Curriculum Vitae
2007: PhD (external PhD student) at the University of Amsterdam
2004: Diploma of Dutch as Second Language (Nederlandse als tweede taal)
1986-1989: PhD (Diploma di Specializzazione triennale in Archeology and Art History cum laude), University of Siena
1988: Post-graduate seminar Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies, Naples
1985: MA Art History (summa cum laude), University of Salerno.
Academic Positions
2018-: Affiliated researcher at the Research Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON) of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University
2015-2017: Fellowship at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (KNIR)
1996-2010: Assistant Professor (with tenure) Art History 14th-18th Century, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Salerno
2005-2009: Professore Aggregato, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Salerno
1999-2002: Professore supplente, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Salerno
1987-1996: Assistant to the Chair of Art History, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Salerno,