Dr. Kirsten Visser

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 6.48
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Kirsten Visser

Universitair docent
Urban Geography
030 253 1370



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijer, M., Visser, K., & van Aalst, I. (2024). Planning for Risky Play: From Child-Safe Playgrounds Towards Adventurous Urban Areas. Planning Theory and Practice, 25(4), 463-481. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2024.2399663
Brons, H., Helbich, M., Elgar, F., Lenzi, M., Bolt, G., Dierckens, M., Cosma, A., Visser, K., & Stevens, G. (2024). School socioeconomic status and psychological complaints among adolescents in 44 countries: The mediating role of schoolwork pressure and classmate support and the moderating role of family SES and country-level income inequality. Social Science and Medicine, 354, Article 117062. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117062
Visser, K., Van Aalst, I., & Meijer, M. (2024). Creating environments for risky play: Understanding the interplay between parents, play professionals and policymakers. Children and Society, 38(6), 2071-2088. https://doi.org/10.1111/chso.12878
Visser, K., Mollenhorst, G., Schutjens, V., & Vullings, I. (2024). Young Adults’ Perceptions of Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict: The Renegotiation of Compliance with Restrictions During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Young, 32(2), 160-179. https://doi.org/10.1177/11033088231206663
Weinberg, D., Stevens, G. W. J. M., Peeters, M., Visser, K., Frankenhuis, W., & Finkenauer, C. (2024). The role of social cognitions in the social gradient in adolescent mental health: A longitudinal mediation model. Development and Psychopathology, 36(2), 953-966. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0954579423000214


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Brons, H., Helbich, M., Bolt, G., Visser, K., & Stevens, G. (2023). Time trends in associations between neighbourhood and school characteristics and mental health problems among Dutch adolescents. Health and Place, 84, Article 103140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103140
Finkenauer, C., Boer, M., Spitzer, J., Weinberg, D., Visser, K., Jonker, M., & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (2023). Examining the role of civic attitudes in the link between family wealth and school dropout among tertiary vocational students. npj Science of Learning, 8(1), 1-10. Article 38. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41539-023-00189-4
van Leeuwen, L., Ruiter, A., Visser, K., Lesscher, H. M. B., & Jonker, M. (2023). Acquiring Financial Support for Children's Sports Participation: Co-Creating a Socially Safe Environment for Parents from Low-Income Families. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 10(5), 1-16. Article 872. https://doi.org/10.3390/children10050872
Visser, K., Jonker, M., Finkenauer, C., & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (2023). ‘There are many ways to make it’: young minority men’s aspirations and navigation of their low-income neighbourhood: a case study in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Children's Geographies, 21(5), 867-882. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2022.2150961
Sýkora, J., Horňáková, M., Visser, K., & Bolt, G. (2023). ‘It is natural’ Sustained place attachment of long-term residents in a gentrifying Prague neighbourhood: Sustained place attachment of long-term residents in a gentrifying Prague neighbourhood. Social and Cultural Geography, 24(10), 1941-1959. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2022.2115534
Stevens, G. W. J. M., Buyukcan‐Tetik, A., Maes, M., Weinberg, D., Vermeulen, S., Visser, K., & Finkenauer, C. (2023). Examining socioeconomic disparities in changes in adolescent mental health before and during different phases of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Stress and Health, 39(1), 169-181. https://doi.org/10.1002/smi.3179
Weinberg, D., Stevens, G. W. J. M., Peeters, M., Visser, K., Tigchelaar, J., & Finkenauer, C. (2023). The social gradient in adolescent mental health: mediated or moderated by belief in a just world? European child & adolescent psychiatry, 32(5), 773–782 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-021-01905-4


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Leeuwen, L., Annink, A., Visser, K., & Jambroes, M. (2022). Facilitating Children's Club-Organized Sports Participation: Person-Environment Misfits Experienced by Parents from Low-Income Families. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 9(11), Article 1746. https://doi.org/10.3390/children9111746
Henkens, J. H. D., Visser, K., Finkenauer, C., & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (2022). ‘I Think It’ll All Blow Over in the End’: How Young People Perceive the Impact of COVID-19 on Their Future Orientations. Young, 30(4), 309–326. https://doi.org/10.1177/11033088221085137
Brons, M., Bolt, G., Helbich, M., Visser, K., & Stevens, G. (2022). Independent associations between residential neighbourhood and school characteristics and adolescent mental health in the Netherlands. Health and Place, 74, 1-17. Article 102765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102765
Visser, K., & van Aalst, I. (2022). Neighbourhood Factors in Children's Outdoor Play: A Systematic Literature Review. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 113(1), 80-95. https://doi.org/10.1111/tesg.12505


van Aalst, I., & Visser, K. (2022). Stadsgeografische wandelgids; Wandelen in Chicago. Odyssee. https://www.odyssee-reisgidsen.nl/gids/wandelen-in-chicago
Stevens, G., de Heer, C., Brons, H., & Visser, K. (2022). De relatie tussen kenmerken van buurt en school en mentale gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland. Factsheet. Utrecht University. https://hbscnederland.nl/publicaties/factsheets-en-infographics/
Visser, K., Herrie, J., van der Ent, L., & Benschop, M. (2022, Mar). Buiten spelen in de veranderende stad. https://geografie.nl/artikel/buiten-spelen-in-de-veranderende-stad


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Weinberg, D., stevens, G., Peeters, M., Visser, K., Frankenhuis, W., & Finkenauer, C. (2021). The role of social cognitions in the social gradient in adolescent mental health: A longitudinal mediation model. (pp. 1-18). OSFPREPRINTS. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/3wp28
Jonker, M., Tigchelaar, J., Finkenauer, C., Visser, K., & Stevens, G. (2021). Dutch strategies for combating child poverty: A child rights-based approach. In E. Marrus, & P. Laufer-Ukeles (Eds.), Global Reflections on Children's Rights and the Law: 30 Years After the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1 ed., pp. 251-264). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003131144-29
Visser, K., Bolt, G. S., Finkenauer, C., Jonker, M., Weinberg, D. W., & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (2021). Neighbourhood deprivation effects on young people’s mental health and well-being: a systematic review of the literature. Social Science & Medicine, 270, 1-14. Article 113542. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113542


Stevens, G., Weinberg, D., Visser, K., Jonker, M., & Finkenauer, C. (2021). Het welzijn van MBO studenten in tijden van corona. Factsheet. Universiteit Utrecht. https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/sociale-problemen-en-druk-door-schoolwerk-mbo-studenten-tijdens-coronacrisis-verdubbeld
Henkens, J., de Graauw, B., Visser, K., Finkenauer, C., & Stevens, G. (2021). COVID-19 en toekomstoriëntaties van jongeren. Factsheet.

Populariserende publicaties

van Aalst, I., & Visser, K. (2021). Stadskinderen buiten spel? https://issuu.com/arkosportsmedia/docs/s_s_01_2021?fr=sMzk0NjM2NzY0MjY
Visser, K. (2021). Schaafwond door buitenspelen? Goed voor de ontwikkeling!. Web publication/site https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/schaafwond-door-buitenspelen-goed-voor-de-ontwikkeling


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Visser, K. (2020). “I really wanted to stay in the same neighbourhood...”: Neighbourhood choice and satisfaction in the context of forced relocation: young people’s perspectives. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 443–460. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-019-09702-x
Visser, K., & Tersteeg, A. K. (2020). Young People are the Future? Comparing Adults’ and Young People’s Perceptions and Practices of Diversity in a Highly Diverse Neighbourhood. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 110(2), 209-222. https://doi.org/10.1111/tesg.12348
Visser, K. (2020). "Because we're all different" - Everyday experiences of belonging among young people from immigrant backgrounds in Tottenham. Geoforum, 116, 322-330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.02.002

Populariserende publicaties

Visser, K. (2020). De oplossingen van kinderen om meer buiten te spelen in de stad.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Visser, K. (2019). "I didn’t listen. I continued hanging out with them; they are my friends”. The negotiation of independent socio-spatial behaviour between young people and parents living in a low-income neighbourhood. Children's Geographies. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2019.1688765
Visser, K. (2019). ‘I would rather choose a mixed school’: young people’s secondary school choice in a low-income, multi-ethnic neighbourhood. In E. Colombo, & P. Rebughini (Eds.), Youth and the politics of the present: coping with complexity and ambivalence (pp. 153-164). (Routledge advances in sociology). Routledge.
Visser, K. (2019, Apr 25). Young People and Disadvantaged Environments in Affluent Countries. Oxford Bibliographies Online. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780199791231-0214


Visser, K. (2019, Dec 20). Are young people satisfied after forced neighbourhood relocation? Open Access Government. https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/neighbourhood-relocation/79771/
Visser, K. (2019). Diversiteit in de wijk is voor jongeren normaal. Web publication/site, . https://geografie.nl/artikel/diversiteit-de-wijk-voor-jongeren-normaal
Visser, K. (2019, Apr 9). Perceptions of neighbourhood diversity: are there generational differences? Open Access Government. https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/neighbourhood-diversity/62931/


Populariserende publicaties

Visser, K. (2018). Over hoe het is om op te groeien in de stad. Happy Child Health.
Visser, K., & van Aalst, I. (2018, Dec 20). Playing outside in the city: the children's perspective. https://www.uu.nl/en/news/playing-outside-in-the-city-the-childrens-perspective



Pulles, I., & Visser, K. (2017). Beleidssignalement - Ervaringen van LHBT-personen met sport. https://www.scp.nl/Publicaties/Alle_publicaties/Publicaties_2017/Beleidssignalement_Ervaringen_van_LHBT_personen_met_sport
Bolt, G. S., Visser, K., & Tersteeg, A. K. (2017). Can diversity in cities create social cohesion? Open Access Government, 15(August), 240-241.

Overige resultaten

Bolt, G. S., Beneker, T., van Liempt, I. C., Visser, K., Zill, M. O., van Driel, J., Mike, R., & Tasan-Kok, T. (2017, Feb 27). European Policy Brief. The Assets of Urban Diversity. https://www.urbandivercities.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/DIVERCITIES-Policy-Brief-07-2017-02-28.pdf


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Visser, K. (2016). Book review: Stefanie DeLuca, Susan Clampet-Lundquist and Kathryn Edin: Coming of Age in the Other America. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, (32). https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10901-016-9537-y.pdf
Visser, K., Sichling, F., & Chaskin, R. J. (2016). Hot times, hot places. Youths’ risk perceptions and risk management in Chicago and Rotterdam. Journal of Youth Studies, 20(6), 763-779. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2016.1273511
Visser, K. (2016). ‘You shouldn't blame religion … but the person’ – the ethnic boundary work of young second-generation migrants in Rotterdam. Children's Geographies, 14(6), 670-684. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2016.1160030


Visser, K., Tiessen-Raaphorst, A., van Bakel, M., & de Vries, M. (2016). Sport Toekomst Verkenning: De drijvende krachten van sport en bewegen. Een inventarisatie van factoren die het brede veld van sport en bewegen in de toekomst beïnvloeden. http://www.sporttoekomstverkenning.nl


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Visser, K., Bolt, G. S., & van Kempen, R. (2015). Buurteffecten op kinderen en jongeren – Een literatuurstudie. Utrecht University.
Visser, K., Bolt, G. S., & van Kempen, R. (2015). A good place to raise your children? The diversity of parents’ neighbourhood perceptions and parenting practices in a low-income, multi-ethnic neighbourhood: A case study in Rotterdam. Geoforum, 64, 112-120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.06.011
Visser, K., Bolt, G., & van Kempen, R. (2015). 'Come and live here and you'll experience it': Youths talk about their deprived neighbourhood. Journal of Youth Studies, 18(1), 36-52. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2014.933196


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Visser, K. (2014). NAVIGATING THE NEIGHBOURHOOD: How youths deal with displacement and life in a deprived neighbourhood. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University.
Visser, K., Bolt, G., & van Kempen, R. (2014). Out of Place? The Effects of Demolition on Youths’ Social Contacts and Leisure Activities—A Case Study in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Urban Studies, 51(1), 203-219. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013486844


Visser, K. (2014). "Maar het is wel MIJN probleembuurt!". Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 2014(6), 45-50.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Visser, K., Bolt, G., & van Kempen, R. (2013). Urban Restructuring and Forced Relocations: Housing Opportunities for Youth? A Case Study in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Housing Studies, 28(2), 294-316. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2013.767881


Visser, K. (2013). Tussen sociale ontwrichting en vooruitgang. Gedwongen verhuizing bekeken door een jongerenbril. In E. Tonkens, & M. de Wilde (Eds.), Als meedoen pijn doet: Affectief burgerschap in de wijk (pp. 243-247). Van Gennep.
Visser, K., Bolt, G., & van Kempen, R. (2013). Betrek jongeren bij gedwongen verhuizing. Nova Terra, speciale editie juni 2013, 23-26. http://issuu.com/platform31/docs/nt_juni2013



Poorthuis, A., Pelzer, P., Visser, K., & Vermeulen, S. (2012). Rechtvaardige stad: Revolutie versus realisme. AGORA : Magazine voor Sociaalruimtelijke vraagstukken, 27(1), 4-7.
Visser, K. (2012). Ruimte voor jongeren. AGORA : Magazine voor Sociaalruimtelijke vraagstukken, 2, 30-31.
Visser, K. (2012). Sloop en de vriendschappen van jongeren. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 4, 50-55.



Visser, K. (2011). Sociale cohesie in de buurt leidt tot minder overlast. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 17(1), 46-52.