Individual differences in effects of child care quality: The role of child affective self-regulation and gendervan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Aug 2015
, 16th Biennial EARLI conference
Individual differences in effects of child care quality: The role of child affective self-regulation and gendervan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Mar 2015
, SRCD Biennial Meeting
Child care quality and Dutch 2 and 3 year olds’ socio-emotional outcomes: Does quantity of care matter?van Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Mar 2015
, SRCD Biennial Meeting
European Journal of Personality (Journal)van Aken, M. (Editorial board member)
1 Jan 2014 → …
Bidirectional associations between parenting behaviors and young boys’ inhibitory controlvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Apr 2013
, SRCD Biennial Meeting
Workshop Reinier van Arkelgroepvan Aken, M. (Participant)
31 Jan 2013
Vrolijk of zwaarmoedig: De ontwikkeling van karakter [Happy or sad: The development of character]van Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
19 Sept 2012
, Lezing in het kader van Studium Generale: Lachen en Huilen (Utrecht)
Peer influences on adolescent antisocial behavior and well-being depend on adolescent personality: Susceptibility or vulnerability?van Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
22 May 2012 → 23 May 2012
, Paper presented at the Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie (VNOP) Conference
Parenting and children’s externalizing behaviors: Bidrectionality during toddlerhoodvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Jul 2010
, Presentatie op het ISSBD congres
Selfcontrol in Young boys: Stability, change and associations with the Big Fivevan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Apr 2009
, Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the SRCD
International Journal of Behavioral Development (Journal)van Aken, M. (Editor)
1 Jan 2009 → 1 Jan 2014
Networks and life coursevan Aken, M. (Contributor)
2009 → …
, Grant (80.000K€) for data collection plus foundation for one PhD project on life course, traits and social networks
Selfcontrol and externalizing behavior in preschoolers: A multimethod and mulit-informant studyvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Oct 2008
, Poster presented at the 10th anniversary congress of European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (EFCAP)
Parenting and children’s externalizing behaviors: Bidrectionality during toddlerhoodvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
, Australian Psychology Society’s Psychology of Relationships Interest
The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddler’s externalizing behaviorsvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
7 Jun 2007
, Poster presented at the symposium on Temperament and Developmental Pathways to Psychopathology
Aggressive and withdrawn friends in similar and dissimilar friendship dyadsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
1 Apr 2007
, In J.M.H.Palmen (Chair), Variability in and functional significance of similarity in children's dyadic peer relations. Symposium at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research on Child Development
The interplay between mothering and fathering in the prediction of toddler’s externalizing behaviourvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Mar 2007
, Poster at the 2007 Biennial Meeting SRCD
The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddlers’ externalizing behaviorsvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Mar 2007
, Poster at the 2007 Biennial Meeting SRCD
The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddlers' externalizing behaviorsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
16 Nov 2006
, Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ISED-Researchdag
Consistency and change in maternal and paternal behavior during toddlerhoodvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
16 Nov 2006
, Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ISED-Researchdag
Externalizing behaviours and minor unintentional injuries in toddlers: common risk factors?van Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Nov 2006
, ISED researchdag
Consistency and change in maternal and paternal parenting behaviour during toddlerhoodvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Nov 2006
, ISED researchdag
The relations between child negativity, child temperament, and maternal behaviorvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
Sept 2006
, International Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR)
The relations between child negativity, child temperament, and maternal behaviourvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
, Paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of the European Society on Family Relations
Externaliserend probleemgedrag en ongevallen bij kinderen in de voorschoolse leeftijd: Overeenkomstige risicofactoren?van Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2005
, ISED-researchdag (Leiden)
The development of physical aggression and unintentional injuries in relation to parental and child's level of self-control in preschool childrenvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
1 Nov 2005
, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Recent developments in Nature-Nurture research.van Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
14 Oct 2005
, Stichting Adoptievoorzieningen Nederland (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Parenting during toddlerhood: Contributions of parental, contextual and child characteristicsvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 2005
, ISED-researchdag (Leiden)
Personality - relationship transaction in adolescence and young adulthoodvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
14 Sept 2005
, Paper presented at the Tagung Entwicklungspsychologie (Bochum, Germany)
Entwicklung als transaktionales Zusammenwirken von Persönlichkeit und sozialen Beziehungenvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
Differential Parenting within ADHD families: preliminary resultsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
, 6th Annual Meeting of the ADHD Molecular Genetics Network
The development of physical aggression and unintentional injuries in preschool childrenvan Aken, M. A. G. (Invited speaker)
4 Jul 2004
, Poster presentend at the XVIIIth Biennial Meetings of ISSBD
Perinatal and obstetric adversities and externalising problem behaviourvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2003
, Paper presented at the 14th Eunethudis meeting
Bullying and victimization in childhood and adolescence.van Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
27 Aug 2003
, XI European Conference on Developmental Psychology
Personality and Support Transactions in Adolescents' Families at the Individual and Group Levelvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
11 Apr 2003
, Poster presentation at the Biennial Meetings of the Society of Research on Adolescence
The Sibling Inventory of Differential Treatment (SIDE): A comparision of Dutch and American samplesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
, Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
Personality and family relations: influences on children's adjustmentvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
29 Oct 2002
, Invited paper at the inaugural conference of the European Society for Family Relations
Unpacking Differential Treatment: A Comparison of Methods for Calculating Differential Treatmentvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 2002
, Poster session presented at the inaugural meeting of the European Society for Research on Adolescence
Parental differential treatment in adolescence: Mediating and moderating effects of the sibling relationshipvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 2002
, Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the European Association of Research on Adolescence
The quality of sibling relationships in (pre)adolescence: Determinants and consequencesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
2 Aug 2002
, Symposium organized at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (Ottawa, Canada)
Parental differential treatment of siblings and the quality of their relationshipvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
2 Aug 2002
, Paper presented at the meetings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development
Differential treatment due to different age or gender. Clarifying factors that may mediate differential treatmentvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
2 Aug 2002
, Paper presented at the meetings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development
Developmental pathways in adolescents' and their parents' personality types and perceived relational supportvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 2002
, Paper presented at the XVIth Biennial ISSBD Conference
Person-environment interactions in adolescencevan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2002
, Invited paper at the symposium The development of social cognition in adolescence (Groningen, The Netherlands)
The complexity of the family system: Different approaches to studying within-family dynamicsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2002
, Symposium organized at the International Academy of Family Psychology (Heidelberg, Germany)
Relational Support within adolescents' families: Family types and their significance for individual family membersvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2002
, Symposium presented at the International Academy of Family Psychology meeting
Relational support within adolescents' families: Family types and their significance for individual family membersvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2002
, Paper presented at the meetings of the International Academy of Family Psychology
Longitudinal Relations between Persoanlity and Support in the Family: The Role of Agreeablenessvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2002
, Symposium paper presented at the Meeting of the International Academy of family Psychology
Entwicklung, Lehren und Lernenvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
28 Feb 2002
, Invited participation at the symposium zum Gedenken an Franz E. Weinert (Munchen, Germany)
Die Persönlichkeit als Lawine: Consequenzen früher Persönlichkeitsunterschiede auf die weitere Entwicklungvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
28 Feb 2002
, Paper presented at Entwicklung, Lehren und Lernen: Symposium zum Gedenken an Franz E. Weinert (München, Germany)
Invited participation in the expertmeeting on developmental psychopathology: Information-Processing Pathways to Psychopathologyvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
26 Jul 2001
Information Processing Pathways to Psychopathologyvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2001
, Invited participation in the Expert Meeting on Developmental Psychopathology
Person-environment interactions in shaping developmental outcomesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2001
, Symposium Society for Research in Child Development (Minneapolis, USA)
Personality types in childhood and adolescence: Main effects and person-relationship transactionsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2001
, Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development
Cross-lagged transactions between personality and relational support in the family at the individual, dyadic, and group levelvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2001
, Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
Peer acceptance, dyadic play interactions, and subjective experience of self and others: A longitudinal studyvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
18 Apr 2001
, Preconference Meeting to the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
Personality types and perceived support during adolescence: Main effects and person - support transactionsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
, Paper presented at the ECDP (Uppsala, Sweden)
Personality Judgments in Adolescents' Familiesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
29 Oct 2000
, Paper presented at the First Expert Workshop on Personality Structure and Development across the Life Span
Developmental pathways in adolescents' and their parents' personality types and perceived relational supportvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
29 Oct 2000
, Invited paper at the First Expert Workshop on Personality Psychology
Transactions between personality and relationship quality: Findings from the LOGIC study and a Dutch replicationvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
24 Sept 2000
, Paper presented at the 42. Kongres der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie (Jena, Germany)
Adolescents' and parents' personality types. Developmental pathways in personality and perceived relational supportvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
23 Jul 2000
, Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology
Mutuality of self-descriptions and descriptions by others, relational support, and adjustment in an adolescent samplevan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 2000
, Paper presented at the XVth Biennial ISSBD Conference
Loneliness, Depression, and Personality: Associations with Sociometric Status and Peer Reputation in Early Adolescencevan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 2000
, Paper presented at the XVIth Biennial ISSBD Conference
Personality Judgements in Adolescents' Familiesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
1 Jun 2000
, Symposium paper presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence
Relational support within adolescents' families: Family types and their significance for individual family membersvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
31 May 2000
, Paper presented at the European Association for Research in Adolescence (Jena, Germany)
Personality perceptions in adolescents' familiesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
31 May 2000
, Paper presented at the Europan Association for Research in Adoelscence (Jena, Germany)
Personality in adolescence: Recent trends and important implicationsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
31 May 2000
, Symposium organized at the European Association for Research in Adolescence (Jena, Germany)
Attachment in adolescencevan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
31 May 2000
, Discussant at the European Association for Research in Adolescence (Jena, Germany)
Sibling and Friend Support in Adolescence: Main Effects and Compensatory Processesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
10 May 2000
, Paper presented at the FICE/EUSARF conference
Adolescents' personality and problem behavior: relations with nonshared environmental factorsvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 1999
, Paper presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology
The research project Family and Personalityvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
27 May 1999
, Paper presented at the International Expert-Workshop "The Social Relations Model in Research on Adolescents' Families
SRM and Perceived relational support in adolescents' familiesvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
27 May 1999
, Symposium paper presented at the International Expert-Workshop on The Social Relations Model in Research on Adolescents 'Families'
Relational Support in Adolescents' Families at an Individual, a Dyadic, and a Family Levelvan Aken, M. (Invited speaker)
15 Apr 1999
, Symposium paper presented at the Biennial Meetings of the Society of Research on Child Development
International Journal of Behavioural Development (Journal)van Aken, M. (Editorial board member)