
Verkuyten, M. (2018). The social psychology of ethnic identity (2nd, revised edition). Oxon, UK: Routledge.


Verkuyten, M. (2014). Identity and cultural diversity: What social psychology can teach us. Hove, UK: Routledge.


Verkuyten, M. (2010). Identiteit en diversiteit: De tegenstellingen voorbij. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications/AUP.


Poppe, E., & Verkuyten, M. (Eds.)(2007). Culture and conflict. Amsterdam: Aksant.


Verkuyten, M. (2005). The social psychology of ethnic identity. Hove: Psychology Press.


Ter Wal, J., & Verkuyten, M. (Eds.), (2000). Comparative Perspectives on Racism. Aldershot: Ashgate.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2000). Leren (en) waarderen: Discriminatie, zelfbeeld, relaties en leerprestaties in ‘witte’ en ‘zwarte’ basisscholen. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis


Verkuyten, M. (1999). Etnische identiteit: Theoretische en empirische benaderingen. Amsterdam: Spinhuis.


Verkuyten, M. (1997). "Redelijk racisme": Gesprekken over allochtonen in oude stadswijken. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


Benda-Beckman, K. & Verkuyten, M. (Eds.), (1995). Nationalism, ethnicity and cultural identity in Europe. Utrecht: Ercomer.


Verkuyten, M. (1992). Zelfbeleving van jeugdige Allochtonen: een socio-psycho­logische benade­ring. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.


Verkuyten, M. (1990). Symbool en samenleving: over symbolen en hun rol in het sociale leven. Zeist: Kerckebosch.


 Journal articles and book chapters




Davies, T., Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., & Loughnan, S. (2019). From Humanitarian Aid to Humanization: When outgroup, but not ingroup helping increases humanization. PlosOne (forthcoming).


Eskelinen, V., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Support for democracy and liberal sexual mores among Muslims in Western Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (forthcoming). Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1521715


Gharaei, N., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Ethnic identity in diverse schools: Preadolescents' private regard and introjection in relation to classroom norms and composition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (forthcoming) doi: 10.1007/s10964-018-0881-y


Hirsch, M., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2019). To accept or not to accept: Level of moral concern impacts on tolerance of Muslim minority practices. British Journal of Social Psychology, DOI:10.1111/bjso.12284.


Smeekes, A., Jetten, J., Verkuyten, M., Wohl, M.J.A., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A., González, R., Hong, Y-Y., Jensen, D.H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Renvik, T.A., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Sharma, S., Teymoori, A., Torres, A.R., & Van der Bles, A.M. (2019). Regaining in-group continuity in times of anxiety about the group’s future: A study on the role of collective nostalgia across 27 countries. Social Psychology (forthcoming) doi: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000350


Spiegler, O., Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Leyendecker, B. (2019). Can children develop a dual identity when immigrant mothers feel homesick? A short-term longitudinal study among Turkish immigrants. European Journal of Developmental Psychology (forthcoming) doi: 10.1080/17405629.2018.1482742.


Verkuyten, M., & Nooitgedagt, W. (2019). Parliamentary identity and the management of the far-right: A discursive analysis of Dutch parliamentary debates. British Journal of Social Psychology (forthcoming).


Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2019). Intergroup toleration and its implications for culturally diverse societies. Social Issues and Policy Review (forthcoming). doi: 10.1111/sipr.12051





Bot, W., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Evaluating the political organization of Muslim citizens in the Netherlands: The role of political orientation, education and multiculturalism.  Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6(2), 364–382. Doi:10.5964/jspp.v6i2.901.


Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Teaching in ethnically diverse classrooms: explaining individual differences in teacher self-efficacy Journal of School Psychology 67, 134-147. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2017.12.001


Mahfud, Y., Badea, C., Verkuyten, M., & Reynolds, K. (2018). Multiculturalism and attitudes towards immigrants: The impact of perceived cultural distance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(6),  945-958. doi: 10.1177/0022022117730828


Maliepaard, M., Verkuyten, M. (2018). National disidentification and minority identity: A study among Muslims in Western Europe. Self & Identity, 17, 75-91. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2017.1323792


Manassen, A. & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Examining identity intersectionality: Thai marriage migrants in The Netherlands. International Review of Social Psychology, 31(1), 1–9. doi: 10.5334/irsp.150


Martinovic, B., Jetten, J., Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Collective memory of a dissolved country: Collective nostalgia and guilt as predictors of interethnic relations between diaspora groups from former Yugoslavia. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5(2), 588–607. doi:10.5964/jspp.v5i2.733


Meuleman, R., Lubbers, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Parental socialization and the consumption of domestic versus foreign films, books and music. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(1), 103-130.



Ng Tseung Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Diversity ideologies and intergroup attitudes: When multiculturalism is beneficial for majority group members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21, 336-350. doi: 10.1177/1368430216663021


Van Niekerk, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Interfaith marriage attitudes in Muslim majority countries:

The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 28(4), 257-270. doi: 10.1080/10508619.2018.1517015


Verkuyten, M. (2018). The benefits of studying immigration for social psychology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(3), 225-239. Doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2354


Verkuyten, M. (2018). Religious fundamentalism and radicalization among Muslim minority youth in Europe. European Psychologist, 23, 21-31. doi: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000314


Verkuyten, M. (2018). The struggle over political power: Evaluating immigrants’ political party representation. Social Psychological and Personality Science,  9(4), 419-425. doi: 10.1177/1948550617708016


Verkuyten, M., Altabatabaei, H.G., & Nooitgedagt, W. (2018). Supporting the accommodation of voluntary and involuntary migrants: Humanitarian and host society considerations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(3), 267-274. doi: 0.1177/1948550617737600


Verkuyten, K., Mepham, K., & Kros, M. (2018). Public attitudes towards support for migrants: The importance of perceived voluntary and involuntary migration. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(5), 901-918. doi: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1367021


Werf, van der F., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung Wong, C. (2019). What it means to be a national: A study among adolescents in multicultural Mauritius. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology,24(4), 576-587. doi:10.1037/cdp0000196


Yitmen, S., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Feelings towards refugees and non-Muslims in Turkey: The roles of national and religious identifications, and multiculturalism. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 90–100. Doi: 10.1111/jasp.12493


Yitmen, S., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Positive and negative behavioral intentions towards refugees in Turkey: The roles of national identification, threat, and humanitarian concern. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 230-243. doi: 10.1002/casp.2354.


Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., Osborne, D., & Sibly, C. (2018). I have a dream” of a colorblind nation? Examining the relationship between racial colorblindness , system justification, and support for policies that redress inequalities. Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 282-298. doi: 10.1111/josi.12269.


Zhang, S., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2018). Dual identity and psychological adjustment: A study among immigrant-origin members. Journal of Research in Personality, 74, 66-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.02.008




Celebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Bagci, C. Ethnic identification, discrimination and mental and physical health among Syrian refugees: The moderating role of identity needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 832-843. Doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2299.


Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Student-teacher relationships and ethnic outgroup attitudes among majority students. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 52, 69-79.


Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2017). Evaluating political acculturation strategies:

The perspective of the majority and other minority groups. Political Psychology, 38, 741-756. Doi: 10.1111/pops.12356.


Jetten, J., Wang, Z., Steffens, N.K., Mols, F., Peters, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). A social identity analysis of responses to economic inequality. Current Opinion in Psychology, 18, 1–5. Doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.05.011


Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Intergroup contact and minority group empowerment: The perspective of Roma and non-Roma adolescents in Macedonia. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 424-434. Doi/10.1002/casp.2320


Killen, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). The importance of social-cognitive development and the developmental context for group dynamics. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20, 707–

718. doi: 10.1177/1368430217711771


Mepham, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Citizenship representations, group indispensability and attitudes towards immigrants’ rights. International Journal of Intercultural relations, 61, 54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2017.09.004.


Seaton, E., Quintana, S., Verkuyten, M., & Gee, G. (2017). Peers, policies, place and ethnic/racial identity. Child Development, 88, 683-992. Doi: 10.1111/cdev.12787


Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., Çelebi, E., Acartürk, C., Onkun, S. (2017). Social identity continuity and mental health among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52, 1317-1324.  Doi: 10.1007/s00127-017-1424-7


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Promoting positive self-esteem in ethnic minority students: The role of school and classroom context. In N. Cabrera, & B. Leyendecker (Eds.), Handbook on Positive Development of Minority Children and Youth. New York: Springer.


Verkuyten, M. (2017). Dual identity and immigrants’ protest against discrimination: The moderating role of diversity ideologies. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20, 924-934. Doi 10.1177/1368430216629813


Verkuyten, M. (2017). Supporting the democratic political organization of Muslim immigrants: The perspective of Muslims in the Netherlands and Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43, 137-155.  Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1187556


Verkuyten, M., & Fleischmann, F. (2017). Ethnicity, religion and nationality: Group identifications among minority youth. In A. Rutland, D. Nesdale, & C. Spears Brown (Eds.), Handbook of group processes in children and adolescents (pp. 23-46). Oxford: Wiley.


Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2017). Collective psychological ownership and intergroup relations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12, 1021–1039. DOI: 10.1177/1745691617706514


Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2017). The social psychology of intergroup toleration: A roadmap for theory and research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 21(1), 72–96.  Doi: 10.1177/1088868316640974.




Celebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Smyrioti, A. (2016). Support for Kurdish language rights in Turkey: The roles of ethnic group, group identifications, contact and intergroup perceptions. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39, 1034-1051. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2015.1103881


Fleischmann, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Dual identity among immigrants: Comparing different conceptualizations, their measurements, and implications. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22, 151-165. Doi: 10.1037/cdp0000058


Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Inter-religious attitudes of Sunni and Alevi Muslim minorities: The role of religious commitment and host national identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relation, 52, 1-12. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2016.02.005.


Spiegler, O., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Leyendecker, B. (2016). Low ethnic identity exploration undermines positive inter-ethnic relations: A study among Turkish immigrant-origin youth. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(4), 495-503. Doi: 10.1037/cdp0000090.


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Ethnic attitudes and social projection in the classroom. Child Development, 87(5),1452-1465.  DOI: 10.1111


Verkuyten, M. (2016). Further conceptualizing ethnic and racial identity research: The social identity approach and its dynamic model. Child Development, 87, 1796-1812. Doi: 10.1111/cdev125555.


Verkuyten, M. (2016). The integration paradox: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(5-6), 583–596. DOI: 10.1177/0002764216632838


Verkuyten, M., Hindriks, P., & Coenders, M. (2016). Majority members' feelings about political representation of Muslim immigrants. Social Psychology, 47(5), 257-269. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000279.


Verkuyten, M. & Martinovic, B. (2016). Dual identity, in-group projection, and out-group feelings among ethnic minority groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2131


Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., Smeekes, A., & Kros, M. (2017). The endorsement of unity in diversity: The role of political orientation, education and justifying beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 741-756. Doi:/10.1002/ejsp.2210




Geerlings, J., Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2015) Changes in ethnic self-identification and heritage language preference in adolescence: A cross-lagged panel study. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34, 501-520.


Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2015). The evaluation of immigrants' political acculturation strategies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 47, 131-142.


Hoekstra, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). To be a true Muslim: Online discussions on the headscarf among Moroccan-Dutch women. Gender, Place and Culture, 22, 1236-1251.


Janssens, H., Verkuyten, M., & Kahn, A. (2015). Perceived social structural relations and group stereotypes: A test of the Stereotype Content Model in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 52-61.


Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). Life satisfaction and happiness among the Roma in Central and Southeastern Europe. Social Indicators Research, 124, 199-220.


Munniksma, A., Verkuyten, M., Stark, T., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Friendships and outgroup attitudes among ethnic minority youth: The mediating role of ethnic and host society identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 44, 88-99.


Ng Tseung Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). ‘I’d rather we be neighbours than lovers’: The two-sidedness of multiculturalism. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18, 437-453.


Ng Tseung Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). Multiculturalism Mauritian style: Cultural diversity, belonging and a secular state. American Behavioral Scientist, 59, 679-701.


Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten (2015). In-group bias in children's intention to help can be overpowered by inducing empathy. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33. 45-56.


Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). The presence of the past: Identity continuity and group dynamics. European Review of Social Psychology, 26, 162-202.


Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2015). Longing for the country's good old days: National nostalgia, autochthony beliefs, and opposition to Muslim expressive rights. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 561-580.


Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2015). Behind the ethnic-civic distinction: Public attitudes towards immigrants’ political rights in the Netherlands. Social Science Research, 53, 43-44.


Verkuyten, M. & Martinovic, B. (2015). Majority member's recognition and protest against discrimination of immigrants: The role of power threat, deprovincialization and common national identity. Social Justice Research, 28, 257-273.


Verkuyten, M., Sierksma, J., & Martinovic, B. (2015). First arrival and collective land ownership: How children reason about who owns the land. Social Development, 24, 868-882.


Verkuyten, M., Sierksma, J., & Thijs, J. (2015). First arrival and owning the land: How children reason about ownership of territory. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 41, 58-64.


Verkuyten, M. (2015). Identiteit en wij-zij denken. In H. Beijers, P. Hagenaars, & P. Minkenberg (red.). Identiteit: Uitsluiten of verbinden (pp. 27-38). Utrecht: Uitgeverij De Graaff


Vroome, T. de & Verkuyten, M. (2015). Labour market participation and immigrants’ acculturation. In S. Otten, K. Van der Zee & M. Brewer (Eds). Towards inclusive organizations: Determinants of successful diversity management at work (pp. 12-28). Hove: Psychology Press.





Bekhuis, H., Lubbers, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Globalization and nationalist attitudes in 52 Countries, between 1981 and 2009. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 26, 487-500.


Celebi, E., Verkuyten, M., Köse, T., & Maliepaard, M. (2014). Out-group trust and conflict understandings: The perspective of Turks and Kurds in Turkey. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 40, 64-75.


Deaux, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). The social psychology of multiculturalism: Identity and intergroup relations. In V. Benet-Martínez & Y-Y. Hong (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of multicultural identity: Basic and applied psychological perspectives (pp. 118-138). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Ellenbroek, M., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Poppe, E. (2014). The fairness of national decision-making procedures: The views of adolescents in 18 European Countries. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24, 503-517.


Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Dutch adolescents’ tolerance of Muslim immigrants:

The role of assimilation ideology, intergroup contact and national identification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, 155-165.


Hindriks, P., Coenders, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Inter-minority attitudes: The role of ethnic and national identification, contact and multiculturalism. Social Psychology Quarterly,77, 54-74.


Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., Coenders, M. (2014). Dimensions of social dominance orientation: The roles of legitimizing myths and national identification. European Journal of Personality, 28, 538-549.


Maes, M., Stevens, G., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Perceived ethnic discrimination and problem behaviours in Muslim immigrant early adolescents: Moderating effects of ethnic, religious, and national group identification. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 34, 940-966.


Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). The political downside of dual identity: Group identifications and religious political mobilization of Muslim minorities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 711-730.


Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Komter, A. (2014). Children’s reasoning about the refusal to help: The role of need, costs and social perspective taking. Child Development,86, 1134-1149.


Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). With a little help from my friends: Bystander context and children’s attitude toward peer helping. Journal of Social Psychology, 154, 142-154.


Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Ethnic helping and group identity: A study among majority group children. Social Development, 4, 803-819.


Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Children's intergroup helping: The role of empathy and peer group norms Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 126, 369-383.


Smeekes, A., Van Acker, K., Verkuyten, M., & Vanbeselaere, N. (2014). The legacy of nazism: Historical analogies and support for the far right. Social Influence, 9, 300-317.


Smeekes, A. & Verkuyten, M. (2014). When national culture is disrupted: Cultural continuity and resistance to Muslim immigrants. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17, 45-66.


Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Perceived group continuity, collective self-continuity and in-group identification. Self and Identity,13, 663-680.


Smeekes, A. & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Collective self-continuity, group identification and in-group defense. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 984-994.


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). School ethnic diversity and students’ interethnic relations. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 1-21.


Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Grundel, M. (2014). Ethnic classroom composition and peer victimization: The moderating role of classroom attitudes. Journal of Social Issues, 70, 134-150.


Verkuyten, M., Maliepaard, M., Martinovic, B., & Khoudja, Y. (2014). Political tolerance among Muslim minorities in Western Europe: The role of denomination and religious and host national identification. Politics and Religion, 7, 265-286.


Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Minority identity and host national identification among immigrants. In C. K.W. DeDreu (Ed.), Social Conflict within and between Groups (pp. 55-74) London: Psychology Press.


Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Smeekes, A. (2014). The multicultural jigsaw puzzle: Category indispensability and the acceptance of immigrants’ cultural rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1480-1493.


Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Sierksma, J. (2014). Majority children’s evaluation of acculturation preferences of immigrant and emigrant peers. Child Development,85,176-191.


Vroome, T., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). The integration paradox: Level of education and immigrants’ attitudes towards natives and the host society. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20, 166-175.


Vroome, T., Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Host national identification of immigrants in the Netherlands. International Migration Review, 48, 1-27.


Zhirkov, K., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2014). Perceptions of World Politics and Support for Terrorism among Muslims: Evidence from Muslim Countries and Western Europe. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 31, 481-501.





Brambilla, M., Manzi, C., Regalia, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Religiosity and prejudice:

Different patterns for two types of religious internalization. Journal of Social Psychology,153,486-498.


Huijnk, W., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2013). Family relations and the attitude towards ethnic minorities as close kin by marriage. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 1890-1909.


Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). We were here first, so we determine the rules of the game’: Autochthony and prejudice toward outgroups. European Journal of Social Psychology,43, 637-647.


Munniksma, A., Stark, T., Verkuyten, M., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Extended intergroup friendships within social settings. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16, 752-770.


Ng Tseung, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Religious and national group identification in adolescence: A study among three religious groups in Mauritius. International Journal of Psychology, 48, 846-857.


Ng Tseung, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Is cultural group representation a fair-option?: Adolescents’ evaluations of forms of decision-making in multicultural Mauritius. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,37, 727-738.


Ten Teije, I., Coenders, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). The paradox of integration: Immigrants and their attitude towards the native population. Social Psychology, 44, 278-288.


Thijs, J. & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Ethnic Attitudes and Classmates. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 176-187.


Verkuyten, M. (2013). Justifying discrimination of Muslim immigrants: Outgroup ideology and the five-step social identity model. British Journal of Social Psychology,52, 345-360.


Verkuyten, M. & Maliepaard, M. (2013). A further test of the party over policy effect: Political leadership and ethnic minority policies. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 241-248.


Verkuyten, M. & Thijs, J. (2013). Multicultural education and inter-ethnic attitudes: An intergroup perspective. European Psychologist, 18, 179-190


Yildiz, A.A., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). ‘We are not terrorists’: Turkish Muslim organizations and the construction of a moral identity. Ethnicities, 13, 359-381.





Briones, E., Verkuyten, M., Cosado, J., Tabernero, C. (2012). Psychological adaptation of Moroccan and Ecuadorean immigrant adolescents in Spain. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 28-38.


Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Dutch adolescents' tolerance of practices by Muslim actors: The effect of issue framing. Youth and Society, 44, 348-365.


Huijnk, W., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2012). Family life and acculturation attitudes:

A study among four immigrant groups in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38, 555-575.


Lie, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Identity practices, ingroup projection, and the evaluation of subgroups: A study among Turkish-Dutch Sunnis. Journal of Social Psychology, 152, 510-523.


Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Host national and religious identification among Turkish Muslims in Western Europe: The role of ingroup norms, perceived discrimination and value incompatibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 893–903.


Munniksma, A., Flache, A., Verkuyten, M., & Veenstra, R. (2012). Parental acceptance of children’s intimate ethnic outgroup relations: The role of culture, status, and family reputation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 36, 575-585.


Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Understanding the relational self: An inter-generational study in the Netherlands and Greece. European Psychologist, 17, 182-189.


Rooyackers, I., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Mobilizing support for the extreme right: A discursive analysis of minority leadership. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 130-148


Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2012). How a tolerant past affects the present:

Historical tolerance and the acceptance of Muslim expressive rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1410-1422.


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Ethnic attitudes of minority students and their contact with majority group teachers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 33, 260-268.


Verkuyten, M. (2012). Understanding ethnic minority identity. In A. Masten, D. Hernandez & K. Liebkind (Eds.), Realizing the potential of immigrant youth (pp. 230-252). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Verkuyten, M., & Khan, A. (2012). Interethnic relations in Malaysia: Group identifications, indispensability and inclusive nationhood. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, 132-139.


Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). Immigrants’ national identification: Meanings, determinants and consequences. Social Issues and Policy Review, 6, 82-112.

Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). Social identity complexity and immigrants' attitude towards the host nation: The intersection of ethnic and religious group identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1165-1177. 


Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2012). Political tolerance for Muslim practices: An intergroup perspective. In M. Helbling (Ed.), Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and explaining individual attitudes. London: Routledge.


Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Stevens, G. (2012). Multiple identities and religious transmission:

A study among Moroccan-Dutch Muslim adolescents and their parents. Child Development,83, 1471-1476.


Yildiz, A.A. & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Conceptualizing Euro-Islam: Managing the societal demand for religious reform. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 19, 360-376.





Fleischmann. F., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2011). Ethnic and republic identification in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: A social dominance perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37, 23-41.


Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Voluntary and involuntary immigrants and adolescents’ endorsement of cultural maintenance. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 259-267.


Guan, Y., Verkuyten, M., Fung, H. H., Bond, M. H., Chan, C. C., & Chen, S. X. (2011). Outgroup value incongruence and intergroup attitude: The roles of multiculturalism and common identity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 377-385.


Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2011). Group identity, ethnic separatism, and multiple out-groups: The Basque case. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 21, 28-40.


Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Self-evaluations, psychological well-being, and cultural context: The changing Greek society. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 875-890.


Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2011). Mobilising opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 265-280.


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). In-group bias in the classroom: The role of co-ethnic and other-ethnic peers and multiculturalism. Anales de Psicologia, 27, 662-669.


Verkuyten, M. (2011). Assimilation ideology and outgroup attitudes among ethnic majority members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 789-806.


Verkuyten, M. (2011). Ethnic discrimination and ethnic minority identity: A social psychological perspective. In S. Bonjour, A. Rea & D. Jacobs (Eds). The others in Europe (pp.127-136). Brussels: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles


Verkuyten, M., Weesie, J., & Eijberts, M. (2011). The evaluation of perpetrators and victims of peer victimization: An extended crossed categorization approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 324-334.


Vroome, T. de, Coenders, M., Van Tubergen, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Economic Participation and National Self-Identification of Refugees in the Netherlands. International Migration Review,45,615-638.


Yildiz, A.A., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Inclusive victimhood: Social identity and the politicization of collective trauma among Turkey’s Alevis in Western Europe. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology,17, 243-269.


Zilli Ramirez, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Values, media framing and political tolerance for extremist groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1583-1602.





Belangér, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Hyphenated identities and acculturation: Second generation Chinese of Canada and the Netherlands. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 10, 141-163.


Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Tolerance of practices by Muslim actors: An integrative social-developmental perspective. Child Development, 81, 1384-1399.


Huijnk, W., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2010). Intermarriage attitude among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands: The role of family relations and immigrant characteristics. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41, 389-414.


Ng Tseung-Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Intergroup evaluations, Group indispensability and prototypical judgments: A study in Mauritius. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 621-638.


Phalet, K., Güngor, G., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Political mobilization of Dutch Muslims: Religious identity salience, goal framing and normative constraints. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 759-779.


Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Helmond, P. (2010). A further examination of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond effect: Perceived position in class, class size, and gender comparisons. Sociology of Education, 83, 333-345.


Van der Noll, J., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2010). Political tolerance and prejudice: Differential reactions toward Muslims in the Netherlands. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 46-56.


Verkuyten M. (2010). Religious identity and socio-political participation: Muslim minorities in Western Europe. In A. Azzi, X. Chryssochoou, B. Klandermans, & B. Simon (Eds.), Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies. Oxford: Blackwell.


Verkuyten, M. (2010). Multiculturalism and tolerance: An intergroup perspective. In R. Crisps (Ed.), The psychology of social and cultural diversity. Oxford: Blackwell.


Verkuyten, M. (2010). Assimilation ideology and situational well-being among ethnic minority members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 269-275.


Verkuyten, M. (2010). Ethnic communication and identity performance. In H. Giles, S. Reid & J. Harwood (Eds.), The dynamics of intergroup communication. New York: Peter Lang.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2010). Ethnic minority labeling, multiculturalism and the attitude of majority group members. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 29, 467-477. (Paper received ‘honorable mention’ (‘second place’) in the Third Biannual JLSP Top Paper Award).


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2010). Religious group relations among Christian, Muslim and non-religious early adolescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 27-49.


Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Bekhuis, H. (2010). Intergroup contact and ingroup reappraisal: Examining the deprovincialization thesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73, 398-416.


Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2010). Orthodoxie en integratie van Turks Nederlandse Moslims. Mens en Maatschappij, 85, 5-26.


Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2010). Religious identity consolidation and mobilisation among Turkish Dutch Muslims. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 436-447.





Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2009). Students’ anticipated situational engagement: The roles of teacher behaviour, personal engagement, and gender. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 170, 268-286.


Verkuyten, M. (2009). Support for multiculturalism and minority rights: The role of national identification and out-group threat. Social Justice Research, 22, 31-52.


Verkuyten, M. (2009). Self-esteem and multiculturalism: An examination among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 419-427.


Verkuyten, M. (2009). Studying ethnic identity. In I. Jasinskaja-Lahti & T.A. Mähönen (Eds.), Identities, intergroup relations and acculturation. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press.


Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2009). Muslim immigrants and religious group feelings:

A study among Sunni and Alevi Turkish-Dutch. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32, 1121-1142.


Wandert, T., Ochsmann, R., Brug, P., Chybicka, A., Lacassagne, M-F., & Verkuyten, M. (2009). Black German identities: Validating the multidimensional inventory of Black Identity. Journal of Black Psychology, 35, 456-484.




Coenders, M., Lubbers, M., Scheepers, P., & Verkuyten, M. (2008). More than two decades of changing ethnic attitudes in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Issues, 64, 269-285.


Kuroiwa, Y., & Verkuyten, M. (2008). Narratives and the constitution of a common identity: the Karen in Burma. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 15, 391-412.


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2008). Peer Victimization and academic achievement in a multiethnic sample: The role of perceived academic self-efficacy. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 754-764.


Velasco González, K., Verkuyten, M., Weesie, J., & Poppe, E. (2008). Prejudice towards Muslims in the Netherlands: Testing Integrated Threat Theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 667-685.


Verkuyten, M. (2008). Life satisfaction among ethnic minorities: The role of discrimination and group identification. Social Indicators Research, 89, 391-404.


Verkuyten, M. (2008). Multiculturalism and group evaluations among minority and majority groups. In S. R. Levy & M. Killen (Eds.), Intergroup attitudes and relations in childhood through adulthood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Verkuyten, M. (2008). Peer discrimination, ethnic minority identity and self-esteem. In Quintana, S.M., & McKown, C. (Eds.), The handbook of race, racism, and the developing child. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


Verkuyten, M., & Reijerse, A. (2008). Intergroup structure and identity management among ethnic minority and majority groups: The interactive effects of perceived stability, legitimacy, and permeability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 106-127.


Verkuyten, M., & Slooter, L. (2008). Muslim and non-Muslim adolescents’ reasoning about freedom of speech and minority rights. Child Development, 79, 514-528. (also included in Killen, M. & Copland, R.J. (Eds.)(2011). Social development in childhood and adolescence: A contemporary reader. Wiley-Blackwell).




Brug, P., & Verkuyten, M. (2007). Dealing with cultural diversity: The endorsement of societal models among ethnic minority and majority youth in the Netherlands. Youth and Society, 39, 112-131.


Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2007). Networks of meaning and the bicultural mind: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 955-963.


Verkuyten, M. (2007). What do people think about ethnic minorities?: A reality check for survey research. In Poppe, E., & Verkuyten, M. (Eds.)(2007). Culture and conflict: Liber Amicorum for Louk Hagendoorn. Amsterdam: Aksant.


Verkuyten, M. (2007). Social psychology and multiculturalism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1, 280-29.


Verkuyten, M. (2007). Ethnic in-group favoritism among minority and majority groups: Testing the self-esteem hypothesis among preadolescents. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 486-500.


Verkuyten, M. (2007). Religious group identification and inter-religious relations: A study among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 341-357.


Verkuyten, M., & De Wolf, A. (2007). The development of in-group favoritism: Between social reality and group identity. Developmental Psychology, 43, 901-911.


Verkuyten, M., & Slooter, L. (2007). Tolerance of Muslim beliefs and practices: Age related differences and context effects. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 467-477.


Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2007). National (dis)identification, and ethnic and religious identity: A study among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1448-1462.




Cieslik, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2006). National, ethnic and religious identities: Hybridity and the case of the Polish Tatars. National Identities, 8, 77-93.


Verkuyten, M. (2006). Multicultural recognition and ethnic minority rights: A social identity perspective. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (Eds.), European Review of Social Psychology (vol.17, pp. 148-184). London: Wiley.


Verkuyten, M. (2006). Ethnic peer victimization and psychological well-being among early adolescents. In X. Chen, D. French, & B. Schneider (Eds.), Peer relations in cultural context (pp.339-363). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Verkuyten, M. (2006). Groepsidentificaties en intergroep relaties onder Turkse Nederlanders. Mens en Maatschappij, 81, 64-84.


Verkuyten, M. (2006) Nederlandse identiteit en ‘witte etnisering’. In R. Gowricharn (red) Falende instituties: Negen heikele kwesties in de multiculturele samenleving (pp. 155-174). Utrecht: Forum.


Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2006). Understanding multicultural attitudes: The role of group status, identification, friendships, and justifying ideologies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30, 1-18.


Verkuyten, M., & Pouliasi, K. (2006). Biculturalism and group identification: The mediating role of identification in cultural frame-switching. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37, 312-326.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2006). Ethnic Discrimination and global self-worth in early adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30, 107-116.


Verkuyten, M., & A.A. Yildiz (2006). The endorsement of minority rights: The role of group position, national context, and ideological beliefs. Political Psychology, 27, 527-548.



Verkuyten, M. (2005). The puzzle of high self-esteem among ethnic minorities: Comparing explicit and implicit self-esteem. Self and Identity, 4, 171-192.


Verkuyten, M. (2005). Immigration discourses and their impact on multiculturalism: A discursive and experimental study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 223-241.


Verkuyten, M. (2005). Accounting for ethnic discrimination: A discursive study among minority and majority group members. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 24, 66-92.


Verkuyten, M. (2005). Ethnic group identification, and group evaluations among minority and majority groups: Testing the multiculturalism hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 121-138.


Verkuyten, M., & Steenhuis, A. (2005). Preadolescents’ understanding and reasoning about asylum seeker peers and friendships. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 26, 660-679.


Verkuyten, M., & Zaremba, K. (2005). Inter-ethnic relations in a changing political context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 68, 375-386.



Verkuyten, M. (2004). Emotional reactions to and support for immigrant policies: Attributed responsibilities to categories of asylum seekers, Social Justice Research, 17, 293-314.


Verkuyten, M. (2004). Everyday ways of thinking about multiculturalism. Ethnicities, 4, 53-74.


Verkuyten, M. (2004). Ethnic minority identity and social context. In M. Bennett & F. Sani (Eds.), The Development of the Social Self. London: Psychology Press (pp. 189-216).


Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2004). Multiculturalism and ethnic group status: The role of ethnic identification, group essentialism and protestant ethic. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 647-661.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Psychological disengagement from the academic domain among ethnic minority adolescents in the Netherlands. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 109-125.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Global and ethnic self-esteem in school context: Minority and majority groups in the Netherlands. Social Indicators Research, 67, 253-281.



Verkuyten, M. (2003). Racism, happiness and ideology. In H. van den Berg, H. Houtekoop-Steenstra & M. Wetherell (Eds.), Analyzing interviews on racial issues: Multidisciplinary approaches to interview discourse (pp. 138-155). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Verkuyten, M. (2003). Ethnic in-group bias among minority and majority early adolescents: The perception of negative peer behaviour. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21, 543-565.


Verkuyten, M. (2003). Discourses about ethnic group (de-)essentialism: oppressive and progressive aspects. British Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 371-391.


Verkuyten, M. (2003). Positive and negative self-esteem among ethnic minority early adolescents: Social and cultural sources and threats. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 32, 267-277.


Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2003). Educational performance and psychological disengagement among ethnic minority and Dutch adolescents. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164, 189-200.


Verkuyten, M., & Canatan, K. (2003). Normative orientation and educational outcomes in a school context. In Hagendoorn, L., Veenman, J. & Vollebergh, W. (Eds.) Cultural Orientation and Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants in the Netherlands. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.



Verkuyten, M. (2002). Perceptions of ethnic discrimination by minority and majority early adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Psychology, 37, 321-332.


Verkuyten, M. (2002). Ethnic attitudes among minority and majority children: The role of ethnic identification, peer group victimization and parents. Social Development, 11, 558-570.


Verkuyten, M. (2002). Making teachers accountable for students’ disruptive classroom behaviour. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23, 107-122.


Verkuyten, M. (2002). Ethnic relations in local contexts: Beyond a dualist approach to identities and racism. In The Evens Foundation (Ed.), Europe’s new racism?: Causes, manifestations and solutions (pp. 131-142). Oxford: Berghahn.


Verkuyten, M. (2002). Etniciteit en de multiculturele samenleving: Tussen overeenkomst en verschil. In R. Hortulanus & J.E.M. Machielse (red.), De multiculturele uitdaging. (pp. 41-54). ‘s Gravenhage: Elsevier.


Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2002). Ethnic identity achievement, self-esteem and discrimination among Surinamese adolescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Black Psychology, 28, 122-141.


Verkuyten, M., & Hagendoorn, L. (2002). Ingroup favouritism and self-esteem: The role of identity level and trait valence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 5, 285-298.


Verkuyten, M., & Pouliasi, K. (2002). Biculturalism among older children: Cultural frame switching, attributions, self-identification and attitudes. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33, 596-608.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Racist victimization among children in the Netherlands: The effect of ethnic group and school. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 25, 310-331.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Multiculturalism among minority and majority adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 26, 91-108.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2002). School satisfaction of elementary school children: The role of performance, peer relations, ethnicity and gender. Social Indicators Research, 59, 203-228.


Verkuyten, M., & de Wolf, A. (2002). Ethnic minority identity and group context: Self-descriptions, acculturation attitudes and group evaluations in an intra- and intergroup situation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 781-800.


Verkuyten, M. & de Wolf, A. (2002). ‘Being, feeling and doing’: Discourses and ethnic self-definitions among minority group members. Culture and Psychology, 8, 371-399.



Phalet, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2001). Acculturatiemetingen. In N. Bleichrodt & F. van de Vijver (Red.), Diagnostiek bij allochtonen: Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van psychologische tests (pp. 177-198). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.


Verkuyten, M. (2001). Ethnic minority identification. In K. Phalet, & A. Orkeny (Eds.), Ethnic minorities and interethnic relations in context: A Dutch-Hungarian encounter (pp. 97-112). Aldershot: Ashgate.


Verkuyten, M. (2001). National identification and intergroup evaluation in Dutch children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19, 559-571.


Verkuyten, M. (2001). Abnormalization of ethnic minorities in conversation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 257-278.


Verkuyten, M. (2001). Global self-esteem, ethnic self-esteem and family integrity: Turkish and Dutch early adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25, 357-366.


Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2001). Self-esteem and ethnic and national identification among adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 9, 321-343.


Verkuyten, M., & Nekuee. S. (2001). Self-esteem, discrimination and coping among refugees: The moderating role of self-categorization. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1058-1075.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Peer victimization and self-esteem of ethnic minority group children. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 11, 227-234.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Ethnic and gender bias among Dutch and Turkish children in late childhood: The role of social context. Infant and Child Development, 10, 203-217.


Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Canatan, K. (2001). Achievement motivation and academic performance among ethnic minority early and young adolescents. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 127, 378-408.



Verkuyten, M. (2000). The benefits to social psychology of studying ethnic minorities. European Bulletin of Social Psychology, 42, 5-21


Verkuyten, M. (2000). School marks and teachers’ accountability to colleagues. Discourse Studies, 2, 452-472.


Verkuyten, M., & Kinket, B. (2000). Social distances in a multi-ethnic society: The ethnic hierarchy among Dutch pre-adolescents. Social Psychology Quarterly, 63, 75-85.


Verkuyten, M., & Ter Wal, J. (2000). Racism in comparative perspective. In J. Ter Wal & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Racism. Aldershot: Ashgate.



Kinket, B., & Verkuyten, M. (1999). Intergroup evaluations and social context: A multilevel approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 219-238.


Lay, C., & Verkuyten, M. (1999). Ethnic identity and its relation to personal self-esteem: A comparison of Canadian-born and Foreign-born Chinese adolescents: Personal self-esteem, collective self-esteem, and identity. Journal of Social Psychology, 139, 288-199.


Nekuee, S., & Verkuyten, M. (1999). Emotionele distantie en integratie: Iraanse politieke vluchtelingen in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 74, 218-234.


Verkuyten, M. (1999). De psychologische betekenis van discriminatie. De Psycholoog, 34, 272-277


Verkuyten, M., van Calseijde, S., & de Leur. W. (1999). Third-generation South Moluccans in the Netherlands: The nature of ethnic identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25, 63-79.


Verkuyten, M., Drabbels, M., & Van den Nieuwenhuijzen, K. (1999). Self-categorisation and emotional reactions to ethnic minorities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 605-619.


Verkuyten, M., & Kinket, B. (1999). The relative importance of ethnicity: Ethnic categorization among older children. International Journal of Psychology, 34, 107-118.


Verkuyten, M., & Nekuee, S. (1999). Subjective well-being, discrimination and cultural conflict: Iranians living in the Netherlands. Social Indicators Research, 47, 281-306..


Verkuyten, M., & Nekuee, S. (1999). Ingroup bias: The effect of self-stereotyping, identification and group threat. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 411-418.


Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (1999). Nederlandse en Turkse jongeren over multiculturalisme: Cultuurbe­houd, aanpassing, identificatie en groepsdiscriminatie. Sociologische Gids, 46, 407-425.



Verkuyten, M. (1998). Self-categorisation and the explanation of ethnic discrimination. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 8, 395-407.


Verkuyten, M. (1998). Identiteit en gemeenschappen. Recht der Werkelijkheid, 19, 151-165.


Verkuyten, M. (1998). Personhood and accounting for racism in conversation. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 28, 147-167.


Verkuyten, M. (1998). Attitudes in public discourse: Speakers' own orientations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 17, 302-322.


Verkuyten, M. (1998). Perceived discrimination and self-esteem among ethnic minority adoles­cents. Journal of Social Psychology, 138, 479-493.


Verkuyten, M., & Hagendoorn, L. (1998). Prejudice and self-categorisation: The variable role of authoritarianism and in-group stereotypes, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 99-110.


Verkuyten, M., & Lay, C. (1998). Ethnic minority identity and psychological well-being: The mediating role of collective self-esteem, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1969-1986.


Webley, P., Verkuyten, M., Hessing, D., & Elffers, H. (1998). Studies of minimal rule following behaviour: Signs in public places. Psychology, Crime and Law, 4, 309-321.



Kinket, B., & Verkuyten, M. (1997). Levels of ethnic self-identification and social context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 60, 338-354.


Verkuyten, M. (1997). Discourses of ethnic minority identity. British Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 565-586.


Verkuyten, M. (1997). Cultural discourses in the Netherlands: Talking about ethnic minorities in the inner-city. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 4, 99-132.


Verkuyten, M. (1997). The structure of ethnic attitudes: The effect of target group, region, gender and national identity. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 123, 261-284.


Verkuyten, M. (1997). Intergroup evaluation and self-esteem motivations: self-enhancement and self-protection. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 115-119.


Verkuyten, M., B. Kinket & C. van der Wielen (1997). Preadolescents' understanding of ethnic discrimina­tion. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 97-112.



Jong, W. de & M. Verkuyten (1996). Urban renewal, housing policy, and ethnic relations in Rotterdam. New Community, 22, 689-705.


Verkuyten, M. (1996). Self-esteem and prejudice among ethnic majority and minority youth. Journal of Research in Personality, 30, 248-263.


Verkuyten, M. (1996). 'Twelve angry men': accounting for Britain's minority position during the EU summit in Maastricht. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15, 444-467.


Verkuyten, M., L. Hagendoorn & K. Masson (1996). The ethnic hierarchy among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1104-1118.


Verkuyten, M., B. Kinket & C. van der Wielen (1996). Oudere kinderen en hun begrip van discrimina­tie. Pedagogische Studiën, 73, 447-458.


Verkuyten, M. & G.A. Kwa (1996). Ethnic self-identification, ethnic involvement, and group differentiati­on among Chinese youth in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Psychology, 136, 35-48.


Verkuyten, M. & K. Masson (1996). Culture and gender differences in the perception of friends­hip. International Journal of Psychology, 31, 207-217.



Benda-Beckman, K. & Verkuyten, M. (1995). Cultural identity and development in Europe. In Benda-Beckman, K. & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Nationalism, Ethnicity and cultural identity in Europe. Utrecht: Ercomer.


Verkuyten, M. (1995). Symbols and social representations, The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 25, 263-284.


Verkuyten, M. (1995). Self-esteem, self-concept stability and aspects of ethnic identity among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24, 155-175.


Verkuyten, M. (1995). Vooroordelen en etnisch categoriseren. In: Met het oog op de Toekomst. Bundel ter gelegenheid van het tienjarige bestaan van het Landelijk Bureau Racismebestrijding (LBR). Zwolle: Tjeenk Willink.


Verkuyten, M. (1995). Alledaagse betekenissen van 'racisme' en 'discriminatie', Migrantenstudies, 11, 181-202.


Verkuyten, M. & Y. Bandstra (1995). Aspecten en achtergronden van etnische attituden. Gedrag en Organisatie, 8, 292-306.


Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & K. Masson (1995). The construction of ethnic categories: discourses of ethnicity in the Netherlands, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18, 251-276.


Verkuyten, M. & K. Masson (1995). 'New racism', self-esteem and ethnic relati­ons among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands, Social Behavior and Personality, 23, 137-154.


Verkuyten, M., K. Masson & H. Elffers (1995). Racial categorization and preference among older children in the Netherlands, European Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 637-656.



Jong, W. de & M. Verkuyten (1994). Racisme van 'De Geijkte Spangenaar', Psychologie en Maat­schappij, 18, 303-314.


Verkuyten, M. (1994). Self-esteem among ethnic minority youth in Western countries, Social Indicators Research, 32, 21-47.


Verkuyten, M. (1994). Etnische identificatie onder jongeren. Vraagstelling, 1, 21-30.


Verkuyten, M. (1994). Interdisciplinariteit als antwoord op de ingewikkeldheid van maatschappelijke problemen. In: L. Hagendoorn, A. Kompter, & R. Maier (Red.), Samenhang der Sociale Wetenschap­pen. Loghum Slaterus.


Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & C.N. Masson (1994). Racial discourse, attitude, and rhetorical manoeuvres: race talk in the Netherlands. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 13, 278-298.


Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & C.N. Masson (1994). Similarities in antiracist and racist discourse: Dutch local residents talking about ethnic minorities, New Community, 20, 253-267.


Verkuyten, M. & G.A. Kwa (1994). Ethnic self-identification and psychological well-being among minority youth in the Netherlands, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 5, 19-34.


Verkuyten, M. & C.N. Masson (1994). Ethnic categorization among children in multi-ethnic schools in the Netherlands, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 4, 167-179.


Verkuyten, M., E. Rood-Pijpers, H. Elffers & D.J. Hessing (1994). Rules for breaking formal rules: Social representations and everyday rule-governed behavior, Journal of Psychology, 128, 485-497.



Masson, C.N. & M. Verkuyten (1993). Prejudice, ethnic identity, contact and ethnic group preferen­ces among Dutch young adolescents, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23 (2), 156-168.


Verkuyten, M. (1993). Self-esteem among ethnic minorities and three princi­ples of self-esteem formation: Turkish children in the Netherlands, Interna­tional Journal of Psychology, 28, 307-322.


Verkuyten, M. (1993). Achtergronden van vooroordelen over etnische minder­heden: Werkelijkheid en betekenisgeving. In: G. Pas (red.), Achter de Coulis­sen: Gedachten over de Multi-etnische samenle­ving. Amsterdam: Weten­schap­pelijk Bureau GroenLinks.


Verkuyten, M., de Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1993). Job satisfaction among ethnic minorities in the Nether­lands, Applied Psychology, 42, 171-189.


Verkuyten, M., De Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1993). Gedeelde waarden in racis­tisch en anti-racistisch discours: Nederlandse buurtbewoners over etnische minderheden, Sociologische Gids, 40, 386-407.


Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & C.N. Masson (1993). Opvattingen over etnische minderhe­den: etnocen­trisme en discours-analyse, Mens en Maatschappij, 68, 19-38.


Verkuyten, M. & C.N. Masson (1993) Etnisch categoriseren door kinderen op multi-etnische scholen: het relatieve belang van etnische achtergrond, Psychologie en Maatschappij, 63, 147-161.



Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1992). Positive action policy for ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, New Community, 18, 591-602.


Masson, C.N. & Verkuyten, M. (1992). Etnische groepsvoorkeuren onder Neder­landse jongeren: het belang van vooroordeel, etnische identiteit, mate van contact en schoolkenmer­ken, Pedago­gisch Tijdschrift, 17, 42-53.


Verkuyten, M. (1992). Social symboliek en mobilisering: sociale symbolen als onderbelicht onder­werp van studie, Sociologische Gids, 39, 202-218.


Verkuyten, M. (1992). Ethnic group preferences and the evaluation of ethnic identity among adoles­cents in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Psychology, 132, 741-750.


Verkuyten, M., de Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1992). Algemeen of etnisch speci­fiek?: dilemma's rond etnisch categoriseren, Jeugd & Samenleving, 22, 321-331.




Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1991). Psycho-sociale factoren en het Nederlands leren van Turkse leerlingen, Pedagogische Studiën, 68, 253-264.


Verkuyten, M. (1991). Self-concept in cross-cultural perspective: Turkish and Dutch adoles­cents in the Netherlands. In: N. Bleichrodt & P.J.D. Drenth (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.


Verkuyten, M. (1991). Self-definition and ingroup formation among ethnic minorities in the Nether­lands, Social Psychology Quarterly, 54, 280-286.


Verkuyten, M., & de Jong, W. (1991). Positieve actie voor etnische minderhe­den: een analyse aan de hand van normen, waarden- en belangenaspecten, Mens & Onderneming, 45, 119-138.



Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1990). Hoe, wat en waarom Positieve Actie: De gemeente Rotterdam als `case study', Migrantenstudies, 6, 2-15.


Verkuyten, M. (1990). Jongeren uit etnische minderheden en hun zelfwaarde­ring, Kind & Adoles­cent, 11, 57-70.


Verkuyten, M. (1990). Self-esteem and the evaluation of ethnic identity among Turkish and Dutch adolescents in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Psycho­logy, 130, 285-297.


Verkuyten, M., & de Jong, W. (1990). Culturele oriëntatie en zelfwaardering van Turkse kinderen. In M. Du Bois-Reymond en L. van den Berg-Eldering (red.), Nieuwe oriëntaties op school en beroep: de rol van sexe en etniciteit. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.


Verkuyten, M., de Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1990). Arbeidstevredenheid van etnische minderheden: een studie onder Rotterdamse ambtenaren, Gedrag en Organisatie, 3, 500-516.


Verkuyten, M., Masson, C.N. & de Jong, W. (1990). Nederlandse versie van Rundquist & Sletto's attitude-schaal ten aanzien van het recht, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 45, 134-137.


Verkuyten, M., Masson, C.N. & de Jong, W. (1990). Nederlanders over `positieve actie': oordelen over maatregelen ten behoeve van etnische minderheden, Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 17, 119-132.




Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Velthuis, E., Van der Noll, J., & Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). Tolerance of Muslim minority identity enactment: The roles of social context, type of action and cultural continuity concern. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.
Bagci, S. C., Verkuyten, M., & Canpolat, E. (Accepted/In press). When they want to take away what is “ours”: Collective ownership threat and negative reactions towards refugees. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Dangubić, M., Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., & Sibley, C. G. (Accepted/In press). The rejection and acceptance of Muslim minority practices: A person-centered approach. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Madi, D., Bobowik, M., Verkuyten, M., & Basabe, N. (2022). Social intergroup and temporal intrapersonal comparisons: Responses to perceived discrimination and protective mechanisms of eudaimonic well-being. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 86, 74-84.
Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). The meanings of tolerance: Discursive usage in a case of ‘identity politics’. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.
Verkuyten, M., Kollar, R., Gale, J., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2022). Right-wing political orientation, national identification and the acceptance of immigrants and minorities. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, [111217].
Verkuyten, M., Schlette, A., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2022). With rhyme and reason: Recognizing reasons for disliked practices increases tolerance. British Journal of Social Psychology, 61(2), 471-490.
Verkuyten, M., Voci, A., & Pettigrew, T. F. (2022). Deprovincialization: Its Importance for Plural Societies. Social Issues and Policy Review, 16(1), 289-309.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., & Kollar, R. (2021). Tolerance and intolerance: Cultural meanings and discursive usage. Culture and Psychology, 27(1), 172-186.
Verkuyten, M. (2021). Anti-muslim sentiments in western Societies. In The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping (pp. 118-135). Taylor and Francis Inc..
Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., Cárdenas, D., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2021). On a slippery slope to intolerance: Individual difference in slippery slope beliefs predict outgroup negativity. Journal of Research in Personality, 94, [104141].
Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (Accepted/In press). Distinguishing Active and Passive Outgroup Tolerance: Understanding Its Prevalence and the Role of Moral Concern. Political Psychology.
Bamberg, K., & Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice: a person-centered approach. Journal of Social Psychology.
Peters, K., Jetten, J., Tanjitpiyanond, P., Wang, Z., Mols, F., & Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). The Language of Inequality: Evidence Economic Inequality Increases Wealth Category Salience. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Spiegler, O., Christ, O., & Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). National identity exploration attenuates the identification–prejudice link. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). Understanding Intergroup Relations in Childhood and Adolescence. Review of General Psychology.
Verkuyten, M., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (Accepted/In press). Tolerance as forbearance: Overcoming intuitive versus deliberative objections to cultural, religious, and ideological differences. Psychological Review.
Zhirkov, K., Verkuyten, M., & Ponarin, E. (2021). Social conformity and prejudice toward immigrants: the role of political messaging. Social Influence, 16(1), 65-77.
Yogeeswaran, K., Nash, K., Jia, H., Adelman, L., & Verkuyten, M. (Accepted/In press). Intolerant of being tolerant? Examining the impact of intergroup toleration on relative left frontal activity and outgroup attitudes. Current Psychology.
Yogeeswaran, K., Gale, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Interculturalism as a strategy to manage diversity: Moving psychological research beyond colorblindness and multiculturalism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(10), [e12640].
Verkuyten, M., & Killen, M. (2021). Tolerance, Dissenting Beliefs, and Cultural Diversity. Child Development Perspectives, 15(1), 51-56.
Verkuyten, M. (2021). Public attitudes towards migrants: understanding cross-national and individual differences. World Psychiatry, 20(1), 132-133.
Verkuyten, M. (2021). Group Identity and Ingroup Bias: The Social Identity Approach. Human Development, 65(5-6), 311-324.
Havermans, W., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Positive and negative behavioural intentions towards immigrants: A question of ethnic categorisation or worldview conflict? International Journal of Psychology, 56(5), 633-641.
Gale, J., Yogeeswaran, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Bridging (Identification) divides: Ethnic minority endorsement of new diversity ideologies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81, 121-130.
Cárdenas, D., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Foreign Language Usage and National and European Identification in the Netherlands. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 40(3), 328-353.
Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2021). Moralization and moral trade-offs explain (in)tolerance of Muslim minority behaviours. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(6), 924-935.
Thijs, J., Wansink, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Verdraagzaamheid in het secundair onderwijs. Pedagogiek, 41(3), 317-340.
Cárdenas, D., Verkuyten, M., & Fleischmann, F. (2021). “You are too ethnic, you are too national”: Dual identity denial and dual identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81, 193-203.
Nooitgedagt, W., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Maseko, S. (2021). Collective psychological ownership and territorial compensation in Australia and South Africa. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Nooitgedagt, W., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Jetten, J. (2021). Autochthony Belief and Making Amends to Indigenous Peoples: The Role of Collective Moral Emotions. Social Justice Research, 34(1), 53-80.
Nijs, T., Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2021). Losing what is OURS: The intergroup consequences of collective ownership threat. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Cvetkovska, S., Verkuyten, M., Adelman, L. Y., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2021). Being Tolerated: Implications for Well-Being among Ethnic Minorities. British Journal of Psychology, 112(3), 781-803.
Nijs, T., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Sedikides, C. (2021). ‘This country is OURS’: The exclusionary potential of collective psychological ownership. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(1), 171-195.
Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., & Ealam, B. (2021). A way forward? The impact of interculturalism on intergroup relations in culturally diverse nations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24(6), 945-965.
Dangubić, M., Verkuyten, M., & Stark, T. H. (2021). Understanding (in)tolerance of Muslim minority practices: a latent profile analysis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(7), 1517-1538.
Thravalou, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Humanitarian Assistance and Permanent Settlement of Asylum Seekers in Greece: The Role of Sympathy, Perceived Threat, and Perceived Contribution. International Migration Review, 55(2), 547-573.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Eskelinen, V., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Support for democracy and liberal sexual mores among Muslims in Western Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(11), 2346-2366.
van der Heijden, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Educational attainment, political sophistication and anti-immigrant attitudes. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8(2), 600-616. [a1334].
Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Renvik, T. A., Van der Noll, J., Eskelinen, V., Rohmann, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Dual citizenship and the perceived loyalty of immigrants. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 23(7), 996-1013.
Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current Opinion in Psychology, 32, 1-5.
Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Interculturalism and the Acceptance of Minority Groups: The Role of Political Orientation. Social Psychology, 51(2), 135-140.
Yitmen, Ş., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Support to Syrian refugees in Turkey: The roles of descriptive and injunctive norms, threat, and negative emotions. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23(3), 293-301.
Sleijpen, S., Verkuyten, M., & Adelman, L. (2020). Accepting Muslim minority practices: A case of discriminatory or normative intolerance? Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 30(4), 405-418.
Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., Mepham, K., & Sprong, S. (2020). Interculturalism: A new diversity ideology with interrelated components of dialogue, unity, and identity flexibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(3), 505-519.
Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2020). The Negative Implications of Being Tolerated: Tolerance From the Target’s Perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(3), 544-561.
Verkuyten, M., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). The Psychology of Intolerance: Unpacking Diverse Understandings of Intolerance. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29(5), 467-472.
Bagci, S. C., Verkuyten, M., Koc, Y., Turnuklu, A., Piyale, Z. E., & Bekmezci, E. (2020). Being tolerated and being discriminated against: Links to psychological well-being through threatened social identity needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(7), 1463-1477.
Storz, N., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., Žeželj, I., Psaltis, C., & Roccas, S. (2020). Collective psychological ownership and reconciliation in territorial conflicts. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8(1), 404-425.
Driel, E. Y., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Local identity and the reception of refugees: the example of Riace. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 27(5), 614-632.
Adelman, L., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Prejudice and the acceptance of Muslim minority practices: a person-centered approach. Social Psychology, 51(1), 1-16.
Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2020). Toleration and prejudice-reduction: Two ways of improving intergroup relations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(2), 239-255.
Adelman, L., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Rules of engagement: Reactions to internal and external criticism in public debate. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59(2), 405-424.
Cvetkovska, S., Verkuyten, M., & Adelman, L. (2020). Being tolerated and minority well-being: The role of group identifications. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 74, 161-173.
van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2020). Forms of Blended Bicultural Identity: Identity Conflict and Harmony in Culturally Diverse Mauritius. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(2), 134-148.
Cardenas, D., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Immigrants’ behavioral participation and its relation with national identification: perceived closeness to the prototype as a psychological mechanism. Self and Identity, 19(6), 719-737.

Populariserende publicaties

de Jong, S., Stark, T. H., Di Stasio, V., & Verkuijten, M. (2020). Corona in de ban? Zeg het elkaar dan! Sociale netwerken bevorderen het naleven van de coronamaatregelen. Universiteit Utrecht.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Sprong, S., Jetten, J., Wang, Z., Peters, K., Mols, F., Verkuyten, M., Bastian, B., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., ... Wohl, M. J. A. (2019). “Our Country Needs a Strong Leader Right Now”: Economic Inequality Enhances the Wish for a Strong Leader. Psychological Science, 30(11), 1625-1637.
van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Tseung-Wong, C. N. (2019). Understandings of nationhood and outgroup attitudes in culturally diverse Mauritius. Abstract from Advancing Intercultural Research and Dialogue, Shanghai, China.
van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2019). Integrating ethno-cultural and national group membership, a challenge? An examination in culturally diverse Mauritius. Abstract from Advancing Intercultural Research and Dialogue, Shanghai, China.
Wiley, S., Fleischmann, F., Deaux, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Why Immigrants’ Multiple Identities Matter: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice. Journal of Social Issues, 75(2), 611-629.
Verkuyten, M., Wiley, S., Deaux, K., & Fleischmann, F. (2019). To Be Both (and More): Immigration and Identity Multiplicity. Journal of Social Issues, 75(2), 390-413.
Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Gharaei, N. (2019). Discrimination and academic (dis)engagement of ethnic-racial minority students: a social identity threat perspective. Social Psychology of Education, 22(2), 267-290.
Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2019). Being here First: Ethnic Majority Children's Autochthony Beliefs and Attitudes toward Immigrants. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(7), 1281-1295.
Hirsch, M., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2019). To accept or not to accept: Level of moral concern impacts on tolerance of Muslim minority practices. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(1), 196-210.
Abacioglu, C. S., Isvoranu, A. M., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Epskamp, S. (2019). Exploring multicultural classroom dynamics: A network analysis. Journal of School Psychology, 74, 90-105.
Spiegler, O., Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Leyendecker, B. (2019). Can children develop a dual identity when immigrant mothers feel homesick? A short-term longitudinal study among Turkish immigrants. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16(5), 581-594.
Gharaei, N., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Ethnic Identity in Diverse Schools: Preadolescents’ Private Regard and Introjection in relation to Classroom Norms and Composition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(1), 132-144.
Nijs, T., Stark, T. H., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Negative intergroup contact and radical right-wing voting: The moderating roles of personal and collective self-efficacy. Political Psychology, 40(5), 1057-1073.
Verkuyten, M., & Nooitgedagt, W. (2019). Parliamentary identity and the management of the far-right: A discursive analysis of Dutch parliamentary debates. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(3), 495-514.
Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. Y. (2019). Intergroup toleration and its implications for culturally diverse nations. Social Issues and Policy Review, 13(1), 5-35.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Preaching and practicing multicultural education: Predicting students’ outgroup attitudes from perceived teacher norms and perceived teacher- classmate relations. Journal of School Psychology, 75, 89-103.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Smeekes, A. N., Jetten, J., Verkuyten, M., Wohl, M., Jasinskaja- Lahti, I., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, Á., González, R., ... van der Bles, A-M. (2018). Regaining In-Group Continuity in Times of Anxiety About the Group’s Future: A Study on the Role of Collective Nostalgia Across 27 Countries. Social Psychology, 49(6), 311-329.
Davies, T., Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., & Loughnan, S. (2018). From humanitarian aid to humanization: When outgroup, but not ingroup, helping increases humanization. PLoS One, 13(11), [e0207343].
Verkuyten, M. (2018). The Social Psychology of Ethnic Identity: 2nd Edition. (2 ed.) (European Monographs in Social Psychology). Routledge.
Bot, W., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Evaluating the political organisation of Muslim citizens in the Netherlands: The role of political orientation, education and multiculturalism. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6(2), 364-382.
Yitmen, Ş., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Feelings toward refugees and non-Muslims in Turkey: The roles of national and religious identifications, and multiculturalism. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(2), 90-100.
Meuleman, R., Lubbers, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Parental socialization and the consumption of domestic films, books and music. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(1), 103-130.
Mahfud, Y., Badea, C., Verkuyten, M., & Reynolds, K. (2018). Multiculturalism and Attitudes Toward Immigrants: The Impact of Perceived Cultural Distance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(6), 945-958.
Zhang, S., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2018). Dual identity and psychological adjustment: A study among immigrant-origin members. Journal of Research in Personality, 74, 66-77.
Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., Osborne, D., & Sibley, C. G. (2018). “I Have a Dream” of a Colorblind Nation? Examining the Relationship between Racial Colorblindness, System Justification, and Support for Policies that Redress Inequalities. Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 282-298.
Yitmen, Ş., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Positive and negative behavioural intentions towards refugees in Turkey: The roles of national identification, threat, and humanitarian concern. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28(4), 230-243.
Van Der Werf, F., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Tseung-Wong, C. N. (2018). What it means to be a national: A study among adolescents in multicultural Mauritius. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(4), 576-587.
Verkuyten, M., Mepham, K., & Kros, M. (2018). Public attitudes towards support for migrants: the importance of perceived voluntary and involuntary migration. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(5), 901-918.
Verkuyten, M., Altabatabaei, H. G., & Nooitgedagt, W. (2018). Supporting the Accommodation of Voluntary and Involuntary Migrants: Humanitarian and Host Society Considerations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(3), 267-274.
Verkuyten, M. (2018). The Struggle Over Political Power: Evaluating Immigrants’ Political Party Representation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(4), 419-425.
Verkuyten, M. (2018). Religious fundamentalism and radicalization among muslim minority youth in Europe. European Psychologist, 23(1), 21-31.
Verkuyten, M. (2018). The benefits of studying immigration for social psychology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(3), 225-239.
Van Niekerk, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Interfaith marriage attitudes in Muslim majority countries: A multilevel approach. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 28(4), 257-270.
Ng Tseung-Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Diversity ideologies and intergroup attitudes: When multiculturalism is beneficial for majority group members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21(2), 336-350.
Manassen, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Examining identity intersectionality: Thai marriage migrants in the Netherlands. International Review of Social Psychology, 31( 1), [150].
Maliepaard, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). National disidentification and minority identity: A study among Muslims in Western Europe. Self and Identity, 17(1), 75-91.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Teaching in ethnically diverse classrooms: Examining individual differences in teacher self-efficacy. Journal of School Psychology, 67, 134-147.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., & Canatan, K. (2017). Normative orientation and academic achievement in a school context. In Integrating Immigrants in the Netherlands: Cultural Versus Socio-Economic Integration (pp. 111-144). Taylor and Francis.
Martinovic, B., Jetten, J., Smeekes, A. N., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Collective Memory of a Dissolved Country: Group-Based Nostalgia and Guilt Assignment as Predictors of Interethnic Relations Between Diaspora Groups From Former Yugoslavia. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5(2), 588-607.
Verkuyten, M., & Fleischmann, F. (2017). Ethnic Identity among Immigrant and Minority Youth. In A. Rutland, D. Nesdale, & C. Spears Brown (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Group Processes in Children and Adolescents (pp. 23-46). (Wiley Handbooks Series). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2017). The Social Psychology of Intergroup Toleration: A Roadmap for Theory and Research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 21(1), 72-96.
Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2017). Collective Psychological Ownership and Intergroup Relations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(6), 1021-1039.
Verkuyten, M. (2017). Supporting the democratic political organisation of Muslim immigrants: the perspective of Muslims in the Netherlands and Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(1), 137-155.
Verkuyten, M. (2017). Dual identity and immigrants protest against discrimination: The moderating role of diversity ideologies. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20(6), 924– 934.
Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., Çelebi, E., Acartürk, C., & Onkun, S. (2017). Social identity continuity and mental health among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52(10), 1317-1324.
Seaton, E. K., Quintana, S., Verkuyten, M., & Gee, G. C. (2017). Peers, Policies, and Place: The Relation Between Context and Ethnic/Racial Identity. Child Development, 88(3), 683-692.
Mepham, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Citizenship representations, group indispensability and attitudes towards immigrants’ rights. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 61, 54-62.
Killen, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). The importance of social-cognitive development and the developmental context for group dynamics. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20(5), 707-718.
Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Intergroup contact and minority group empowerment: The perspective of Roma and non-Roma adolescents in Macedonia. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27(5), 424-434.
Jetten, J., Wang, Z., Steffens, N. K., Mols, F., Peters, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). A social identity analysis of responses to economic inequality. Current Opinion in Psychology, 18, 1-5.
Çelebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Bagci, S. C. (2017). Ethnic identification, discrimination, and mental and physical health among Syrian refugees: The moderating role of identity needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 832-843.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Student-teacher relationships and ethnic outgroup attitudes among majority students. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 52, 69-79.
Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2017). Evaluating Political Acculturation Strategies: The Perspective of the Majority and Other Minority Groups. Political Psychology, 741-756.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Promoting positive self-esteem in ethnic minority students: The role of school and classroom context. In A. Wigfield (Ed.), Handbook on positive development of minority children and youth (pp. 325-342). Springer New York.

Overige resultaten

van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2017). Nationhood in the non-Western world: National identity and intergroup relations in Mauritius. Paper presented at ASPO Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2017). Nationhood in the non-Western world: National identity and intergroup relations in Mauritius. Paper presented at The 10th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, New York, New York, United States.
van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2017). Nationhood in the non-Western world: National identity and intergroup relations in Mauritius. Paper presented at 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fong, E., Verkuyten, M., & Choi, S. Y. P. (2016). Migration and Identity: Perspectives From Asia, Europe, and North America. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(5-6), 559-564.
Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., Smeekes, A., & Kros, M. (2016). The endorsement of unity in diversity: The role of political orientation, education and justifying beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(7), 866-879.
Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2016). Dual identity, in-group projection, and out-group feelings among ethnic minority groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(1), 1-12.
Verkuyten, M., Hindriks, P., & Coenders, M. (2016). Majority members' feelings about political representation of muslim immigrants. Social Psychology, 47(5), 257-269.
Verkuyten, M. (2016). The Integration Paradox: Empiric Evidence From the Netherlands. The American behavioral scientist, 60(5-6), 583-596.
Verkuyten, M. (2016). Further Conceptualizing Ethnic and Racial Identity Research: The Social Identity Approach and Its Dynamic Model. Child Development, 87(6), 1796-1812.
Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Ethnic attitudes and social projection in the classroom. Child Development, 87(5), 1452-1465.
Spiegler, O., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Leyendecker, B. (2016). Low ethnic identity exploration undermines positive interethnic relations: A study among Turkish immigrant-origin youth. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(4), 495-503.
Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Inter-religious feelings of Sunni and Alevi Muslim minorities: The role of religious commitment and host national identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 52, 1-12.
Çelebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Smyrnioti, N. (2016). Support for Kurdish language rights in Turkey: The roles of ethnic group, group identifications, contact, and intergroup perceptions. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(6), 1034-1051.
Fleischmann, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Dual Identity Among Immigrants: Comparing Different Conceptualizations, Their Measurements, and Implications. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22, 151-165.

Overige resultaten

van der Werf, F. M., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2016). National belonging rooted in history? A study among adolescents in postcolonial and multicultural Mauritius. Paper presented at EU COST Action IS1205 Final Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
van Setten, M., Coenders, M. T. A., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Some for all or all for some? Disentangling the mechanisms underlying socio-economic differences in welfare chauvinism in Britain and the Netherlands. Paper presented at Espanet 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (2015). Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series. Ashgate.
Smeekes, A. N., & Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). The presence of the past: Identity continuity and group dynamics. European Review of Social Psychology, 26(1), 162-202.
Ng Tseung-Wong, C., & Verkuijten, M. (2015). Multiculturalism, Mauritian Style: Cultural Diversity, Belonging, and a Secular State. The American behavioral scientist, 59(6), 679-701.
Ng Tseung-Wong, C., & Verkuijten, M. (2015). “I’d rather we be neighbours than lovers”: The two-sidedness of multiculturalism. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18(4), 437-453.
Janssens, H., Verkuijten, M., & Khan, A. (2015). Perceived social structural relations and group stereotypes: A test of the Stereotype Content Model in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(1), 52-61.
Hoekstra, M., & Verkuijten, M. (2015). To be a true Muslim: online discussions on the headscarf among Moroccan-Dutch women. Gender, place and culture, 22(9), 1236-1251.
Hindriks, P., Verkuijten, M. J. A. M., & Coenders, M. T. A. (2015). The evaluation of immigrants’ political acculturation strategies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 47, 131-142.
Verkuijten, M., Sierksma, J., & Martinovic, B. (2015). First Arrival and Collective Land Ownership: How Children Reason About Who Owns the Land. Social Development, 24(4), 868-882.
Verkuijten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2015). Majority Member’s Recognition and Protest Against Discrimination of Immigrants: The Role of Power Threat, Deprovincialization and Common National Identity. Social Justice Research, 28(3), 257-273.
Verkuijten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2015). Behind the ethnic-civic distinction: Public attitudes towards immigrants' political rights in the Netherlands. Social Science Research, 53, 34-44.
Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuijten, M. (2015). Life Satisfaction and Happiness Among the Roma in Central and Southeastern Europe. Social Indicators Research, 124(1), 199-220.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). In-group bias in children’s intention to help can be overpowered by inducing empathy. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(1), 45-56.
Geerlings, J., Verkuijten, M., & Thijs, J. (2015). Changes in Ethnic Self-Identification and Heritage Language Preference in Adolescence: A Cross-Lagged Panel Study. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34(5), 501-520.
Munniksma, A., Verkuijten, M., Flache, A., Stark, T. H., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Friendships and outgroup attitudes among ethnic minority youth: The mediating role of ethnic and host society identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 44, 88-99.
Verkuijten, M., Sierksma, J., & Thijs, J. (2015). First arrival and owning the land: How children reason about ownership of territory. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 41, 58-64.


Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). Identiteit en wij-zij denken. In H. Beijers, P. Hagenaars, & E. Minkenberg (Eds.), Identiteit: Uitsluiten of verbinden: professionals bekennen kleur (pp. 27-38). UItgeverij de Graaff.

Overige resultaten

Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). The scientific benefits of studying immigrants. Paper presented at International Conference on Child Development, Philadelphia, United States.
Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). Past-oriented identities and group dynamics: The importance of collective self-continuity. Paper presented at International Psychology Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). The integration paradox: a social psychological analysis. Paper presented at International Conference on Migration, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). The struggle over power: attitudes towards participation of Muslim immigrants in the political domain. Paper presented at International Association of Intercultural Research, Bergen, Norway.
Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). The presence of the past: identity continuity and group dynamics. Paper presented at Conference of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuijten, M. J. A. M. (2015). Effective teaching in ethnically diverse classrooms: explaining individual differences in teacher self-efficacy.. Paper presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, United States.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

de Vroome, T., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Labour Market Participation and Immigrants’ Acculturation. In S. Otten, K. van der Zee, & M. B. Brewer (Eds.), Towards Inclusive Organizations: Determinants of Successful Diversity Management at Work (pp. 12). (Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology). Psychology Press.
Verkuijten, M. (2014). Identity and cultural diversity: What social psychology can teach us. Routledge.
Deaux, K., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). The Social Psychology of Multiculturalism: Identity and Intergroup Relations. In V. Benet-Martínez, & Y-Y. Hong (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Multicultural Identity: Basic and Applied Psychological Perspectives (pp. 118-138). (Oxford library of psychology). Oxford Univeristy Press.
Bekhuis, H., Lubbers, M., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). How Education Moderates the Relation between Globalization and Nationalist Attitudes. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 26, 487-500.
Smeekes, A., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). When national culture is disrupted: Cultural continuity and resistance to Muslim immigrants. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17(1), 45-66.
Maes, M., Stevens, G. W. J. M., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Perceived Ethnic Discrimination and Problem Behaviors in Muslim Immigrant Early Adolescents: Moderating Effects of Ethnic, Religious, and National Group Identification. Journal of Early Adolescence, 34(7), 940-966.
Verkuijten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Minority identity and host national identification among immigrants. In C. K. W. DeDreu (Ed.), Social Conflict within and between Groups (pp. 55-74). (Current issues in social psychology). Psychology Press.
De Vroome, T., Verkuijten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Host national identification of immigrants in the Netherlands. International Migration Review, 48(1), 1-27.
Ellenbroek, M., Verkuijten, M., Thijs, J., & Poppe, E. (2014). The fairness of national decision-making procedures: The views of adolescents in 18 european countries. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 503-517.
Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Dutch adolescents' tolerance of Muslim immigrants: The role of assimilation ideology, intergroup contact, and national identification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44(3), 155-165.
Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). School ethnic diversity and students' interethnic relations. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(1), 1-21.
Thijs, J., Verkuijten, M., & Grundel, M. (2014). Ethnic classroom composition and peer victimization: The moderating role of classroom attitudes. Journal of Social Issues, 70(1), 134-150.
Verkuijten, M., Thijs, J., & Sierksma, J. (2014). Majority children's evaluation of acculturation preferences of immigrant and emigrant peers. Child Development, 85(1), 176-191.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Ethnic helping and group identity: A study among majority group children. Social Development, 23(4), 803-819.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., Verkuijten, M., & Komter, A. (2014). Children's reasoning about the refusal to help: The role of need, costs, and social perspective taking. Child Development, 85(3), 1134-1149.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Children's intergroup helping: The role of empathy and peer group norms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 126, 369-383.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). With a little help from my friends: Bystander context and children's attitude toward peer helping. Journal of Social Psychology, 154(2), 142-154.
Hindriks, P., Verkuijten, M., & Coenders, M. (2014). Interminority attitudes: The roles of ethnic and national identification, contact, and multiculturalism. Social Psychology Quarterly, 77(1), 54-74.
Hindriks, P., Verkuijten, M., & Coenders, M. (2014). Dimensions of social dominance orientation: The roles of legitimizing myths and national identification. European Journal of Personality, 28, 538-549.
Çelebi, E., Verkuijten, M., Köse, T., & Maliepaard, M. (2014). Out-group trust and conflict understandings: The perspective of Turks and Kurds in Turkey. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 40, 64-75.
Verkuijten, M., Martinovic, B., & Smeekes, A. (2014). The multicultural jigsaw puzzle: Category indispensability and acceptance of immigrants’ cultural rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(11), 1480-1493.
Martinovic, B., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). The political downside of dual identity: Group identifications and religious political mobilization of Muslim minorities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53(4), 711-730.
de Vroome, T., Martinovic, B., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). The integration paradox: Level of education and immigrants' attitudes towards natives and the host society. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20(2), 166-175.
Smeekes, A., Van Acker, K., Verkuijten, M., & Vanbeselaere, N. (2014). The legacy of Nazism: Historical analogies and support for the far right. Social Influence, 9(4), 300-317.
Smeekes, A., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Perceived group continuity, collective self-continuity and in-group identification. Self and Identity, 13(6), 663-680.
Verkuijten, M., Maliepaard, M., Martinovic, B., & Khoudja, Y. (2014). Political Tolerance among Muslim Minorities in Western Europe: The Role of Denomination and Religious and Host National Identification. Politics and Religion, 7(2), 265-286.

Overige resultaten

Verkuijten, M. (2014). Education and integration: The integration paradox in Western Europe. Paper presented at Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference, Forth Worth, United States.
Verkuijten, M., Sierksma, J., & Thijs, J. (2014). Children’s intergroup helping: The role of empathy and prosocial reputation. Paper presented at British Psychological Society’s Developmental Section Annual Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Verkuijten, M. (2014). Sharing power: Perceived political acculturation of Muslim immigrants. Paper presented at 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Verkuijten, M. (2014). Understanding interethnic relations among children. Paper presented at Equity and Justice in Developmental Science Conference, Chicago, United States.
Verkuijten, M. (2014). Perceived discrimination and group identifications of ethnic minority members. Paper presented at Conference on Discrimination and Political Action, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Smeekes, A., Verkuijten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Longing for the country’s good old days: National nostalgia, autochthony beliefs, and opposition to Muslim expressive rights. Paper presented at 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). In-group bias in children's intention to help can be overpowered by inducing empathy. Poster session presented at Symposium 'Understanding each other: Towards an interdisciplinary conceptualization of empathy', Utrecht, Netherlands.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). From me to you: The role of empathy and reputation in children’s intergroup helping. Poster session presented at 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). In-group bias in children’s helping can be overpowered by inducing empathy. Paper presented at British Psychological Society's Developmental Section Annual Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Verkuijten, M., Martinovic, B., & Smeekes, A. (2014). Category indispensability and support for immigrant’s cultural rights. Paper presented at International Society for Justice Research Conference (ISJR), New York, United States.
Martinovic, B., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Political downside of dual identity: Group identifications and political mobilization of Muslim minorities in Germany and the Netherlands. Paper presented at EASP Small Group Meeting "Culture and Psychology: Insights from the European Context", Leuven, Belgium.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Influencing children’s out-group attitudes through student-teacher relationships. Paper presented at 17th General meeting of the European Association of Social Psychologists, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Influencing children’s out-group attitudes through student-teacher relationships. Paper presented at International Conference on Child Development in School and Community Contexts, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). The role of teacher self-efficacy in explaining ethnic differences in educational achievement. Paper presented at International ETMU Days Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuijten, M. (2014). Influencing children’s out-group attitudes through student-teacher relationships. Paper presented at 11th Annual IMISCOE Conference, Madrid, Spain.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Teije, I. T., Coenders, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). The paradox of integration: Immigrants and their attitude toward the native population. Social Psychology, 44(4), 278-288.
Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). 'We were here first, so we determine the rules of the game': Autochthony and prejudice towards out-groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43(7), 637-647.
Yildiz, A. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). ‘We are not terrorists’: Turkish Muslim organizations and the construction of a moral identity. Ethnicities, 13, 359-381.
Ten Teije, I., Coenders, M. T. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). The paradox of integration: Educational attainment and immigrants' attitude towards the native population. Social Psychology, 44, 278-288.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. T. (2013). Multicultural education and inter-ethnic attitudes: An intergroup perspective. European Psychologist, 18, 179-190.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Multiculturalism in the classroom: Ethnic attitudes and classmates. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 176-187.
Brambilla, M., Manzi, C., Regalia, C., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Religiosity and prejudice: Different patterns for two types of religious internalization. Journal of Social Psychology, 153, 486-498.
Smeekes, A. N., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Collective self-continuity, group identification and in-group defense. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 984-994.
Zhirkov, K., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Weesie, J. (2013). Perceptions of world politics and support for terrorism among Muslims: Evidence from Muslim countries and Western Europe. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 1-21.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Maliepaard, M. I. (2013). A further test of the ‘party over policy’ effect: Political leadership and ethnic minority policies. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(3), 241-248.
Huijnk, W. J. J., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Coenders, M. T. A. (2013). Family relations and the attitude towards ethnic minorities as close kin by marriage. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 1890-1909.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Justifying discrimination of Muslim immigrants: Outgroup ideology and the five-step social identity model. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 345-360.
Ng Tseung, C., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Religious and national group identification in adolescence: A study among three religious groups in Mauritius. International Journal of Psychology, 48, 846-857.
Ng Tseung, C., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Is cultural group representation a fair-option?: Adolescents’ evaluations of forms of decision-making in multicultural Mauritius. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 727-738.

Overige resultaten

Martinovic, B., Jetten, J., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). ‘We were here first’ versus ‘they were here first’: Belief in entitlements for first comers predicts outgroup rejection only when ingroup is presented as a primo-occupant of a country. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP) conference, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia.
Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Jetten, J. (2013). Introducing autochthony, or belief in entitlements for first comers, as a new determinant of prejudice: Cross-sectional and experimental evidence. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA), University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). From me to you: How need and accountability shape children’s helping intention towards in- and out-groups. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Conference on Psychological Assessment 2013, San Sebastian, Spain.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2013). Acculturation strategies in ethnic minority Children: A contextual approach. Paper presented at Paper presented at the XVIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, European Association for Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Thijs, J. T., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Sierksma, J. (2013). Majority children’s evaluation of acculturation preferences. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, SRCD, Seattle, USA.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Komter, A. E. (2013). Children’s reasoning about the refusal to help: The Role of need, costs, and social perspective taking. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Eighth Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Memphis, USA.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (2012). Perceived Discrimination, Ethnic Minority Identity, and Self-Esteem. In Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child (pp. 339-365). John Wiley and Sons Inc..
Yildiz, A. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Conceptualizing Euro-Islam: Managing the societal demand for religious reform. Identities, 19(3), 360-376.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2012). How a tolerant past affects the present: Historical tolerance and the acceptance of Muslim expressive rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(11), 1410-1422.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Khan, A. (2012). Interethnic relations in Malaysia: Group identifications, indispensability and inclusive nationhood. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15(2), 132-139.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Thijs, J. T., & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (2012). Multiple identities and religious transmission: A study among Moroccan-Dutch Muslim adolescents and their parents. Child Development, 83(5), 1471-1476.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). Social identity complexity and immigrants’ attitude towards the host nation: The intersection of ethnic and religious group identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(9), 1165-1177.
Huijnk, W. J. J., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Coenders, M. T. A. (2012). Family life and acculturation attitudes: A study among four immigrant groups in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(4), 555-575.
Gieling, M., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Dutch adolescents' tolerance of practices by Muslim actors: The effect of issue framing. Youth & Society, 44(5), 348-365.
Munniksma, A., Flache, A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Parental acceptance of children’s intimate ethnic outgroup relations: The role of culture, status, and family reputation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36, 575-585.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Ethnic attitudes of minority students and their contact with majority group teachers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 33, 260-268.
Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Understanding the relational self: An inter-generational study in the Netherlands and Greece. European Psychologist, 17(3), 182-189.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). Immigrants’ national identification: Meanings, determinants and consequences. Social Issues and Policy Review, 6(1), 82-112.
Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Host national and religious identification among Turkish Muslims in Western Europe: The role of ingroup norms, perceived discrimination and value incompatibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(7), 893-903.
Lie, J., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Identity practices, ingroup projection, and the evaluation of subgroups: A study among Turkish-Dutch Sunnis. Journal of Social Psychology, 152(4), 510-523.
Rooyackers, I., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Mobilizing support for the extreme right: A discursive analysis of minority leadership. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51(1), 130-148.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Understanding ethnic minority identity. In A. Masten, D. Hernandez, & K. Liebkind (Eds.), Realizing the potential of immigrant youth (pp. 230-252). Cambridge University Press.
Briones, E., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Cosado, J., & Tabernero, C. (2012). Psychological adaptation of Moroccan and Ecuadorean immigrant adolescents in Spain. International Journal of Psychology, 47(1), 28-38.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2012). Political tolerance for muslim practices: An intergroup perspective. In M. Helbling (Ed.), Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and explaning individual attitudes (pp. 137-146). Routledge.

Overige resultaten

Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Jetten, J. (2012). Correlational and experimental studies on primordial autochthony and out-group rejection. Paper presented at Paper presented at the CRiSP lab meeting, Brisbane, Australia, November 9.
de Vroome, T. M., Coenders, M. T. A., van Tubergen, F. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Werk, diversiteit en sociaal vertrouwen. Abstract from Presentation at the ISW symposium ‘Wanneer Werkt Diversiteit?’, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 12.
de Vroome, T. M., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). National identification of immigrants and natives in the Netherlands. Abstract from Paper presented at the ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1-4.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Gieling, M., & Thijs, J. T. (2012). Early adolescent’s acceptance and understanding of parenting rules: Nurturance, self-determination and fairness. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial meeting, Vancouver, Canada, March 10.
Smeekes, A. N., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Collective self-continuity, group identification and intergroup relations. Paper presented at Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Saint Andrews University, Scotland, August 21-23.
Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Coenders, M. T. A. (2012). Fifth column sentiments toward Muslims: Social dominance orientation and its legitimizing myths. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Chicago, USA, July 6-9.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Interethnic helping, morality, and group identity: A study among majority group children. Paper presented at Paper presented at the British Psychological Society's Social Psychological Section Annual Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland, August 22.
Smeekes, A. N., van Acker, K., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Vanbeselaere, N. (2012). Transfer effects of group based guilt: Historical analogy WWII and attitudes towards Muslims. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium, May 10-11.
Munniksma, A., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2012). For whom does extended intergroup contact affect intergroup attitudes. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial meeting, Vancouver, Canada, March 10.
Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). "We were here first so we determine the rules of the game": Primordial autochthony and out-group rejection. Paper presented at Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, St. Andrews, UK, August 21-23.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Interethnic helping, morality, and group identity: A study among majority group children. Poster session presented at Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial meeting, Vancouver, Canada, March 10.
Hindriks, P., Coenders, M. T. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Inter-minority attitudes: The role of ethnic and national identification, contact and multiculturalism. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Netherlands Longitudinal Life Course Study (NELLS) workshop, NWO, the Hague, the Netherlands, November 29.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2012). Helping you helps me: How the bystander intergroup context affects children's endorsement of out-group helping. Paper presented at Paper presented at the British Psychological Society's Social Psychological Section Annual Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland, August 22.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2011). Mobilizing opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(2).
Yildiz, A. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Inclusive victimhood: social identity and the politicization of collective trauma among Turkey’s Alevis in Western Europe. Peace and Conflict, 17, 243-269.
Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Weesie, H. M. (2011). Group identity, ethnic separatism and multiple out-groups: The Basque Case. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 21(1), 28-40.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Ethnic discrimination and ethnic minority identity. In S. Bonjour, A. Rea, & D. Jacobs (Eds.), The Others in Europe (pp. 127-136). Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Self-evaluations, psychological well-being, and cultural context: the changing Greek society. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 875-890.
Fleischmann, F., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). Ethnic and republic identification in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: a social dominance perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(1), 23-41.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Assimilation ideology and outgroup attitudes among ethnic majority members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 789-806.
de Vroome, T. M., Coenders, M. T. A., van Tubergen, F. A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Economic participation and national self-identification of refugees in the Netherlands. International Migration Review, 45(3), 615-638.
Zilli Ramirez, C., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Values, media framing and political tolerance for extremist groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1583-1602.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). Mobilising opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(2), 265-280.
Guan, Y., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Fung, H. H., Bond, M. H., Chan, C. C., & Chen, S. X. (2011). Outgroup value incongruence and intergroup attitude: the roles of multiculturalism and common identity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 377-385.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). In-group bias in the classroom: the role of co-ethnic and other-ethnic peers and multiculturalism. Anales de Psicologia, 27, 662-669.
Gieling, M., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Voluntary and involuntary immigrants and adolescents' endorsement of multiculturalism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35(2), 259-267.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Weesie, H. M., & Eijberts, M. (2011). The evaluation of perpetrators and victims of peer victimization: an extended crossed categorization approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 324-334.

Overige resultaten

Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). How a Tolerant Past affects the Present: Historical Tolerance and the Acceptance of Muslim Expressive Rights. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 34th Annual Scientific ISPP Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Istanbul, Turkey.
Smeekes, A. N., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Historical Representations, National Identification and the Acceptance of Muslim Rights. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Association of Social Psychology Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.
Sierksma, J., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Bounded Helping: Group Boundaries and Helping Behavior in Early Adolescents. Paper presented at Paper presented at the biennial meeting for Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Immigrants and the ‘Integration paradox’: a Social Psychological Analysis. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Association of Social Psychology Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Smeekes, A. N., Van Acker, K., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Vanbeselaere, N. (2011). Past and Present Anti-Immigrant Parties: How Perceived Ideology Similarity affects Current Anti-Immigrant Attitudes. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 34th Annual Scientific ISPP Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Istanbul, Turkey.
Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Examining the Relational Self: a Study in Greece and the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Understanding the Relational Self: an Intergenerational Study in Greece and the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Cross-Cultural Psychology Symposium, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2011). How a Tolerant Past affects the Present: Historical Tolerance and the Acceptance of Muslim Expressive Rights. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 16th General Meeting of the EASP, European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Stockholm, Sweden.
Munniksma, A., Veenstra, R., Flache, A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2011). Acceptance of Adolescents’ Interethnic Relations. Paper presented at Paper presented at the SRCD conference, Montreal, Canada.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ng Tseung - Wong Tak Wan, C., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Intergroup evaluations, group indispensability and prototypical judgments: A study in Mauritius. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 621-638.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Yildiz, A. A. (2010). Religious identity consolidation and mobilisation among Turkish Dutch muslims. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(3), 436-447.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Identiteit en diversiteit: de tegenstellingen voorbij. Pallas/ Amsterdam University Press.
Gieling, M., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Tolerance of practices by Muslim actors: an integrative social-developmental perspective. Child Development, 81(5), 1384-1399.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Assimilation ideology and situational well-being among ethnic minority members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(2), 269-275.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Thijs, J. T., & Bekhuis, H. (2010). Intergroup contact and ingroup reappraisal: examining the deprovincialization thesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(4), 389-416.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Yildiz, A. A. (2010). Orthodoxie en integratie van Turks Nederlandse moslims. Mens en Maatschappij, 85(1), 5-26.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. T. (2010). Religious group relations among Christian, Muslim, and nonreligious early adolescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30(1), 27-49.
Phalet, K., Güngor, G., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Political mobilization of Dutch muslims: religious identity salience, goal framing and normative constraints. Journal of Social Issues, 66(4), 759-799.
Thijs, J. T., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Helmond, P. E. (2010). A further examination of the big-fish-little-pond effect: Perceived position in class, class size, and gender comparisons. Sociology of Education, 83(4), 333-345.
Huijnk, W. J. J., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Coenders, M. T. A. (2010). Intermarriage attitude among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands: the role of family relations and immigrant characteristics. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41(3), 389-414.
van der Noll, J., Poppe, W. H., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Political tolerance and prejudice: differential reactions towards Muslims in the Netherlands. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32(1), 46-56.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. T. (2010). Ethnic minority labeling, multiculturalism, and the attitude of majority group members. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 29(4), 467-477.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Multiculturalism and tolerance: an intergroup perspective. In The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity (pp. 147-170). Blackwell.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Religious identity and socio-political participation: Muslim minorities in Western Europe. In A. Azzi, & X. Chryssochoou (Eds.), Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies (pp. 32-48). Blackwell.
Belangér, E., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Hyphenated identities and acculturation: second generation Chinese of Canada and the Netherlands. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 10(3), 141-163.

Overige resultaten

Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2010). Historical National Identity Representations and the Acceptance of Muslim Rights: Testing the Role of National Identification and Perceived Cultural Continuity. Paper presented at Paper presented at 'Tearing Down the Walls: Rethinking the Political in Political Psychology Conference', Centre for Research on Political Sociology, Belfast, Ireland.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Group Indispensability, Prototypical Judgments and Intergroup Relations. Paper presented at Paper presented at Strategic Workshop on Social identity, Equality, and Health, Lisbon, Portugal.
Yildiz, A. A., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Bilgili, O. (2010). Do Not Forget Sivas, Do Not Make Sivas Forgotten’: The Role of Past Traumas in Construction of Politicized Collective Identity in Alevis. Paper presented at Paper presented at 'Tearing Down the Walls: Rethinking the Political in Political Psychology Conference', Centre for Research on Political Sociology, Belfast, Ireland.
Gieling, M., Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2010). Adolescents' Perception of Personal Choice and Responsibility and Their Endorsement of Multiculturalism. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance in Intergroup Relations, University of Jena, Jena, Germany.
Smeekes, A. N., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2010). Mobilising Opposition Towards Muslim immigrants: National Identification and the Representation of Nnational History. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Scientific ISPP Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), San Francisco, the United States of America.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Yildiz, A. A. (2009). Muslim immigrants and religious group feelings: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32, 1121-1142.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Support for multiculturalism and minority rights: the role of national identification and out-group threat. Social Justice Research, 22, 34-52.
Wandert, T., Ochsmann, R., Brug, P., Chybicka, A., Lacassagne, M. F., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Black German identities: Validating the multidimensional inventory of Black Identity. The Journal of Black Psychology, 35, 456-484.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Studying ethnic identity. In I. Jasinskaja-Lahti, & T. A. Mähönen (Eds.), Identities, intergroup relations and acculturation (pp. 41-51). Helsinki University Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Self-esteem and multiculturalism: an examination among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 419-427.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Students’ anticipated situational engagement: the roles of teacher behaviour, personal engagement, and gender. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 170, 268-286.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Membership Editorial Board of the Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Membership Editorial Board of the European Journal of Social Psychology.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for Social Psychological an Personality Science.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Series Editor Ashgate bookseries ‘Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the European Journal of Social Psychology.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for Child Development.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the Social Psychology Quarterly.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Membership Editorial Board of the International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Membership Editorial Board of the British Journal of Developmental Psychology.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the Journal of Social Issues.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2009). Reviewer for the British Journal of Social Psychology.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Life satisfaction among ethnic minorities: The role of discrimination and group identification. Social Indicators Research, 89, 391-404.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Slooter, L. A. (2008). Muslim and non-Muslim adolescents’ reasoning about freedom of speech and minority rights. Child Development, 79, 514-528.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Reijerse, A. (2008). Intergroup structure and identity management among ethnic minority and majority groups: The interactive effects of perceived stability, legitimacy, and permeability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 106-127.
Kuroiwa, Y., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Narratives and the constitution of a common identity: the Karen in Burma. Identities, 15, 391-412.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Peer discrimination, ethnic minority identity and self-esteem. In S. M. Quintana, & C. McKown (Eds.), The Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child (pp. 312-335). Wiley.
Velasco González, K., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Weesie, H. M., & Poppe, W. H. (2008). Prejudice towards Muslims in the Netherlands: Testing Integrated Threat Theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 667-685.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Peer victimization and academic achievement in a multi-ethnic sample: the role of perceived academic self-efficacy. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 754-764.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Multiculturalism and group evaluations among minority and majority groups. In S. R. Levy, & M. Killen (Eds.), Intergroup Attitudes and Relations in Childhood Through Adulthood (pp. 157-172). Oxford University Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Peer discimination, ethnic minority identity and self-esteem. In S. M. Quintana, & C. McKown (Eds.), The Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child (pp. 312-335). Wiley.
Coenders, M. T. A., Lubbers, M., Scheepers, P., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). More than two decades of changing ethnic attitudes in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Issues, 64(2), 269-285.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Intergroup attitudes and relations in childhood through adulthood. In M. K. S.R. Levy (Ed.), Multiculturalism and group evaluations among minority and majority groups Oxford University Press.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for Journal of 'Experimental Social Psychology'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'Group Processes and Intergroup Relations'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'British Journal of Social Psychology'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Member editorial board of British Journal of Developmental Psychology.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'European Journal of Social Psychology'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for Journal of 'Personality and Social Psychology'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Series Editor Ashgate boodseries 'Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations'.
Thijs, J. T., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Students' situational academic engagement: The role of teacher type. Paper presented at 11th EARA conference, Turin, Italy.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Member editorial board of Internation Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'Child Development'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Reviewer for 'Social Psychology Quarterly'.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2008). Member editorial board of Infant and Child Development.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Social psychology and multiculturalism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1(1), 280-297.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Slooter, L. A. (2007). Tolerance of muslim beliefs and practices: age related differences and context effects. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 31(5), 467-477.
Brug, P., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Dealing with cultural diversity: the endorsement of societal models among ethnic minority and majority youth in the Netherlands. Youth & Society, 39(1), 112-131.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Yildiz, A. A. (2007). National (dis)identification, and ethnic and religious identity: a study among Turkish-Dutch muslims. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(10), 1448-1462.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Peer discrimination, ethnic minority identity and self-esteem. In S. M. Quintana, & C. McKown (Eds.), The Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child (pp. 312-335). Wiley.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Ethnic in-group favouritism among minority and majority groups: testing the self-esteem hypothesis among preadolescents. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(4), 486-500.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Religious group identification and inter-religious relations: a study among Turkish-Dutch muslims. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10(3), 341-357.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & de Wolf, A. (2007). The development of in-group favouritism: between social reality and group identity. Developmental Psychology, 43(4), 901-911.
Poppe, W. H., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Culture and Conflict. Aksant.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). What do people think about ethnic minorities? A reality check for survey research. In E. Poppe, & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Culture and Conflict (pp. 105-124). Aksant.
Pouliasi, E., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Networks of meaning and the bicultural mind: a structural equation modelling approach. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43(3), 955-963.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Book review of ‘To be an Immigrant’ by Kay Deaux. European bulletin of social psychology, 19(3), 109-110.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2007). Ethnic, Religious and National Identification Among Minority Groups. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ICCS-conference.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2006). Ethnic discrimination and global self-worth in early adolescents: The mediating role of ethnic self-esteem. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(2), 107-116.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Groepsidentificaties en intergroep relaties onder Turkse Nederlanders. Mens en Maatschappij, 81, 64-84.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Pouliasi, E. (2006). Biculturalism and group identification: the mediating role of identification in cultural frame-switching. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37, 312-326.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2006). Ethnic discrimination and global self-worth in early adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30, 107-116.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Yildiz, A. A. (2006). The endorsement of minority rights: the role of group position, national context, and ideological beliefs. Political Psychology, 27, 527-548.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Opgroeien in etnisch-culturele diversiteit. De Psycholoog, 41(7/8), 378-385.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Martinovic, B. (2006). Understanding multicultural attitudes: The role of group status, identification, friendships, and justifying ideologies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30, 1-18.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Nederlandse identiteit en 'witte etnisering'. In R. Gowricharn (Ed.), Falende instituties: negen heikele kwesties in de multiculturele samenleving (pp. 155-174). Forum.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Ethnic peer victimization and psychological well-being among early adolescents. In D. F. B. Schneider X. Chen (Ed.), Peer relations in cultural context (pp. 339-363). Cambridge University Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Multicultural recognition and ethnic minority rights: a social identity perspective. In W. Stroebe, & M. Hewstone (Eds.), European review of social psychology (pp. 148-184). Wiley.
Cieslik, A., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). National, ethnic and religious identities: hybridity and the case of the Polish Tatars. National Identities, 8, 77-93.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Self-esteem of ethnic minority youth: several decades of research. Paper presented at Annual conference of the British Association of Developmental Psychology, London.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Dual identities and the bicultural mind. Paper presented at Presentatie, Graduate centre of New York State University.
Pouliasi, E., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2006). Bicultural identity and cultural divergencies. Paper presented at European Social Science History Conference, Lissabon.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). The puzzle of high self-esteem among ethnic minorities: Comparing explicit and implicit self-esteem. Self and Identity, 4, 171-192.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Steenhuis, A. (2005). Preadolescents’ understanding and reasoning about asylum seeker peers and friendships. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 26, 660-679.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). Immigration discourses and their impact on multiculturalism: A discursive and experimental study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 223-241.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Zaremba, K. (2005). Inter-ethnic relations in a changing political context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 68(4), 375-386.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). The social psychology of ethnic identity. Psychology Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). Ethnic group identification, and group evaluations among minority and majority groups: Testing the multiculturalism hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 121-138.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). Accounting for ethnic discrimination: A discursive study among minority and majority group members. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 24, 66-92.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). Bookreview Psychology of stereotyping. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28, 963-964.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). Early adolescents' understanding and reasoning about asylum seekers peers and friendships. Paper presented at XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Tenerife, Spain.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005, Sep 1). Multiculturalism, minority rights and collective identity.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005). Psychological well-being among ethnic minority preadolescents: peer victimization and self-feelings. Paper presented at XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Tenerife, Spain.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2005, Oct 1). Multiculturalism: Social psychological aspects.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Psychological disidentification with the academic domain among ethnic minority adolescents in The Netherlands. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74(1), 109-125.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2004). Everyday ways of thinking about multiculturalism. Ethnicities, 4, 53-74.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Brug, P. (2004). Multiculturalism and ethnic group status: The role of ethnic identification, group essentialism and protestant ethic. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34(6), 647-661.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2004). Emotional reactions to and support for immigrant policies: Attributed responsibilities to categories of asylum seekers. Social Justice Research, (17), 293-314.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2004). Ethnic minority identity and social context. In M. Bennett, & F. Sani (Eds.), The Development of the Social Self (pp. 189-216). Psychology Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Global and ethnic self-esteem in school context: Minority and majority groups in the Netherlands. Social Indicators Research, 67, 253-281.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Psychological disengagement from the academic domain among ethnic minority adolescents in the Netherlands. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 109-125.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2004). Black in a multi-ethnic world: Surinamese in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the conference `Black in a White world', Bellagio, Italïe.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (2003). Ethnic identity and social context. In The Development of the Social Self (pp. 189-216). Psychology Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2003). Discourses about ethnic group (de-)essentialism: oppressive and progressive aspects. British Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 371-391.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Canatan, K. (2003). Normative orientation and educational outcomes in a school context. In L. Hagendoorn, J. Veenman, & W. Vollebergh (Eds.), Cultural orientation and socio-economic integration of immigrants in the Netherlands (pp. 151-182). Ashgate.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2003). Racism, happiness, and ideology. In H. van den Berg, M. Wetherell, & H. Houtkoop-Steenstra (Eds.), Analyzing race talk: Multidisciplinary perspectives on the research interview (pp. 138-155). Cambridge University Press.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2003). Ethnic in-group bias among minority and majority early adolescents: The perception of negative peer behaviour. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21, 543-565.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Brug, P. (2003). Educational performance and psychological disengagement among ethnic minority and Dutch adolescents. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164, 189-200.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2003). Positive and negative self-esteem among ethnic minority early adolescents: Social and cultural sources and threats. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 32, 267-277.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2003). Sociaal psychologische gevolgen van stigmatisering. In S. Harchaoui, & C. Huinder (Eds.), Stigma: Marokkaan! Over afstoten en insluiten van een ingebeelde bevolkingsgroep (pp. 81-92). Forum.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2003). Groepsbindingen en inter-etnische verhoudingen. In F. Spierings, B. Peper, R. Pieterman, S. Karyotis, & A. Zijderveld (Eds.), Buurt en stad: Liber amicorum voor Wiebe de Jong (pp. 27-44). Sambabal.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., & Hagendoorn, L. (2002). In-Group Favoritism and Self-Esteem: The Role of Identity Level and Trait Valence. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 5(4), 285-297.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & de Wolf, A. (2002). Being, Feeling and Doing: Discourses and Ethnic Self-Definitions among Minority Group Members. Culture & Psychology, 8, 371-399.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2002). Etniciteit en de multiculturele samenleving: Tussen overeenkomst en verschil. In R. Hortulanus, & J. Machielse (Eds.), De multiculturele uitdaging (pp. 41-54). Elsevier.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Hagendoorn, L. (2002). Ingroup Favouritism and Self-Esteem: The Role of Identity Level and Trait Valence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 5, 285-298.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Multiculturalism among Minority and Majority Adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 26, 91-108.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2002). Perceptions of Ethnic Discrimination by Minority and Majority Early Adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Psychology, 37, 321-332.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & de Wolf, A. (2002). Ethnic Minority Identity and Group Context: Self-Descriptions, Acculturation Attitudes and Group Evaluations in an Intra- and Intergroup Situation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 781-800.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2002). Ethnic Attitudes Among Minority and Majority Children: The Role of Ethnic Identification, Peer Group Victimization and Parents. Social Development, 11, 558-570.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2002). School Satisfaction of Elementary School Children: The Role of Performance, Peer Relations, Ethnicity and Gender. Social Indicators Research, 59, 203-228.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2002). Ethnic Relations in Local Contexts: Beyond a Dualist Approach to Identities and Racism. In Europe's New Racism?: Causes, Manifestations and Solutions (pp. 131-142). The Evans Foudation, Berghahn.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Pouliasi, E. (2002). Biculturalism among Older Children: Cultural Frame Switching, Attributions, Self-Identification and Attitudes. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33, 596-608.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Racist Victimization among Children in the Netherlands: The Effect of Ethnic Group and School. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 25, 310-331.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Brug, P. (2002). Ethnic Identity Achievement, Self-Esteem and Discrimination among Surinamese Adolescents in the Netherlands. The Journal of Black Psychology, 28, 122-141.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2002). Making Teachers Accountable for Students' Disruptive Classroom Behaviour. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23, 107-122.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2002). Bookreview On not Speaking Chinese: Living between Asia and the West. China Information, 16, 109-111.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Etnische relaties op basisscholen. Ercomer Research Papers.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Canatan, K. (2001). Achievement Motivation and Academic Performance among Turkish Early and Young Adolescents in the Netherlands. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 127(4), 378-408.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Leefbaarheid en etnische relaties bij oudere kinderen: Een onderzoek op basisscholen. Ministerie van VWS.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Nekuee, S. (2001). Self-esteem, discrimination and coping among refugees: The moderating role of self-categorization. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1058-1075.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Thijs, J., & Canatan, K. (2001). Achievement motivation and academic performance among ethnic minority early and young adolescents. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, ?-?.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). Ethnic minority identification. In K. Phalet, & A. Orkeny (Eds.), Ethnic minorities and interethnic relations in context: A Dutch-Hungarian encounter (pp. 97-112). Ashgate.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Peer victimization and self-esteem of ethnic minority group children. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 11, 227-234.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). Global self-esteem, ethnic self-esteem and family integrity: Turkish and Dutch early adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25, 357-366.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). National identification and intergroup evaluation in Dutch children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19, 559-571.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Ethnic and gender bias among Dutch and Turkish children in late childhood: The role of social context. Infant and Child Development, 10, 203-217.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). Abnormalization of ethnic minorities in conversation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 257-278.
Phalet, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). Acculturatiemetingen. In N. Bleichrodt, & F. v.d. Vijver (Eds.), Diagnostiek bij allochtonen: Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van psychologische tests (pp. 177-198). Swets & Zeitlinger.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Brug, P. (2001). Self-esteem and ethnic and national identification among adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 9, 321-343.

Populariserende publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). Voorwoord. In S. Petronilia (Ed.), 'Omzien naar de toekomst: Portretten van Molukkers in Nederland'. (pp. 1-4). Forum.

Overige resultaten

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2001). Multicultural attitudes and group context: The perspective of ethnic minorities. Paper presented at Conference, Guilford, Surrey.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & van der Wal, J. (2000). Comparative Perspectives on Racism (eds.). Ashgate.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2000). School marks and teachers' accountability to colleagues. Discourse Studies, 2, 452-472.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & van der Wal, J. (2000). Racism in comparative perspective. In J. Ter Wal, & M. J. A. M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Racism (pp. 5-20). Ashgate.
Kinket, B. M., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2000). Social distances in a multi-ethnic society: The ethnic hierarchy among Dutch pre-adolescents. Social Psychology Quarterly, 63, 75-85.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Thijs, J. (2000). Leren (en) waarderen: Discriminatie, zelfbeeld, relaties en leerprestaties in 'witte' en 'zwarte' basisscholen. Thela.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Phalet, K. (2000). Acculturatie metingen bij allochtonen. In N. Bleichrodt, & F. van de Vijver (Eds.), Diagnostiek bij allochtonen: Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van psychologische tests Swets & Zeitlinger.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2000). The benefits to social psychology of studying ethnic minorities. European bulletin of social psychology, 42, 5-21.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (2000). Bookreview Race and Ethnic Relations in the first person. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 26, 154.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Kinket, B. M. (1999). The relative importance of ethnicity: Ethnic categorization among older children. International Journal of Psychology, 34, 107-118.
Lay, C., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). Ethnic identity and its relation to personal self-esteem: A comparison of Canadian-born and Foreign-born Chinese adolescents: Personal self-esteem, collective self-esteem, and identity. Journal of Social Psychology, 139, 288-299.
Kinket, B. M., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). Intergoup evaluations and social context: A multilevel approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 219-238.
Nekuee, S., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). Emotionele distantie en integratie: Iraanse politieke vluchtelingen in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 3, 218-234.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Nekuee, S. (1999). Ingroup bias: The effect of self-stereotyping, identification and group threat. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 411-418.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Nekuee, S. (1999). Subjective well-being, discrimination and cultural conflict: Iranians living in the Netherlands. Social Indicators Research, 47, 281-306.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., van de Calseijde, S., & de Leur, W. (1999). Third-generation South Moluccans in the Netherlands: The nature of ethnic identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25, 63-79.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). Etnische identiteit: Theoretishe en empirische benaderingen. (Migratie- en Etnische Studies ed.) Spinhuis.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Drabbels, M., & Nieuwenhuijzen, K. (1999). Self-categorization and emotional reactions to ethnic minorities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 605-619.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). De psychologische betekenis van discriminatie. De Psycholoog, 34, 272-277.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). The dynamics of emerging ethnicity: Immigrant and indigenous ethnogenesis in confrontation. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25, 353-354.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1999). Review. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25, 153-154.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1998). Self-categorization and the explanation of Ethnic discrimination. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 8(6), 395-407.<395::aid-casp475>;2-3
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1998). Attitudes in public discourse: Speakers' own orientations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 17, 302-322.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Hagendoorn, L. (1998). Prejudice and self-categorisation: The variable role of authoritarianism and in-group stereotypes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 99-110.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1998). Personhood and accounting for racism in conversation. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 28, 147-167.
Webley, P., Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Hessing, D. J., & Elffers, H. (1998). Studies of minimal rule following behaviour: Signs in public places. Psychology, Crime & Law, 4, 309-321.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1998). Perceived discrimination and self-esteem among ethnic minority adolescents. Journal of Social Psychology, 138, 479-493.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Lay, C. (1998). Ethnic minority identity and psychological well-being: The mediating role of collective self-esteem. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1969-1986.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1998). Identiteit en gemeenschappen. Recht der werkelijkheid, 19, 151-165.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1998). Bookreview Rethinking ethnicity: arguments and explorations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 24, 227-229.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1998). Bookreview Contesting cultures: Discourses of identity in multi-ethnic London. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 24, 390-391.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). The structure of ethnic attitudes: The effect of target group, region, gender and national identity. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 123, 261-284.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). Discourses of ethnic minority identity. British Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 565-586.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Kinket, B. M., & van der Wielen, C. (1997). Preadolescents' understanding of ethnic discrimination. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 97-112.
Kinket, B. M., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). Levels of ethnic self-identification and social context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 60, 338-354.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). Intergroup evaluation and self-esteem motivations: self-enhancement and self-protection. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 115-119.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). Cultural discourses in the Netherlands: Talking about ethnic minorities in the inner-city. Identities, 4, 99-132.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). "Redelijk racisme": Gesprekken over allochtonen in oude stadswijken. Amsterdam University Press.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). Religiositeit, etniciteit en welbevinden bij mannen van de eerste generatie Marokkaanse moslimmigranten. De Psycholoog, 32, 32-33.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1997). Bookreview Etnische Minderheden en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Sociologische Gids, 44, 339-341.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1996). "Twelve angry men": Accounting for Britain's minority position during the EU summit in Maastricht. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15(4), 444-467.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1996). Self Esteem and Prejudice Among Ethnic Majority and Minority Youth. Journal of Research in Personality, 30, 248-263.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Kinket, B. M., & van der Wielen, C. (1996). Oudere kinderen en hun begrip van discriminatie. Pedagogische Studiën, 73, 447-458.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1996). `Twelve Angry Young Men': Accounting for Brittain's Minority Position During the EU Summit in Maastricht. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 15, 444-467.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Masson, K. (1996). Culture and Gender Differences in the Perception of Friendship. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 31, 207-217.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & de Jong, W. (1996). Urban Renewal, Housing Policy and Ethnic Relations in Rotterdam. New Community, 22, 689-705.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Hagendoorn, L., & Masson, K. (1996). The Ethnic Hierarchy Among Minority and Majority Youth in the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1104-1118.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Kwa, G. A. (1996). Ethnic Self Identification, Ethnic Involvement and Group Differentiation Among Chinese Youth in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Psychology, 136, 35-48.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1996). Bookreview Ethnic Identity: Creation, Conflict and Accomodation. New Community, 715-716.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1996). Bookreview How Young Children Perceive Race. New Community, 179-181.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1996). Bookreview New Ethnicities and Urban Culture. New Community, 719-721.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

von Benda-Beckmann, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Nationalism, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity in Europe. ERCOMER.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Alledaagse betekenissen van 'racisme' en 'discriminatie'. Migrantenstudies, 11, 181-202.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Masson, K., & Elffers, H. (1995). Racial Categorization and Preference among Older Children in the Netherlands. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 637-656.
von Benda-Beckmann, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Introduction: cultural identity and development in Europe. In K. von Benda-Beckmann, & M. J. A. M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Natiolism, Ethnitcity and Cultural Identity in Europe. Comparitive Studies in Migration and Ethnic Relations. (pp. 1-29). University of Utrecht.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Brandstra, Y. (1995). Aspecten en achtergronden van etnische attituden. Gedrag en Organisatie, 8, 292-306.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Symbols and Social Representations. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 25, 263-284.
von Benda-Beckmann, K., & Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Cultural Identity and Development in Europe. In K. Benda-Beckmann, & M. J. A. M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Nationalism, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity in Europe. (pp. ??-??). ERCOMER.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Masson, K. (1995). 'New Racism', Self-esteem and Ethnic Relations among Minorit and Majority Youth in the Netherlands. Social Behavior and Personality, 23, 137-154.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., de Jong, W., & Masson, K. (1995). The Construction of Ethnic Categories: Discourses of Ethnicity in the Netherlands. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18, 251-276.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Self-esteem, self-concept stability and aspects of ethnic identity among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24, 263-284.


Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Stereotypes and Social Cognition. Psychologie en Maatschappij, 19, 303-306.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Bookreview "Race", Ethnicity and Nation: International Perspectives on Social Conflict. New Community, 21, 131-132.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1995). Vooroordelen en etnisch categoriseren. In Met het oog op de toekomst. Bundel ter gelegenheid van het tienjarig bestaan van het Landelijk Bureau Racismebestrijding (LBR) (pp. ??-??). Tjeenk Willink.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M., Jong, W. D., & Masson, K. (1994). Similarities in anti-racist and racist discourse: Dutch local residents talking about ethnic minorities. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 20(2), 253-267.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., de Jong, W., & Masson, K. (1994). Racial Discourse, Attitude, and Rhetorical Manoeuvres: Race Talk in the Netherlands. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 13, 278-298.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1994). Etnische identificatie onder jongeren. Vraagstelling, 1, 21-30.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., de Jong, W., & Masson, K. (1994). Similarities in Antiracist and Racist Discourse: Dutch Local Residents Talking about Ethnic Minorities. New Community, 20, 253-267.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1994). Book Review of: J. Rex, 'Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Mobilisation in Brittain'. New Community, 20, 543-544.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1994). On comparative research. Merger, 2, 5-7.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1994). Interdisciplinariteit als antwoord op de ingewikkeldheid van maatschappelijke problemen. In A. J. M. W. Hagendoorn, A. E. Komter, & R. M. Maier (Eds.), Samenhang der Sociale Wetenschappen. Beloften en problemen van een interdisciplinaire werkwijze. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & de Jong, W. (1994). Racisme van 'De Geijkte Spangenaar'. Psychologie en Maatschappij, 18, 303-314.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Masson, C. N. (1994). Ethnic Categorization among Children in Multi-ethnic Schools in the Netherlands. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 4, 167-179.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., & Kwa, G. A. (1994). Ethnic Self-identification and Psychological Well-being among Minority Youth in the Netherlands. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 5, 19-34.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M. (1994). Self-esteem among Ethnic Minority Youth in Western Countries. Social Indicators Research, 32, 21-47.
Verkuyten, M. J. A. M., Rood-Pijpers, E., Elffers, H., & Hessing, D. J. (1994). Rules for Breaking Formal Rules: Social Representations and Everyday Rule-Governed Behaviour. Journal of Psychology, 128, 485-497.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1993). Self‐esteem Among Ethnic Minorities and Three Principles of Self‐esteem Formation: Turkish Children in The Netherlands. International Journal of Psychology, 28(3), 307-321.
Masson, C. N., & Verkuyten, M. (1993). Prejudice, Ethnic Identity, Contact and Ethnic Group Preferences Among Dutch Young Adolescents. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23(2), 156-168.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1992). Ethnic group preferences and the evaluation of ethnic identity among adolescents in the netherlands. Journal of Social Psychology, 132(6), 741-750.
De Jong, W., & Verkuyten, M. (1992). Positive action policy for ethnic minorities in the netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 18(4), 591-602.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1990). Self-esteem and the evaluation of ethnic identity among turkish and dutch adolescents in the netherlands. Journal of Social Psychology, 130(3), 285-297.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1989). Happiness among adolescents in the Netherlands: Ethnic and sex differences. Psychological Reports, 65(2), 577-578.
Veenhoven, R., & Verkuyten, M. (1989). The well-being of only children. Adolescence, 24(93), 155-166.
Verkuyten, M. (1989). Self-esteem among dutch and turkish children in the netherlands. Journal of Social Psychology, 129(2), 269-271.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1988). General self-esteem of adolescents from ethnic minorities in The Netherlands and the reflected appraisal process. Adolescence, 23(92), 863-871.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Verkuyten, M. (1986). The impact of ethnic and sex differences on happiness among adolescents in the Netherlands. The Journal of social psychology, 126(2), 259-260.