Inaugural lecture Marieke van der Schaaf 17012020.pdf
Oratie Marieke van der Schaaf_UU_UMCU_17012020.pdf
Marieke van der Schaaf, PhD, is full professor of Research and Development of Health Professions Education at University Medical Center Utrecht and director of the Utrecht Center for Research and Development of Health Professions Education at the Education Center at University Medical Center Utrecht (since 2018). She is a former director of the master programme Educational Sciences at Utrecht University (until 2017).
After her study Educational Sciences (1993-1997, cum laude), she was appointed as a researcher, lecturer and course coordinator at the Department of Education, Utrecht University. Her PhD-study concerned the construct validity of teacher portfolio assessment (2000-2005, cum laude, awarded). Besides she led several research projects on educational innovations, performance assessments and professionals' expertise development in health professions education, higher education, secondary education and vocational education.
Marieke is the director of the Life Sciences Education Research Program of the GSLS. She has been a teacher and coordinator in several courses in undergraduate school, academic master and research master of educational sciences at Utrecht University since 2000, where she also chaired the board of examinations.
Marieke earned several research grants for projects about performance assessment, feedback, teacher expertise development and digital assessment in health professions education She has been a supervisor of several PhD-students in these themes. She publishes and presents her work in international journals and at international conferences and frequently serves as a reviewer for international peer-reviewed journals, conferences and grants.