Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, T., & Huang, J. (2024). Yiyu jiaolü: Helan gongheguo dui zhongguo wuzhi wenhua de maodun fanying 异域焦虑:荷兰共和国对中国物质文化的矛盾反应 []. Guojia hanghai 国家航海 [Journal of National Navigation] , 33, 77-110.
Weststeijn, T. (2024). Beelden van het koloniale verleden. Historisch Tijdschrift Holland, 56(4), 176-181.
Weststeijn, T. (2024). De toekomst van het verleden nu: interview door Roelant van der Steen. Tijdschrift Article, 32, 27-34.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, T. (2023). De toekomst van het verleden: erfgoed en klimaat. Prometheus.
Weststeijn, T., & Glas, A. (2023). 'Edele diamant' China verovert Hollandse harten. Interview door Arjan Glas. In E. Zhang (Ed.), Chinese cultuur in het Nederlands (pp. 110-118). Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, T. (2022). China (beeldvorming, handel). In W. Frijhoff, C. Secretan, & A. Nijhuis (Eds.), De Gouden Eeuw in 500 portretten, taferelen & analyses (pp. 263-267). Van Wijnen.
Weststeijn, T. (2022).
Unease with the Exotic: Ambiguous Responses to Chinese Material Culture in the Dutch Republic. In
Making Worlds: Global Invention in the Early Modern Period (pp. 436-476). (UCLA Clark Memorial Library series). University of Toronto Press. Vakpublicaties
Weststeijn, T. (2022). Aanbeveling betreffende de aankoop van een schilderij door Samuel van Hoogstraten.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, T. (2021).
Review essay: Stephanie Schrader (ed.), Rembrandt and the inspiration of India, Los Angeles [Getty Publications], 2018 (Exhibition: 13 March-24 June, 2018) | Jos Gommans, The unseen world: The Netherlands and India from 1550, Nijmegen [Vantilt] 2018 | Gary Schwartz (ed.), Rembrandt’s Orient: West meets East in Dutch art of the seventeenth century, Munich [Prestel], 2020 (Exhibitions: Kunstmuseum, Basel, 31 October 2020-14 February 2021, and Museum Barberini, Potsdam, 13 March 2021-27 June 2021).
Oud Holland,
2021. Weststeijn, T. (2021). The Cultural Origins of Dutch Colonialism. Paper presented at Spores of empire .
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Chapman, H. P., & Weststeijn, M. A. (Eds.) (2020). Ars Amicitiae: The Art of Friendship in the Early Modern Netherlands. (Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek; Vol. 70). Brill.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2020). Overview of Chinese Objects and Books Present in the Low Countries in the Seventeenth Century. In T. Weststeijn (Ed.), Foreign Devils and Philosophers: Cultural Encounters between the Chinese, the Dutch, and Other Europeans, 1590-1800 (pp. 312-342). (East and West; Vol. 6). Brill.
Weststeijn, M. A. (Ed.) (2020).
Foreign Devils and Philosophers: Cultural Encounters between the Chinese, the Dutch, and Other Europeans, 1590-1800. (East and West: Culture, Diplomacy and Interactions; Vol. 6). Brill. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, M. A., Van Noord, W., & Yang Jin 杨瑾, (TRANS.) (2019). Nigulasi Weitesen cang Zhongguo Han jing de quanqiu liuchuan guiji 尼古拉斯·维特森藏中国汉镜的全球流传轨迹 . Minzushi wencong 民族史文丛 (Collection of Ethnic History Studies), 1(1), 67-96.
Weststeijn, M. A., Chapman, H. P. (Ed.), & Meijers, D. (Ed.) (2019).
Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek: Connoisseurship and the Knowledge of Art. Brill. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, M. A. (2018). グローバル・アート・ヒストリーとネーデルラント Global Art History and the Netherlands [in Japanese]: translated by Minako Sugiyama. In A. Kofuku (Ed.), 17世紀オランダ美術と〈アジア〉Dutch 17th-Century Art and Asia [in Japanese] (pp. 403-422).
Weststeijn, M. A. (2018). フェルメールの描いた陶磁器 Vermeer's Painted Porcelain [in Japanese]. In A. Kofuku (Ed.), 17世紀オランダ美術と〈アジア〉Dutch 17th-Century Art and Asia [in Japanese] (pp. 123-138).
Weststeijn, M. A. (2018). The Chinese Isis, or the Sino-Egyptian Hypothesis. In M.-J. Versluys, K. Bülow Clausen, & G. Capriotti Vittozzi (Eds.), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the Modern Age: Temple – Monument – lieu de mémoire (pp. 303-313). (Papers of the Royal Netherlands Instute in Rome). Edizioni Quasar, Rome.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2018). Chine (Image, Commerce). In C. Secretan, & W. Frijhoff (Eds.), Dictionaire des Pays-Bas au Siecle d'or: De l'union d'Utrecht a la Paix d'Utrecht (1579-1713) (pp. 139-141). CNRS Editions.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, M. A. (2017). The Painting Looks Back: Reciprocal Desire in the Seventeenth Century. In W. Melion, J. Woodall, & M. Zell (Eds.), Ut pictura amor: The Reflexive Imagery of Love in Artistic Theory and Practice, 1500-1700 (pp. 264-295). (Intersections; Vol. 48). Brill.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2017). Germanic Antiquity in Rembrandt’s Circle. In S. Dupré, & C. Goettler (Eds.), Knowledge and Discernment in the Early Modern Arts (pp. 236-264). Routledge.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2017). Vermeer's Painted Porcelain [Japanese]. In K. Akira (Ed.), Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art and 'Asia' [Japanese] (pp. 65-72). National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2017).
Review of: Neil De Marchi and Sophie Raux, eds., Moving Pictures: Intra-European Trade in Images, 16th–18th Centuries Studies in European Urban History (1100–1800), Vol. 34. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014; Gerrit Verhoeven, Europe within Reach: Netherlandish Travellers on the Grand Tour and Beyond (1585–1750). Egodocuments and History, Vol. 9. Leiden: Brill, 2015. Vakpublicaties
Weststeijn, M. A., & Jonker, M. (Eds.) (2017). Barbaren en Wijsgeren: Het beeld van China in de Gouden Eeuw. Vantilt.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2017). Inleiding: het Rijk van het Midden in de Lage Landen. In T. Weststeijn, & M. Jonker (Eds.), Barbaren en wijsgeren: het beeld van China in de Gouden Eeuw (pp. 9-24). Vantilt.
Overige resultaten
Hoogenboom, A. M. E. L., Weststeijn, M. A., Schmidt, V. M., & van Rossem, P. (2017).
Academische vaardigheden kunsthistorici: -. Web publication/site, . 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weststeijn, M. A. (2016). The Rules of Art and Rembrandt, 1630-1730. In W. Franits (Ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century (pp. 202-233). Ashgate.
Weststeijn, M. A. (2016).
”Sinarum gentes ... omnium sollertissimae”: Encounters between the Middle Kingdom and the Low Countries, 1602-1692. In S. Gang (Ed.),
Reshaping the Boundaries: The Christian Intersection of China and the West in the Modern Era (pp. 9-34). Hong Kong University Press. Weststeijn, M. A., Jorink, E., & Scholten, F. (Eds.) (2016). Netherlandish Art in its Global Context. Special issue, Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art, 66. (Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art; Vol. 66, No. 1). Brill.