Wouters, M., Kim, S., Vossepoel, F., Hanssen, R. F., & Govers, R. (2022). Recoverability of geomechanical model complexities from subsidence data above the Groningen gas field. Abstract from Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 2022 (NAC), Utrecht, Netherlands.
Kim, S. S. R., Vossepoel, F. C., Wouters, M. C., Govers, R., Brouwer, W. S., & Hanssen, R. F. (2022).
Optimizing the use of InSAR observations in data assimilation problems to estimate reservoir compaction. EGU22-11879. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wouters, M. C., Pérez‐Díaz, L., Tuck‐Martin, A., Eagles, G., Adam, J.
, & Govers, R. (2021).
Dynamics of the African Plate 75 Ma: From Plate Kinematic Reconstructions to Intraplate Paleo‐Stresses.
40(7), 1-29. Article e2020TC006355. Overige resultaten
Wouters, M., & Govers, R. (2021). The influence of fault slip, compaction variability and lithological layering on surface deformation above the Groningen gas field. Abstract from NAC Conference (Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres) (Online).
Wouters, M., Hanssen, R. F.
, & Govers, R. (2021).
Using PS-InSAR observations to detect aseismic fault slip in the seismically active Groningen gas field. Poster session presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. 2020
Overige resultaten
Wouters, M. C., Govers, R. M. A., Kim, S., Vossepoel, F. C.
, Stouthamer, E., & Hanssen, R. F. (2020).
What can we learn from the pattern of subsidence above the Groningen gas field? A study of the sensitivity of the subsidence to the subsurface structure and deformation processes. Abstract from 16e Nederlandse Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Netherlands. Kim, S., Vossepoel, F. C., Hanssen, R. F., Wouters, M. C., Govers, R. M. A., & Stouthamer, E. (2020). A particle method strategy to estimate subsidence induced by a high-dimensional disc-strain model for reservoir compaction. Abstract from 16e Nederlandse Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wouters, M. C., & Govers, R. M. A. (2020). Sensitivity of surface deformation to reservoir and overburden characteristics in the Groningen (Netherlands) gas field: first results. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2020.
Kim, S., Vossepoel, F. C., Hanssen, R. F.
, Wouters, M. C., Govers, R. M. A., & Stouthamer, E. (2020).
A particle method strategy to estimate subsidence induced by a high-dimensional disc-strain model for reservoir compaction. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, Online. Hanssen, R. F., Wouters, M. C., Amootaghi, A., Asopa, U., Bruna, M., Janssen, C., Kim, S., Vossepoel, F., Stouthamer, E., & Govers, R. M. A. (2020). Monitoring and modeling land subsidence due to hydrocarbon production integrating geodesy and geophysics. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2020.
Overige resultaten
Wouters, M. C., Tuck-Martin, A., Adam, J., Eagles, G., & Govers, R. M. A. (2019). Dynamics of Africa 75 Ma: from plate kinematic reconstructions to intraplate paleo-stresses. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Fransisco, California, United States.