Prof. dr. Marcel van Aken

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H2.54B
3584 CS Utrecht

Prof. dr. Marcel van Aken


Key publications

  1. Defoe, I, N.; Dubas, J.S.; Figner, B., van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). A meta-analysis on age differences in risky decision making: Adolescents versus children and adults. Psychological Bulletin, 141, 48-84.
  2. Denissen, J.J.A., Penke, L., Wood, D., & van Aken, M.A.G. (2014). Self-regulation underlies temperament and personality: An integrative developmental framework. Child Development Perspectives, 7, 255-260.
  3. Koster, N., Lusin, I., van der Heijden, P. T., Laceulle, O. M. & van Aken, M. A. G., (2022), Understanding personality pathology in a clinical sample of youth: study protocol for the longitudinal research project 'APOLO', BMJ Open. 12, 6.
  4. Luan, Z., Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). Do you see my growth? Two longitudinal studies on personality development from childhood to young adulthood from multiple perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 67, 44-60.
  5. Aleva, A., Laceulle, O. M., Denissen, J. J. A., Hessels, C. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2023). Adolescence as a peak period of borderline personality features? A meta-analytic approach. European Journal of Personality, 37(6), 669-685.
  6. Van Aken, M.A.G. & Asendorpf, J.B. (2018). Personality and peer relationships. In: W.M. Bukowksi,  B. Laursen, & K.H. Rubin (Eds.), Handbook of peer interactions, relationships, and groups. NY: Guilford Press.



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hessels, C. J., de Moor, E. L., Deutz, M. H. F., Laceulle, O. M., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2024). Personality pathology in youth: A comparison of the categorical and alternative model in relation to internalizing and externalizing pathology and age-adequate psychosocial functioning. Personality disorders, 15(5), 293-303.
de Groot, L. R. B., Hindriks, E., Hessels, C. J., van Aken, M. A. G., & Laceulle, O. M. (2024). A Person × Environment approach to Borderline Personality Disorder features in young people: The role of life events, parental support, and self-esteem. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 43(3), 276-301.
The International Situations (2024). Personality and conceptions of religiosity across the world's religions. Journal of Research in Personality, 110, Article 104496.
Iannattone, S., Schuiringa, H. D., Aleva, A., Koster, N., van Aken, M. A. G., Hessels, C. J., van der Heijden, P. T., & Laceulle, O. M. (2024). Unravelling the Longitudinal Relations Between Developmental Milestones, General Psychopathology, and Personality Functioning in a Youth Clinical Sample. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53(8), 1887-1902.
Baaijens, B., Koster, N., van Aken, M., van der Heijden, P., & Laceulle, O. (2024). Narrative identity characteristics and personality pathology: An exploration of associations from a dimensional and categorical perspective in a clinical sample of youth. Personality disorders, 15(1), 11-21.
Koster, N., Laceulle, O. M., Prinzie, P., Van der Heijden, P. T., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2024). A DAE perspective on the interface between adaptive and maladaptive personality development: A conceptual replication. Development and Psychopathology, 36(3), 1108-1121.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Koster, N., Berghuis, H., van Aken, M., Laceulle, O., & van der Heijden, P. T. (2023). Integrating shared and unique approaches in personality assessment: A case formulation of Emma. Psychiatry Research Case Reports, 2(1), Article 100126.
Aleva, A., van den Berg, T., Laceulle, O. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Chanen, A. M., Betts, J. K., & Hessels, C. J. (2023). A smartphone-based intervention for young people who self-harm (‘PRIMARY’): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1), Article 840.
van Est-Bitincka, L. A. C., Schuiringa, H. D., van der Heijden, P. T., van Aken, M. A. G., & Laceulle, O. M. (2023). Youth’s Social Environments: Associations with Mental Problems and Achievement of Developmental Milestones in Times of Crises. Adolescents, 3(2), 366-381.
Members of the International Situations Project, Gardiner, G., Lee, D., Baranski, E., Funder, D. C., Denissen, J., & van Aken, M. (2023). The economic well-being of nations is associated with positive daily situational experiences. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 4, Article 100088.
Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2023). A cross-national study on adolescent substance use: Intentions, peer substance use, and parent-adolescent communication. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33(2), 641-655.
Aleva, A., Betts, J. K. K., Cotton, S. M. M., Laceulle, O. M. M., Hessels, C. J. J., van Aken, M. A. G., Nicol, K., & Chanen, A. M. M. (2023). Emotion Dysregulation in Young People With Borderline Personality Disorder: One Pattern or Distinct Subgroups? Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 14(5), 567-578.
Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2023). Do Adolescents Engage in Delinquency to Cope with Depressive Symptoms? Revisiting the Longitudinal Link Between Delinquency and Depressive Symptoms While Considering Moderation by Ethnicity, Adolescent Phase, and Gender. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 9(2), 303–330.
Aleva, A., Laceulle, O. M., Denissen, J. J. A., Hessels, C. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2023). Adolescence as a peak period of borderline personality features? A meta-analytic approach. European Journal of Personality, 37(6), 669-685.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Iorfa, S. K., Maes, M., Ku, S., Benitez, Y. R., Brou, M., Gönül, B., Makila, M. L., Monteoliva, J., Riberiro, A. C. L., & van Aken, M. (2022). Communique issued at the end of a 1-day workshop organized by the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development on Open Science and Developmental Psychology. ISSBD Bulletin, 46(82), 27-28.
Hessels, C. J., van den Berg, T., Lucassen, S. A., Laceulle, O. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2022). Borderline personality disorder in young people: associations with support and negative interactions in relationships with mothers and a best friend. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 9(1), Article 2.
Koster, N., Lusin, I., Van Der Heijden, P. T., Laceulle, O. M., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2022). Understanding personality pathology in a clinical sample of youth: study protocol for the longitudinal research project 'APOLO'. BMJ Open, 12(6), Article e054485.
Denissen, J. J. A., Soto, C. J., Geenen, R., John, O. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2022). Matters arising from Lee et al. (2022). Personality and Individual Differences, 199, Article 111838.
Deutz, M. H. F., Lambooy, M. J. S., Vossen, H. G. M., Laceulle, O. M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Hessels, C. (2022). Associations Between Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms and Online Self-Disclosure in Clinically Referred Youth. Journal of Personality Disorders, 36(3), 359-376.
Denissen, J. J. A., Soto, C. J., Geenen, R., John, O. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2022). Incorporating prosocial vs. antisocial trait content in Big Five measurement: Lessons from the Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2). Journal of Research in Personality, 96, 1-17. Article 104147.
Dong, S., Dubas, J. J. S., Dekovic, M., Wang, Z., van Aken, M. A. G., & Wu, M. (2022). Committed compliance and maternal parenting behaviors predict internalization of rules and externalizing behaviors in Chinese preschool children. Early Education and Development, 33(1), 58-74.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Members of the International Situations Project, Denissen, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2021). International optimism: Correlates and consequences of dispositional optimism across 61 countries. Journal of Personality, 89(2), 288-304.
Members of the International Situations Project, & Denissen, J. (2021). Who in the World Is Trying to Change Their Personality Traits? Volitional Personality Change Among College Students in Six Continents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(5), 1140-1156.
Arends, I., Finkenauer, C., Mak, E., Schrijver, P., van Aken, M., & Verbree, A.-R. (2021). Regionaal samenwerken aan onderwijskwaliteit: Adviesrapport UU & Regionale Onderwijspartners.
Hessels, C. J., Laceulle, O. M., van Dijk, I., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2021). A CAT-based early intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Relational Mental Health, 4, 51-73.
Smale, M. A., Laceulle, O. M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Hessels, C. J. (2021). Ouderlijke steun, opvoedvertrouwen en borderlinekenmerken bij adolescenten. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 63(7/8), 543-549.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Slagt, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Denissen, J. J. A., & Thomaes, S. (2021). Narcissism and popularity among peers: A cross-transition longitudinal study. Self and Identity, 20(2), 282–296.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Members of the International Situations Project, Denissen, J. J. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2020). Situational experience around the world: A replication and extension in 62 countries. Journal of Personality, 88(6), 1091-1110.
International Situations Project, Denissen, J., & Van Aken, M. (2020). Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries. PLoS One, 15(12), Article e0242718.
Koster, N., van der Heijden, P. T., Laceulle, O. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2020). Een vernieuwende blik op persoonlijkheidsproblematiek bij jongeren: van traditionele hokjes naar dimensioneel denken. Kind & Adolescent, 2020(1), 31-49.
Koster, N., Laceulle, O. M., Van Der Heijden, P. T., Klimstra, T., De Clercq, B., Verbeke, L., De Caluwé, E. A. L., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2020). A Psychometric Evaluation of a Reduced Version of the PID-5 in Clinical and Non-Clinical Adolescents. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, 758-766.
Gilmore, R. O., Cole, P. M., Verma, S., van Aken, M. A. G., & Worthman, C. M. (2020). Advancing Scientific Integrity, Transparency, and Openness in Child Development Research: Challenges and Possible Solutions. Child Development Perspectives, 14(1), 9-14.
Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., Dalmaijer, E. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2020). Is the Peer Presence Effect on Heightened Adolescent Risky Decision-Making only Present in Males? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(3), 693-705.
Denissen, J. J. A., Geenen, R., Soto, C. J., John, O. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2020). The Big Five Inventory-2: Replication of psychometric properties of the Dutch adaptation and first evidence for the discriminant predictive validity of the facet scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 102, 309-324.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Lila, M., Van Aken, M., Musitu, G., & Buelga, S. (2019). Peer relations in adolescence. In Handbook of Adolescent Development (eBook) (pp. 175-199). Taylor & Francis.
Lila, M., Van Aken, M., Musitu, G., & Buelga, S. (2019). Families and adolescents. In Handbook of Adolescent Development (eBook) (pp. 154-174). Taylor & Francis.
Hessels, C., Laceulle, O., & Van Aken, M. (2019). Problemen in het begrijpen van en omgaan met anderen: relaties tussen borderlinepersoonlijkheidsproblemen en psychosociaal functioneren bij adolescenten. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 61(8), 563-571.
Slagt, M. I., Dubas, J. J. S., Ellis, B. J., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2019). Linking emotional reactivity ‘for better and for worse’ to differential susceptibility to parenting among kindergartners. Development and Psychopathology, 31(2), 741-758.
Luan, Z., Poorthuis, A. M. G., Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2019). Unique Predictive Power of Other-Rated Personality: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Personality, 87, 532-545.
De Caluwé, E., Verbeke, L., van Aken, M., Van Den Heijden, P. T., & De Clercq, B. (2019). The DSM-5 Trait Measure in a Psychiatric Sample of Late Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Structure, Reliability, and Validity. Journal of Personality Disorders, 33(1), 101-118.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2018). The Relative Roles of Peer and Parent Predictors in Minor Adolescent Delinquency: Exploring Gender and Adolescent Phase Differences. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, Article 242.
Laceulle, O. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2018). Transactions of Personality and the Social Environment during Development. In V. Zeigler-Hill, & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences SAGE.
Hessels, C. J., Laceulle, O. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Resch, F., & Kaess, M. (2018). Differentiating BPD in adolescents with NSSI disorder: the role of adverse childhood experiences and current social relationships. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 5, Article 20.
van Goethem, A. A. J., van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., & de Castro, B. O. (2018). Why is community service beneficial for adolescents' development? A review and theoretical model. In Volunteering: Attitudes, Social Influences and Gender Differences (pp. 1-19). Nova Science.
Koster, N., Laceulle, O., Van der Heijden, P., De Clercq, B., & van Aken, M. (2018). Trajectories of change in symptom distress in a clinical group of late adolescents: The role of maladaptive personality traits and relations with parents. Personality and Mental Health.
Baams, L., Dubas, J. J. S., Russell, S. T., Buikema, R. L., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2018). Minority Stress, Perceived Burdensomeness, and Depressive Symptoms Among Sexual Minority Youth. Journal of Adolescence, 66, 9-18.
Slagt, M., Dubas, J. S., van Aken, M. A. G., Ellis, B. J., & Dekovic, M. (2018). Sensory Processing Sensitivity as a Marker of Differential Susceptibility to Parenting. Developmental Psychology, 54, 543-558.
van Prooijen, D., Hutteman, R., Mulder, H., van Aken, M. A. G., & Laceulle, O. M. (2018). Self-control, parenting, and problem behavior in early childhood: A multi-method, multi-informant study. Infant Behavior and Development, 50, 28-41.
Broekhuizen, M. L., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. S., & Leseman, P. P. M. (2018). Child care quality and Dutch 2- and 3-year-olds' socio-emotional outcomes: Does the amount of care matter? Infant and Child Development, 27(1), Article e2043.
Koster, N., de Maat, D. A., Schreur, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2018). How borderline personality characteristics affect adolescents’ life satisfaction: The role of rejection sensitivity and social relations. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15(5), 594-607.
Meldrum, R. C., Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2018). Parental Self-Control and the Development of Male Aggression in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Test of Self-Control Theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(4), 935-957.
Luan, Z., Poorthuis, A. M. G., Hutteman, R., Asendorpf, J. B., Denissen, J. J. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2018). See me through my eyes: Adolescent-parent agreement in personality predicts later self-esteem development. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 42(1), 17-25.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Baranski, E. N., Gardiner, G., Guillaume, E., Aveyard, M., Bastian, B., Bronin, I., Ivanova, C., Cheng, J. T., de Kock, F. S., Denissen, J. J. A., Gallardo-Pujol, D., Halama, P., Han, G. Q., Bae, J., Moon, J., Hong, R. Y., Hřebíčková, M., Graf, S., Izdebski, P., ... Funder, D. C. (2017). Comparisons of Daily Behavior Across 21 Countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(3), 252-266.
Mulder, S. F., Hutteman, R., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2017). Predictive effects of social anxiety on increases in future peer victimization for a community sample of middle-school youth. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41(5), 588-596.
Dubas, J. S., Baams, L., Doornwaard, S. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2017). Dark personality traits and impulsivity among adolescents: Differential links to problem behaviors and family relations. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126(7), 877-889.
Chung, J. M., Hutteman, R., van Aken, M. A. G., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2017). High, low, and in between: Self-esteem development from middle childhood to young adulthood. Journal of Research in Personality, 70, 122-133.
Laceulle, O. M., Nederhof, E., van Aken, M. A. G., & Ormel, J. (2017). Adversity-driven changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning during adolescence. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 85, 49-55.
Van Alebeek, A., Van Den Heijden, P. T., Hessels, C., Thong, M. S. Y., & Van Aken, M. (2017). Comparison of three questionnaires to screen for borderline personality disorder in adolescents and young adults. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 33(2), 123-128.
Franken, A., Laceulle, O. M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Ormel, J. (2017). Using Response Surface Analysis to Interpret the Impact of Parent–Offspring Personality Similarity on Adolescent Externalizing Problems. European Journal of Personality, 31(1), 104-117.
Baams, L., Dubas, J. J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2017). Comprehensive sexuality education as a longitudinal predictor of LGBTQ name-calling and perceived willingness to intervene in school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(5), 931-942.
Broekhuizen, M. L., Slot, P. L., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dubas, J. S. (2017). Teachers’ Emotional and Behavioral Support and Preschoolers’ Self-Regulation: Relations With Social and Emotional Skills During Play. Early Education and Development, 28(2), 135-153.
Slagt, M., Dubas, J. S., van Aken, M., Ellis, B. J., & Dekovic, M. (2017). Children's differential susceptibility to parenting: An experimental test of “for better and for worse”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 154, 78-97.
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. J. S., Volling, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2017). The effect of paternal and alloparental support on the interbirth-interval among contemporary North American families. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 11(3), 272-280.
Luan, Z., Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2017). Do you see my growth? Two longitudinal studies on personality development from childhood to young adulthood from multiple perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 67, 44-60.
Verbeke, L., De Clercq, B., Van der Heijden, P., Hutsebaut, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2017). The Relevance of Schizotypal Traits for Understanding Interpersonal Functioning in Adolescents With Psychiatric Problems. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 8(1), 54–63.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Baams, L., Dubas, J. J. S., Overbeek, G., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). Opbloeiende seksualiteit: Een biopsychosociaal perspectief op de romantische en seksuele ontwikkeling van adolescenten. Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 40(4), 200-205.
Rijnhout, R., Giesen, I., van Aken, M. A. G., & van Hoof, J. T. C. (2016). Agressie van jeugdige voetballers en de rol van het recht: kennis en (on)begrip van de (spel)regels empirisch getoetst. Aansprakelijkheid verzekering en schade, 2016(5), 171-179. Article 34.
Dekovic, M., van de Bongardt, D., Baams, L., Doornwaard, S. M., Dalenberg, W., Reitz, E., Dubas, J. J. S., van Aken, M. A. G., Overbeek, G., ter Bogt, T. F. M., van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., Vanwesenbeeck, I., Kunnen, S., Timmerman, G., & van Geert, P. (2016). Ontwikkeling van romantische relaties en seksualiteit van Nederlandse adolescenten in context: Project STARS. Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 40(4), 195-199.
Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. J. S., Somerville, L. H., Lugtig, P. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). The unique roles of intrapersonal and social factors in adolescent smoking development. Developmental Psychology, 52(12), 2044-2056.
Slagt, M., Dubas, J. S., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). Differences in Sensitivity to Parenting Depending on Child Temperament: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 142, 1068-1110.
Hessels, C., van Aken, M. A. G., Orobio de Castro, B., Laceulle, O. M., & van Voorst, G. (2016). Social Information Processing and Cluster B Personality Pathology among Clinic-Referred Adolescents. Psychopathology, 49, 13-23.
Slagt, M., Dubas, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). Differential Susceptibility to Parenting in Middle Childhood: Do Impulsivity, Effortful Control and Negative Emotionality Indicate Susceptibility or Vulnerability? Infant and Child Development, 25, 302-324.
Hutteman, R., & van Aken, M. (2016). Personality traits versus personality types. In H. Miller (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology SAGE.

Overige resultaten

Luan, Z., Poorthuis, A. M. G., Hutteman, R., Asendorpf, J. B., Denissen, J. J. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). See me through my eyes: Does self-other agreement on personality promote self-esteem?. Abstract from Oral presentation (with EAPP scholarship) at European Conference on Personality (ECP), Timisoara, Romania., Timisoara, Romania.
Luan, Z., Hutteman, R., Poorthuis, A. M. G., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2016). How do adolescents see the personality development of their mothers, fathers, and siblings?. Poster session presented at Poster Presentation at the 24th ISSBD Biennial Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Laceulle, O. M., Nederhof, E., van Aken, M. A. G., & Ormel, J. (2015). Adolescent Personality: Associations With Basal, Awakening, and Stress-Induced Cortisol Responses. Journal of Personality, 83(3), 262-273.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Juvonen, J., Thomaes, S., Denissen, J. J. A., de Castro, B. O., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Do grades shape students' school engagement? The psychological consequences of report card grades at the beginning of secondary school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(3), 842-854.
Laceulle, O. M., Jeronimus, B. F., van Aken, M. A. G., & Ormel, J. (2015). Why not everyone gets their fair share of stress: Adolescent's perceived relationship affection mediates associations between temperament and subsequent stressful social events. European Journal of Personality, 29(2), 125-137. Article 29.
Broekhuizen, M. L., Van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. S., Mulder, H., & Leseman, P. P. M. (2015). Individual differences in effects of child care quality: The role of child affective self-regulation and gender. Infant Behavior and Development, 40, 216-230.
Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Beyers, W., & Graaf, H. (2015). Slotbeschouwing. In M. Dekovic, M. van Aken, E. Reitz, W. Beyers, & H. de Graaf (Eds.), Intieme relaties en seksualiteit (pp. 113-119). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Reitz, E., Beyers, W., & Graaf, H. (2015). Inleiding. In H. de Graaf (Ed.), Intieme relaties en seksualiteit (pp. 1-4). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Reitz, E., Beyers, W., & De Graaf, H. (2015). Intieme relaties en seksualiteit. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Guillaume, E., Baranski, E., Todd, E., Bastian, B., Bronin, I., Ivanova, C., Cheng, J. T., de Kock, F. S., Denissen, J. J. A., Gallardo-Pujol, D., Halama, P., Han, G. Q., Bae, J., Moon, J., Hong, R. Y., Hřebíčková, M., Graf, S., Izdebski, P., Lundmann, L., ... Funder, D. C. (2015). The World at 7:00: Comparing the Experience of Situations Across 20 Countries. Journal of Personality, 84(4).
Slagt, M., Dubas, J., Dekovic, M., Haselager, G. J. T., & van Aken, M. (2015). Longitudinal associations between delinquent behavior of friends and delinquent behavior of adolescents: Moderation by adolescent personality traits. European Journal of Personality, 29(4), 468-477.
Reitz, E., van de Bongardt, D., Baams, L., Doornwaard, S., Dalenberg, W., Dubas, J., van Aken, M., Overbeek, G., ter Bogt, T., van den Eijnden, R., Vanwesenbeeck, W., Kunnen, S., Timmerman, G., van Geert, P., & Deković, M. (2015). Project STARS (Studies on Trajectories of Adolescent Relationships and Sexuality): A longitudinal, multi-domain study on sexual development of Dutch adolescents. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12(5), 613-626.
Baams, L., Overbeek, G., van de Bongardt, D., Reitz, E., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Adolescents' and their friends' sexual behavior and intention: Selection effects of personality dimensions. Journal of Research in Personality, 54, 2-12.
Baams, L., Dubas, J. S., Overbeek, G., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Transitions in Body and Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Study on the Relationship Between Pubertal Development and Adolescent Sexual Behavior. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(6), 586-598.
Van Goethem, A., Van Hoof, A., Orobio de Castro, B., Van Aken, M., & Hart, D. (2015). The Role of Reflection in the Effects of Community Service on Adolescent Development: A Meta-Analysis. Child Development, 85(6), 2114-2130.
Baams, L., Overbeek, G., Dubas, J. S., Doornwaard, S. M., Rommes, E., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Perceived Realism Moderates the Relation Between Sexualized Media Consumption and Permissive Sexual Attitudes in Dutch Adolescents. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(3), 743-754.
Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. S., Figner, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). A Meta-Analysis on Age Differences in Risky Decision Making: Adolescents Versus Children and Adults. Psychological Bulletin, 141(1), 48-84.
Slagt, M., Dubas, J. S., Denissen, J. J. A., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Personality Traits as Potential Susceptibility Markers: Differential Susceptibility to Support Among Parents. Journal of Personality, 83(2), 155-166.
van Steijn, D. J., Oerlemans, A. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Buitelaar, J. K., & Rommelse, N. N. J. (2015). The Influence of Parental and Offspring Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms on Family Climate. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(7), 2021-2030.


Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Plezier op School: Een zomercursus om de sociale competentie van aanstaande brugklassers te verhogen. In M. Vermande, M. van der Meulen, & A. Reijntjes (Eds.), Pesten op school: Achtergronden en interventies (2 ed., pp. 196-200). Boom | Lemma.

Overige resultaten

Broekhuizen, M. L., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. J. S., & Leseman, P. P. M. (2015). Child care quality and Dutch 2 and 3 year olds’ socio-emotional outcomes: Does quantity of care matter?. Abstract from 16th Biennial EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., van de Pol, J. E., Mainhard, M. T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Blij, beschaamd of boos? Emotionele reacties op cijfers en de dagelijkse inzet van brugklasleerlingen. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen 2015, Leiden, Netherlands.
Defoe, I. N., Dubas, J. J. S., Figner, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). A meta-analysis on age differences in risky decision making: adolescents versus children and adults. Paper presented at The Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, New York, United States.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Businessplan ‘Plezier op School’.
Baams, L., Dubas, J. J. S., Overbeek, G. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Puberty, popularity, and intimate relationships among early adolescents: Longitudinal findings in the Netherlands.. Poster session presented at The International Academy of Sex Research 41st annual meeting, United Kingdom.
Luan, Z., Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Do you see my growth? Self-other agreement on personality development from childhood to young adulthood. Abstract from The LIFE Academy of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course, Germany.
Luan, Z., Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). You know me better? Two longitudinal studies on personality development from multiple perspectives. Abstract from Biennial Meeting of Association for Research in Personality, St.Louis, United States.
Slagt, M. I., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. J. S., & Dekovic, M. (2015). Differences in Susceptibility to Parenting Depending on Child Temperament: A Meta-analysis. Poster session presented at International Conference of Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Slagt, M. I., Dubas, J. J. S., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2015). Children’s differential susceptibility to parenting: Putting ‘for better and for worse’ to the test. Poster session presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, United States.
Slagt, M. I., Dubas, J. J. S., Dekovic, M., Haselager, G. J. T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2015). Peer socialization of delinquent behavior among adolescents: Moderation by personality traits. Paper presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, United States.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Steijn, D. J., Oerlemans, A. M., De Ruiter, S. W., van Aken, M. A. G., Buitelaar, J. K., & Rommelse, N. N. J. (2014). Are parental autism spectrum disorder and/or attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder symptoms related to parenting styles in families with ASD (+ADHD) affected children? European child & adolescent psychiatry, 22, 671-681.
van Aken, M. A. G., Denissen, J. J. A., Wood, D., & Penke, L. (2014). Self-regulation underlies temperament and personality: An integrative developmental framework. Child Development Perspectives, 7(4), 255-260.
van Goethem, A. A. J., van Hoof, A., Orobio De Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). Quality is key - The impact of community service, community service quality, and reflection on adolescents' volunteering intentions. International Journal of Developmental Science, 8(3/4), 137-147.
Laceulle, O., van Aken, M., Ormel, J., & Nederhof, E. (2014). Stress-sensitivity and reciprocal associations between stressful events and adolescent temperament. Personality and Individual Differences, 81, 76-83.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S., van Aken, M. A. G., Denissen, J. J. A., & de Castro, B. O. (2014). Dashed hopes, dashed selves? A sociometer perspective on self-esteem change across the transition to secondary school. Social Development, 23(4), 770-783.
Van Steijn, D. J., Oerlemans, A. M., Van Aken, M. A. G., Buitelaar, J. K., & Rommelse, N. N. J. (2014). The reciprocal relationship of ASD, ADHD, depressive symptoms and stress in parents of children with ASD and/or ADHD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(5), 1064-1076. Article 44.
Mulder, S. F., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). Socially anxious children at risk for victimization: The role of personality. Social Development, 23(4), 719-733.
Baay, P. E., Van Aken, M. A. G., De Ridder, D. T. D., & Van der Lippe, T. (2014). Understanding the role of social capital in adolescents' Big Five personality effects on school-to-work transitions. Journal of Adolescence, 37(5), 739-748.
Baay, P. E., van Aken, M. A. G., van der Lippe, T., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2014). Personality moderates the links of social identity with work motivation and job searching. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-8. Article 1044.
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). Jealousy in Firstborn Toddlers within the Context of the Primary Family Triad. Social Development, 23(2), 325-339.
Van de Schoot, R., Kaplan, D., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., Neyer, F. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Analysis: Applications to Developmental Research. Child Development, 85(3), 842-860.
Berenschot, F., Van Aken, M. A. G., Hessels, C., De Castro, B. O., Pijl, Y., Montagne, B., & Van Voorst, G. (2014). Facial emotion recognition in adolescents with personality pathology. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 23(7), 563-570.
Hessels, C., van den Hanenberg, D., de Castro, B. O., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). Relationships: empirical contribution. Understanding personality pathology in adolescents: the five factor model of personality and social information processing. Journal of Personality Disorders, 28(1), 121-142.
Laceulle, O. M., O'Donnell, K., Glover, V., O'Connor, T. G., Ormel, J., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Nederhof, E. (2014). Stressful events and psychological difficulties: Testing alternative candidates for sensitivity. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 23(2), 103-113.
Laceulle, O. M., Ormel, J., Vollebergh, W. A. M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Nederhof, E. (2014). A test of the vulnerability model: Temperament and temperament change as predictors of future mental disorders - The TRAILS study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(3), 227-236.
Scheepers, R. A., Lombarts, K. M. J. M. H., Van Aken, M. A. G., Heineman, M. J., & Arah, O. A. (2014). Personality traits affect teaching performance of attending physicians: Results of a multi-center observational study. PLoS One, 9(5), Article e98107.
Baams, L., Overbeek, G., Dubas, J. S., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). On early starters and late bloomers: The development of sexual behavior in adolescence across personality types. The Journal of Sex Research, 51(7), 754-764.
Baay, P. E., de Ridder, D. T. D., Eccles, J. S., van der Lippe, T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014). Self-control trumps work motivation in predicting job search behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 443-451.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Orobio de Castro, B., & Raaijmakers, Q. A. W. (2014). Socialising adolescent volunteering: How important are parents and friends? Age dependent effects of parents and friends on adolescents' volunteering behaviours. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35(2), 94-101.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2014). Personality in Action: Can Brief Behavioral Personality Tasks Predict Children's academic and Social adjustment Across the Transition to Secondary School? European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30(3), 169-177.


Broekhuizen, M., van Aken, M., Dubas, J., & Leseman, P. (2014). Kwaliteit van kinderopvang en sociale en emotionele ontwikkeling. Wat doen het temperament en het aantal dagen ertoe? Beleid Bestuur Management & Pedagogiek in de kinderopvang, 5, 32-35.

Overige resultaten

Laceulle, O., van Aken, M., Ormel, J., & Nederhof, E. (2014). Stress-sensitivity and reciprocal associations between stress and temperament during adolescence. Paper presented at Oral presentation at the Vereniging voor Nederlandse OntwikkelingsPsychologen, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Laceulle, O., Jeronimus, B., van Aken, M., & Ormel, J. (2014). Mediating Effects of Perceived Relationship Affection in the Association Between Adolescent Personality and Social Stressful Events. Paper presented at Oral presentation at the European Conference on Personality. , Lausanne, Switzerland.
Laceulle, O., Nederhof, E., van Aken, M., & Ormel, J. (2014). Predicting internalizing disorders from early adolescent temperament change. Paper presented at Oral presentation at the Biennial meeting International Society of Affective Disorders , Berlin , Germany.
van Dijk, A., Orobio De Castro, B., Thomaes, S., Poorthuis, A., & van Aken, M. (2014). Are children less biased to attribute hostile intent when their understanding of intentions improves? An experimental study in 3- to 7-year-olds. Poster session presented at the 23rd Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Shanghai, China.
Slagt, M., Dubas, J., van Aken, M., & Dekovic, M. (2014). Differences in Susceptibility to Parenting Depending on Child Temperament: A Meta-analysis. Poster session presented at 23rd Biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Shanghai, China.
Poorthuis, A., van de Pol, J., Mainhard, T., & van Aken, M. (2014). A good grade makes my day: Grades, adolescents’ daily levels of school engagement, and the role of peer context. Paper presented at Biennial meeting of the Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Wageningen, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Steijn, D. J., Oerlemans, A. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Buitelaar, J. K., & Rommelse, N. N. J. (2013). Match of mismatch? Influence of parental and offspring ASD and ADHD symptoms on the parent-child relationship. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(8), 1935-1945.
Asendorpf, J. B., Conner, M., De Fruyt, F., De Houwer, J., Denissen, J. J. A., Fiedler, K., Fiedler, S., Funder, D. C., Kliegl, R., Nosek, B. A., Perugini, M., Roberts, B. W., Schmitt, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Weber, H., & Wicherts, J. M. (2013). Replication is more than hitting the lottery twice. European Journal of Personality, 27.
Klimstra, T., Bleidorn, W., Asendorpf, J. B., van Aken, M. A. G., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2013). Correlated Change of Big Five Personality Traits Across the Lifespan: A Search for Determinants. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 768-777.
Asendorpf, J. B., Conner, M., De Fruyt, F., De Houwer, J., Denissen, J. J. A., Fiedler, K., Fiedler, S., Funder, D. C., Kliegl, R., Nosek, B. A., Perugini, M., Roberts, B. W., Schmitt, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Weber, H., & Wicherts, J. M. (2013). Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology. European Journal of Personality, 27, 108-119.
Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Roberts, B. W. (2013). Personality Development across the Life Span. In T. Chamorro-Premuzic, A. Furnham, & S. Von Stumm (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Individual Differences (pp. 75-100). Wiley-Blackwell.
Dufner, M., Denissen, J., Sedikides, C., van Zalk, M. H. W., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Are actual and perceived intellectual self-enhancers evaluated differently by social perceivers? European Journal of Personality, 27, 621-633.
Defoe, I. N., Keijsers, L., Hawk, S. T., Branje, S., Dubas, J. S., Buist, K. L., Frijns, T., van Aken, M. A. G., Koot, H. M., Van Lier, P. A. C., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2013). Siblings versus parents and friends: Longitudinal linksages to adolescent externalizing problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 54(8), 881-889.


Slot, W., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Psychologie van de adolescentie (25e druk). ThiemeMeulenhof.
van Aken, M. A. G., Hessels, C. J., & Van der Heijden, P. T. (2013). Persoonlijkheid van adolescenten: Normale ontwikkeling en persoonlijkheidspathologie. De Psycholoog, 48(3), 49-56.
Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Lichamelijke ontwikkeling en rijping. In W. Slot, & M. Aken (Eds.), Psychologie van de adolescentie (pp. 49-73). ThiemeMeulenhof.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Slot, W. (2013). Inleiding. In W. Slot, & M. A. G. Van Aken (Eds.), Psychologie van de adolescentie (pp. 15-29). ThieneMeulenhof.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Vrolijk of zwaarmoedig: de ontwikkeling van persoonlijkheid [Happy or sad: the development of personality]. In W. Koops, B. Levering, & M. De Winter (Eds.), Lachen en huilen in ontwikkeling (pp. 45-56). SWP.

Overige resultaten

Slagt, M. I., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. J. S., & Dekovic, M. (2013). Differential susceptibility to parenting: Putting ‘for better and for worse’ to the test. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Kick Off Symposium of the Consortium on Individual Development, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. J. S., & Dekovic, M. (2013). Differences in Susceptibility to Parenting Depending on Child Temperament: A Meta-analysis.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Kick Off Symposium of the Consortium on Individual Development, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
van Goethem, A. A. J., van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio De Castro, B. (2013). The effects of adolescents' volunteering. A meta-analysis.. Paper presented at Workshop Youth and Civic Participation. Is a Younger Generation Reshaping European Politics?, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Buist, K., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W., & van Aken, M. (2013). Attachment in conflictive vs. harmonious families: A Social Relations Model analysis. Paper presented at SRCD Biennial meeting, Seattle, United States.
Laceulle, O., Nederhof, E., van Aken, M., & Ormel, J. (2013). Adversity-driven changes in HPA-axis functioning and predicting mental disorders: Findings from the TRAILS-study. Paper presented at Adversity-driven changes in HPA-axis functioning and predicting mental disorders: Findings from the TRAILS-study, Seattle, United States.
van Dijk, A., Orobio De Castro, B., Thomaes, S., Poorthuis, A., & van Aken, M. (2013). Are children less prone to attribute hostile intent when their understanding of intentions increases?. Poster session presented at Peer Relations Onderzoek (PRO).
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Personality development and personality pathology: what can research traditions learn from each other. Paper presented at Invited presentation at the conference at the honorary doctorate of prof. A. Caspi at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Persoonlijkheid en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij adolescenten [Personality and personality pathology in adolescence]. Paper presented at Invited presentation at Altrecht Early Adulthood Psychiatry., Utrecht, The Netherlands.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Baams, L. (2013). Adolescentie, puberteit, seksualiteit [Adolescence, puberty, sexuality]. Paper presented at Presentation for parents at Heerbeeck College, Best, The Netherlands.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Persoonlijkheid, omgeving en psychopathologie bij kinderen en adolescenten [Personality, environment, and psychopathology in children and adolescents]. Paper presented at Keynote at the conference of the Vereniging Kinder- en Jeugdpsychotherapie (VKJP)., Woudschoten, The Netherlands.
Baams, L., Overbeek, G. J., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). "They do it, I do it, we do it" Adolescents' and their friends' (risky) sexual behavior: selection and influence effects of personality type. Paper presented at Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Children in Transition, June 2013. Paper presented at Invited presentation at the Kick-Off meeting of Utrecht University's strategic Theme Youth & Identity, Utrecht.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2013). The predictive validity of early childhood inhibition and aggressiveness for personality and social transitions in young adulthood. March 2013. Paper presented at Presentation at 1st World Conference on Personality, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Slagt, M. I., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. S., & Dekovic, M. (2013). Differences in Susceptibility to Parenting Depending on Child Temperament: A Meta-analysis. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology. October 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Baams, L., Overbeek, G. J., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Early- and late-bloomers: The longitudinal relation between personality types and adolescent sexual development. Poster session presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Personality in children and adolescents: antecedents, consequences, and development.. Paper presented at Keynote address at the XXVI Congresso AIP Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell' Educazione (Italian National Conference on Developmental and Educational Psychology)., Milano, Italy.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Personality over the life span: antecedents, consequences, and development.. Paper presented at Invited address at the ISSBD workshop "Social development and interpersonal dynamics in childhood and adolescence, Budapest, Hungary.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Juvonen, J., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Do grades shape students' school engagement? Psychological consequences of report cards at the beginning of secondary school. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, U.S.A..
Slagt, M. I., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. S., & Dekovic, M. (2013). Differences in Susceptibility to Parenting Depending on Child Temperament: A Meta-analysis. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the LIFE Academy. October 2013, Öhningen, Germany.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Persoonlijkheid en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij adolescenten [Personality and personality pathology in adolescence].. Paper presented at Invited presentation at Herlaarhof Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vught, The Netherlands.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling en een loopbaan als psycholoog [Personality development and a career as psychologist].. Paper presented at Invited presentation at the National Psychology Conference for Students, Maarssen, The Netherlands.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). The effectiveness of 'Happy at School' according to participants and parents. Poster session presented at Poster presentatie op Y&I (Youth & Identity) kickoff, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Slagt, M. I., Dubas, J. S., Dekovic, M., Haselager, G. J. T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Peer influences on adolescent antisocial behavior depend on adolescent personality: Susceptibility or vulnerability?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) regional workshop. September 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2013). Personality in action: Can brief behavioral tests of helping and goal tenacity predict children's acceptance and achievement?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Researach on Child Development (April 2013), Seattle, U.S.A..


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Harris, P. L., Rieffe, C., & van Aken, M. (2012). Editorial introduction: The social cognition of Willem Koops. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9(3), 291-294.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). The transactional relation between social support and children's competence. In Social Networks and Social Support in Childhood and Adolescence (pp. 131-148). De Gruyter.
van Aken, M. A. G., Coleman, J. C., & Cotterell, J. C. (2012). Issues concerning social support in childhood and adolescence. In Social Networks and Social Support in Childhood and Adolescence (pp. 429-442). De Gruyter.
Laceulle, O. M., Nederhof, E., Karreman, A., Ormel, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Stressful Events and Temperament Change during Early and Middle Adolescence: The TRAILS Study. European Journal of Personality, 26, 276-284.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Raaijmakers, Q. A. W., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). The role of adolescents' morality and identity in voluntering. Age and gender differences in a process model. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35(3), 509-520.
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). And baby makes four: the stability of coparenting and the effects of child temperament after the arrival of a second child. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 554-564.
Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Reitz, E., Beyers, W., & De Graaf, H. (2012). Inleiding op het themanummer Intieme relaties en seksualiteit. [Introduction to the special issue intimate relationships and sexuality]. Kind en adolescent, 33, 175-178.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Prosocial tendencies predict friendship quality, but not for popular children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112(4), 378-388.
Van Steijn, D. J., Richards, J. S., Oerlemans, A. M., De Ruiter, S. W., van Aken, M. A. G., Franke, B., Buitelaar, J. K., & Rommelse, N. N. J. (2012). The co-occurrence of autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in parents of children with ASD or ASD with ADHD. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 954-963.
Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Reitz, E., Beyers, W., & de Graaf, H. (2012). Intieme relaties en seksualiteit [Themanummer]. Kind en adolescent, 33(4).
Dufner, M., Denissen, J. J. A., van Zalk, M. H. W., Matthes, B., Meeus, W. H. J., van Aken, M. A. G., & Sedikides, C. (2012). Positive Intelligence Illusions: On the Relation Between Intelectual Self-Enhancement and Psychological Adjustment. Journal of Personality, 80, 537-571.
Laceulle, O. M., Nederhof, E., Karreman, A., Ormel, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Stressvolle gebeurtenissen en veranderingen in temperament tijdens de vroege en midden adolescentie: De TRAILS studie. Kind en adolescent, 33, 75-90.
Koolen, S., Poorthuis, A. M. G., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Cognitive Distortions and Self-Regulatory Personality Traits Associated with Proactive and Reactive Aggression in Early Adolescence. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36, 776-787.
Baams, L., Overbeek, G. J., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). De rol van persoonlijkheid in de ontwikkeling van seksueel gedrag van adolescenten. Kind en adolescent, 33(4), 206-217.
Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Beyers, W., & De Graaf, H. (2012). Slotbeschouwing bij het themanummer Intieme relaties en seksualiteit ([Epilogue to the special issue Intimate relationships and sexuality]. Kind en adolescent, 33, 289-296.


Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Plezier op school: Een zomercursus om de sociale competentie van aanstaande brugklassers te verhogen. In F. A. Goossens, M. M. Vermande, & M. Van der Meulen (Eds.), Pesten op school (pp. 197-202). Boom | Lemma.

Overige resultaten

Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Is narcissism a burden or benefit for young adolescents' popularity in the peer system.. Paper presented at Invited symposium conducted at the 22nd biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. July 2012., Edmonton, Canada.
Defoe, I. N., Hawk, S. T., Keijsers, L., Branje, S., Dubas, J. S., Buist, K. L., Frijns, T., van Aken, M. A. G., Van Lier, P. A. C., Koot, H. M., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2012). Siblings Versus Parents and Friends: Unique Effects of Sibling Externalizing Problems and Negative Interactions on Adolescent Externalizing Problems. Poster session presented at Research Poster presented at the conference of Society of Research on Adolescence (SRA) in March 2012, Vancouver, Canada.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Prosocial tendencies predict friendship quality, but not for popular children.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 22nd biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. July 2012., Edmonton, Canada.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2012). Adjustment in late adolescence and early adulthood: The role of personality and social relationships. Presentation at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Spetses, Greece. August 2012. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Laceulle, O., Nederhof, E., Karreman, A., Ormel, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Stressful events and temperament change from early to late adolescence: The TRAILS Study.. Paper presented at Oral presentation at the European Conference on Personality. July 2012, Trieste, Italy.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). The role of adolescents' morality and identity in volunteering. Age and gender differences in a process model. Poster session presented at Poster presented at group meeting on civic engagement, Würzburg, Germany.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Juvonen, J., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Do grades shape students' school engagement? An analysis of affective reactions to report card grades.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 22nd biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. July 2012., Edmonton, Canada.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Providing a Rich Environment for Adolescent Volunteering: Practice and Ideology. The role of best friend's and parents' volunteering and family civic orientation in adolescent volunteering. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 22nd Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Prosocial tendencies predict friendship quality, but not for popular children.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie. May 2012., Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Slagt, M. I., Dubas, J. S., Denissen, J. J. A., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Parents’ Differential Susceptibility to Relational Support from their Spouse and Adolescent Child.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Edmonton, Canada.
Defoe, I. N., Hawk, S. T., Keijsers, L., Branje, S., Dubas, J. S., Buist, K. L., Frijns, T., van Aken, M. A. G., Van Lier, P. A. C., Koot, H. M., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2012). Siblings Versus Parents and Friends: Unique Effects of Sibling Externalizing Problems and Negative Interactions on Adolescent Externalizing Problems. Poster session presented at Research poster presented at the Conference of the Dutch Society for Developmental Psychologists (VNOP), Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Laceulle, O. M., Nederhof, E., Ormel, J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Causes and consequences of adolescent temperament change: findings from the TRAILS study.. Paper presented at Oral presentation at the International Research Meeting on Temperamental and Cognitive Vulnerability. December 2012, Leuven, Belgium.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Family and peer influences in adolescents' volunteering behaviour. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Vacouver, BC, Canada.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Volunteering and Community Service. Paper presented at Paper presented at group meeting on civic engagement, Würzburg, Germany.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Juvonen, J., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Do grades shape students' school engagement? An analysis of affective reactions to report card grades.. Paper presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie. May 2012., Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Raaijmakers, Q. A. W., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). The role of adolescents' morality and identity in volunteering. Age and gender differences in a process model.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Practice or preach? The role of adolescents' parents and peers in their volunteering behaviour.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2012). Im Auge des Betrachters: Die Übereinstimmung zwischen Selbst- und Elterneinschätzung in Persönlichkeitsverläufen vom frühen Kindesalter bis ins Erwachsenenalter. Presentation at the 48th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Bielefeld, Germany. September 2012. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., van Aken, M. A. G., Denissen, J. J. A., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2012). Prosocial tendencies predict friendship quality, but not for popular children.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual meeting of peer researchers in the Netherlands, January 2012., Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Slagt, M. I., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Differential Susceptibility to Parenting in Middle Childhood: Do Impulsivity, Effortful Control and Negative Emotionality Indicate Susceptibility or Vulnerability?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Edmonton, Canada.
Mulder, S. F., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2012). Socially anxious children at risk for victimization. Wat is the influence of personality?. Paper presented at Oral presentation op SRCD congress. July 2012, Edmonton, Canada.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Asendorpf, J. B., Denissen, J. J. A., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Personality trajectories from early childhood through emerging adulthood. In W. Schneider, & M. Bullock (Eds.), Human Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood: Findings from a 20 Year Longitudinal Study (1st ed., pp. 119-144). Taylor & Francis.
van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Branje, S. J. T., van Aken, M. A. G., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2011). Who Benefits from Chatting, and Why? The Roles of Extraversion and Supportiveness in Chatting and Emotional Adjustment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(9), 1202-1215.
Van de Schoot, R., Hoijtink, H. J. A., Mulder, J., van Aken, M. A. G., Orobio de Castro, B., Meeus, W. H. J., & Romeijn, J. W. (2011). Evaluating expectations about negative emotional states of aggresive boys using bayesian model selection. Developmental Psychology, 47(1), 203-212.
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Rossem, R. (2011). Vriendschappen van teruggetrokken en agressieve kinderen. Kind en adolescent, 32, 18-32.
Klimstra, T. A., Frijns, T., Keijsers, L., Denissen, J. J. A., Raaijmakers, Q. A. W., van Aken, M. A. G., Koot, H. M., van Lier, P. A. C., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2011). Come Rain Or Come Shine: Individual Differences in How Weather Affects Mood. Emotion, 11, 1495-1499.
Denissen, J. J. A., Schönbrodt, J., van Zalk, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. (2011). Antecedents and consequences of peer-rated intelligence. European Journal of Personality, 25, 108-119.
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Competence, problem behavior, and the effects of having no friends, aggressive friends, or nonaggressive friends: a four-year longitudinal study. Merrill-Palmer quarterly : journal of developmental psychology, 57(2), 186-213.
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Machiavellianism in elementary school children: Risk and adaptation. In C. T. Barry, P. K. Kerig, K. K. Stellwagen, & T. D. Barry (Eds.), Narcissism and machiavellism in youth: Implications for the development of adaptive and maladaptive behavior (pp. 233-249). American Psychological Association.
Van de Schoot, R., Mulder, J., Hoijtink, H. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., Dubas, J. S., Orobio de Castro, B., Meeus, W. H. J., & Romeijn, J. (2011). An introduction to Bayesian model selection for evaluating informative hypotheses. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8(6), 713-729.
Deuling, J., Denissen, J. J. A., van Zalk, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. (2011). Perceived influence in groups over time: How associations with personality and cognitive ability can change over time. Journal of Research in Personality, 45, 576-585.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, J. C. T., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2011). New directions in the study of relations between parenting and externalizing behaviors in toddlerhood. In A. Fiedler, & I. Kuester (Eds.), Child development and child poverty (pp. 155-176). Nova Science.
MA Bekele, A. B., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dubas, J. S. (2011). Sexual violence victimization among female secondary school students in eastern Ethiopia. Violence and Victimization, 26, 608-630.
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. S., Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Understanding human biparental care: Does partner presence matter? Early Child Development and Care, 181, 639-647.
Gusdorf, L. M. A., Karreman, A., van Aken, M., Dekovic, M., & van Tuijl, C. (2011). The structure of Effortful Control in Preschoolers and its Relation to Externalizing Problems. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29, 612-634.


van Aken, M. A. G., Hutteman, R., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2011). Personality traits in adolescence. In B. B. Brown, & M. Prinstein (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence (pp. 261-268). Elsevier.

Overige resultaten

Baams, L., Overbeek, G., Dubas, J., van de Bongardt, D., & van Aken, M. (2011). Sexual development among Dutch youth: The role of psychological and physical factors [research plan]. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 215-215.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Inhibited and aggressive children at 29 years of age: Continuity of externalizing and internalizing profiles into adulthood. Presentation at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Canada. April 2011. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2011). The role of adolescents' morality and identity in their volunteering involvement: A process model. Paper presented at Paper presented at the conference of the Biennial Meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). The effectiveness of the training programme "Happy at School". A ramdomized Controlled Trial.. Paper presented at Oral presentation at SRCD conference., Montreal, Canada.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2011). I love me, I love me not. A sociometer perspective on self-esteem change across a school transition.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, U.S.A..
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Jealousy of firstborn toddlers within the context of the primary family triad.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development biennial meeting., Montreal, Canada.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2011). Stimulating adolescents' morality, identity, and volunteering through community service. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the conference of the Biennial Meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Denissen, J. J. A., Hutteman, R., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2011). Early adolescence predictors of adjustment to adulthood: The role of personality and social relationships. Presentation at the 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway. August 2011.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2011). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeit, sozialen Beziehungen und Erwartungen, Einstellungen und Entscheidungen zur Elternschaft. Presentation at the 11th Meeting of the Section for Individual Differences, Personality, and Assessment of the German Psychological Society (DPPD), Saarbrücken, Germany. September 2011.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). The effectiveness of the training program "Happy at School" on reducing social anxiety. A Randomized Controlled Trial.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Social Anxiety Master Class., Leiden, The Netherlands.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2011). The role of adolescents' morality and identity in volunteering. Gender differences in a process model.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2011). Stimulating adolescents' morality, identity, and volunteering through community service. A proposal.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, J. T. C., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2011). Stimulating adolescent's morality, identity and volunteering through service-learning. Paper presented at Paper presented at the preconference of the Biennial Meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2011). Personality Moderates the Relation Between Social Anxiety and Being Bullied.. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the SRCD Conference, Montreal, Canada.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2010). New directions in the study of the relations between parenting and externalizing behaviors in toddlerhood. In Child Development and Child Poverty (pp. 156-176). Nova Science.
van Zalk, M. H. W., Burk, W. J., Branje, S. J. T., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Meeus, W. H. J. (2010). Emerging late adolescent friendship networks and Big Five personality traits: A social network approach. Journal of Personality, 78(2), 509-538.
Verhoeven, J. C. T., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Parenting and children’s externalizing behavior. Bidirectionality during toddlerhood. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 93-105.
Karreman, A., de Haas, S., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2010). Relations among temperament, parenting and problem behavior in young children. Infant Behavior and Development, 33, 39-49.
Verhoeven, J. C. T., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Mothering, fathering and externalizing behavior in toddler boys. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 72, 307-317.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2010). Young children's self-regulation and the development of moral conduct. In W. Koops, D. Brugman, T. J. Ferguson, & A. F. Sanders (Eds.), The Development and Structure of Conscience (pp. 271-285). Psychology Press.
Buschgens, C. J. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Swinkels, S. H. N., Ormel, J., Verhulst, F. C., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2010). Externalizing behaviors in preadolescents: Familial risk to externalizing behaviors and perceived parenting styles. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 19(7), 567-575.

Overige resultaten

Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). The effectiveness of the training programma 'Happy at School'. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Paper presented at Presentatie op het ISSBD congres, Zambia.
van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2010). The role of adolescents' morality and identity in their civic prosocial behavior. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Vilnius, Lithuania.
Denissen, J. J. A., Hutteman, R., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2010). Personality and social relationship correlates of fertility decisions in early adulthood: A longitudinal study. Presentation at the 15th European Conference on Personality, Brno, Czech Republic. July 2010. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2010). How does personality shape children's social adjustment after transitioning to secondary school?. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 21st meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lusaka, Zambia.
Denissen, J. J. A., Hutteman, R., van Aken, M. A. G., Asendorpf, J. B., & Völker, B. G. M. (2010). Zusammenhänge zwischen Fertilitätsentscheidungen und Persönlichkeit und sozialen Beziehungen im jungen Erwachsenenalter: Eine Längsschnittstudie. Presentation at the 47th congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Bremen, Germany. September 2010. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). The effectiveness of the training programme 'Happy at School'. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Paper presented at Presentatie op het EUSARF congres, Groningen.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2010). Ze houden van me, ze houden niet van me: Een "sociometer" benadering van veranderingen in zelfwaardering na een schooltransitie. Paper presented at Presentatie gehouden op de jaarlijkse bijeenkomst voor peer relatie onderzoekers in Nederland.
Dubas, J. S., Szabó, N., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Daddy Dearest: A person-oriented approach to understanding paternal involvement and child outcomes. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Society on Family Relations, Milan, Italy.
Denissen, J. J. A., Hutteman, R., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2010). The interplay of personality, social relationships, and demographic transitions between childhood and early adulthood. Presentation at the 15th European Conference on Personality, Brno, Czech Republic. July 2010. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., Völker, B. G. M., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2010). Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im Kontext sozialer Beziehungen und Transitionen. Presentation at the 47th congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Bremen, Germany. September 2010. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Verhoeven, J. C. T., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Parenting and children’s externalizing behavior: bidirectionality during toddlerhood. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 21st Biennial Congress of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lusaka, Zambia.
Dubas, J. S., Szabó, N., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Engaging fathers: A person-oriented approach to understanding the link between paternal involvement and. Paper presented at Poster Workshop participant at the 12th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Leipzig, Germany.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). The interplay of personality, social relationships, and demographic transitions between childhood and early adulthood. Presentation at the 21st biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lusaka, Zambia. July 2010. Paper presented at Unknown event.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Tremblay, R. E., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Koops, W. (2009). Research on the development and prevention of behaviour problems: A fundamental change still hard to grasp for most investigators. In Development and Prevention of Behaviour Problems: From Genes to Social Policy (pp. 1-6). Routledge.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Editorial announcement. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33(1), 1.
Tremblay, R. E., van Aken, M. A. G., & Koops, W. (2009). Development and prevention of behaviour problems: From genes to social policy. Taylor & Francis.
Hutteman, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Changing dynamics in problematic personality: A multiwave longitudinal study of the relationship between shyness and aggressiveness from childhood to early adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 1083-1094.
Tremblay, R., van Aken, M. A. G., & Koops, W. (2009). Development and prevention of behaviour problems. Psychology Press.
Buschgens, C. J. M., Swinkels, S. H. N., van Aken, M. A. G., Ormel, J., Verhulst, F. C., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2009). Externalizing behavior, prenatal and perinatal risks, and their interactions. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 18, 65-74.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Personality in children and adolescents: development and consequences. In R. Tremblay, M. A. G. van Aken, & W. Koops (Eds.), Development and prevention of behaviour problems Psychology Press.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2009). Predicting young children’s externalizing problems: Interactions among effortful control, parenting, and child sex. Merrill-Palmer quarterly : journal of developmental psychology, 55, 111-134.
Van Nieuwenhuijzen, M., Orobio de Castro, B., van Aken, M. A. G., & Matthys, W. C. H. J. (2009). Impulse control and aggressive response generation as predictors of aggressive behaviour in children with mild intellectual disabilities and borderline intelligence. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53(3), 233-242.
Polman, H., Orobio de Castro, B., Thomaes, S. C. E., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). New directions in measuring reactive and proactive aggression: Validation of a teacher questionnaire. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37(2), 183-193.
Tremblay, R. E., van Aken, M. A. G., & Koops, W. (2009). Research on the development and prevention of behaviour problems: a fundamentl change still hard to grasp for most investigators. In R. E. Tremblay, M. A. G. van Aken, & W. Koops (Eds.), Development and prevention of behavior problems. Grom genes to social policy (pp. 1-7). Psychology Press.
Tremblay, R. E., van Aken, M. A. G., & Koops, W. (2009). Development and prevention of behavior problems. From genes to social policy. Psychology Press.
Dubas, J. S., Heijkoop, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). A preliminary investigation of parent-progeny olfactory recognition and parental investment. Human Nature, 20, 80-92.
Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dubas, J. S. (2009). It takes two to tango: How parents' and adolescents' personalities link to the quality of their mutual relationship. Developmental Psychology, 45(4), 928-941.
Heijkoop, M., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Parent-child resemblance and kin investment: Physical resemblance or personality similarity? European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6, 64-69.
Dubas, J. S., Heijkoop, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Parent-progeny olfactory recognition and parental investment. Human Nature, 20(1), 80-92.
Heijkoop, M., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Parent-child resemblance and parental investment: Personality similarity or physical resemblance? European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6(1), 64-69.


Asendorpf, J. B., Denissen, J. J. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Der lange schatten der frühen persönlichkeit. In W. Schneider (Ed.), Entwicklung von der frühen kindheit bis zum frühen erwachsenenalter: Befunde der Münchner Längsschnittstudie LOGIK Beltz Verlag.

Overige resultaten

Van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Boom, J., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2009). The role of moral development, identity, family, and personality in the civic prosocial behavior of adolescents. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral on Education (AME), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Karreman, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Dekovic, M., Junger, M., van der Beek, C., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., van der Veen, H. C. J., & Doreleijers, T. A. P. H. (2009). Self-control in young boys: Stability, change, and associations with the Big Five. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Denver, USA.
Karreman, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Dekovic, M., & van Tuijl, C. (2009, Apr 1). Fathers’ and mothers’ parenting, effortful control and behavior problems at age 3 to 7.
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. S., Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2009). Partner manipulation in child-care. Poster session presented at Poster presented at Third annual conference of European Human Behaviour and Evolution, Montpellier, France.
van Goethem, A. A. J., Van Hoof, A., Boom, J., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2009). The role of moral development, identity, family characteristics, and personality in the civic behavior of adolescents. A proposal. Poster session presented at Poster gepresenteerd tijdens het AME congres (Association for Moral Education), Utrecht.
Karreman, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Dekovic, M., & van Tuijl, C. (2009). Parenting behaviors through the eyes of mothers, fathers and observers. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Ghent, Belgium.
Heijkoop, M., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Child attractiveness and parental investment: Do looks really matter?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the SRCD, Denver, Co., U.S.A..
Dubas, J. S., Roest, A., Szabó, N., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). Birth order, personality, and values: A test of Sulloway's family Niche model among adolescents. Paper presented at Individual Pecha Kucha presentation at the biennial meeting, Denver, Co., U.S.A..
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., Onrust, S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). RCT-onderzoek naar de effecten van de zomercursus "Plezier op school". Paper presented at Poster gepresenteerd tijdens het Jeugd in onderzoek congres van het Nederlands jeugd instituut, Nieuwegein, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Mulder, S. F., Faber, M., Onrust, S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2009). RCT-onderzoek naar de effecten van de zomercursus "Plezier op school". Paper presented at Poster gepresenteerd tijdens het Nationaal volksgezondheidscongres, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Denissen, J. J. A., Butalid, L., Penke, L., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). The Effects of Weather on Daily Mood: A Multilevel Approach. Emotion, 8(5), 662-667.
Van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). The longitudinal relations between parenting and toddlers’ attention problems and aggressive behaviors. Infant Behavior and Development, 31(3), 432-446.
Szabó, N., Deković, M., Van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Junger, M. (2008). The relations among child negative interactive behavior, child temperament, and maternal behavior. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23(3), 366-377.
Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Childhood Personality Predicts Long-Term Trajectories of Shyness and Aggressiveness in the Context of Demographic Transitions in Emerging Adulthood. Journal of Personality, 76, 67-99.
van de Beek, C., Karreman, A., Junger, M., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., & Doreleijers, T. A. P. H. (2008). Zelfcontrole en externaliserend gedrag bij kleuters. WODC.
Denissen, J. J. A., Geenen, R., van Aken, M. A. G., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. (2008). Development and validation of a Dutch translation of the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Journal of Personality Assessment, 90, 152-157.
Buschgens, C. J. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Swinkels, S. H. N., Altink, M. E., Fliers, E. A., Rommelse, N. N. J., Minderaa, R. B., Sergeant, J. A., Faraone, S. V., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2008). Differential family and peer environmental factors are related to severity and comorbidity in children with ADHD. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115, 177-186.
Szabó, N., Dekovic, M., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Junger, M. (2008). The relations among child negative interactive behavior, child temperament, and maternal behaviour. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23(3), 366-377.
Sturaro, C., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2008). Person-environment transactions during emerging adulthood: The interplay between personality characteristics and social relationships. European Psychologist, 13, 1-11.
Denissen, J. J. A., Penke, L., Schimitt, D. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Self-Esteem Reactions to Social Interactions: Evidence for Sociometer Mechanisms Across Days, People, and Nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 181-196.
Polman, J. D. M., Orobio de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Experimental study of the differential effects of playing versus watching violent video games on children's aggressive behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 34(3), 256-264.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). The next step: Towards personality development in animals. European Journal of Personality, 22, 468-470.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). The relation between parental personality and observed parenting: The moderating role of preschoolers' effortful control. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 723-734.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). The longitudinal relations between parenting and toddles' attention problems and aggressive behaviors. Infant Behavior and Development, 31(3), 423-446.
Denissen, J. J. A., Geenen, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Single item Big Five ratings in a social network design. European Journal of Personality, 22, 37-54.
Wierda, T., Vermeer, A., Kleber, R. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). The psychosocial problems of children with HIV/AIDS in antiretroviral treatment: A longitudinal study. In A. Vermeer, & H. Tempelman (Eds.), Health care in rural South Africa: An innovative approach (Third Revised and extended edition) (pp. 481-500). VU University Press.
Asendorpf, J. B., Denissen, J. J. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Inhibited and aggressive preschool children at 23 years of age: Personality and social transitions into adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 44, 997-1011.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). Parenting, coparenting, and effortful control in preschoolers. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 30-40.

Overige resultaten

Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). The role of self-regulation for externalizing problems in young children: Interactions with parenting. Paper presented at Paper presented at the conference of Vereniging voor Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Wageningen.
Palmen, H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). The moderating role of having aggressive friends, non-aggressive friends or no friends on the prospective relation between child aggression and adjustment. Paper presented at Paper presented at the symposium on Dynamics of Peer Relations, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Personality Development. Paper presented at Invited keynote at the 1st Hellenic Conference of Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece.
Palmen, H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Having aggressive friends in elementary school. Paper presented at Paper presented at the NNV Dag 2008, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). Interactions between effortful control and family processes in the prediction of externalizing problems. Paper presented at Invited symposium conducted at the 14th European Conference on Personality, Tartu, Estonia.
Palmen, H., Vermande, M. M., Bukowski, W. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Child characteristics, best friend characteristics, and their interactions: Links with externalizing and internalizing problem behaviour. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Würzburg, Germany.
van de Beek, C., Karreman, A., Junger, M., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., & Doreleijers, T. A. P. H. (2008). Self-control and externalizing problems in preschoolers: A multi-method and multi-informant study. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the 10th anniversary congress of European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (EFCAP), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Szabó, N., Dubas, J. S., Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). Do fathers become lazy in the presence of mothers?. Paper presented at Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Würzburg, Germany.
Poorthuis, A. M. G., Thomaes, S. C. E., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2008). The role of personality and social cognition in children's social and academic development. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the twentieth meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Würzburg, Germany.
Palmen, H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Machiavellianism: Risk and adaptation. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ISED Research Dag 2008, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Palmen, H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). The moderating role of having aggressive friends, nonaggressive friends or no friends on the prospective relation between child aggression and adjustment. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Würzburg, Germany.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Caspi, A. (2008). Personality development. Paper presented at Invited symposium organized at the XXth Biennial Meetings of ISSBD, Wurzburg, Germany.
Szabó, N., Dekovic, M., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Junger, M. (2008). The relations between child negative interactive behavior, child temperament, and maternal behavior. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Würzburg, Germany.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goudena, P. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). Ontwikkelingsmodellen en persoonlijkheidspathologie. In E. H. M. Eurelings-Bontekoe, R. Verheul, & W. M. Snellen (Eds.), Handboek persoonlijkheidspathologie (pp. 37-49). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). A short-term longitudinal study of the development of self-reported parenting during toddlerhood. Parenting: Science and Practice, 7, 1-28.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). Externalizing behaviors and minor unintentional injuries in toddlers: Common risk factors? Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 32(2), 230-244.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Dekovic, M., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2007). Parental personality, parenting and toddlers' externalizing behaviors. European Journal of Personality, 21, 993-1015.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddlers’ externalizing behaviors. Infant and Child Development, 16, 553-572.
Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). Parenting during toddlerhood: Contributions of parental, contextual and child characteristics. Journal of Family Issues, 28, 1663-1691.

Overige resultaten

Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). Predicting young children's externalizing problems: Interactions between effortful control, child sex, parenting and coparenting. Paper presented at Paper presented at the international research meeting on temperament and developmental pathways to psychopathology, Leuven, Belgium.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). Identity formation and self-definition in adolescence: Temporal dynamics and psychosocial contexts. Paper presented at Contribution as discussant at the 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddlers’ externalizing behaviors. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), Boston, USA.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). Attachment representations in middle childhood and social adaptation. Paper presented at Contribution as discussant at the 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany.
Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). The interplay between maternal and paternal behavior in the prediction of toddlers’ problem behavior. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), Boston, USA.
Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). How do shy and aggressive children develop? Findings from the LOGIC study, age 4-6 to 23 years ( Aug. 2007). Paper presented at Presentation at the 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany.
Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dubas, J. S. (2007). The joint impact of parents' and adolescents' personality on the quality of their mutual relationship: It takes two to tango but sometimes the little ones are leading! (Aug. 2007). Paper presented at Presentation at the 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany.
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Bukowski, W. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007, Nov 22). Child characteristics, best friend characteristics, and their interactions: Links with externalizing and internalizing problem behaviour.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). The Interactive Effects of Temperament and Maternal Parenting on toddlers' externalizing Behaviors. Paper presented at Poster at the 2007 Biennial Meeting SRCD, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A..
Heijkoop, M., Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). When the Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree: Parent-Child Resemblance and Kin Investment. Paper presented at Poster presented at the European Human Behaviour and Evolution conference (Mar. 2007), London, U.K..
Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007). Inhibited and Aggressive preschool children at 23 years of age: Personality and social transitions into adulthood (Mar. 2007). Paper presented at Presentation at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Boston, U.S.A..
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & van Rossem, R. (2007). aggressive and withdrawn friends in similar and dissimilar friendship dyads (Mar. 2007). Paper presented at In J.M.H. Palmen (Chair), Variability in and Functional Significance of Similarity in Children's Dyadic Peer Relations. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the SRCD, Boston, MA, U.S.A..
Szabó, N., Dekovic, M., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Junger, M. (2007). relation between Child Negative Behavior, Child Temperament and Maternal Behavior.. Paper presented at Poster session presented at the International Research Meeting: Temperament and Developmental Pathways to Psychopathology (Jun. 2007), Leuven, Belgium.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). The prediction of family interactions from parental personality and self-regulation of 3-year-old children (2007). Paper presented at In S.C. Mangelsdorf & A. Karreman (Chairs), Prenatal and postnatal predictors of triadic family interaction.Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, U.S.A..
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2007, Mar 1). Friendship between similar and dissimilar children.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddlers' externalizing behaviors. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the symposium on Temperament and Developmental Pathways to Psychopathology, Leuven, Belgium.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2007, Mar 29). The prediction of family interactions from parental personality and self-regulation of 3-year old children.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Palmen, J. M. H., Roij, C. J. L. M., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Over conceptverwarring en misperceptie. Antwoord op Delfos. Kind en adolescent, 27, 183-185.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2006). Parenting and self-regulation in preschoolers: A meta-analysis. Infant and Child Development, 15, 561-579.
Stofmeel, F., Wehmeijer, F., Tempelman, H., van Aken, M. A. G., & Vermeer, A. (2006). Effects of a nutrition programme on the health and development of undernourished children. In A. Vermeer, & H. Tempelman (Eds.), Health Care in Rural South-Africa: An innovative approach (pp. 55-68). VU University Press.
Versteege, A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Vermeer, A. (2006). The Quality of Life of children living with HIV/AIDS on ARV- treatment. In A. Vermeer, & H. Tempelman (Eds.), Health Care in Rural South-Africa: An innovative approach (pp. 261-272). VU University Press.
Lila, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Musitu, G., & Buelga, S. (2006). Family and adolescence. In A. E. Jackson, & L. Goossens (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Development: European Perspectives (pp. 154-174). Psychology Press.
Faber, M., Verkerk, G., van Aken, M. A. G., Lissenburg, L., & Geerlings, M. (2006). Sterker naar de brugklas. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 5, 32-39.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Zelfrapportage van persoonlijkheid en probleemgedrag bij jonge kinderen [Self-reports of personality and conductproblems in young children]. Kind en adolescent, 27, 71-72.
Palmen, J. M. H., Roij, C. J. L. M., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Sekseverschillen in vrienschapsbehoeften [Gender differences in friendship needs]. Kind en adolescent, 27, 44-56.
Asendorpf, J. B., Denissen, J. J. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Social Competence. In F. E. Weinert, & W. Schneider (Eds.), The Munich Longitudinal Study on the Genesis of Individual Competencies (LOGIC), Report no. 14) Max-Planck-Institute for psychological research.
Scholte, R. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Peer relations in adolescence. In A. E. Jackson, & L. Goossens (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Development: European Perspectives (pp. 175-199). Psychology Press.
Braet, C., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Developmental psychopathology: Substantive, methodological and policy issues. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30, 2-4.
Kalmijn, M., van Aken, M. A. G., Bennis, H., Bijleveld, C., Bransen, J. A. M., Deeg, D., & Ormel, J. (2006). Kwaliteit van Leven: De Dynamiek van Levenslopen [Quality of Life: The Dynamics of Life-Spans). Concept raamwerknotitie voor een NWO thema. NWO.
van Aken, M. A. G., Denissen, J. J. A., Branje, S. J. T., Dubas, J. S., & Goossens, L. (2006). Midlife concerns and short-term personality change in middle adulthood. European Journal of Personality, 20(6), 497-513.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). De persoonlijkheid van kinderen: Ontwikkeling en consequenties. Kind en adolescent, 27(4), 204-216.

Overige resultaten

Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Long-term trajectories of shyness, and aggressiveness from preschool to young adulthood: The moderating role of personality types. Paper presented at Presentation at the 10th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Antalya, Turkey..
Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Long-term trajectories of shyness, and aggressiveness from preschool to young adulthood: The moderating role of personality types. Paper presented at Presentation at the symposium 20 Jahre LOGIK-Studie, Munich, Germany.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Stability and change in adolescent personality. Paper presented at Contribution as discussant at the 10th EARA meetings, Antalya.
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & van Rossem, R. (2006). Aggressive children and their friends. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the XVII World Meeting of International Society for Research on Aggression, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). De persoonlijkheid van kinderen: Ontwikkeling en consequenties. UU.
Bekkers, R. H. F. P., van Aken, M. A. G., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2006). Social Structure and Personality Assortment Among Married Couples. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2006). Relations between parenting, coparenting, and effortful control in preschoolers. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Paris, France, July 2006.
van Aken, M. A. G., Denissen, J. J. A., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2006). Long-Term Trajectories of Intelligence, Shyness, and Aggressiveness From Preschool to Young Adulthood: The Moderating Role of Personality Types. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 19th ISSBD meetings, Melbourne.
Verkerk, G., Faber, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Pleasure at school’: effective in the Prevention of Peer Victimization in Secondary Education. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 4th World Conference on the promotion of Mental Health and prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Developing Resilience and Strength across the life span, Oslo, Norway..
Denissen, J. J. A., Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Long-term trajectories of shyness, and aggressiveness from preschool to young adulthood: The moderating role of personality types. Paper presented at Presentation at the 13th European Conference on Personality, Athens, Greece.
Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2006). Vriendschappen tussen agressieve en teruggetrokken kinderen. Paper presented at Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ISED-Researchdag, Leiden.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2006). Personality – relationship transaction in adolescence and young adulthood. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 19th ISSBD meetings, Melbourne.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Branje, S. J. T. (2006). Inter-individual differences in intra-individual change in adolescents' personality and relationships. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 10th EARA meetings. May 2-6, 2006, Antalya.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Tuijl, C., Branje, S. J. T., Dubas, J. S., Vermulst, A. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Parent-offspring similarity in personality and adolescents' problem behavior. European Journal of Personality, 19, 51-68.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Het kinderlijke brein van de adolescent [The adolescent's childish brain]. Kind en adolescent, 26, 253-254.
van Tuijl, C., Branje, S. J. T., Dubas, J. S., Vermulst, A. A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Parent-offspring similarity in personality and adolescents' problem behaviour. European Journal of Personality, 19(1), 51-68.
Gerrits, M., Goudena, P. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Parent-child and peer-child interactions. Infant and Child Development, 14, 229-241.
van Aggelen-Gerrits, M. H., Goudena, P. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Child-parent and child-peer interaction: Observational similarities and differences at age seven. Infant and Child Development, 14, 229-241.
Scholte, R. H. J., van Lieshout, C. F. M., de Wit, C., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Adolescent personality types and subtypes and their psychosocial adjustment. Merrill-Palmer quarterly : journal of developmental psychology, 51, 258-286.
Delsing, M. J. M. H., van Aken, M. A. G., Oud, J. H. L., Bruyn, E. E. J., & Scholte, R. H. J. (2005). Family loyalty and adolescent problem behavior: The validity of the family group effect. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15, 127-150.
Branje, S. J. T., van Lieshout, C. F. M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Gerris, J. R. M. (2005). Verandering en ontwikkeling in Big Five persoonlijkheidsfactoren tijdens de adolescentie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden, 60(3), 59-69.
Branje, S. J. T., van Lieshout, C. F. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Relations between agreeableness and perceived support in family relationships: Why nice people are not always supportive. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29(2), 120-128.

Overige resultaten

Palmen, J. M. H., Vermande, M. M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Friendship and friendship needs. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ISED UU - researchdag, Utrecht.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2005). Relations between parenting, coparenting, and effortful control in preschoolers. Paper presented at Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ISED-researchdag, Leiden.
Junger, M., van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). The development of physical aggression and unintentional injuries in relation to parental and child's level of self-control in preschool children. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2005). Externaliserend probleemgedrag en ongevallen bij kinderen in de voorschoolse leeftijd: Overeenkomstige risicofactoren?. Paper presented at Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ISED-researchdag, Leiden.
van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2005). Externalizing behaviours and minor unintentional injuries in toddlers: common risk factors?. Paper presented at Paper presented at the British Psychological Developmental Section Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Parenting during toddlerhood: Contributions of parental, contextual and child characterictics. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ISED-researchday, Leiden.
Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2005). Parenting during toddlerhood: Contributions of parental, contextual and child characteristics. Paper presented at Paper presented at the British Psychological Developmental Section Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Buist, K. L., Dekovíc, M., Meeus, W., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). The reciprocal relationship between early adolescent attachment and internalizing and externalizing problem behaviour. Journal of Adolescence, 27(3), 251-266.
Vyt, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Bosch, J. D., van der Gaag, R. J., & Ruijssenaars, W. (2004). Jaarboek ontwikkelingspsychologie, orthopedagogiek en kinderpsychiatrie. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Tamrouti, I., Dubas, J. S., Gerris, J. R. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). The relation between the absolute level of parenting and differential parental treatment with adolescent siblings' adjustment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 1397-1406.
Dubas, J. S., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Verschillen in opvoeding tussen en binnen gezinnen vanuit een evolutionair ontwikkelingsperspectief. [Between and within difference in parenting from a developmental evolutionary perspective]. In A. Vyt, M. van Aken, J. Bosch, R. J. van der Gaag, & A. Ruijssenaars (Eds.), Jaarboek Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Orthopedagogiek en Kinderpsychiatrie [Yearbook: Developmental Psychology, Educational Studies and Child Psychiatry]. (pp. 343-363). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
van Aken, M. A. G., Dekovic, M., Koot, H. M., Verschueren, K., & Vlieger-Smid, G. A. (2004). Sociale relaties van kinderen en jeugdigen: een introductie op het themanummer. Kind en adolescent, 25, 66-73.
van Aken, M. A. G., Dekovic, M., Koot, M., Verscheuren, K., & Smid, G. A. (2004). Sociale relaties in ontwikkelingsperspectief [Special Issue]. Kind en Adolescent, 25(2).
Branje, S. J. T., van Lieshout, C. F. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Relations between Big Five personality characteristics and perceived support in adolescents' families. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(4), 615-628.
Buist, K. L., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Attachment in adolescence: A social relations model analysis. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19, 826-850.
Vékony, A., van Aggelen-Gerrits, M. H., Goudena, P. P., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). De relatie tussen zelfwaardering en gehechtheid aan ouders bij zevenjarige kinderen. Pedagogiek, 24, 124-137.
Buist, K. L., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Gehechtheid en internaliserend en externaliserend probleemgedrag bij adolescenten. Kind en adolescent, 25, 132-149.
de Wit, J., Slot, N. W., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Psychologie van de adolescentie. HB.
Buist, K. L., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Leeftijdsgebonden veranderingen in kwaliteit van gehechtheid van adolescenten aan vader en moeder. Pedagogiek, 24, 246-261.
Branje, S. J. T., van Lieshout, C. F. M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Haselager, G. J. T. (2004). Perceived support in sibling relationships and adolescent adjustment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(8), 1386-1395.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Dubas, J. S. (2004). Personality type, social relationships, and problem behavior in adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1, 331-348.
Buist, K. L., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). The reciprocal relationship between adolescent attachment and psychosocial adjustment. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 251-266.

Overige resultaten

Delsing, M. J. M. H., Oud, J. H. L., De Bruyn, E. E. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Intergenerationele (dis-)continuïteit van gezinsrelaties: Een SRM analyse in drie generaties.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the conference 'Changing Patterns of Interdependence and Solidarity in Family Relations'. 2004, Octobre 29, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Branje, S. J. T., van Lieshout, C. F. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2004). Personality-support relations in adolescents' families using latent growth curve modeling. Paper presented at Paper presented at the XI European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Milaan.
van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2004). The development of physical aggression and unintentional injuries in pre-school children. Paper presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, July, 11-15, Ghent, Belgium.
Karreman, A., van Tuijl, C., van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2004). Effects of marital satisfaction, parenting and coparenting on preschoolers' adjustment. Paper presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Ghent, Belgium.
Branje, S. J. T., van Lieshout, C. F. M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Haselager, G. J. T. (2004). Perceived support in sibling relationships and adolescent adjustment. Paper presented at Symposium paper presented at the Biennal Meetings of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. May 4-9, 2004, Porto, Portugal.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Personality -relationship transaction in adolescence: Core versus surface personality characteristics. Journal of Personality, 71, 629-666.
Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Validity of Big Five personality judgments in childhood: a 9- year longitudinal study. European Journal of Personality, 17, 1-17.
Delsing, M. J. M. H., Oud, J. H. L., Bruyn, E. E. J., Scholte, R. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Gezinsrelaties en probleemgedrag bij adolescenten. In J. R. M. Gerris (Ed.), Gezin, school en gemeente: Integrale jeugdzorg en sociale integratie Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Branje, S. J. T., van Aken, M. A. G., van Lieshout, I. J. Y., & Mathijssen, J. J. P. (2003). Personality judgements in adolescents' families: the perceiver, the target, their relationship, and the family. Journal of Personality, 71(1), 49-81.
Delsing, M. J. M. H., Oud, J. H. L., Bruyn, E. E. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Current and recollected perceptions of family relationships: The social relations model approach applied to members of three generations. Journal of Family Psychology, 17, 445-459.
Tamrouti, I., Dubas, J. S., Gerris, J. R. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Gedeelde en ongedeelde opvoeding. In J. R. M. Gerris (Ed.), Gezin, school en gemeente: integrale jeugdzorg en sociale integratie Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Die Personlichkeit als Lawine: Konsequenzen fruher Persolichkeitsunterschiede auf die weitere Entwicklung. In W. Schneider, & M. Knopf (Eds.), Entwicklung, Lehren und Lernen (pp. 109-124). Hogrefe.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Relaties van kinderen met leeftijdgenoten (Children' peer relationships). Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden, 58, 133-140.
Schauerte, C., Branje, S. J. T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Familien mit jugendlichen: Familiare Unterstutzungsbeziehungen und Familientypen. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 60(2), 129-142.
Tamrouti-Makkink, I., van Aken, M. A. G., Gerris, J. R. M., & Dubas, J. S. (2003). De invloed van opvoeding op probleemgedrag van adolescenten: verschillen tussen en binnen gezinnen. In J. R. M. Gerris (Ed.), Gezin, school en gemeente, Integrale jeugdzorg een sociale integratie (pp. 51-68). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.


van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). De link tussen mishandeling en mishandelen: Nieuw inzicht uit het onderzoek naar gen-omgevingsinteracties. Kind en adolescent, 24, 48-50.

Overige resultaten

van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Typological studies of family relations and the significance for adolescent adjustment. Paper presented at Contribution as discussant, XI European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Milaan.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2003). Bullying and victimization in childhood and adolescence. Paper presented at Contribution as discussant, XI European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Milaan.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Branje, S. J. T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). Relational support in families with adolescents. Journal of Family Psychology, 16, 351-362.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). Ontwikkeling in relaties. Kind en adolescent, 3, 170-187.
Goossens, L., Emmen, M., Beyers, W., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). The "New Look" at adolescent egocentrism: Associations with separation-individuation, gender, and psychological distress. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 12, 193-215.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). Ontwikkeling in relaties. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 7/8, 402-417.
van Aken, M. A. G., van Lieshout, C. F. M., Scholte, R. H. J., & Haselager, G. J. T. (2002). Personality types in childhood and adolescence: Main effects and person-relationschip transactions. In L. Pulkkinen, & A. Caspi (Eds.), Pathways to succesful development: personality over the life course (pp. 129-156). Cambridge University Press.
Buist, K. L., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W. H. J., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). Developmental patterns in adolescent attachment to mother, father and sibling. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31, 167-176.
Branje, S. J. T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). Gelijkenis (fit) in persoonlijkheid van ouders en adolescenten: Samenhang met probleemgedrag. In J. R. M. Gerris (Ed.), Jeugd en gezin: Gezamenlijke invloed en verantwoordelijkheid (pp. 135-146). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Vyt, A., van Aken, M. A. G., Bosch, J. D., van der Gaag, R. J., & Ruijssenaars, W. (2002). Jaarboek Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Orthopedagogiek en Kinderpsychiatrie. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
van Aken, M. A. G., & Riksen-Walraven, J. M. A. (2002). Lange-termijn effecten van pedagogische interventies. In M. H. van IJzendoorn, & H. de Frankrijker (Eds.), Pedagogiek in Beeld. Een inleiding in de empirische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening (pp. 205-216). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Overige resultaten

van Aken, M. A. G. (2002). Ontwikkeling in relaties (inaugurale rede). Universiteit Utrecht.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Scholte, R. H. J., Van Lieshout, C. F. M., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Perceived Relational Support in Adolescence: Dimensions, Configurations, and Adolescent Adjustment. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 11(1), 71-94.
Schippers, G. M., van Aken, M. A. G., Lammers, S., & de Fuentas Merillas, L. (2001). Acquiring the competence to drink responsibly. In E. Houghton, & A. M. Roche (Eds.), Learning about drinking (pp. 35-56). Routledge.
van Aken, M. A. G., Lieshout, C. F. M., Scholte, R. H. J., & Haselager, G. J. T. (2001). Personality types in childhood and adolescence: Main effects and person-relationship transactions. In L. Pulkkinen, & A. Caspi (Eds.), Pathways to successful development: Personality over the life course Cambridge University Press.
Hoogveld, S., Prins, J., Jong, L., van Aken, M. A. G., & Bleijenberg, G. (2001). Persoonlijkheidskenmerken en het chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (personality and chronic fatigue syndrome). Gedragstherapie, 34, 275-305.
Scholte, R. H. J., Lieshout, C. F. M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Relational support in adolescence: factors, types, and adjustment. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 11, 71-94.
Asendorpf, J. B., Borkenau, P., Ostendorf, F., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Carving personality description at its joints: Confirmation of three personality prototypes for both children and adults. European Journal of Personality, 15, 169-198.
van Aken, M. A. G., Oud, J. H. L., Matthijsen, J., & Koot, H. M. (2001). The social relations model in studies on parenting and family systems. In J. R. M. Gerris (Ed.), Dynamics of Parenting (pp. 115-130). Garant.


van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Kinderen in armoede: Opgroeien in de marge van Nederland. Kind en adolescent, 22, 176-177.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Opvoeding en Persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling. Kind en adolescent, 22, 106-107.
van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Een recht op ouderschap? Kind en adolescent, 22, 170-172.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Branje, S. J. T., Leuvenink, C., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2000). De invloed van de relatie tussen ouders op de ondersteuning aan hun adolescente kinderen. Pedagogiek, 20, 23-32.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Aken, M. A. G., Van Lieshout, C. F. M., Scholte, R. H. J., & Branje, S. J. T. (1999). Relational support and person characteristics in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 22(6), 819-833.
Asendorpf, J. B., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (1999). Resilient, overcontrolled, and undercontrolled personality prototypes in childhood: Replicability, predictive power, and the trait-type issue. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(4), 815-832.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Aken, M. A. G., & Asendorpf, J. B. (1997). Support by parents, classmates, friends and siblings in preadolescence: Covariation and compensation across relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14(1), 79-93.
Scholte, R. H. J., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Van Lieshout, C. F. M. (1997). Adolescent personality factors in self-ratings and peer nominations and their prediction of peer acceptance and peer rejection. Journal of Personality Assessment, 69(3), 534-554.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Aken, M. A. G., Asendorpf, J. B., & Wilpers, S. (1996). Das soziale unterstützungsnetzwerk von kindern: Strukturelle merkmale, grad der unterstützung, konflikt und beziehungen zum selbstwertgefühl. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 43(2), 114-126.
Van Aken, M. A. G., Van Lieshout, C. F. M., & Haselager, G. J. T. (1996). Adolescents' competence and the mutuality of their self-descriptions and descriptions of them provided by others. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25(3), 285-306.
Van Aken, M. A. G., & Asendorpf, J. B. (1996). Continuity of the prototypes of social competence and shyness over the life span and across life transitions. Journal of Adult Development, 3(4), 205-216.
Schölmerich, A., & Van Aken, M. A. G. (1996). Attachment Security and Maternal Concepts of Ideal Children in Northern and Southern Germany. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 19(4), 725-738.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Helmke, A., & van Aken, M. A. G. (1995). The Causal Ordering of Academic Achievement and Self-Concept of Ability During Elementary School: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(4), 624-637.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (1994). Traits and Relationship Status: Stranger versus Peer Group Inhibition and Test Intelligence versus Peer Group Competence as Early Predictors of Later Self‐Esteem. Child Development, 65(6), 1786-1798.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Lieshout, C. F. M., van Aken, M. A. G., & Haselager, G. J. T. (1993). De competentie van adolescenten en de ontwikkeling van hun zelftheorie. Kind en adolescent, 14(3), 114-124.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Aken, M. A. G. (1992). The development of general competence and domain‐specific competencies. European Journal of Personality, 6(4), 267-282.
Van Aken, M. A. G., & Riksen-Walraven, J. M. (1992). Parental Support and the Development of Competence in Children. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 15(1), 101-123.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Aken, M. A. G., & Van Lieshout, C. F. M. (1991). Children's Competence and the Agreement and Stability of Self and Child-Descriptions. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 14(1), 83-99.
Aken, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. G. (1991). Correlates of the Temporal Consistency of Personality Patterns in Childhood. Journal of Personality, 59(4), 689-703.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kuyer, J. M., Hulstijn-Dirkmaat, G. M., & van Aken, M. A. (1990). Effecten van een niertransplantatie op het cognitief functioneren van kinderen. Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde, 58(3), 83-89.
Van Lieshout, C. F. M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Van Seyen, E. T. J. (1990). Perspectives on peer relations from mothers, teachers, friends and self. Human Development, 33(4-5), 225-237.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Aken, M. A. G., Van Lieshout, C. F. M., Katz, E. R., & Heezen, T. J. M. (1989). Development of behavioral distress in reaction to acute pain in two cultures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 14(3), 421-432.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Aken, M. A., Heezen, T. J., & van Lieshout, C. F. (1986). Beenmergpuncties bij kinderen met leukemie. Vaststelling en verlaging van pijn- en angstreacties. Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde, 54(4), 112-118.