Prof. dr. L.C. (Lukas) Kapitein

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer Z510
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. L.C. (Lukas) Kapitein

Cell Biology
030 253 3629

Our goal is to obtain a physical understanding of the mechanisms by which cells establish and maintain their precise shape and intracellular organization. We focus on the cytoskeleton, a mechanical network of biopolymers and associated proteins that gives the cell its shape and strength. Motor proteins can move over these biopolymers to deliver cargo to specific subcellular compartments or to reorganize the fibers themselves.

Our research currently concentrates on the cytoskeleton of neurons, the brain cells whose complex spatial architecture and polarized organization into axons and dendrites are crucial for proper functioning. Obtaining physical insight in the mechanisms that establish polarity, polarized transport and dendrite maturation is important, as neurodegenerative diseases often correlate with altered morphology and distorted intracellular transport. Our research is organized around two central ambitions:

  • Finding the road map: we aim to employ or develop advanced optical methods to resolve the precise intracellular architecture and dynamics of the neuronal cytoskeleton. This includes mapping the distribution of microtubule orientations and modifications, as well as their plus and minus ends.
  • Finding the traffic rules: we employ or develop controlled intracellular assays to probe the cooperative dynamics of specific motor-cargo assemblies. This will reveal how specific motor proteins interact with the neuronal cytoskeleton to drive selective transport to dendrites and axons, as wells as in and out of dendritic spines.

To achieve these goals, we combine protein engineering, advanced (super-resolution) microscopy techniques and mathematical modeling. Interested in participating? Write to is email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
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Moleculaire en Cellulaire Biofysica