Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Beijersbergen, K. A., Tollenaar, N., Kros, M., Piersma, T. W., & Weijters, G. (2023). De effectiviteit van de Top600-aanpak. WODC.
Kros, M., Piersma, T. W., & Beijersbergen, K. A. (2023).
Criminal Careers of Burglars and Robbers in the Netherlands.
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology,
9(3), 379-403. Kros, M., Jaspers, E., & van Tubergen, F. (2023).
Longitudinal Changes in Interracial Hate Crimes in the USA, 1990–2014: Does Racial Composition Matter? Journal of International Migration and Integration,
24(2), 547–566. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Schäfer, S. J.
, Simsek, M., Jaspers, E., Kros, M., Hewstone, M., Schmid, K., Fell, B. F., Dorrough, A. R., Glöckner, A., & Christ, O. (2022).
Dynamic contact effects: Individuals' positive and negative contact history influences intergroup contact effects in a behavioral game.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
123(1), 107-122.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Piersma, T. W., Kros, M., & Beijersbergen, K. A. (2021). Criminele carrières van daders van high impact crimes.
Kros, M., & Beijersbergen, K. A. (2021). Achtergronden en recidive onder daders van high impact crimes veroordeeld in 2002-2017.
Beijersbergen, K. A., & Kros, M. (2021). Voorwaardelijke beleidssepots bij daders van huiselijk geweld: Een onderzoek naar de oplegginspraktijk en effectiviteit in termen van recidive.
Schäfer, S. J., Kauff, M., Pratti, F., Kros, M., Lang, T., & Christ, O. (2021). Does negative contact undermine attempts to improve intergroup relations? Deepening the understanding of negative contact and its consequences for intergroup contact research and interventions. Journal of Social Issues, 77(1), 197-216.
Kros, M., Jaspers, E., & van Zalk, M. (2021).
Avoidance, antipathy, and aggression: A three-wave longitudinal network study on negative networks, status, and heteromisos.
Social Networks,
64, 122-133. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Kros, M. (2020). The nature of negative contact: Studies on interethnic relations in western societies.
Kros, M., & Hewstone, M. (2020).
Negative and Positive Interethnic Contact and the Association of Ethnic Neighbourhood Composition with Trust, Cohesion, and Prejudice.
European Sociological Review,
36(6), 937-956. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Kros, M., & Coenders, M. (2019).
Explaining Differences in Welfare Chauvinism between and within Individuals over Time: The Role of Subjective and Objective Economic Risk, Economic Egalitarianism, and Ethnic Threat.
European Sociological Review,
35(6), 860-873. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verkuyten, M., Mepham, K., & Kros, M. (2018).
Public attitudes towards support for migrants: the importance of perceived voluntary and involuntary migration.
Ethnic and Racial Studies,
41(5), 901-918. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., Smeekes, A., & Kros, M. (2016).
The endorsement of unity in diversity: The role of political orientation, education and justifying beliefs.
European Journal of Social Psychology,
46(7), 866-879.