M.E. (Marjolein) de Jager BSc

Soft Condensed Matter


Frank Smallenburg, Giovanni Del Monte, Marjolein de Jager, and Laura Filion. A simple and accurate method to determine fluid-crystal phase boundaries from direct coexistence simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 224109 (2024)*
*Selected as Editor's Pick.

Marjolein de Jager,  Pauline J. Kolbeck, Willem Vanderlinden, Jan Lipfert, and Laura Filion. Exploring protein-mediated compaction of DNA by coarse-grained simulations and unsupervised learning. Biophysical Journal 123, 3231 (2024)*
*Highlighted as New and Notable in Petr Šulc, Biophysical Journal 123, 2961 (2024).

Pauline J. Kolbeck, Marjolein de Jager, Margherita Gallano, …, Laura Filion, Jan Lipfert, and Willem Vanderlinden. HIV integrase compacts viral DNA into biphasic condensates. eLife 13, RP102249 (2024)

Marjolein de Jager, Nena Slaats, and Laura Filion. Phase behavior and crystal nucleation of hard triangular prisms. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161, 134501 (2024)*
*Selected as Editor's Pick.

Marjolein de Jager, Carlos Vega, Pablo Montero de Hijes, Frank Smallenburg, and Laura Filion. Statistical mechanics of crystal nuclei of hard spheres. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161, 184501 (2024)*
*Selected as Editor's Pick and for JCP cover art.



Marjolein de Jager, Frank Smallenburg, and Laura Filion. In search of a precursor for crystal nucleation of hard and charged colloids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 159, 134902 (2023)



Marjolein de Jager and Laura Filion. Crystal nucleation of highly screened charged colloids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 154905 (2022)



Marjolein de Jager, Joris de Jong, and Laura Filion. Defects in crystals of soft colloidal particles. Soft Matter 17, 5718 (2021)

Rinske M. Alkemade, Marjolein de Jager, Berend van der Meer, Frank Smallenburg, and Laura Filion. Point defects in crystals of charged colloids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 164905 (2021)*
*Selected as Editor's Pick and JCP Editor's Choice 2021.



Jeroen Rodenburg, Siddharth Paliwal, Marjolein de Jager, Peter G. Bolhuis, Marjolein Dijkstra, and René van Roij. Ratchet-induced variations in bulk states of an active ideal gas. The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 174910 (2018)