Dr. ir. Matthijs Janssen

Universitair docent
Innovation Studies
030 253 7308

Articles & Book chapters

  • Wiarda, M., Janssen, M., Coenen, T., & Doorn, N. (2024). Responsible mission governance: An integrative framework and research agenda. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
  • Janssen, M., Wanzenböck, I., Fünfschilling, L., & Pontikakis, D. (2024). Governance arrangements for the implementation of transformative innovation policy: Insights from a comparative case study. Forthcoming in: Edler, J., Matt, M., Polt, W. and Weber, M. (eds.) Transformative missions and STI policies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
  • Elzinga, R., Janssen, M., Negro, S., Wesseling, J., Hekkert, M. (2023). Assessing mission-specific innovation systems: Towards an analytical framework. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
  • Wiarda, M., Sobota, V., Janssen, M., Van de Kaa, G., Yaghmaei, E., & Doorn, N. (2023). Public participation in mission-oriented innovation projects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Janssen, M., Wesseling, J., Torrens, J., Weber, M., Penna, C., & Klerkx, L. (2023). Missions as boundary objects for transformative change: Understanding coordination across policy, research and stakeholder communities. Science and Public Policy.
  • Kuipers-Dirven, R., Janssen, M., & Hoekman, J. (2023). Assessing university policies for enhancing societal impact of academic research: A multicriteria mapping approach. Research Evaluation.
  • Janssen, M., Frenken, K., Mas Tur, E. & Alexiev, A. (2022). The perils of pleasing: Innovation-stifling effects of customized service provision. Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
  • Janssen, M. & Abbasiharofteh, M. (2022). Boundary spanning R&D collaboration: Key Enabling Technologies and Missions as alleviators of proximity effects? Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Janssen, M., Bergek, A., Wesseling, J. (2022). Evaluating systemic innovation and transition programmes: Towards a culture of learning. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation.
  • Janssen, M. (2022). Legitimation and effects of mission-oriented innovation policies: A spillover perspective. Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics.
  • Janssen, M., Torrens, J.C.L., Wesseling, J., Wanzenböck, I., (2021). The promises and premises of mission-oriented innovation policy: A reflection and ways forward. Science and Public Policy. 
  • Hekkert, M., Janssen, M., Wesseling, J., & Negro, S. (2020). Mission-oriented innovation systems. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 76-79.
  • Janssen, M., Bogers, M. & Wanzenböck, I. (2020). Do systemic innovation intermediaries broaden horizons? A proximity perspective on R&D partnership formation. Industry and Innovation, 27 (6), 605-629.
  • Janssen, M. & Frenken, K. (2019). Cross-specialisation policy, a rationale and options for linking unrelated industries. Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society, 12 (2), 195-212.
  • Janssen, M. (2019). What bangs for your buck? Assessing the design and impact of Dutch transformative policy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138, 78-94.
  • Alexiev, Janssen, Den Hertog (2018). The moderating role of tangibility in synchronous innovation in services. Journal of Product Innovation Management 35 (5), 628-700.
  • Janssen & Den Hertog (2018). Service innovation as search in multidimensional design spaces: Conceptual opportunities and empirical examination. In: Services, Experiences and Innovation: Integrating and Extending Research, 107. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Janssen, M. & Castaldi, C. (2018). Services, innovation and policy: towards a synthesis. Science and Public Policy. DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scy017.
  • Janssen, M., Castaldi, C., & Alexiev, A. (2018). In the vanguard of openness: Which dynamic capabilities are essential for innovative KIBS firms to develop?. Industry and Innovation, 25 (4), 432-457.
  • Janssen, M. (2018). Experimenteren met innovatiebeleid: Hoe doe je dat? Me Judice, 13 juni 2018.
  • Janssen, M. (2018). Effect transformatief innovatiebeleid lastig te meten, ESB, 104 (4762).
  • Janssen, M. (2018). Impact en toekomst van de Topsectorenaanpak. ESB, 104 (4761), 200-202.
  • Janssen, M., Roelandt, T., & Van der Wiel, H. (2017). Nieuwe industriepolitiek draait vooral om nieuwe combinaties van kennis. Me Judice, 29 september 2017.
  • Janssen, M., Alexiev, A., Den Hertog, P. and Castaldi, C. (2016). Dynamic capabilities for service innovation: conceptualization and measurement. R&D Management, 46 (4), 797-811.
    DOI: 10.1111/radm.12147.
  • Janssen, M. J., & den Hertog, P. (2016). Developing service-based business models: which innovation capability for which innovation dimension?. In Service Innovation (pp. 97-128). Springer, Tokyo.
  • Janssen, M., Castaldi, C., and Den Hertog, P. (2015). Exploring the multidimensionality of service innovation. In: Agarwal, R., Selem, W., Roos, G., and R. Green (ed). The Handbook of Service Innovation. Springer.

Working papers / Conference papers

  • Janssen, M. (2019). Legitimation and effects of mission-oriented innovation policies: A spillover perspective. Accepted for presentation at Eu-SPRI 2019 and DRUID 2019.
  • Janssen, M., Frenken, K. (2018). Cross-specialisation: A rationale and policy options for connecting unrelated strongholds. Presented at Industrial Policy workshop (Bath, 2018) annual conference Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (Cambridge, 2018).
  • Janssen, M., Bogers, M. & Wanzenböck, I. (2018). Orchestrating public-private R&D networks: Government-affiliated intermediary organizations as a policy intervention. Presented at Geography of Innovation Conference / DRUID 2018.
  • Janssen, M. (2015). What bangs for your buck? Assessing the design and impact of transformative policy. CID Research Fellow working paper 69, July 2015, Center for International Development, Harvard Kennedy School. Presented at DRUID 2017.
  • Janssen, M. (2015, working paper). Cross-specialization and structural holes: The case of The Dutch Topsectors. Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography 15.19. Winner of EMAEE 2015 Best Paper Award. Presented at DRUID 2015.
  • Janssen, M. (2015, working paper). Cross-specialization: (Using services for) Making unrelated strengths related.
  • Janssen, M. (2015, working paper). The emancipation of service innovation: From pre-synthesis to post-synthesis.
  • Janssen, M., Mas Tur, E., and Frenken, K. Why ‘going out there’ when being exposed to user knowledge anyway? A simulation and empirical examination of the sensing paradox in service innovation. Accepted for presentation at EGOS 2014 and the EURAM’14 Conference, presented at the Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Colloquium 2014, Milano.
  • Janssen, M. and Castaldi, C. (2014, working paper). In the vanguard of openness: Which innovation capabilities should KIBS focus on? Presented at DRUID’14 Academy Aalborg, and DRUID’14 Summer Conference Copenhagen.
  • Janssen, M. Service innovation in relation to economic and societal challenges: Four approaches for developing systemic policy mixes. Presented at evoreg workshop (BETA Strasbourg) 2014, DRUID’14 Summer Conference.
  • Janssen, M., Alexiev, A., Den Hertog, P. and Castaldi, C. Examining dimensionality and interdependencies in service innovation. Presented at DRUID’13 Summer Conference (Barcelona) and EMAEE’13 (Nice).
  • Janssen, M., Alexiev, A., Den Hertog, P. and Castaldi, C. Management Innovation and Firm Performance in Service Innovation Management. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012 (Boston). Winner of UAM-Accenture Annual Research Award 2012.
  • Janssen, M., Alexiev, A. and Den Hertog, P. Open innovation practices in service innovation: the relation with size, partnerships and environmental turbulence. Presented at European Academy of Management EURAM'12 Conference. 


Janssen, M. J., Castaldi, C., & Alexiev, A. S. (2016). Dynamic capabilities for service innovation: conceptualization and measurement. R and D Management, 46(4), 797-811. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12147
Janssen, M. J., Castaldi, C., & Alexiev, A. S. (2018). In the vanguard of openness: which dynamic capabilities are essential for innovative KIBS firms to develop? Industry and Innovation, 25(4), 432-457. https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2017.1414758
Janssen, M. J., & Castaldi, C. (2018). Services, innovation, capabilities, and policy: Toward a synthesis and beyond. Science and Public Policy, 45(6), 863–874. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scy017



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Elzinga, R., Janssen, M. J., Wesseling, J., Negro, S. O., & Hekkert, M. P. (2023). Assessing mission-specific innovation systems: Towards an analytical framework. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 48, [100745]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2023.100745
Wiarda, M., Sobota, V. C. M., Janssen, M. J., Kaa, G. V. D., Yaghmaei, E., & Doorn, N. (2023). Public participation in mission-oriented innovation projects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 191, [122538]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122538


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kuipers-Dirven, R., Janssen, M., & Hoekman, J. (2022). Assessing university policies for enhancing societal impact of academic research: A multicriteria mapping approach. Research Evaluation, rvac045. https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvac045
Janssen, M., Hoekman, J., & Kuipers, R. (2022). Towards Science for Society: A multicriteria mapping study on university policies for enhancing societal impact of Dutch academic research. Research Evaluation.
Janssen, M. J. (2022). Legitimation and effects of mission-oriented innovation policies: A spillover perspective. Hacienda Publica Espanola, 243(4), 7-28. https://doi.org/10.7866/HPE-RPE.22.4.1
Janssen, M. J., Frenken, K., Tur, E. M., & Alexiev, A. S. (2022). The perils of pleasing: Innovation-stifling effects of customized service provision. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32(4), 1231-1264. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-022-00784-5
Hollants, B., Chappin, M., Janssen, M., & Moors, E. (2022). Dual use innovation: a systematic literature review and research agenda. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Schlaile, M. P., Mueller, M., Lang, S., Janssen, M., Wanzenböck, I., Bogner, K., Schramm, M., & Pyka, A. (2022). From linear policy to tackling wicked problems: A methodological reflection on the implications of the normative turn. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Elzinga, R., Janssen, M., Negro, S., & Hekkert, M. (2022). Unraveling Directionality: The interrelation between problems and solutions in mission-oriented innovation systems. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Janssen, M., Wesseling, J., Colen Ladeia Torrens, J., Weber, M., & Penna, C. C. R. (2022). Missions as a boundary object in umbrella frameworks: The case of the Dutch Mission-oriented Topsector and Innovation Policy. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wiarda, M., Sobota, V., Janssen, M., van de Kaa, G., Yaghmaei, E., & Doorn, N. (2022). Public Participation in Mission-Oriented Innovation Projects. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Janssen, M. J., & Abbasiharofteh, M. (2022). Boundary spanning R&D collaboration: Key enabling technologies and missions as alleviators of proximity effects? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 1-14. [121689]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121689
Janssen, M. J., Bergek, A., & Wesseling, J. H. (2022). Evaluating systemic innovation and transition programmes: Towards a culture of learning. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, 1(3), 1-6. [e0000008.]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pstr.0000008


ter Weel, B., Janssen, M., Bijlsma, M., & De Boer, P. J. (2022). Durf te leren, ga door met meten: Op zoek naar kaders en methoden voor de evaluatie van systeem- en transitiebeleid. Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Janssen, M., Wesseling, J., Colen Ladeia Torrens, J., Wanzenböck, I., Penna, C., Klerkx, L., & Weber, M. (2021). Missions as a boundary object: Opportunities for coordination across theoretical perspectives, policy domains, policy communities, and stakeholder interests. Abstract from Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2021, Oslo, Norway.
Janssen, M., & Abbasiharofteh, M. (2021). Boundary spanning collaboration in R&D projects: Key Enabling Technologies and Missions as alleviators of proximity effects. Abstract from Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2021, Oslo, Norway.
Kuipers, R., Janssen, M., & Hoekman, J. (2021). Towards Science for Society: A multicriteria mapping study on university policies to enhance societal impact of Dutch academic research. Abstract from Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2021, Oslo, Norway.
Elzinga, R., Janssen, M., Negro, S., & Hekkert, M. (2021). Mission-Oriented Innovation Systems Dynamics in the Circular Economy. 1-26. Paper presented at DRUID Conference 2021. https://conference.druid.dk/acc_papers/pp2nja3sy8855w5u9f73x3s7dg46uo.pdf
Janssen, M., Wesseling, J., Colen Ladeia Torrens, J., Weber, M., Klerkx, L., & Penna, C. (2021). Missions as Boundary Objects for Transformative Change: Understanding Coordination across Policy, Research and Stakeholder Communities. 1-42. Paper presented at DRUID Conference 2021. https://conference.druid.dk/acc_papers/bvs1748jy4c512s32qylyza19hpud4.pdf
Janssen, M. J., Torrens, J. C. L., Wesseling, J., & Wanzenböck, I. (2021). The promises and premises of mission-oriented innovation policy: A reflection and ways forward. Science and Public Policy, 48(3), 438-444. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scaa072


Janssen, M., Tolias, Y., & Pontikakis, D. (2021). POINT Review of Industrial Transition of Greece: Renewables, batteries and their applications in mobility, agriculture, shipping and defence. Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2760/321029
Frenken, K., Hekkert, M., & Janssen, M. (2021). Betrek alle ministeries en samenleving bij aanjagen innovatie via missies. ESB, 106(4799), 322-325.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Elzinga, R., Negro, S. O., Janssen, M. J., Wesseling, J. H., & Hekkert, M. P. (2020). Het Missie-gedreven Innovatiesysteem: Uitbreiding 'Technologisch Innovatie Systeem'-raamwerk ter monitoring van de Circulaire Economie. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4005752
Hekkert, M. P., Janssen, M. J., Wesseling, J. H., & Negro, S. O. (2020). Mission-oriented innovation systems. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 76-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2019.11.011
Janssen, M., Colen Ladeia Torrens, J., Wesseling, J. H., Wanzenböck, I., & Patterson, J. J. (2020). Position paper ‘Mission-oriented innovation policy observatory’. Utrecht University. https://www.uu.nl/en/research/copernicus-institute-of-sustainable-development/mission-oriented-innovation-policy-observatory
Janssen, M. J., Patterson, J. J., & Wesseling, J. H. (2020). Policy makers as institutional entrepreneurs: The opportunities and challenges of using missions for driving sustainability transitions. Paper presented at The 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST).
Janssen, M. J., Bogers, M., & Wanzenböck, I. (2020). Do systemic innovation intermediaries broaden horizons? : A proximity perspective on R&D partnership formation. Industry and Innovation, 27(6), 605-629. https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2019.1618701


Janssen, M. J. (Author), Hekkert, M. P. (Author), & Frenken, K. (Author). (2020). Missiegedreven innovatiebeleid: een nieuw perspectief op vernieuwing en vergroening. Web publication/site, Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks . https://wetenschappelijkbureaugroenlinks.nl/sites/default/files/missiegedreven_innovatiebeleid_groene_industriepolitiek_website.pdf


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Janssen, M. J., & Frenken, K. (2019). Cross-specialisation policy: rationales and options for linking unrelated industries. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 12(2), 195-212. https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsz001
Janssen, M. J. (2019). What bangs for your buck? Assessing the design and impact of Dutch transformative policy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138, 78-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2018.08.011


Janssen, M. J., Hekkert, M. P., & Frenken, K. (2019). Missiegedreven innovatiebeleid: Twee vliegen in één klap? MeJudice. http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/missiegedreven-innovatiebeleid-twee-vliegen-in-een-klap


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Janssen, M. J., & den Hertog, P. (2018). Service innovation as search in multidimensional design spaces: Conceptual opportunities and empirical examination. In A. Scupola, & L. Fuglsang (Eds.), Services, Experiences and Innovation: Integrating and Extending Research (pp. 107-128). (Services, Economy and Innovation series). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788114301.00012
Alexiev, A. S., Janssen, M., & den Hertog, P. (2018). The Moderating Role of Tangibility in Synchronous Innovation in Services. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(5), 682-700. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpim.12459
Janssen, M. J., Castaldi, C., & Alexiev, A. S. (2018). In the vanguard of openness: which dynamic capabilities are essential for innovative KIBS firms to develop? Industry and Innovation, 25(4), 432-457. https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2017.1414758
Janssen, M. J., & Castaldi, C. (2018). Services, innovation, capabilities, and policy: Toward a synthesis and beyond. Science and Public Policy, 45(6), 863–874. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scy017


Janssen, M. J. (Author). (2018). Experimenteren met innovatiebeleid: Hoe doe je dat?. Web publication/site, MeJudice. http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/experimenteren-met-innovatiebeleid-hoe-doe-je-dat
Janssen, M. J. (2018). Impact en toekomst van de Topsectorenaanpak. ESB, 103(4761), 200-202. https://esb.nu/esb/20040795/impact-en-potentieel-van-de-topsectorenaanpak



Janssen, M. J. (2017). Zelfsturing in transformatief innovatiebeleid: Kaders voor beleidsontwerp en –evaluatie. Vlaams tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 9. http://www.vtom.be/pdf_file/dieKeure_minisquare_PDF_bestanden/VTOM_2017_1-D.pdf

Overige resultaten

Janssen, M. J. (Author), Roelandt, T. (Author), & van der Wiel, H. (Author). (2017). Nieuwe industriepolitiek draait vooral om nieuwe combinaties van kennis. Web publication/site, MeJudice. http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/nieuwe-industriepolitiek-draait-vooral-om-nieuwe-combinaties-van-kennis


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Janssen, M. J., Castaldi, C., & Alexiev, A. S. (2016). Dynamic capabilities for service innovation: conceptualization and measurement. R and D Management, 46(4), 797-811. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12147
Janssen, M. J., & den Hertog, P. (2016). Developing Service-Based Business Models: Which Innovation Capability for Which Innovation Dimension? In M. Toivonen (Ed.), Service Innovation Novel Ways of Creating Value in Actor Systems (pp. 97-128). Springer.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Janssen, M. J., & Castaldi, C. (2015). Developing service-inclusive systemic policy: Four approaches. Paper presented at 2015 European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE) , Maastricht, Netherlands.
Janssen, M. J. (2015). Cross-specialization and structural holes: The case of the Dutch Topsectors. Paper presented at 2015 European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE) , Maastricht, Netherlands.
Janssen, M., Castaldi, C., Alexiev, A., & Den Hertog, P. (2015). Exploring a multidimensional approach to service innovation. In R. Agarwal, W. Selen, G. Roos, & G. Green (Eds.), The Handbook of Service Innovation (pp. 91-108). Springer-Verlag London Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-6590-3_5
Janssen, M. J., Castaldi, C., Alexiev, A. S., & den Hertog, P. (2015). Exploring the multidimensionality of service innovation. In R. Agarwal, W. Selen, G. Roos, & R. Green (Eds.), The Handbook of Service Innovation (pp. 91-108). Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4471-6590-3


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Törnqvist, J., Van Broeck, N., Finkenauer, C., Rosati, R., Schwering, K. L., Hayez, J. Y., Janssen, M., & Otte, J. B. (1999). Long-term psychosocial adjustment following pediatric liver transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation, 3(2), 115-125. https://doi.org/10.1034/j.1399-3046.1999.00026.x