Dr. Martijn Kuller

Universitair docent




Doctorate of Philosophy in Urban Water Management

Topic: Planning support for Water Sensitive Urban Design

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Supervisors: Prof. Ana Deletic, Dr. Peter M Bach, Prof. Diego Ramirez


Master of Science degree in Urban Environmental Management

Major: Environmental Technology

Graduated with distinction

Wageningen University, The Netherlands

01.09.2007 – 31.08.2010

Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Policy  

Major: Environment and Natural Resources  

Minor 1: Environmental Quality

Minor 2: Human Geography and Spatial Planning

Graduated with distinction 

Wageningen University, The Netherlands

01.09.2006 - 31.08.2007

Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning (BSc programme)

First year successfully completed

Wageningen University, The Netherlands


employment history


01.02.2023 - present

Assistant Professor Nature-Based Solutions and Water (tenured)

Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geosciences

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

01.10.2021 – 01.02.2023

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Research Fellow 

Department of Environmental and Social Sciences/ModelEAU 

Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology)/Université Laval

Zürich, Switzerland/Quebec City, Canada

01.12.2019 – 31.07.2021

Research Associate, post-doctoral 

Department of Environmental and Social Sciences 

Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology)

Zürich, Switzerland

ProjectEffective risk warning communication for flood forecast and early warning system (FANFAR, Horizon 2020)

21.01.2019 – 30.11.2019

Research Associate, post-doctoral 

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 

University of New South Wales

Sydney, Australia

ProjectDynamic spatial urban stormwater quality modelling

08.01.2014 – 04.06.2014

Research Assistant

Zero Waste SA/ZWSA Research Centre for Sustainable Design and Behaviour

University of South Australia, Adelaide

Project: Continuation of project from Zero Waste SA

08.04.2013 - 02.10.2013

Research Officer

Zero Waste SA (state government)

Adelaide, Australia

Fully paid internship with employment extension.

Project: Spatial modelling of opportunities for Industrial Ecology and Symbiosis in Adelaide