture at Utrecht University. She obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Seville. Before her appointment at Utrecht University, she was Assistant Professor at the Department of English at Leiden University, and a lecturer at the University of Seville prior to that. Her research focuses on the historical development of English, particularly on the development of verbal morphology and pronoun phenomena in the Old and Middle English dialects. She has a special interest in Old Northumbrian and northern Middle English. 

As a member of the research group Diacronía y Dialectología del Inglés (based at Seville University, Spain), she has been involved in several research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. These include:

"Mercian Hymns: Linguistic perspectives on the Vespasian Psalter and Rushworth Gospels". (PID2021-125840NB-I00). 2022 – 2025. 

"Beyond the Humber: Northern English (10th-14th centuries) in Contact with other Varieties"/ Más allá del Humber: el Nortumbrio Temprano (siglos X-XV) en Contacto con otras Variedades (FFI2017-88725-P). 2018-2021. 

"The Lindisfarne Gloss in Its Dialectal Context: a Comparison Between Lindisfarne and the Gloss to the Durham Collectar" (FFI2014-56583-P). 2015-2017. 

"Reassessing the Historical Evidence: New Perspectives on the Lindisfarne Gloss" (FFI2011-28272). 2012-2014.