Dr. Lorena De Vita

Geschiedenis van de internationale betrekkingen
Universitair docent







  • ‘Waarom 21 maart een cruciale datum is in de naoorlogse geschiedenis’, 21-03-2021. Lorena De Vita's piece for De Wassenaarse Krant



  • Episode 10: DIPLOMACY, Travelling Concepts On Air 07-07-2021. Podcast interview on the history, politics, and anthropology of diplomacy with Lorena De Vita (History of International Relations) and David Heinig (Cultural Anthropology) - hosted by Brianne McGonigle Leyh and Tessa Diphoorn




  • De passie van ... Lorena De Vita 08-08-2020. Interview about Lorena De Vita's pedagogical and didactic methods and vision, with Caroline Kreysel and Maud Roelse for Historisch Tijdschrift Aanzet (35:3)















  • Cacofonie euroatlantiche, 2011 Lorena De Vita's background research for Limes: Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica - '(Contro)Rivoluzioni in Corso' (3), pp. 191-195.


  • 'I nostri affari in Libia', 2011 Lorena De Vita's background research for Limes: Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica - 'Il Grande Tsunami' (1), pp. 35-36.