Mathias Koepke MSc

Spatial Planning

University Education

2018 - ongoing: PhD on Sustainable Urban Energy Transitions, Utrecht University
Focus: Energy governance, urban geography, development studies

2011 - 2015: MSc in Sustainable Development – Energy & Resources, Leipzig /Utrecht University
Focus: Energy and climate policy, energy poverty, system modelling
Thesis: “Building Livelihoods through Energy Technology Interventions in Agricultural Value Chains – A Sustainability Assessment applied to the Case of Coffee in Ethiopia”

2008 - 2011: BSc in Energy and Process Engineering, TU Berlin / University of Maryland
Focus: energy conversion technologies, renewable energy technologies, energy economics

Professional Experience

2012 - 2017: Technical Consultant and Project Manager, MicroEnergy International GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Key scope: Rural electrification and renewable energy, sustainability, value chain analysis, energy entrepreneurship, technical modelling, training and capacity building

2015 - 2017: Researcher and Project Manager, TU Berlin, Germany
Key scope: Project management, consortium coordination, facilitation and moderation of workshops, international stakeholder discussions, field study, student supervision

2011 - 2015: Teaching and reseach assistant, Leipzig University, Germany
Teaching of energy engineering excercies (Bachelor level), various research project in the German and European context

2011: Intern, 50 Hertz GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Policy evaluation and formulation, public representation of a grid system operator

2011: Intern, SPD Landtagsfraktion Brandenburg, Potsdam, Germany
Policy evaluation and formulation, assistance of parliamentary processes