Dr. M.F. (Michael) Seidl

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer N611
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. M.F. (Michael) Seidl

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 3694

Work experience

Associate Professor Utrecht University, Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics 01/04/2023 - now
Assistant Professor Utrecht University, Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics 01/03/2019 – 31/03/2023
Assistant Professor Wageningen University & Research, Laboratory of Phytopathology 01/06/2016 – 28/02/2019
Postdoctoral researcher Wageningen University & Research, Laboratory of Phytopathology 01/06/2013 – 31/05/2016


PhD research

Utrecht University, the Netherlands 06/05/2013
Exploring evolution and biology of oomycetes: Integrative and comparative genomics  
Prof. dr. Hogeweg, Prof. dr. Govers (Wageningen University & Research), Prof. dr. Snel, and Prof. dr. van den Ackerveken  


Diploma (Dipl. Biol. Univ.)

Julius Maximilian University Würzburg, Germany 01/09/2008