She is member of the Editorial Team of the Journal "Achademia Leonardi Vinci" (2021-)
She has been appointed by the “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei” as a member of the scientific committee of the exhibition “Leonardo a Roma. Influenze ed eredità” [Leonardo in Rome. Influences and Legacy] (2018). The exhibition is organized with the support and sponsoring of the National Committee for the Celebration of the 500th Leonardo da Vinci death year (MIBACT) and is scheduled in the period 3rd October 2019 / 12th January 2020 at Villa Farnesina in Rome.
President of the governing board Werkgroep Italië Studies (WIS)(2018-2024)
Member of the "Osservatorio della Lingua Italiana nei Paesi Bassi" - Italian Institute of Culture in Amsterdam (IIC) (2018).
Member of the governing board of Werkgroep Italië Studies (2015-2017).