Prof. dr. Martijn Oosterbaan

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer A.128
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. Martijn Oosterbaan

Culturele Antropologie
030 253 3495



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

der Borgh, C. V., Fortin, K., Oosterbaan, M., & Wiegink, N. (Accepted/In press). Rules and laws in contexts of protracted conflict: An interdisciplinary appraisal. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, Article 100918.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2023). Absence-of-the-law-talk and absence-of-the-state-display: Urban space and exceptional state violence in Rio de Janeiro. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 8(1), 1-8. Article 100661.
Oosterbaan, M. (2023). Rights and Stones: Pentecostal Autoconstruction and Citizenship in Rio de Janeiro. Space and Culture, 26(2), 253-267.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M., & Jaffe, R. (2022). Popular Art, Crime and Urban Order Beyond the State. Theory, Culture and Society, 39(7-8), 181-200.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Leersum-Bekebrede, L., Oosterbaan, M., Sonnenberg, R., de Kock, J., & Barnard, M. (2021). Sounds of Children in Worship: Materiality and Liturgical-Ritual Spaces. Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 17(5), 557-579.
Oosterbaan, M. (2021). Blessed Beats: Religious Profanation and Evangelical Syncretization from Samba to Carnaval Gospel. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 26(2), 324-353.
Oosterbaan, M. (2021). Ethnography In-Sight: The Elevated City. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 26(2), 194-199.
Oosterbaan, M. (2021). “All is Normal”: Sports Mega Events, Favela Territory, and the Afterlives of Public Security Interventions in Rio de Janeiro. City and Society, 33(2), 382-402.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M., & Godoy, A. S. (2020). Samba Struggles: Carnaval Parades, Race and Religious Nationalism in Brazil. In M. Balkenhol, E. van den Hemel, & I. Stengs (Eds.), The Secular Sacred: Emotions of Belonging and the Perils of Nation and Religion (pp. 107-125). (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series). Palgrave Macmillan.
Derks, S., Koster, M., & Oosterbaan, M. (2020). Olympic Legacies. City and Society, 32(1), 184-202.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M., & Machado, C. (2019). Postsecular pacification: Pentecostalism and military urbanism in Rio de Janeiro. In R. Buikema, A. Buyse, & A. C. G. M. Robben (Eds.), Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights (1 ed., pp. 104-120). Routledge.
Jaffe, R., & Oosterbaan, M. (2019). Introduction: criminal authority and the politics of aesthetics. In Most wanted : the popular culture of illegality (pp. 9-17). Amsterdam University Press.
Oosterbaan, M., Van de Kamp, L., & Bahia, J. (2019). Lusospheres: The globalization of Brazilian religion. In Global trajectories of Brazilian religion: Lusospheres (pp. 1-20). (Bloomsbury studies in religion, space, and place). Bloomsbury.
Oosterbaan, M., Van de Kamp, L., & Bahia, J. (Eds.) (2019). Global trajectories of Brazilian religion: Lusospheres. (Bloomsbury studies in religion, space, and place). Bloomsbury Academic.
Jaffe, R., & Oosterbaan, M. (Eds.) (2019). Most wanted: the popular culture of illegality. Amsterdam University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2018). Capturing Carnival: Religious Diversity and Spatial Contestation in Rio de Janeiro. In H. Berking, S. Steets, & J. Schwenk (Eds.), Religious Pluralism and the City: Inquiries into Postsecular Urbanism Bloomsbury.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M., & Prange, M. (Eds.) (2017). Vrouwenvoetbal in Nederland: Spiegel en Katalysator van Maatschappelijke Verandering. Klement.
Oosterbaan, M. (2017). Transmitting the spirit: religious conversion, media, and urban violence in Brazil. Penn State University Press.
Oosterbaan, M. (2017). Transposing Brazilian Carnival: Religion, Cultural Heritage, and Secularism in Rio de Janeiro. American Anthropologist, 119(4), 697-709.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M., & Lanz, S. (2016). Entrepreneurial Religion in the Age of Neoliberal Urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 40(3), 487-506.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M., & Pansters, W. G. (2015). Introduction: Sovereignty and Social Contestation— Between Violence and Alternative Sociocultural Orders. Conflict and Society: Advances in Research, 1(1), 125–128.
Oosterbaan, M. (2015). Batman Returns: Brazilian Conflicts and the Popular Culture of Sovereignty. Conflict and Society: Advances in Research, 1(1), 197–215.
Oosterbaan, M. (2015). Mediating Culture: Charisma, Fame, and Sincerity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In S. Coleman, & R. I. J. Hackett (Eds.), The Anthropology of Global Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism (pp. 161-176). New York University Press.
Oosterbaan, M. (2015). Gospel Funk: Pentecostalism, Music and Popular Culture in Rio de Janeiro. In M. M. Ingalls , & A. Yong (Eds.), The Spirit of Praise: Music and Worship in Global Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity (pp. 262-278). Penn State University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2014). Public religion and urban space in Europe. Social and Cultural Geography, 15(6), 591-602.
Oosterbaan, M. (2014). Religious experiences of stasis and mobility in contemporary Europe: undocumented Pentecostal Brazilians in Amsterdam and Barcelona. Social and Cultural Geography, 15(6), 664-682.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2013). 'Orkontros: Brazilian Migrants, Social Network Sites and the European City'. In K. Zijlmans (Ed.), Understanding Contemporary Culture: New Directions in Arts & Humanities Research (pp. 37-50). Amsterdam University Press.
de Witte, M., & Oosterbaan, M. (2013). Introduction: Gold. Etnofoor, 25(1), 7-13.
Oosterbaan, M. (2013). 'Religion, Popular Culture and the City: Pentecostalism, Carnival and Carioca Funk in Rio de Janeiro'. In S. Lanz (Ed.), Global Prayers (pp. 448-463). Lars Müller Publishers.

Overige resultaten

Oosterbaan, M. (2013). Funk da Milícia: Politics of Aestethics in Rio de Janeiro. Paper presented at Annual Conference Dutch Anthropological Association.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2011). Virtually global: Online evangelical cartography. Social Anthropology, 19(1), 56-73.

Overige resultaten

Oosterbaan, M. (2011). Mediated cityscapes and Pentecostalism in Rio de Janeiro. Paper presented at Annual RC21 Conference 2011: The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings. Session 14: Religion and Urban Space, Amsterdam.
Oosterbaan, M. (2011). Public comments on James Holston's: 'Insurgent citizenship: disjunctions of democracy and modernity in Brazil' (2008). Paper presented at Annual RC21 Conference 2011: The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings, Amsterdam.
Oosterbaan, M. (2011). Pentecostalism, Politics and Media in Brazil. Paper presented at Paper presentation: Intern. workshop Postsecular Publics. Organized by the Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University in collaboration with the Jackman Humanities Institute, Toronto University, Utrecht.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Virtual Migration. Brazilian Diasporic Media and the Reconfigurations of Place and Space. Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 26(1), 81-102.
Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Virtual Re-evangelization: Brazilian Churches, Media and the Postsecular City. In J. Beaumont, A. Molendijk, & C. Jedan (Eds.), Exploring the Postsecular: the religious, the political, the urban (pp. 281-308). Brill.

Overige resultaten

Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Paper presentation: Undocumented Christian Place-Making in the Post-Industrial European City. Panel: Shaping Urban Inequalities: Space and Power in the City. Paper presented at EASA 2010: Crisis and Imagination, Maynooth, Ireland.
Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Paper presentation: Rede Brasileira na Europa: Brazilian political networks and new media in Europa. Paper presented at International Conference: Migrinter. Ethnic Minority Media, Between Hegemony and Resistances, University of poitiers, France.
Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Paper presentation: Are You Citizened? Citizenship, Diversity and the City. Paper presented at International Workshop: City and Diversity - Challenges for Citizenship Education NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education., Barcelona, Spanje.
Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Paper Presentation: Sonic Charisma: Sound, Religion and Politics in Rio de Janeiro. Paper presented at International Workshop: Global Prayers - Redemption and Liberation in the City, Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Berlijn. Duitsland.
Oosterbaan, M. (2010). Paper presentation: Global Christianity: Internet, Cartography and Community. Paper presented at GloPent International Conference. Geographies of Conversion.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2009). Sonic Supremacy Sound, Space and Charisma in a Favela in Rio de Janeiro. Critique of Anthropology, 29(1), 81-104.
Oosterbaan, M. (2009). Purity and the Devil: Community, Media and the Body Pentecostal Adherents in a Favela in Rio de Janeiro. In B. Meyer (Ed.), Aesthetic Formations: Media, Religion, and the Senses Palgrave Macmillan.

Overige resultaten

Oosterbaan, M. (2009). Paper presentation: Transnational Brazilian Evangelism and Media. Paper presented at The Transnationality of Cities. International Conference at the graduate program 'Transnational Spaces', Conference organizers: Chair of Economic and Social Geography, Prof. Dr. Krätke, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/oder.
Oosterbaan, M. (2009, Jun 1). Paper presentation: Deliver this city: Pentecostalism, Violence and the Public Sphere in Rio de Janeiro. Panel Religion, Inequality and the Public Sphere in Latin America - Part 1.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2008). 'Spiritual Attunement: Pentecostal Radio in the Soundscape of a Favela in Rio de Janeiro'. Social Text, 26(3), 123-145.

Overige resultaten

Oosterbaan, M. (2008). Paper presentation: Virtual Re-evangelization: Brazilian Churches, Media and the European City. Paper presented at Interdisciplinary Conference on Religion, Politics and the Postsecular City, Groningen.
Oosterbaan, M. (2008). Paper presentation: 'In the City and on the Net. Brazucas em Barcelona and Brasileiros na Holanda. Paper presented at Association of Internet Researchers Conference 'Rethinking Communities, Rethinking Place', panel 'In the Game', Copenhagen.
Oosterbaan, M. (2008). Paper presentation: Locating a Brazilian/European Public: Migration, Transnational Spaces and Diasporic Media. Paper presented at Shifting Politics: Transnationalism, Power and Politics. Conference Faculty of Philosophy, Groningen.
Oosterbaan, M. (2008). Paper presentation: 'Virtual Re-evangelization: Brazilian Diasporic Media and the Reconfigurations of Territoriality', Panel 'Ethnic Media, Identity, Territoriality'. Paper presented at ECREA. 2nd European Communication Conference 'Communiction Policies and Culture in Europe', Barcelona.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Oosterbaan, M. (2005). Mass mediating the spiritual battle: Pentecostal appropriations of mass mediated violence in Rio De Janeiro. Material Religion, 1(3), 358-385.