2021-now: Coordinator Communication Skills Academy
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University
2016-2021: Director Global Education Programs
Blue Star International, an organization for consciousness growth with headquarters in Trinidad & Tobago, daughter organizations in 7 countries and students all over the world.
2011-2020: High School Physics Teacher
The Heerbeeck College in Best (2011-2012), the Titus Brandsmalyceum in Oss (2012-2016), the 4e Gymnasium in Amsterdam (2017), the Adelbert College in Wassenaar (2017-2018) and Luzac Utrecht (2020).
2006-2010: Scientific Researcher
The Molecular Diagnostics Group of Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven.
2000-2003: Student-assistant (part-time)
Various student assistant positions in teaching at the Faculty for Applied Physics of the Technical University of Eindhoven.
2011-2013: Science Education and Communication
Eindhoven School of Education, Technical University of Eindhoven, master program for “eerstegraads” high school physics teacher.
Nominated for Onderwijs Toptalent Prijs 2013.
2010: PhD – Faculty of Applied Physics
Technical University of Eindhoven, PhD obtained on the work performed at Philips Research.
1999-2006: Applied Physics
Technical University of Eindhoven, 5 year combined Bachelor/Masters program, graduated cum laude.
Awarded the Mignot Afstudeerprijs 2007 for best graduation work of the Technical University of Eindhoven in 2006.
1993-1999: Gymnasium
Scholencomplex Pius X College, Bladel, graduated cum laude.