Drs. Marnix van Berchum

Afgesloten projecten
Digital Scores and Pre-Modern Textualities: The CMME Project 01-09-2006 tot 01-09-2009
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The CMME Project represents a systematized plan to introduce modern computing capabilities into the study of medieval and Renaissance music. Structured around a web-based public interface and software suite, the CMME will offer the first high-quality digital publication system for early music. The ""dynamic"" editions of the CMME move beyond the physical limitations of traditional printed editions in numerous aspects: they can be configured visually by individual users to offer different styles of transcription; automated searching, indexing, and statistical analysis can be performed on the musical data with unprecedented elegance and ease; publication errors can be corrected immediately. Conceptually, the CMME integrates current ideas about pre-modern textualities: the numerous variant versions typical of pre-modern music are no longer reduced to a single authorial text - an unavoidable necessity imposed by the format of a traditional, printed edition.

2e geldstroom - NWO