Dr. M.J. (Marjanneke) Vijge

Dr. M.J. (Marjanneke) Vijge

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 9150

Marjanneke supervises/d seven PhD candidates. Three PhD candidates have recently finalised: Melanie van Driel, Francesco Montesano and Yanuardi. Three PhD candidates are/were part of the GlobalGoals project: Melanie van Driel, Francesco Montesano and Abbie Yunita, with research on the steering effects of the Sustainable Development Goals at international and national levels. Yanuardi was financed by the Government of Indonesia with research on social-ecological peace and the role of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Indonesia. In addition, Marjanneke supervises two junior lecturers in their PhD research: Nikki Theeuwes and Eileen de Jong, both focusing on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals and Leaving No One Behind. Finally, Marjanneke is co-promoter of Alexia Faus Onbargi, a PhD candidate in the project 'Implementing sustainable development goals in an incoherent world: Aligning climate action and reduced inequalities' (ClimEq), see Research.