Dr. ir. M.M. (Mariet) Hefting

Dr. ir. M.M. (Mariet) Hefting

Ecology and Biodiversity
030 253 7441



Pathways to Sustainability 2019MM Hefting (Organiser)
24 Jan 2019


'Water, Climate & Future Deltas': Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor inter- en transdisciplinair onderzoekMM Hefting (Organiser)
21 Jun 2018
Pathways to Sustainability Conference 2018MM Hefting (Organiser)
9 Feb 2018
Pathways to Sustainability Conference 2018MM Hefting (Organiser)
9 Feb 2018


Summer course Future DeltasMM Hefting (Organiser)
28 Aug 20171 Sept 2017


Long-term fertilization and soil warming effects on recalcitrant litter decompositionMariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
2 Jul 2012
, Eurosoil 2012 (Bari, Italy)
Decomposition of peat during simulated summer drought.Mariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
3 Jun 2012
, 14th International Peat Congress
Riparian and floodplain soils: the effect of nitrogen loading on their ecological functionsMariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
2 Jun 2012
, EUROSOIL Conference
Crowdsourching method for soil science for the future: Tea Bag Index for decompositionMariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
, Soil Science for the Future (Tulln, Austria)


Tea bag index for decomposition: a crowdsourcing approach to obtain process rates at the scale of the global soil map.Mariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
, SOM presquile de Giens (France)
Mangrove soil sir: effects of nutrient loading and tannins on soil mineralisationMariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
, SOM, Presquile de Giens (France)
Decomposition, temperature and eutrophicationMariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
, CWE Biogeochemical processes in wetlands Utrecht University (Utrecht)


Keynote lecture: Hotspots for denitrification and nitrous oxide emission in riparian zones.Mariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
20 Apr 2009
, Hydroeco 2009, 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology
Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen and warming on organic matter decomposition, a positive or negative feedback to climate change?Mariet Hefting (Invited speaker)
2009 → …
, Seminar at the Department of Geography, Queen Mary University